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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1928)
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1928 VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON TWO Woman Editor First to Sign Hoover Pledge Card our 1928 production and tales not plaint, the plaintiff will apply to Oakland Car Has only will reach the total units we the court for the relief demanded Record For July ________ announced ___ on _______ January in the - ...... complaint, to-wit: , _ 1 as _ our ... ........ r___ , .. ...... for a de- DR. W. H. HURLEY Dentistry and X-Ray I program for the year, but that the cree of absolute divorce dissolving Continuing the record -- ..... „ , ______ setting demand for the Oakland and Pon- the bonds of matrimony existing Evenings by appointment. Office over Hoffman Hardware Co. pace which has resulted in new high ; line's will' make possible an between the plaintiff and defen (sales figures every month since the even better showing. Vernonia, Oregon dant, and for such other relief at M y D ear M r . H oover : first of the year, the Mo- ..... .... j--.., — Oakland —------ - — - , ' “The i ne national economic picture to the court may seem proper. tor Car company sold a total of | ¡g better than we might normally This summons is published by I hereby promise to win one woman voter for you on 22,704 Oakland and Pontiac sixes have oxnectod several months ago. order of the Honorable John Philip, November 6th and I further pledge myself to see that she^ during July, W. R. Tracy, vice-1 Political -............... issues are too vague to Judge of the county court of Co president in charge of sales, an cause industrial uneasiness. Unem lumbia county, state of Oregon, is duly registered as a voter. { \ • X nounces. ployment, where it was in evidence, ! duly made, dated and entered on Yours for a Sweeping Pictory', This compares with 16,752 units has subsided to normal as a result ' the 21st, day of August, 1928. Rented by the week or month ./j (Signed) / sold in July, 1927, or a gain of of seasonal occupations. The trade LESTER SHEELEY, Attorney Full assortment of the best 35H per cent; and brings the total horizon is fair, indeed. for Plaintiff. UtMetf’M inFuir) .. ....... needles for all makes of sew of new Oaklands and Pontiacs “It is significant that our July i Residence and Postoffice Address, STREET or R.F.D. ADDRESS . 7 S-O c ing machines. shipped since January 1 to 84,252 sales were especially good In the Vernonia, Oregon. cars, Mr. Tracy said. The corres outlying farming localities. The Date of First Publication August Sewing Machines For Sale TOWN ponding performance for the first farming industry is the recognized 23, 1928. EASY TERMS seven months of 1927 was 112.888 pulse of our national wellbeing. COUNTS Date of last publication, October SINGER OIL FOR SALE units, or a gain of 63 per cent this With the farmer prosperous now 4th, 1928. STATE . and confident of the future outlook . year over last. Vernonia Cleaners In view of the unusual record of i other lines of industry will go for- ! ward at an accelerated pace that the company to date, Mr. Tracy de-1 ISS GERTRUDE BATTLES LANE, LESTER SHEELEY dared that the year 1928 promises] should make the third and fourth editor of one of the leading wo decidedly bet- to be a wide margin the most sue-I quarters of the year » men’s publications In the country, was Attomey-at-Law Icessful in the 22-year existence of.ter than in 3 927. GORDON R. WATT the first to return to Republic n Na 4L,, ílnl/lnn/l ILf C' O V" TV» no V» IT —”———— Car company, the Oakland Motor Vernonia, Oregon tional Campaign headquarters a Maupin — Contractors begin on output of Pon- “ Our combined Hoover pledge post-card, oue ot more Attorney-at-law 192,966 tiac cars in 1927 was ---- ---- ,---- big Dechutes bridge. than a million being sent out by the units, ” he said. By the end of July Joy Theatre Building National Republican Committeewomen of this year our sales had mounted Vernonia, Oregon Warrenton — Crab concern will to the women ot tbe nation. to 184,252 new cars, leaving less expand operations here. The Women’s Division ot the Re than 9,000 units to go until we publican National Committee has been surpass the entire output of last deluged with these cards. Hundreds SUMMONS year, which in turn was forty per more are pouring In as each mall 1« In the Circuit Court of the cent better than in 1926. received. “Extensive plans laid for the late State of Oregon, for the County Mies Lane, to whom goes the honor summer and the fall of 1928 indi of Columbia. ¡(or being ths first to return her card, cate that we will top last year’s per T. R. MOSMAN, Plaintiff, s not only editor of the Woman’s ’ vs. ^otne Companion but Is a member of' of the Washington staff of the United formance easily by another forty Mountain Heart he Women’s Republican Club of New States Food Administration under per cent or more. Sales of Pontiac NEODIA E. MOSMAN, Defendant. Rebekah Lodge No. 243 Q11?' she served as a member | Herbert Hoover during the world war. sixes will take on an added spurt To Neodia E. Mosman, the above | No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every sec by reason of numerous refinements named defendant: In the name of ond and fourth Thursdays in Spray Ant« With Kerosene If the ant nests can be found, boil- in the line announced recently. the state of Oregon, you are here- W. O. W. hall, Vernonia. Visitors al “Our plans for the Oakland All- A simple way to destroy ants on J ing water or a small quantity of by required to appear and answer ways welcome. ____ will ,.