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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1928)
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1923 lingtoa to visit before returning. there We must net fcigct the kindness of Mr. and Mrs. Van Alstine fori the building, as it is free to us The following Vernonia resi- for that day. dents are drawn on the circuit Mrs. A. J. Sitts, Correspondent. ' count jury list for the October term : Cass Bergerson, J. E. Tapp, CHURCH OF CHRIST Mrs Rhoda Hall has returned C. W. Mellinger, A. L. Parker. Bible School 10:00. Review les from a visit in Idaho. son. Remember Rally day next 4tt**tFor 5 years Dr. Luzader, Sunday, Oct. 7th. Be one of the The Loyal Gleaners will meet Fri eyesight specialist, has been 200 present. day afternoon with Mrs. T. Leavitt. making monthly visits to Vernonia. Communion 11:00. Christian En The Hy-Van hotel is being re His next visit will be October 1, 2, deavor 6:30. Interesting meeting. decorated and painted. office at Kullander’s. Have *^jSE**< Evening worship 7.30. Mr. Charlesworth has lined up your eyes examined.—adv. fjJÌX' several new pieces for his orchestra. Dudley Spofford was reported to I be ill the first part of the week. At a recent board meeting it At present they are playing at was decided to engage H. H. Hixson Bible school but we hope to have Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Meyers to carry pupils from Pittsburg to special concert each evening soon. went to Hillsboro Wednesday. and from the high school, as the Everyone enjoys this music. Bible study Thursdays 7:30. other bus was too crowded. Miss Alberta Veal is reported to | Mrs. Leavitt will entertain her be quite ill this week. Mrs. P. B. Wiggins is organ class at her home Friday after a choral club and invites noon. Young married women in The Shell Oil company have put. izing anyone interested in singing to vited to attend. in a new office at the plant. Mrs. Gooding will entertain the join. The first practice will be at 8:30 in the Loyal Lassies at her home on Mrs. Warren Goodin is usher held Thursday Saturday afternoon. Christian church. ping at the Joy theatre. The Loyal Women’s class will Mrs. Lester Sheeley and children Mr. and Mrs. Mickelson of Sa- meet at the home of Mrs. Van are visiting relatives at Redding, lem are registered at the Hy-Van Doren Friday afternoon. hotel. Mr. Mickelson is auditing Calif. Willing Workers at the church the books for the Light and Power parlors Wednesday, October 3rd. M?. and Mrs. M. T. Parker and company. The ladies have been working all son went to Astoria Sunday to j summer for their Christmas ba visit relatives. The Bereans of the Christian zaar and have a great many beau church surprised Miss Beatrice Veal tiful pieces of handiwork ready. Miss Theelma Olsen left Mon Friday evening, the occasion being day for Corvallis where she will her 17th birthday. The evening Nothing will be sold until the day continue her studies at 0. S. C. ’ was spent in games, after which of the bazaar. Mrs. Ben Owens and Mrs. George Stankey, host The Loyal Women will meet Fri a buffet luncheon was served. esses, next meeting. day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Teddy W. Leavitt, pastor., Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kullander Van Doren. and Miss Alma Kullander spent j EVANGELICAL CHURCH Independence. Miss The Willing Workers held a show Sunday in (The Pioneer Church) er at the Christian church social Mabel Kullander has returned to Sunday school 9:45 a. m. The’ room Wennesday in honor of Mrs. Eugene to resume her studies at Pastor will preach at 11 a. m. the university. Dudley Spofford. Young people’s meeting 7 p. m. i Sidney Ratcliffe, linotype oper Sermon-lecture with pictures 8 p. m. ■ Mrs. O. F. Burke underwent an At the quarterly conference j operation for goitre in St. Vincent’s ator for the Eagle, left Saturday for St. Martin’s springs, Wash., .Monday evening it was decided to| hospital Tuesday morning. where he will spend a month have the revival meetings begin! Mrs. C. W. Reithner was operated taking treatments for rheumatism. October 14, and Rev. F. B. Cui-j on for goitre in Portland Monday. His place is being filled by R. J. ver will be the acting evangelist. Mr. Reithner and their son Ralph Burks of Portland. G. W. Plumer, pastor. were also in Portland. Dr. Luzader here October 1 Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Thompson,' and 2. Have your eyes examined. We want to thank the many Lloyd Thomas and Miss Louise Dr. Luzader, eyesig'ht specialist, Malmsten went to Pendleton for will be at Kullander’s Jewelry friends and neighbors who helped the roundup last Thursday. Store on Monday and Tuesday, Oc to keep our buildings from fire. