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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1928)
1 Ilie Timber Line News of Vernonia Schools Hickman, language and history; L. F. Austin, science; Mrs. W. Ham mack, mathematics and sewing; Miss H. Malmsten, commercial; Miss G. Grant, history and sociology; Mrs. II. M. Smith, music. 175 Students Enrolled in Vernonia High School This Year THREE VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1928 La Velle G<-»a Editor Monday, September 10, to help Freshmen Elect Ben them select their senior rings and pins which they will purchase Spencer President through the local jeweler, A. L. (Pauline Cates) Kullander. He also displayed his | The freshmen of Vernonia high stock of commencement announce , school held their meeting class ments and cards. [Wednesday, September 5. The fol Mr. Dankworth had a very select lowing officeres were electee: stock of rings, pins, announcements, Ben Spencer, president; Kathryn and cards. After some discussion Malmsten, vice-president; La Vern the class was unanimous in their Adams, secretary; Christine Rainey, choice of what they belieVe to be treasurer; Jack Christiansen, serge- the most attractive rings that have ant-at-arms; Pauline Cates, class ever been sleeted in the schoos. reporter; Miss Malmsten, Class ad It will take some time for these visor. rings to be made, but the students hope* to be wearing them within Della Cline Elected the next three or four weeks. Senior President (By La Velle Gosa) More students have been enroll ed this year than ever before. There are 175 students in all, with Elect Katherine Hoffman enrollment by classes as follows: President of Juniors Seniors, 30; juniors, 30; sopho (By Violet Phelps) mores, 42; freshmen, 75. The fresh man class is the largest class that The junior class held a meeting has ever entered the high school. Tuesday, September 4, to elect new Because of this increase of stu officers for the coming school dents, 30 dc-“s and 60 chairs have vear. Those elected were: Katherine been purchased, also a new dic Hoffman, president; Neal Bush, tionary and set of encyclopedias, vice-president; Dorothy Holtham, which are being used in the senior secretary-treasurer; Howard Lee, room. The seniors of Vernonia high sergeant of arms; L. F. Austin, Robert Holcomb Heads school assembled in their new senior Music is being taught for the class advisor. room Tuesday, September 4, for first time in the high school this The new students enrolled in the Sophomore Class their the purpose of organizing year. The students appreciate the | junior class are Carl Allen from class. work of Prof. J. B. Wilkerson in i Falls City, Oregon; Mildred Knight (By Grace Condit) been Mr. Wilkerson, who has securing music in the school as a from ___ _____ ________ Astoria, ____ Oregon; and Blanche The sophomore class held their their class advisor for three years, regular subject taught for credit. : Walkman from Huntington, , West class meeting Tuesday. The fol was again unanimously elected. Mrs. H. M. Smith, who is an ac-1 Virginia, The other class officers elected lowing were elected as class of credited music teacher, and who • --------------------------- 1 ficers: Robert Holcomb, president; were president, Della Cline; vice- comes with high recommendations. ' Seniors Select Class Larry Marshall, vice-president; Tord president, Harold Nelson; secretary, expects the students to do very well treasurer, Arthur Berg. secretary; Gloyd Adams, Floyd Deeds; this year. There are almost as Rings Early treasurer; and Miss Grant as ciass Hixon. many boys taking music as girlr, The seniors, with the support of (By Thelma Spencer) advisor. A later meeting was held and all are enthusiastic about it. is as A. R. Dankworth, representative; in which Annie McMullen and. the student body, plan to make The faculty this year is as fol- fol lows: J. B. Wilkerson, principal; 1 ..... of Dank and company of Portland, i George Oberst were elected serge-1 this the most successful year Ver- nonia high school has ever known. Miss F. Perce, English; Miss R. visited the senior class of 7. H. S., I ant-at-arms. Party, and laXer tbe Free Silver party. In 1899, that great aud able statesman from Maine, Thomas B Reed, a, point ed a Committee of Eleven to draw u measure fixing tbe standard of value. In three weeks tbe committee had agreed upon a draft of a bill, and tbe Gold Standard Act of 1900 was tbe result We have had no trouble with that question since then. If such a committee could settle so satisfactor ily that great aud vexlug question, surely a similar committee of able leg lslators specifically charged with the task could agree upou an agricultural relief plan which would be equally satisfactory. The solution will be found, and found promptly. Our party has pledged itself to the development and enactment of measures which will place the agricultural interests of the United States on a basis of economic equality with other Industries, to In sure its prosperity aud success. Philosophy of Farming Encouragement of Agriculture al- ways has been a Republican doctrine. It Is a necessary part of our philos ophy of government. Agriculture Is the basic industry of tbe country and in the very nature of things will ever be so. Whatever Is to the detriment of the farmer is, eventually, to tbe detriment of all our citizens: bis wel fare and prosperity are inevitably re flected in tbe welfare and prosperity of the wbole nation. Many plans for the encouragement of Agriculture have been proposed, and many have been given effect by our party. In the course