™ ____ 2___ 22 11.1 21- lawns of small area is to spray with ( 2_~ kerosene sometimes kill ’ the in 1 American six for the coming the complaint filed against you in Mrs. Myrtle John, N. G. in the months ---- also are The car the above entitled suit on or be- kerosene emulsion or with a very] sects ... ...v nests. These fluids can- -------- — extensive. — Mrs. Hazel Thompson, Sec. strong soap wash, prepared by dis- ( not, however, be applied in quan-1 should soar to record sales figures fore the expiration of six weeks solving any common laundry soap tity with safety to the grass on never before attained by this line from the date of the first publi More than eight mil- in water at the rate of ’A or 1 lawns. In this case the soap wash during the latter part of the year, cation of this summons, which said KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS pound of soap to a gallon of water. I should provd preferable. ’ “There is every indication that first publication is made and dated lion Model T Fords are HARDING LODGE 116 the 23rd. day of August, 1928, still in active service and Meets every Monday at that being the time prescribed by many of them can be the Court in an order for publics- 8 P.M. in Grange hall. tion of this summons; and if you driven two, three and R. M. Aldrich, C. C. fail to appear and answer the com- five years and even long Harry Culbertson, KRS Sewing M ACHINES M Model T Lodge Notices Fords are still good for years of service er. Vernonia Riding Club Saddle Horses for Hire Horses Broken to ride or drive. AL. WHARTON, Prop Phone 11Fl55 DR. HARRY A. BROWN Eyesight Specialist Eyes tested, glasses fitted Consultation free Watch date of next visit For the Model T Ford is still a dependable and economical car and the cost of replacement parts is very small. Bring your Model T to us and let us look it over. For just a few dollars we may be able to help you get thousands of miles of additional service. Crawford Motor Company Woodmen of the World W. O. W. Vernonia Camp No. 655 meets every Wednesday night at 7:30, at the new W.O.W. hall. Visiting members welcome. ROBERT LINDSAY, C. C. L. M. ESCUE, CLERK. A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge, No. 184 A. F. A A. M., meets at Grange Hall every Second and Fourth Thursday nights. Visitors Welcome Levert Goodin, Secretary. American Legion Vernonia Post 119, American Le- 0. gion. Meets second and fourth .......... Tues- . Edays each month, 8 J' p.m. W. H. Hurley, Commander. Order of Eastern Star 153, o. E. s. Regular communi- cation first and third Wednesdays of each month. All visiting sisters and brothers wel come. Catherine McNeill, W. M. Nehalem Chapter American Legion Auxiliary Meets first and third Mon days of egch month at the Legion Hall. Experts state that a cows milk production will be greatly curtailed if she is bothered with flies, especially during the warmest weeks of summer. Mrs. Mark E. Moe, President. Mrs. E. H. Washburn, Secretary. I. O. O. F USE OUR FLY-FOIL SPRAY to prevent this loss. Sold in bulk. HOSE qualification» and achievement» which make merits; but, best of all, it Is a name untarnished, expressive Herbert C. Hoover so eminently desirable ae the next not only of exceptional ability but of the simple life of a T President of the U. 8. have never been better described modest citizen." than by Charles E. Hughes at the Carnegie Hall meeting at which the Civic Forum’s medal for distinguished public service was conferred upon Mr. Hoover. "The Americanism of Hoover is shown in every deed, In every utterance. His achievements dignified the nation, and established prestige for the American name abroad which even the mistakes of diplomacy cannot obscure. He bears a name Illustrious because of remarkable achieve* r This is the opinion of a man who has been a dis tinguished Governor of New York, a distinguished Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court, and the Repub lican candidate for President of the United States. It is likewise the opinion of an increasingly great number of American citizens of all parties, men ahd women alike. Where Is there another candidate, Democratic or Re publican. to match him? From an Editorial In the New York Wor M (Democratic) Feb. to, 1910. We have just received a new shipment of BINDER'S TWINE the kind that holds Vernonia Trading Co I.O.O.F.— 'emonia Lodge No. 246 meets every Tuesday night at 8 o’clock, in Grange hall. Vis itors always welcome. John Glassner, N. G. H. E. Stevenson, Sec. St. Helens—Salmon fishing seas on has paid fishermen about $40,- 000.