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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1928)
FOUR THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 19 8 VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON 70 per cent of the eggs market-id Shrew* Similar to Mice Can Destroy Ant Hills statement of account, you should be genu n Ant hills if located can be de Shrews are such voracious eat in the province of Saska tchev inely pleased. A bill is an indication that stroyed <- in Oregon with carbon ers, feeding principally on insects and 86 per cent of the eggs someone has faith in your honesty. A carbon bisulphide, About two with an occasional dsssert of ported, and the total volume >f business amounted to $721,329. n bill indicates that someone who knows I tablespoons full are poured into young mice that they are of Saskatchewan the poultry business entrance and then covered considerable importance in com you depends upon your honor to keep each over with earth. When this is bating certain agricultural pests, is conducted almost exclusively as the word you pledged when you received done in the early morning before say biologists of the United a side line to grain production. the ants have scattered the en- States Department of Agriculture, the goods which he furnished. colony is usually killed, finds These mammals of the wild are Issued every Thursday $2 per year in advance The merchant—yes, even the printer tire the experiment station. Self Feeder» Recommended found in all parts of the United Entered as secund class matter August 4, 1922 —may owe for the goods he has sold to States except in the extreme at the post office at Vernonia, Oregon, pigs fed by self- and Sows you. He sold them on the assumption Only One Infection Period under the act of March 3, 1879 South, but are so little known niore thrifty than feeders are to the layman that they are gener- that you would pay him in time to meet Peach leaf curl is peculiar in , according to the ADVERTISING RATES there is only one infection ally confused with mice and often those hand fed, his, obligation to the jobber. When due, i ithat U. S. Department of Agriculture, Foreign: 30c per inch. Local: 25c per inch. Lo period during the year, says H. killed. They differ from mice in cal readers 5c per line. Classified lc per word. he must meet his obligations. If he fails, P. Barss, plant pathologist at the | that they have more velvety fur, and the feed cost per 100 pounds gain is materially less in self he must issue his note at a rate of inter experiment station. This is the long tapering muzzles, and min- of fed lots than in hand-fed lots. MARK E. MOE, Editor ute ears. break in the buds I period when est which may exceed the profit made on early spring, Hence one thorough Pigs on the Department of Agri the goods. Besides that, his failure to pay spraying with bordeaux mixture Cooperative Managed by Women culture farm that were self-fed 100 pounds of gain on 441.- NEW BRIDGE NEEDED may place his credit in jeopardy and he 4-4-bO during December or Janu- What is probably the largest made 06 pounds of feed, whereas the Now that the county is understood to may not be in a position to replenish ary will kill the spores in plenty cooperative marketing association pigs that were hand-fed required of time. be contemplating making repairs to the his stock to the best advantage. in point of membership which is 603.09 pounds of feed for 100 bridge across Rock creeek in Vernonia, by women is the Sas- pounds of gain, When hogs of Credit is tht most precious thing you Not Suited For Ladino Clover operated katchewan (Can.) E'gg and Poultry any age have constant access to local citizens have arisen in protest. This have. Money may be had by — various '— Overflow land is not well suited Pool. Its board of directors in- self-feeders there is little danger has taken the form of a petition asking means, but credit comes only from years for Ladino clover if the water eludes 4 women and its member- of their overeating at any time, stands on it for a considerable ship of 18,000 is composed al- a valuable factor in the use of that a new bridge be built. of honesty and prompt meeting of bills period of time finds the experiment most entirely of farmer’s wives. self-feeders for sows which are The old bridge is fairly