of my pollt- leal life every oue which in my opiu- Ion promised an appreciable measure of sound relief has bad my wbole hearted aud active support. Of recent years, two farm measures have been Introduced by me In tbe Senate. Two Democrat members of the House joined lu their preparaton and Introduction. The first was known as tbe Curtls-Aswell Bill. It created au Interstate Farm Marketing Association. Its purpose was to pro mote and stimulate the orderly flow of agricultural commodities In com merce; to remove burdens and e Btraints on such commodities In com merce; and to provide tor tbe process ing, preparing tor market, handling, pooling, storing and marketing of ag rlcultural commodities through co-op- Winter Egg« Pay Best in Columbia county, have plainly It takes fewer eggs from October speaking, “guts.” A young despera- » do attempted to rob their bank. to January to pay for a given COND nÖNS Now the young man is in jail. He quantity of grain than at any other did not intimidate the people of period of the year. Vernonia with his wild gun plays | and reckless auto driving. He de Rainier — Road through drain ¿i liberately pulled the trigger of his age district to be developed. revolver in the face of one man, The road oiling program for this season is nbout completed and it and the only reason he doesn’t have is expected that all road oiling an additional charge of first degree crews will be off the road during murder hanging over him is because I the next 10 days. Following is a the gun failed to go off. A few resume of highway conditions in more Vernonians and maybe these cluding the location of road oiling young desperadoes will learn to and have more respect for law crews on the various highways: Old Oregcn Trail: Crew No. 3. order.—Wallowa Sun. This crew ¡3 laying heavy oil be- Vice-Presidential Candidate Asks eratlve marketing associations, The Control Flag-Smut Disease tween Echo and Pendleton, No de- object of this measure was to place Non-Partisan Solution Under tours. One way traffic. An important preventive measure the marketing organizations under the Medford-Crater Lake Highway: in the control of the flag-smut di Hoover Leadership. ownership and control of the farmers Crew No. 6. Bituminous macadam sease on wheat is the sowing of themselves. The other measure was construction Is under way between infested fields to other crops the JOINT COMMITTEE experience of the most capable ex- known as the Curtls-Crlsp Bill. Its Medford and Trail. No detours. One following year unless a resistant URGES perts on the subject whose services object was to enable the farmers to wav traffic. wheat is used, as flag-smut spores stabilize their markets against undue Santiam Highway: Crew No. 7. easily survive in the soil from har Agricultural Situation, He Ex can be obtained. It will be remembered that for and excessive fluctuations; to pre This crew is laying heavy oil be- vest to seeding time and are pres plains, Is of Deep Economic tween Albany and Lebanon, No de- ent to infest fall-sown wheat. The years we had great trouble with the serve advantageous domestic mar problem of settling our standard of kets; and to mlulmlze speculation aud tours. One way traffic. continuous growing of susceptible Importance to Citizens. value. The failure to settle the ques waste in marketing. Corvallis Newport Highway: Crew wheat on infested land may result tion had brought forth the Greenback No. 8. This crew is laying heavy in an increase of the disease. Since Bn oil between Philomath and Eddy flag-smut affects only wheat, other ville. One way traffic. No detours. oops may be safely grown in the U. S. SENATOR CHARLES CURTIS Roosevelt Qpast Highway: Oil is rotation. Any wheat crop residues Republican Vlce-Preeidential Candidate. now spread on the Roosevelt Coast or material that may contain flag highway south of Bandon. This is smut spores, such as straw, manure, Senator Curtis, In his Address of the type of oil which is "slippery” or a straw mulch on potatoes, may Acceptance, stressed the Impor and “splashy” and motorists should be a source of infestation if ap- tance of prompt action on the be warned to drive at very moder plied to the land. Where such flag- question of farm aid. “The prob ate speeds and with extreme care smut infested residues are used, lem,” he declared, “is of deep- in order to avoid accidents. some other crop than wheat shoulu seated economic Importance to Old Oregon Trail: Road Rough be grown. INCORPORATED every citizen without regard to oc and dusty for a distance of 12 cupation or political party.” He STORES AT Feed Chickens Minerals miles at th0 summit of the Blue added the significant thought that NEWBERG Mountains between Pendleton and Mineral feeds which supply cal- “properly its solution is and al 1 SALEM La Grande. Balance of the road in cium and phosphorus should be In ways should be, non-partisan.” For SHERIDAN Oregon in fine shape, either paved cluded in rations for chickens. Al the leadership of such a non-par VERNONIA or oiled macadam. Ontario-Fruia- though nearly all the common tisan movement, invo.ving the ex in excellent I chicken feeds contain minerals, land-Caldwell, oiled penditure of hundreds of millions condition. Caldwell to Boise via | there is usually a deficiency of cal- of dollars by the federal govern Nampa, paved to Nampa, detour I cium and phosphorus. Meat scrap ment, he declared that the leader oiled road to and ground steamed bone meal as through Nampa, ship should be Hoover’s—a man Boise. East from Boise to Moun- well as fish meal will supply phos well worthy of the party’s