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Warfield.) tober 1 and 2. Please make ap-. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kerns of pointment.—adv. ■ NOTICE TO PYTHIANS Westimber, Mr. and Mrs. Gribbon Mr. and Mrs. Teddy W. Leavitt! Supreme lodge Knights of Pyth of Portland were in Vernonia Satur day. enjoyed a visit this week from . ias of the U. S. and Canada at its Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blankenship! annual convention in August made Miss Edna Hedberg and John j of Anacortes, Wash. The Blanken it possible for Pythians who form Watson of Portland, visited Mr. ships are just returning from a erly belonged to the order, to be ' and Mrs. W. R. Meyers over the [ tour of the United States, having reinstated upon the payment of j week end. lodge. I already traveled over 9,000 miles. six dollars to the local Mrs. F. Brewer entertained Miss i Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Santee and Those interested should apply to Beatrice Anderson, Miss Gladys two sons Harold and Donald vis Harry Culbertson, K R & S, Hard-1 Grant and Miss Pearl Krause at ited Mr. Santee’s sisters, Mrs. ing Lodge, Vernonia, Ore.—adv. dinner Sunday evening. Ben Bennett and Miss Florence Scholarship Award if7on The Willing Workers met with Santee last Thursday. They were Mrs. G. Stankey yesterday after on their way to Monmouth where By University Singer noon at the social hall of the Christ Mr. Santee is an instructor in the normal school. ian church. friendl A baby girl was born to Mr. Clifford Williams of Kiln, Miss., will spend the winter with his and Mrs. C. L. Bateman In St.! aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. W. Vincent’s hospital September 19. She weighed seven and one-half F. Browning. pounds and has been named Donna J Mrs. Florence Jepson left Mon Lee. Mother and baby are both ■ day for Portland where she will well. take a course in beauty culture and marcelling. Help Asked By Ladies of Mr. and Mrs. A. Biddle and Mr. and Mrs. J. Davis and two chil dren of Dietrich, Idaho, have been visiting the past week with their j son and brother Emmit Biddie. I J. H. Bush has purchased a movie camera. He will use it to ! take news reels whiiffi can be shown in any theatre. FIVE VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON hep the Maximum Milk Production FOR SALE AUTOMOBILE for sale, 1925 Stu- ’ debaker, reasonable. Mrs. R. A. Space, or inquire at bank, 82 WATER POWER washing ma chine and one sanitary couch for sale. $5 each. A. J. Black. 258 Bridge street. 81* WANTED WANTED—Practical nursing or day work. Children boarded. P. O. Box 455. 53* MISCELLANEOUS PROSPECTS FOR business: We have many more positions for stenographers and ERBERT HOOVER, 3rd, despite the efforts of his sister, Peggy Ann, young men and well qualified voices his objection to camera and newspaper men. They are the bookkeepers children of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hoover, Jr., son and daughter-in-law young women than we can fill. We have also many desirable of the Republican presidential candidate. places for young girls to work for their board and room. Long UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugeni So Famous Philanthropist, Life-long view is growing fast—come and Republican, Will Vote for Smith. —Esther Saager, lyric soprano of Free grow with it. Enroll in a school water, Ore., has been awarded a scholar Trade August Heckscher, noted philanthro of individual instruction. ship by Theodore Schroeder, nationally known voeal pedagogue and artist pist and a life-long Republican, has at home. Longview Business Col 8tf coach, who is gues’ instructor of th< announced