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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1928)
VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON TWO FOR PRESIDENT! ? Vrooman Flays Tammany Hall For Attempt to Play “Con” Game on Nation's Farmers Economic Expert and Official Under Wilson Says Houston Convention Platform Fools Nobody Flaying Tammany iTall for attempting to play a “con” game on the farmers of the nation, Carl S. Vrooman, assistant secretary of agriculture under President Wilson, declares that intelligent farmers throughout the country have received no comfort from the agricultural plank in the platform of the ■Sr Democratic convention. Gov. Alfred E. Smith REPUBLICANS ARE SUPPORTING SMITH Many Prominent Men Through out Nation Break Life-Long Party Ties. i ------- Hundreds of Ute-long Republicans, many of them of national prominence, are swelling each day the vast army of voters who believe that It Is the duty of every thinking American to support Governor Smith. Among the most recent of leading Republicans who have publicly re pudiated the Republican candidate 1s Rudolph Spreckels, widely known banker and business man of San Francisco, owner of huge sugar plan tations in Hawaii, and formerly a close friend and adviser of President Roosevelt. Another influential Republican to declare for Smith is Spencer Penroee of Colorado, mining engineer and brother of the late Senator Boise Pen rose, Republican leader in Pennsyl vania. Prominent Financial Figures Ono Republican of considerable con sequence who has just declared for Governor Smith is W. B. Hibbs of Virginia, president of W. B. Hibbs and Co., bankers, of Washington, D. C. Two prominent New Jersey Re pub Ucans, John J. Stamler, president of the Broad and Market National Bank and Trust Co., of Newark, and Uzal H. McCarter, president of the Fidelity Union Trust Co., of Newark, an nounced last week that they will sup port Governor Smith. Another Republican banker to join the campaign to elect the Democratic candidate is De Lancey Kountz, Chair man of the Board of Devoe and Raynolds Co., of New YoTk. “The x'ammany Hal! campaign idea . I seems to be based on the theory that it can sell political gold brick promises to a bunch of hayseeds out West.” Mr. Vrooman said “I am confident the farmers of the nation will not fall for this latest ‘con’ game from 'The Side walks of New York.’ ” He charged Tammany with being Democratic in name only and said that "It is essentially mercenary and parasitic. It double-crossed Wilson, Cox, and Davis. “One of Tammany’s first acts was of subterfuge an double dealing. The agricultural plank In the Houston plat form was a masterpiece of ambiguity, so framed as to admit of one Interpre tation in the East and another in the West and South. “A few days after a conference with Peek (George N. Peek, of Moline, Ill.), Governor Smith Indorsed the equalization fee principle, but the ne t day he put out a statement flatly re pudiating the equalization fee itself. "Intelligent farmers have got no Carl Vrooman comfort from the agricultural plank in the Houston platform. It professes pla Introduced the first farm relief bill tonic friendship for the principle of in Congress in 1921. the equalization fee, without pledging Mr. Vrooman, an expert on economic the party or the candidate to the Mc subjects, and a writer of note, farms Nary-Haugen bill or to any other bill 4300 acres of land near his home in or plan of real benefit to the farmer.” Bloomington, Ill. In addition to big Mr. Vrooman has been active in be service of five years as assistant secre half of the "dirt farmers” In the tary of agriculture, he served on th* Democratic party. H6 drafted and agricultural war mission to Europe, "moral issue," Injected openly into the Presidential campaign by William Allen Whits, Emporia (Kans.) editor, is today as dead as the dodo. With one masterly stroke, the force ful, fearless statement of a man un justly assailed, Governor Alfred E. Smith has revealed clearly the unfair ness and irresponsibility of those an tagonists who were so unwise as to attack his personal record. Replying to the charges made by the Kansas editor, the Governor de fended and justified, bill by bill, his long record sb a member of the New York State Assembly. Vile Suggestions Asserting that the “vile sugges tions" of his accuser wers "probably inspired” by the Republican National Committee, the Governor said: “I am glad to have this matter taken out of the whispering stage and put into the open. Once and for all I shall meet it now.” And meet it he did. The "slanderous statement” that he had aided prostitution, he showed, was based upon his vote in opposition to a single bill; and he disclosed that he bad opposed that bill merely be cause it was "unquestionably uncon stitutional and unworkable.” "On this bill, and on this single hill alone,” Governor Smith said, "Wil liam Allen White would have my wife, my children and my friends believe that in my long career I was a friend of public prostitution.” Proving that the Kansan was en tirely Ignorant of the background of various bills he cited to support his charges, Governor Smith pointed out that both Republicans and Demo crats had voted overwhelmingly with him. On one of the bills for which I he was criticized, he revealed, the THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1928 the court may seem proper. I This summons is published by I DR. W. H. HURLEY order of the Honorable John Phil The Executive disclosed also his a* lip, Judge of the County Court I Dentistry and X-Ray cuser’s apparent guile In duplicating of the State of Oregon for the Evenings by appointment. Office bills, In a "deliberate attempt” to County of Colhmbia, duly made, over Hoffman Hardware Co. show that his votes "dealt with a far dated and entered this 26th day Vernonia, Oregon greater number of so-called liquor of September, 1928. bills than in fact they did.” LESTER SHEELEY, Attorney One group of bills clteJ by White, referring to the establishment of for Plaintiff. Residence and Postoffice Ad premises licensed to sell liquor with in 200 feet of a church or school, bad dress: Vernonia, Oregon. been passed, it was shown, for the S27N8 Rented by the week or month purpose of remedying a mistake In the language of the law, in accord SUMMONS Full assortment of the best ance with a recommendation of the In the Circuit Court of the needles for all makes of sew Court of Appeals. State of Oregon, for the County ing machines. Reviewing the history of the accu of Columbia. sations, which he characterized as T. R. MOSMAN, Plaintiff, Sewing Machines For Sale cowardly, Governor Smith pointed out vs. EASY TERMS that White had issued a retraction of NEODIA E. MOSMAN, Defendant. SINGER OIL FOR SALE tbe charged dealing with gambling and prostitution. He continued; To Neodia E. Mosman, the above Vernonia Cleaners “The appearance of the Republican named defendant: In the name of National Committee In the contro the state of Oregon, you are here- versy indicates that it was a political by required to appear and answer f attack probably inspired by that com the complaint filed against you in mittee, because the Republican Na the above entitled suit on or be- I GORDON R. WATT tional Committee this week issued fore the expiration of six weeks | an official release to the newspapers from the date of the first publi Attorney-at-law in which Mr. White retracts his re cation of this summons, which said traction. first publication is made and dated Joy Theatre Building ‘Not Fair Play the 23rd. day of August, 1928, | Vernonia, Oregon "Lacking the courage to stand by that being the time prescribed by its own complicity In the attack, the the Court in an order for publica. 1 Republican director of publicity the tion of this summons; and if you ] next day states that he withdraws his fail to appear and answer the com-! issuance of Mr. White’s withdrawal of plaint, the plaintiff will apply to his withdrawal." The Governor added: the court for the relief demanded ■ "No one in all the 25 years of my in the complaint, to-wit: for a de- public life has ever dared to make cree of absolute divorce dissolving i the vile suggestions which emanated the bonds of matrimony existing I Mountain Heart from Mr. White, with the approval of between the plaintiff and defen- | Henry J. Allen, Publicity Director of dant, and for such other relief atI Rebekah Lodge No. 243 the Republican National Committee. to the court may seem proper. No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every sec What a cowardly course the Repub This summons is published by ond and fourth Thursdays in lican National Committee pursued! order of the Honorable John Philip, W. O. W. hall, Vernonia. Visitors al Judge of the county court of Co ways welcome. SUMMONS lumbia county, state of Oregon, Mrs. Myrtle John, N. G. In the Circuit Court of the duly made, dated and entered on Mrs. Hazel Thompson, Sec. State of Oregon, for the County the 21st, day of August, 1928. of Columbia. LESTER SHEELEY, Attorney KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS LEORA WHARTON, Plaintiff, for Plaintiff. HARDING LODGE 116 vs. Residence and Postoffice Address, LEON L. WHARTON, Defendant. Vernonia, Oregon. Meets every Monday at To Leon L. Wharton, the above Date of First Publication August 8 P.M. in Grange hall. entitled defendant: IN THE NAME 23, 1928. OF THE STATE OF OREGON, Date of last publication, October R. M. Aldrich, C. C. you are hereby required to ap 4th, 1928. Harry Culbertson, KRS pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above en titled suit on or before the ex Woodmen of the World piration of six weeks from the W. O. W. Vernonia Camp No. date of the first publication of 655 meets every Wednesday night this summons, which said first pub at 7:30, at the new W.O.W. hall. lication is made and dated the Visiting members welcome. 27th day of September, 1928, that ROBERT LINDSAY, C. C. being the time prescribed by the L. M. ESCUE, CLERK. Court in an order for publication Saddle Horses for Hire of this summons; and if you fail to appear and answer the com Horses Broken to ride or A. F. & A. M. plaint, the plaintiff will apply to drive. Vernonia Lodge, No. 184 A. the court for the relief demanded in her complaint, to-wit: for a AL. WHARTON, Prop. F. A A. M., meets at Grange decree of absolute divorce dis Phone 11Fl55 Hall every Second and solving the bonds of matrimony Fourth Thursday nights. existing between plaintiff and de- Visitors Welcome fpndnnt and such other relief as Levert Goodin, Secretary. Assembly had voteJ unanimously. to Bills Duplicated Sewing MACHINES Lodge Notices Vernonia Riding Club American Legion Vernonia Post 119, American Le gion. Meets second fourth Tues, days each month, 8 p.m. W. H. Hurley. Commander. Western Farm Leaders Frank W. Murphy, chairman of the Legislative Committee of the Corn Belt Federation of Farm Organiza tions, and a member of the Minnesota delegation to tbe Republican Conven tion, has renounced allegiance to bis party and repudiated Hoover as "an enemy of the farmer.” Other farm leaders to bolt the Re publican party were Governor Adam McMullen, Republican Executive of Nebraska, and L F. Shuttleworth, of Indianapolis, former head of the pur chasing committee of the Indiana Fed eration of Farm Bureaus. Opponents Forced to Acknowl- t edge Falsity of Vice and •, Liquor Charges. “VILE SUGGESTIONS” L REFUTED BY RECORD Nominee Declares Attack Wa* "Probably I nap I red" by Ra il? publican National Committee. ALBANY N. Y—Tbe furtively Whispered and fanatically declaimed DR. HARRY A. BROWN Eyesight Specialist Eyes tested, glasses fitted Consultation free Watch date of next visit The Red-Headed Music Maker Wendell Hall offer» a naw one "Polly Wolly Doodle”—"If I Only Knew” Do You Know? Order of Eastern Star That in 1927 there was shipped -from Vernonia nearly 7000cars of forest products? Nehalem Chapter 153, O. E. S. Regular communi cation first and third Wednesdays of each month. All visiting sisters and brothers wel come. Catherin* McNeill, W. M. This makes Vernonia one of the largest shipping points on the entire S. P. & S. sys tem. American Legion Auxiliary Meets first and third Mon days of each month the Legion Hall. at Mrs. Mark E. Moe, President. Mrs. E. H. Washburn, Secretary. 1. O. O. F. No. 404 ¡Brunswick i—oooo olxctwni on ivaaT brunwwicx ikxmd - s MAC’S PHARMACY OREGON-AMERICAN LBR. CO. LO.O.F.—Vernonia Lodge No. 246 meets every Tuesday night at 8 o’clock, in Grange halL Vis itor* always welcome. John Glassner, N. G. H. E. St*v*nson, Sec. St. Helens—Salmon fishing seas on has paid fishermen about $40,- 000. Before Sqoop Could Say “&y>" FINNEY OF THE FORCE 55» MCrtMl HM tw POO- M o THK> TO ACTIN' CAPTA i M AN IS WOflKiN' DAS’ AN' NOtGHT ON A MVSWtQV JoOL WfFT CASE > XU JUST MT wnu A GOOPTYS<J<J<SE AN NV WAM OF PUTT i M Tu» AN Tu» Tböf WEG I COULD UNRATHOM A MV5TE0V / i■