choice. tain Home resurfacing and loose phorus. Calcium, the continued lack gravel for 15 miles. Mountain Home of which will cause a noticeable de to Bliss ¡ill oiled. Bliss to Buhl, crease in egg production, can be ' “ tiHR question of the proper re- I ’ lief for Agriculture is a try- good, some loose gravel. Detour furnished by keeping a supply of . i Ing and perplexing one. The from Buhl to Filer, fair. Filer to oyster shells or of limestone grit problem Is of deepseated Twin Falls, Burley, American Falls before the hens all of the time. economic Importance to and Pocatello, good with the ex every citizen without regard to bls ception of loose gravel. Paving op Re-Clean Cowpeas occupation or his political party. erations between Pocatello and Properly, its solution is and always The market value of cowpeas may Portneuf, detour dusty. From there to Idaho-Wyoming line good with be im .proved by recleaning after should be, non-partisan. I am con exception of about six miles east threshing or hulling, according to vinced that If a small joint committee the U. S. department of agriculture. of the House and Senate were ap of Montpelier which is rough. pointed to study the problem and to Wapinitia Cut-Off: Road under This is especially true of cowpeas find its proper solution, the necessary flailed out by hand. If a small hul- construction. Do not advise. ler is used, the cowpeas should be relief quickly could and would be af run through it a second time to re forded. The Committee could be as Close Paradise Inn Road sisted in Its task hv the advice and To enable contractors to com move more of the foreign matter. plete construction work before the SHOULD sr(,Vfi winter snows, the highway in Rain ier National Park leading to Para dise Inn will be closed between Longmires and the Inn after Sep tember 16th, according to advices received by the Touring Bureau of the Oregon State Motor association. It is probaffle that the road will be kept open certain week-ends after the 16th but definite infor mation should be secured by mo torists from the association head quarters before leaving on the trip. _ h IS hwa Y__~ _ PROMPT F ’ Without tbe help which the Repub lican party baa given, tbe agricultural situation weuld be infinitely worse , than it is. Tbe Capper-Volstead Act gave to tbe farmer tbe right to engage In collective buying and cooperative Belling. In every possible way the Republican administration baa en- deavored to give practical and sub- stanttal effect to tbat right Tbe Department of Agriculture an* an Important place lu tbe work of aid ing and <lvfsing tbe farmer. It la onr policy to widen each year as much as possible tbe scope of the Department's effectiveness. In the last year alone. $2,298,172.00 was spent In particularly valuable research work covering nu merous classes of agricultural prod ucta. lncluling cattle and swine ft Is estmated that 84.1S7.887.OO will be re quired for this work for tbe c mlng year. Nearly $3,000,000.00 Is expend ed annually by the Department of Agriculture In broadening agricultural mr ets. Tbe development of Inland water ways, and water transportation in general, is of great value to tbs agri cultural sections of the country. An extensive project in this regard is now being executed. Tbe last Congress has provided tor a barge line to ex tend from St. Louis to Missouri River points, which when in full operation will bring decided relief In the difficul ties and cost of transporting farm products. When tbe loss of the for eign market tor our products was imminent because of Insufficiency of ships In which to transport them, ves sels of the United States Shipping Board were reconditioned and placed in service, thereby saving the market Glasses Scientifically Fitted 15 years experience Free Examination M c D onald hoi el Make your reservations now Next Visit, Sept. 22, 23. Dr. HARRY A. BROWN Eyesight Specialist Portland, Oregon Miller Mercantile CO 7. STORES AT CORVALLIS HILLSBORO M c M innville MONMOUTH To The Man Who Would Be Well Dressed Our complete stock of Dress Shoes will he a delight PRICED FROM $5.00 to $9.50 Real Work Shoes to Fit Any Foot $4.00 to $6.00 Men Have you Tried the New WEST COAST LOGGER? CHRIST FOR ALL-AU FOR CHRIST A: ««4 s • e.:,!*«l,l»w,»a-hWlll HA BIBLE THOUGHT AND PRAYER If parent» Will have their children memo rice a Bible »election each week, It wilt prove a pricelee» heritage to them in after year». Firtt Huthand: "It's getting so a mere husband's opinion on household matters hasn't the chance of a fly. We thould do tomethintf about it! l-et's pool our idea».” GOD’S WORD STANDS: — The grass withereth, the flower fadeth; but the word of our God shall stand forever.—Isaiah 40 :8. Prayer:—We rejoice to know, Blessed Lord, that although heaven and earth shall pass away, Thy word abideth forever. Question:—Upon whom should we cast our burden? Answer:—Psalm 55:22. Second Huthand: "Fine! Now take flour for in stance. I know w hat flour is the largest seller in the West—it’s Sperry Drifted Snow.” Vernonians Hava “Guts” Tune In on Mammy Sperry’s Kitchen, Pacific Coast ’network Tuesday and Friday morning.. KFI - KPO • KGO ’ KGW • KOKO ’ KHQ The citizens of Vernonia, down Firtt Hutband: "Great! let’s tell our wives. Maj he they don’t all know it. let's repay them for those life-sax ing suggestions they give us on * hat fork to use, what's trumps, and why we should l>e nice to the Joneses.” THE MOST COMFORTABLE LOGGER MADE RR A STAG IN A BAG” The New Hirsch-Weis Rain Jacket. Not Balloon Cloth, a Real Jacket for Wear. Gordon Hats Vernonia’s Leading Store Star Brand Shoes