good yet, but when they are due. station. If the overflow is for The association in 1927 handled sucklying their litters. is too narrow for the use it now has, and short periods only or if the water When you pay a bill you are merely traffic is increasing steadily. Before many being honest. Indeed, you are doing is continuously moving it is usu- safe. A good indicator is years there will be a highway from Pitts yourself a good turn. When you receive ally whether or not the soil will pro- burg to Rainier, which will considerably a bill, meet it when you agreed to if you duce normal growths of the or- dinary small Dutch clover. increase traffic through Vernonia. In all possibly can. If you cannot, fsankly tell likelihood the construction of a new your creditor Measure» Use Preventive why. You will find him bridge would then be a necessity. —Complete telephone service is a convenience Preventive rather than remedial more than ready to meet you half way. If the present bridge is repaired and a Cherish your credit as you do your measures should be used to con- to every member of the family. Properly placed sidewalk put in on the upper side, the health, happiness and other priieless trol contagious abortion of cattle, extension telephones save tiring steps for the from which the losses cost would probably amount to around boons equally rare and exclusive. It pays a have disease housewife. Son or daughter, sister or brother, greatly increased in the past $3,000. There are other places in the dividends.—Author Unknown. ten years. Effort expended to de dad or mother—find them a year ’round comfort stroy infection before it reaches county where new bridges are needed, and satisfaction. animals is worth much but not wide ones. The present structure OUR ENLIGHTENED ELECTORATE susceptible more than effort to combat it And too, the telephone is an aid in emergen could be moved to one of these, effecting after it has done so. cies and a protection in danger. The American electorate is, as you all a saving of about $(>,000, which leaves, with the $3,000 saved by not repairing know, highly enlightened and intelligent, Fruit Is Wasted In Homes Fruit enough to make all the this bridge, but $3,000 for the cost of a and can be trusted to decide at the polls vinegar for a year’s supply is West Coast Teiephone Co any weighty question. new bridge, a material saving that could often wasted in farm homes. Sur- only be accomplished by acting on the To be sure. Yet a Detroit attorney, last plus or inferior grades of apples, peaches, oranges, perstm- matter right away. spring, bet a friend that any man run grapes, mone, pineapples, and some ber- The construction of a concrete-arch ning for Congress under the name of Jef ries may be used to make vinegar bridge would also add to the beauty of ferson in the 13th district could draw at of the o r di n a r y commercial (4 per cent acetic acid.) this town as much as the present bridge least 10,000 votes, even though he made strength The best method, according to detracts from it. Competent engineers no effort to introduce himself to the the U. S. Department of Agricul ture, is to make a yeast inocula have stated that the arch could be stalled voters. high on either bank and rise above the Afteer the recent primary this attorney tion into a mash of the fruit. level of the bridge, forming part of the collected. He had entered the fictitious bannister, thus giving ample clearance name of John G. Jefferson in the congres for water freshets. sional primary, making no campaign whatever and exciting not one line of ON RECEIVING A DUN comment. He polled 10,729 votes. It is an honor to receive a bill the first Thus occasionally, does the enlight- of the month. Instead of yetting "all ened American electorate work.