VERNONIA EAGLE. VERNONIA, OREGON To Talk Into Millions of Homes NOTED CLE FLAYS BiGOTRY THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1928 THIS FARM PAYS “I shall vote tor Governor Smith be­ cause I believe his election would end conditions which are endangering the future of the younger generation.” DANIELS REBUKES STRATON Dr. Henry Van Dyke Declares Defeat of Smith Would B “National Calamity, ASSAILS SECRET PROPAGANDA Warning American voters that sin­ ister and secret’forces are threaten­ ing the very foundation upon which our Government is built, Dr. Henry Van Dyke, eminent educator, Presby­ terian clergyman, author and diplo­ mat has Issued, from his home at Seal Harbor, Me., a ringing appeal tor re­ ligious tolerance. Dr. Van Dyke who holds degrees from Princeton, Harvard, Yale, Penn­ sylvania University, Union College and Oxford University is perhaps one of the best-known of living writers and clergymen. In a formal state­ ment, he said: “At the present moment there is on foot in these United States a wide­ spread cabal to keep one of the can­ didates tor the Presidency from elec­ tion because he is a member of the HE voice of Herbert Hoover will be heard in millions of homes when the Republican presidential candidate desires to lay important issues Catholic Church. The other candi­ of campaign before the voters of the country. As Secretary of Com­ date has handsomely disavowed any merce, Mr. Hoover has made a number of radio addresses. Plain, Important personal share in the sentiments or facts constitute his most eloquent utterances and his voice is dispassionate arguments which characterize this but convincing. cabal. This Is much to his credit. "But unfortunately he can not, or mid pierces the fog. Two yellow lights at least he does not, restrain and German Lines to Use menu stop mid two green mean the check the pernicious activity of his Powerful Fog Lights line is free. An infra-red headlight is supporters, who are convinced that German railroads are experimenting also being made the subjteet of experi­ the end of a victory tor their party with fog lights, such as are already ments. If this proves practical the Io justifies any means which they em­ us si on Belgian lines and supplied by comotive engineer wilkwatch n photo­ ploy to secure it. “Hence, if their candidate should be ii German producer of electrical ap­ electric plate on which the objects paratus. Belgium was forced to use caught by the Infra-red rays will be elected, he would owe his election in fog signal lights due to the heavy fogs reproduced. As the infra-red rays part to the religious prejudice and pierce darkness mid fog the plate anti Catholic enmity which the cabal- rolling In from the sea. lsts have stirred up and marshalled At certain tiuies in the year and In should show tlie track ahead. to the polls. This would be a mis­ low lying districts German railroads fortune for him, and a calamity tor have experienced long delays from Literary Quacks our country as the home and citadel fogs, so It is considered that trains Literature has her quacks no less of religious liberty. will be kept on schedule and uccldents avoided If fog signal lights are In­ than medicine, and they are divided Most Important Issue stalled. The lights are high candle into two classes; those who have eru “The mere prospect of such a ca­ (lit ion without genius, and those power electric lights, placed about 10 lamity ought to move the hearts of feet above the tracks. The reflectors have volubility without depth: true Americans and honest Christians shall get second-hand sense from are about the size of a suiieer. with dismay, and awaken their minds The electric beam Is much stronger one. and original nonsense from to serious thought and earnest action than the usual gas li;;ht or oil lamp, other—Colton. In defense of that real freedom of conscience which Is the hard-won crowning glory of America and the dearest jewel of Christianity. “That seems to me far and away the most important question before the country today,—a question not to be answered by heated appeals to partisan allegiance,—a question not raised, thank God, by either of the honorable candidates for the Presi­ dency, but a burning question ti) rust upon the conscience of every Amor- lean voter by the overt fuimlnatlons and covert whisperings of those who seek to defeat one of the candidates because he is a Catholic. "My Protestantism Is obedient to Him who said, 'Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God the things that aro God's.’ My Protestantism, which Is hereditary from the school of William of Orange, tells me that 'conscience is God’s province.’ My Americanism, which Is a stout growth of eight native-born generations, tells me that to vote against a man because of his church- member.ship is to be untrhe central faith of the Republic. "Freedom of conscience greatest thing at stake tn this cam- palgn. Hundreds of thousands of vot­ ers fail to realize it. It Is time to blow a trumpet to Tickets on sale daily all week. Return awaken the sleepers. The Palladium limit October 1. of the Republic is attacked by secret and open foes. It la In danger, trem­ United Railways Co. train leaves Vernonia bling in its marble hall. The spiritual call to arms goes out to every man at 11:55 a. m. and woman. Defend the religious Liberty of America!” Tickets, full information, etc of T $4.75 Salem