that he will support Gov lege. University of Oregon school of mv.sii ernor Smith rather than Hoover, be cause he “hates hypocrisy.” this summer. Mr. Heckscher was 80 years old last The scholarship was awarded to Miss Saager on her worth and future possi Sunday. He has voted the Republican bilities, declares Mr. Schroeder. The ticket in every election for 60 years, young singer's voici, musical intuition he said, except when he cast his bal and personality amply warranted 0ieh lot for Cleveland. H a mark of merit, it is stated. With careful, correct, and conscientious training Mr. Schroeder predicts an artist career for bi« newly-adopted pro tege. W. C. T. U. WORKER FOR SMITH KNOXVILLE, Tenn .—Mrs. Lucy Reed, member of the W. C. T, U. for thirty years and an active prohibition worker, is an ardent supporter of Gov ernor Smith. As a genuine Dry she dislikes the illegal "wetness" of the ) Republican party, she Bays: and she i adds that Governor Smith, "is honest i and will enforce the laws.” MRS. MARSHALL HEADS WOMEN’S SMITH CLUB LOS ANGELES.—Mrs. Thomas R. Marshall, widow of Vice President Marshall, has been named as chair man of the Women’s Smith Club of Southern California. Miss Mary Foy, ■ well-known Democratic woman leader in this section, is vice chairman. Mountain Heart Club Will Hold Bazaar and Cooked Food Sale November 10 There will be a fish pond, coun try store, and needlework of all kinds. At Van Alstine Building. LESTER SHEELEY Attomey-at-Law Vernonia, Oregon The Seal of Safety in Saving» IS YOUR MONEY WORK ING FOR YOU AS HARD AS YOU’RE WORKING FOR IT? American Trust Gompany Department of Thrift 89 Fourth St., Portland Ore. ZHXHXHXHZHÎHXHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHXHZHZHZH E H The World’s Frust WASHING MACHINE Model T Fords are still good for years of service Easiest on clothes and fine fabrics More than eight mil lion Model T Fords are still in active service and many of them can be driven two, three and five years and even long er. the kind that holds For the Model T Ford is still a dependable and economical car and the cost of replacement parts is very small. Bring your Model T to us and let us look it over. For just a few dollars we may be able to help you get thousands of miles of additional service. Vernonia Trading Co. Crawford Motor Company Experts state that a cow’s milk production will be greatly curtailed if she is bothered with flies, especially during the wannest weeks of summer. USE OUR FLY-FOIL SPRAY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING For Particular» Write Relief Corps For Their Country Store Saturday The ladies of John Bucher! Corps No. 49 will have a country! store in the Van Alstine build ing Saturday, September 29, and everything from a dozen eggs to a sack of spuds will be welcome. We have quite a good number in While driving to St. Helens Sun the Corps and if everybody that day, Gavena Charlesworth’s car was would like to help brings a little, struck by a car from Portland. No and everyone buys a little, we one was hurt, although her car will have quite a little for relief. was damaged. The main feature of the day will The Lolila group of Camp Fire be home-made doughnuts, fried girls hiked up Sword’s hill Mon right as you want to eat them, day evening and cooked their sup and home-made coffee. There is no need to go into per there. details as to what the Relief Mrs. O. T. Bateman and Mrs. Corps has done in Vernonia as W. A. Barney left Sunday to one will learn upon inquiry of spend a week in Hood River. Mrs. Mrs. Sarsh Spencer, past presi Bagman expects to go on to Ar-1 dent, or Mrs. Lee Hall, president. Objects to Presidential Campaigns -a to prevent this loss. Sold in bulk. We have ju»t received a new shipment of BINDER S TWINE Astoria—Coast guard cutter Red Wing, a powerful vessel, assigned to replace Algonquin at this port. « H No hand rubbing to be done on collars and cuffs. Buy a machine you will be proud to own. We have a list of satisfied Vernonia users. They tried all other makes and styles and KNOW what the differ- enee is. You can too. Come in, look at it, try it. See Hoffman About It. It will pay you. HOFFMAN HARDWARE CO. hxhzhxhzhxhzhzhzhxhxhxhxhxhxhxhxhxhxhxhx I ».