—Astoria Don’t sacrifice your Model T Ford, but fired up” when the mail brings you a Budget. bring it in and let us look it over. Maybe I Brrnnttia fcaijlr » In Every Home Model T Ford Engine and Transmission Overhauled for a labor charge of only Singer in Politics Alabama, Clarence H. Mullins, Bir mingham; Arizona, Joseph C. Haldi- man, Phoenix; Arkansas, James J. Harrison, Little Rock;; California, Justus 8. Wardell, Sau Francisco; Colorado, Fred W Bailey, Deuver; Florida, C. J. Hardee, Tampa: Dela ware Joslali Marvel, Wilmington; Louisiana, Col. Robert Ewing, New Orleans: Massachusetts, Arthur Ly man, Boston; Minnesota, Joseph Wolf, St. Paul; Mississippi, J. B. Stir ling. Jackson; Nebraska. Herbert A. Dauiel, Omaha; New Hampshire, John W. Emory, Portsmouth; North Dakota. Joseph M. Kelly, Devils Lake, Miss Nellie Dougherty, Minot; Ohio, Claude Meeker, Columbus; Pennsylvania. James Kerr, Clearfield; South Dakota, Mrs. Anna C. Struble, Centerville; Utah, William H. Hal loran, Sait laike City; West Virginia, Gov. W. A. McCorkle, Charleston; Wyoming. P. J. Quoaly, Kemmerer; Canal Zone, C. J. Boyle, Balboa Heights; Philippine Islands, Judge ENATOR GEORGE MOSES of James Ross, Manila. New Hampshire, chief at East State Directors of Flnanco have ern Hoover-Curtis headquarters, now been appointed In all States with takes his coat off and goes to work on 1 the exception of two or three. campaign plans. Shoes Fir School Boy $20 to $25 made to order all you need is a complete engine and transmission overhauling to give you thousands of miles of additional service. We’ll do that for a labor charge of only $20. Other charges equally low. any height Gu a ran teed to outwear any shoe on the market Crawford Motor Co Good Year Shoe Shop Coming to Portland S Dr. Mellenthin SPECIALIST past Let the Waves Roll On c Internal Medicine for the in DOES Benton fifteen NOT years OPERATE Will be at Hotel Thu., Fri., October 4, 5, and and Sat., 6 Office Hour»: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. THREE DAYS ONLY No Grace Divine, of Cincinnati, Metro polltan opera •tar, heads Hoover Committee of American musicians. She has put her wonderful contralto voice at the aervice of the campaign managers for any dates not already pre-empted by her full opera and con- oert engagements. LEHMAN NAMES MORE FINANCE DIRECTORS Herbert H. Lehman. Director of Fi nance, Democratic National Commit tee, announced the following as ad ditional Vice Chairmen of the Na tional Finance Committee: Percy 8. Straus, Vice President, R H. Macy A Co.; Charles II. Sabin. Chairmau of the Hoard. Guaranty Trust Co., and James D. Phelan, for mer United States Senator from Call torn la. Mark Elsner has been designated ■•cretary of the Finance Committee. Mr I^hman also announced the following additional State Directors of Finance: • charge for consultation Dr. Mellenthin is a regular grad uate in medicine and surgery and is licensed by the state of Oregon. He does not operate for chronic ap pendicitis, gall stones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils or adenoids. He has to his credit wonderful results in diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kidney, bladder, bed wetting, catarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal ail ments. Below are the names of a few of his many satisfied patients In Oregon who have been treated for one of the above-named causes: Elmer Booker, Condon. H. H. Blake. Marshfield. Thos. Burke, Willamina. Mrs. M. R. Cooper, Oregon City. D. G. Horn. Bonanza. E. M. Hurt, Arlington. Mrs. George W. Mathes. Ashland. Remember above date, that con sultation on this trip will be free and that his treatment is different. Married women must be accom panied by their husbands. 7 be 4-Door Sedan e Body by Ftahcr Because Pontiac Six offers infinitely more than other cars of comparable price, over 350,000 Pontiacs are now in use ... It is the lowest priced six offering the style, comfort and silence of bodies by Fisher. It is the only low- priced six offering a 186 cu. in. engine with the G-M-R cylinder head. It is the only six of its price combining the advantages of cross flow radiator, of foot-controlled headlightsand of coincidental transmission and ignition lock. It is such features as these which are so impres sive when Pontiac Six is compared with any other car of similar price. They typify the ex ceptional quality and value being built into this low-priced General Motors Six. Come in — and learn how much more you get for your money when you buy a Pontiac Six. 2>Door Sedan. S745¡ Coupe. 974>: Sport Roadster, £7Jfc Ph. . »n <>«»*<und AU American Sit, SUMS to <<f2b* All ,, tStT>.Shec!t Oakland Pontiac delin icd pun-iNn it. i.../. / ,ur,t handling charges. Genoa! Motors l ime Puvmcn: Plan <•,álable at THit.tmttm rate. GILBY MOTOR COMPANY Vernonia, Oregon PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS