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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1928)
URSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1928 VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON FIVE and bridge. Ml«. F A. Green had ihe high score for the bridge. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Green, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Bleile, and Mrs. W. A. McGillvray, Viola McGillvray, Mr. and Mrs. J. Church. Those present re Donald Hodges and Morris Bén ported that they had a very enjoy able evening. it were in Portland Saturday. woody gall i at. the places where the Grange Lectureu, Discuss plants bend over, and often small, Program Presentations wartlike swellings arc noticeable at the points of infestation on the For the purpose of discussing im- stems. Of course plowing under rhuuld not be done when it inter i rovements in Grange program pre feres with the growing of clover sentation. a lecturers’ meeting _ was and forage grasses. Since the Joint-, held in Clatskanie recently attend- Auto Tops, Curtains COMPANY worm attacks only wheat, other ed by W. L. Kadderly of Corvallis, ——--------- CMAOTJfiECfflntfOl 7~~--------------- Cushions, Seat crops can be substituted where this John Coombs of Deer Island, John Becker of Armstrong Grange, Mrs. EVANGELICAL CHURCH pest is present. Mr. and Mrs. John Martin are X W. F. Sheets of Clatskanie, Mrs. iting relatives near Seattle. (The Pioneer Church) The Seal of Safety in Saving* Laura Carmichael of Natal, Verda Alfalfa Wants Clean Ground The Sunday school will meet at ISidney Ratcliffe was a Portland 9:45 a.m. The pastor will preach IS YOUR MONEY WORK Auto, Sign and To avoid the destruction of Vostre of Beaver Valley, Clarice ING FOR YOU AS HARD AS itor Sunday. at 11 a.m. and the choir will sing. stands of alfalfa from bacterial E. Nelson of Warren, Geo. Nelson House Painting YOU’RE WORKING FOR IT? Young people’s meeting 7 p.m. wilt in districts where this disease of St. Helens, Mrs. Julia Anderson Mother’s bread—the quality loaf. of Warren. Mrs. L. E. Lane of For Particular* Write Sermon Lecture with pictures at is present, the U. 8. department of sk for it by name.—adv. Anna 8 p.m. “Wanderings in the Wilder agriculture recommends that new Armstrong Grange, Mrs. Coombs of Deer Island, Flora J Mrs. Sidney Malmsten has been ness,” will be the subject. seedings should not be made on Decorating, Tinting ■1 for a few days. The young people will have their fields that receive surface drain Stratton of Cedar Grove, Mrs. Net- annual welcome to high school stu- age or flooding from land on which tie McAdam of Beaver Valley, and Calcimining Department of Thrift I The study club will meet at the dents and God’s speed to the col- diseased plants are located. The Mrs. A. J. Burns of Beaver Valley. 89 Fourth St., Portland. Ore. lome of Mrs. E. A. Green this lege students Friday evening 7:30 most destructive outbreaks of bac Mr. Kadderly of the office of lftiiinoon. p.m. in the social hall of the terial wilt, which has caused serious information and exhibits stated it church. , damage in the past 3 or 4 years was a splendid idea to have a con I Mr. and Mrs. Connie Anderson in many alfalfa-growing regions, ference and exchange ideas. He also Ld Mrs. M. Grady motored to DR. L. W. GRIFFITH CARD OF THANKS particularly in the central Mississippi stated that the public wanted en ■ood River over the week end. Eyesight Specialist tertainment and he had the prob valley. have occurred in fields We wish to thank our many Accurate Fitting of Glasses ■ Dan Steiner is building a new friends for their kindly solicitations where the bacteria from diseased lem of giving an interesting pro Will Be Located at Joy Next door to Brown Fur fike-room house with a full cement during the illness of our beloved plants were probably conveyed to gram over the radio of serious ma Theatre Building terial, and that there is a great ■sement on North street. niture. Phone 1021 wife and mother, and for the them by water flowing along the deal of material available in the September 25 surface of the ground or by tem- floral offerings in tribute to her ■ J. E. Geldard of Carlton, owner i porary flooding. Bacteria may be report of the economic conference ■ the Moonlight apartments, was memory during our bereavement. I carried from diseased to healthy of three years ago, and in the agri George McGee and Family. ■ visitor here Tuesday. , plants in a field by the knives of cultural situation publication issued L.Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Porterfield the mower, and possibility of infec by the extension service monthly. HXHXHZHXHXHZHXHZHXHZHZHXHZI Geo. A. Nelson spoke on the ob tion in this way may be reduced Kl son Marvin spent Sunday in H by mowing the field when the ject of the meeting and the value H Kirtland and Vancouver, Wn. Z plants are free from dew or rain. I of groups getting together ami ex I Mrs. J. Kirkwood of Reedville, Dry fragments of alfalfa stems may i changing ideas. Many made sug H gestions which were deemed help Ke., spent last week with Mrs. L. carry the bacteria for many months H “The Golden Clown ful to others in planning programs. K Rogers. so disease-infected stems should not Front its opening scenes carried to new fields either mix Mrs. J. Becker was elected perman I Mrs. Peterson and children of provincial circus through the gayety be ed with seed or mixed as ent chairman and Mrs. Clarice 17. H Killsboro spent last Friday with of Paris and on to the dramatic unrotted uncleaned refuse from alfalfa hay Nelson secretary until the next climax, “The Golden Clown,” the ■ rs. L. A. Rogers. meeting, the first Saturday in Feb Pathepicture which is to be seen with manure. H ruary at Armstrong Grange. q Fall days are close at hand and at the Joy theatre tonight and to “Clean” Profits rith them come those good Pump- morrow, is said to be full of un H By following what is known as ► Jin pies at the Vernonia Bakery. expected developments. the McLean county (Ill.) system 4 j .liatJ € 4^9<1 v . of hog sanitation, hog raisers in “Anybody Here Seen Keily” H Large side and top feed doors, front and side Born: To Mrs. J. M. Turpin, Once more the Irish will hold Nebraska, in cooperation with Ex eptember 3, a girl. She has been the spot light with their delight-1 tension Service specialists of the draft, a stove to last a lifetime imed Doreen Marie. Mr. Turpin ful humor and romance-filled I U. S. department of agriculture, H led July 5. hearts when “Anybody Here Seen j have shown that it is possible to Mr. and Mrs. Tom IXirner motor Kelly?”, the love story of a traffic greatly reduce losses of pigs from H Briefly, the 1 to Clatskanie Sunday and re- cop and a little girl he met in ¿he filth-borne diseases. irned by way of Rainier and St.- war days, shows at the Joy theatre McLean County system consists in thorough cleaning of the sows and FOR SALE o-tube Magnavox radio, H Saturday. Extra heavy weight polished steel lelens. the farrowing quarters, and the fully equipped, priced at $95. In moving of the sows and young pigs “ Uncle Tom'i Cabin ” and Christine Mitchem of I Edna quire at Eagle Office. H Nineteen Months To “Shoot!” A ¡when born to clean pasture other Almeda, Cal., came to Vernonia GET YOUR NEXT IRIS, hollyhocks than the permanent feed lot, leav Monday and will make their home new record was established in the and perennial phlox, as long as with their sister Mrs. W. Hutchins. ‘shooting’ time of “Uncle Tom’s ing them there until they are at Cabin” when the final count of i,least 4 months olu. During a 3- they last. Mrs. A. J. Sitts, 507 Rose H Mrs. O. I. Ross, Miss Lillian time totaled nineteen months.. At ,year period, on a number of rep avenue. 62* Ross, Miss Willie May Aubrey, the Joy theatre Sunday and Mon resentative farms where this sani- H FOR RENT Dayton Ross were in Portland Mon- day. itation system was carefully follow FOR RENT—Before October 1st, lay. ed out, the average value of the 11 acres land mostly cleared; on “Hell-Ship Bronson pork (the pigs were sold at 6 , main See Hoffman About It. “IT PAYS” highway, 2 miles from town, I The Order of Rainbow for Girls set A tale of primitive passions j months) amounting to $1422.28 per fc’ill resume their meetings again house, barn and garage, 2 good tomorrow, according to Mrs. R. A. amid the dregs of the world. at farm; while records kept on other good cows, 25 chickens, 11 tons H the Joy theatre Tuesday and Wed farms where this sanitation was hay. See L. C. Boeck 987 2nd Ave Epace, mother advisor. neglected or only partially followed, nue , corner Nehalem St.______ 61* nesday. showed that the average value of No finer bread can be had for Immunize Young Pigs the pork per farm was only $844.00. Sandwiches than Mother’s bread in LOST The immunization of suckling LOST—Spare tire, 36x8, mounted ’ thu long loaf. The children like it— on wheel, from Federal truck of give it to them in their school pigs for hog cholera has much to CARE OF HOMELESS recommend it in the way of de CHILDREN IS PROBLEM Portland-Vernonia truck line. 61 tunch.—adv. creased cost and increased protec WANTED A. L. Ratcliffe, Mrs. M. L. Rat- tion, according to animal Industry From Page 1 iliffe and Margie and Mr. and Mrs. specialists of the U. S. department and its care. Johnny’s pig does not HELP WANTED—Women and girls to work on pears and apples. E. E. Graham motored to Hood of agriculture. By immunizing early become anybody else’s hog. fiver Sunday for a short visit with less serum is required and the pigs A fine dairy herd and many Many workers earn $2.50 to $5.00 friends. do not necessitate the reduction chickens furnish the necessary work per day. Season will last until Dec. | 1. Warm comfortable work room, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Babb, Mr. of feed, it is possible that this may for the older children as well as and cafeteria in connection. Prices ind Mrs. Leonard Graven, Helen enable the farmer to market the the many healthful tasks of the [reasonable. Phone 2331, Itay-Mal- tones and Virgil Van Alstine all pigs somewhat earlier than if the farm. There is plenty of play also ing Company, Inc., Hillsboro, Ore notored to Seaside Friday, return- immunization were carried out after with ball teams, basketball and all gon.___________________________ Ctf weaning. If young pigs receive the the dearly loved pastimes of child- ng Sunday evening. serium-virus treatment, the immun- j hood. “How is it possible to do all WANTED—Practical nursing or Lester Collins went to Portland ity as a rule is lasting; only an of this and how is it financed.’’ day work. Children boarded. P. Jaturday and his mother Mrs. J. exceptional herd or individual will. 1 hear you ask. O. Box 455. 53* ?ollins returned with him and will | contract cholera. In giving this j The state pays $16 per month —---------------------------------- MISCELLANEOUS pend a few days here visiting treatment to young pigs, it is most for each child, this being the sura to be sure that they are allowed every institution public or I WILL GIVE PIANO free storage, riends and relatives. 1 important 1 ■» in good health at the time of treat-1 private that cares for dependent Excellent care for use of it. Mr. and Mrs R. R. McGregor and ment. 61* children. From the Portland com Write Box 822, Vernonia. Hiss Allie Simmons who have been munity chest comes monthly pay I pending a varation at Cannon Summer Silage Suggestions ments this year of a little more 'each returned to Vernonia Mon Summer silage is the best means than $1,000 per month. Multnomah lay. lof supplementing pasture for dairy county sends nearly one-half of I cows in summer and fall when grass If Bladder Weakness, Getting up Miss Viola McGillvray of Hatties- is short because of hot, dry weather the childnm there so it is fitting rarg, Miss., who has been visiting l and close grazing. For a herd of that this sum should come from Nights, Backache, Burning or Itch ing sensation, leg or groin pains ■er brother W. A. McGillvray for 112 to 20 cows, a silo of from 10 the chest. Marshfield, Astoria and North make you feel old, tired, pepless, h* past two weeks left for her ! to 12 feet in diameter is best, as Bend are also giving from their and worn out why not make the tome Tuesday. the silage can be fed out fast community chests. And always somc- Cystex 48 Hour Test? Don’t give enough to prevent spoiling. Now Cool days also bring some more where the W.C.T.U. women of Ore up. Get Cystex today at any drug roodies at the Vernonia Bakery— is the time to plan for next sum- gon are having a food sale or an 'ream Puffs and Chocolate Eclairs., mer's feeding. Supplementary pas-1 entertainment or they are packing store. Tut it to a 48 hour test, ■’or the present they will be on ture crops instead of summer silage a box or a barrel with fruit or Money back if you don’t soon feel land every Saturday, later on three, are used by many dairymen to pre-1 vegetables or clothing, jams or jel- like new, full of pep, sleep well, vent the midsummer drop in milk |jeg> books or maybe toys or some with pains alleviated. Try Cystex imes weekly.—adv. flow. In many sections sweet clover |Other needed thing for a home. Then today. Only 60c. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Drorbaugh h«« satisfactnrv for this'*.L_ r___ •_ itself is ___ i.._i_ __ milk, •«. has nrnvoH proved vptv very satisfactory this the farm producing ---------- and — alfalfa -w-iz................ i„ k .. _ rh U d vere in Portland part of last week purpose, can also be - i i eggs and vegetables. Every vhere Mr. Drorbaugh was taking 1 pastured at this time. Combinations every cottage that will has whole Miss Daisy Brown reatments for septic tonsils. He of legumes such as peas, vetches, milk to drink at every meal. TEACHER OF PIANO .xpects to undergo an operation and ' --iT soy beans, “ with grains such as County courts should be * __ ■“* "i County courts should be urged USING he end of this week. corn, wheat, oats, barley and rye, a]]ow something for this home yearly budget. This is some- Dunning Foundation jflfe^For 5 years Dr. Luzader, can be fed green, and successive ¡n of these crops often thing for the unions to taka up SYSTEM OF MUSIC eyesight specialist, has been plantings provide succulent feeds over sn ' Telephone 611 ‘ ~ an,with the court No greater service naking monthly visits to Vernonia, extended period. Too many farmers i can be rendered the state of Ore iis next visit will be October 1, 2, , expect their dairy cows to produce gon than to increase the capacityI (plenty of milk during the summer of this home. The children's farm' iffice at Kullander’s. Have on poor pasture with no additional home is one of the most far, 'our eyes examined.—adv. feed. reaching things ever undertaken by ; Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Washburn any organization. It is character fft yesterday morning for a va- Bury the Jointworm building of the finest kind and Hion trip. They plan to drive Control of the wheat jointworm, stand as a monument to the round Mount Hood loop highway, .next to the Hessian fly the worst j will mother love of the W. C. T. U. of trough Spokane and on to Seattle, pest attacking wheat in the major ! Oregon. It was born of love which tie re they will visit relatives. They ity of the wheat states east of the is service and through love it will $11 return Sunday. Mississippi river and in parts of grow in ever widening circles un When you want to pay a bill or purchase ¡Visitors at the home of Mr. and Missouri and Oregon, can be ac til it encircles the world. something do you pay cash? Or do you complished by plowing under the rs. Mark E. Moe over the week stubbie in the late summer or early give a check? Cash is a risky way to han Recommend Concrete Wallow td were: Mr. and Mrs. S. J. fall, thus burying the pest so deep The use of a concrete wallow dle money. Errors in change are always 'assenar and two children of Van- ly as to prevent its emergence the fuver, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. J. following spring. At present noth for hogs is an aid in keeping down possible. Receipts are very easily lost. A Umfeld Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Gus ing is being done to control this worm infestations, provided it is bank check is proof that you have paid. tarleston, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. insect, and futhermore, the farm properly constructed and used. We welcome new checking accounts. >on. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hall, Gor- ing practices and systems of rota Tillamook — $12,000 paved road at Little, of Portland, Mr. and tion now used in sections wnere between here and Bellevue complet rs. R. Spring of Milwaukie, and the jointworm is prevalent afford ed. » brother, F. Spring, of Vernonia. ideal breeding conditions for It. One indication of jointworm injury Astoria — Cooperative feed plant j Mrs. W. F. Browning entertained is the number of fallen or lodged established at Pier 1 by Lower Co- ' a birthday surprise party last plants, which often causes the in lumbit cooperative dairy association. | lursday in honor of Mrs. Brown- jury to be confused with that of $. A dainty buffet supper was the Hessian fly. However, attacks Shaw — Paving from here to $ved followed by parlor games by the jointworm cause hard, Sublimity completed. American Trust Gompany Vernonia Auto Top & Paint Shop A Big Cast Iron Lined Heater I r CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Other Heaters low as $2.45 Stove Pipe 25c a Joint Elbows, Collars, Dampers etc Hoffman Hardware Co. Do You Know? That in 1927 there was shipped from Vernonia nearly 7000 cars of forest products? Backache This makes Vernonia one of the largest shipping points on the entire S. P. & S. sys= tern. OREGON-AMERICAN LBR. CO. Why Risk Paying With Cash BANK OF VERNONIA » H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H rH Z H Z H Z H X H Z H Z H HEATERS