SIX VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON stand. Senator Robinson quoted from I ment and the law for Rs enforce nation and" tTm independence of fTs commerce. However, he said, Demo- a statement by Mr. Hoover In the Pa­ ment,” he declared. "The convention recognized," he ! crats have never advocated as a per­ cific Ruraiist of February 7, 1924: "Generally the fundamental need Is said, "that the Democratic party is manent policy Government ownership a balancing of agricultural production neither a prohibition nor an anti-pro­ and operation of shipping. The party ’ to our home demand." hibition organization but if entrusted has refused to approve "reckless The 89th Congress passed the Mc­ with power its duty would oe to en­ , sacrifice and favoritism in the sale of I vessels," he declared. Nary-Haugen bill, with a vote of 57 force all laws." The platform makers of the Re "To one who for twenty-live years per cent of the Democrats and 52 per cent of the Republicans, be said. has uniformly supported measures for j publican party recognized that ths __ President Coolidge vetoed it. In the prohibition, it has been disappointing i corruption at Washington was a ma- last session after It had been modi­ 1 to note the methods and agencies em- i jor issue of this campaign In their Vise Presidential Nominee Finds fied to meet some of the objections I ployed by the Republican party in the , effort to anticipate the declaration on i to it, the bill was passed again with enforcement of the national prohibi­ the subject by the Democratic party, “Political Serpents Hissing;” Increased majorities. Again the tion laws,” Senator Robinson con­ , Senator Robinson said. Would Arouse Hatreds. President vetoed it. "While rare cases of fraud may be tinued. “These facts prove that the Repub­ He said the question should be regarded as unavoidable in any busi­ lican party Is either Incapable of suc­ treated as moral and economic rather ness comparable in volume to that of «EES FARM PROBLEM AS * cessfully dealing with the question or than political and that many claiming the United States, it becomes a mat­ MAIN CAMPAIGN ISSUE has deliberately violated its express I to be reformers have clouded the sub­ ter of general political concern when promises to the farmers of the na­ ject with confusion and misunder­ the party in prwer proves so derelict tion," Senator Robinson declared. standing. These people, he said, have as to fail to prevent shocking and re­ /Iccepta Nomination Stresalng Need of Mr. Hoover now asserts that "an discredited the motives of those who peated departures from standards of Real Law Enforcement and Honesty adequate tariff is the foundation of : display moderation and fairness in common honesty in the transaction of In Government—Scores Hoover farm relief," that inland waterways tlje discussions on the subject and of the public business,” asserted Senator Stand. must be developed to assist the far- , those who are dissatisfied with pres­ Robinson. I mer and co-operative marketing must ent conditions. If the principle enunciated in the "President Wilson vetoed the Vol­ Republican platform had been applied Hot Springs, Ark., August 30.— be stimulated by the extension of fed- Senator Joe T. Robinson of this state j oral credits. Senator Robinson con­ stead Act,” said Senator Robinson. by the Republican administration it I "The integrity of his purpose was not would have been unnecessary for the accepted the Democratic nomination tinued. In contrast, he said, the Democratic questioned; his good faith was gener- Senate to advise the discharge of an tor vice president here tonight in an address pledging his party to ade­ party recognizes the principle of dis­ ' ally conceded.” Attorney General "who had flagrantly Senator Robinson then referred to disregarded the obligations of his of­ quate farm relief, an honest endeavor tributing the cost of control of sur­ to enforce prohibition, the mainte­ plus crops over the marketed units Governor Smith's telegram to the fice and contributed to the pollution nance of a merchant marine and the I whose producers are benflted. The ; Houston convention in which he of the fountain of justice,” Senator eradication of corruption from the na­ party further recognizes "the right of pledged himself to enforce prohibition Robinson continued. "The country farmers to lead in the development of “to the limit of my ability without would have been spared the spectacle tional government. Claude G. Bowers of New York, the farm policies,” and "that adequate reservation or evasion." i of an executive sustaining this faith­ "This language is an unqualified less officer until public sentiment com­ temporary chairman at the Houston credit facilities and better administra­ tion of the farm loan system" must be acceptance of the obligation to en ­ convention delivered the notification pelled dismissal, and the dismissal address as chairman of the notifica­ 1 assured in the interest of the farmers. force the law to the best of his abil- would have been made without expres­ . Senator Robinson said. j ity, ” declared Senator Robinson. sion of confidence in the faithless of­ tion committee. The ceremonies took "We repudiate Mr. Hoover’s pro­ The vice-presidential nominee point­ ficer by the chief executive," he said. place at the Arlington Hotel before posal to limit farm production to the ed out that the enforcement of pro­ one of the largest gatherings in the Smith's Record domestic demand, as calculated to be­ hibition under the last two Repub­ history of Arkansas. Likewise, he went on, there would little, rather than to encourage the lican administrations has been under The nominee made a plea for a (pi ik discussion of all the Issues of great industry of agriculture," he ! the Treasury Department, "whose have been no necessity for the Senate I head, prior to national prohibition to urge the retirement of a Secretary the campaign without bitterness, I said. "If a more equitable and executive was largely interested in tile liquor of the Navy who had approved the Public attention has been concentra- | ted on political affairs to a degree of P^ui than that comprised by the business.” He referred to the tact contract by which the oil reserves Intensity never before known, he equalization fee 13 discovered, it that Senator-elect William S. Vare of were given to private interests through ■aid. In this campaign, he said, vot­ should be adopted," Senator Robinson Pennsylvania, whose action in swing­ the bribery of a fellow oabinet officer, ers are Interested not only in the continued. "The time has come, how­ ing to Mr. Hoover at KanSàs City was the Secretary of the Interior. "Throughout almost four terms the Issues, but in the personal character- ever, when an economic adventure is largely responsible for the nomination justified in behalf of tho millions who j of the Republican candidate, was Democratic nominee for President has i Is icS of the candidates. "The preliminary events of the con engage in that industry without which ; elected on a platform containing a served as chief executive of New York,” Senator Robinson said. "Dur- test indicate that in order to avoid civilization could not survive. The single piank, the repeal of national ing all his service the searchlight of bitterness, the leaders on both sides Democratic nominee for President prohibition. I hostile scrutiny has been thrown in Can it be said that because Gover­ must display a sense of justice and has committed himself to prompt and fairness by refusing to become the decisive action in accordance with nor Smith believes that, without re­ full glare on his administrations. That beneficiaries of political Influences the principles outlined in our plat­ turning to the old evils of the saloon, Governor Smith's record has stood the test is evidence of that extraordinary and processes which they themselves form.” Senator Robinson declared there temperance and respect for law can executive ability and fearlessness re­ fire unwilling to employ," he continu­ j be promoted through changes in the ed. “In this way, and in no other, had always been room in the Demo­ existing system, he is a nullification- quired in a President of the United may the poisons of slander and libel cratic Party for a difference of opin­ 1st and an enemy of the Constltu- States, who is expected to safeguard the Government against such thieves ion as to the best means of promoting be counteracted and overcome." temperance and suppressing traffic I tion?” he asked. "Such arguments and crooks as have plundered it dur­ Arouse Prejudices in alcoholic beverages. He pointed j impeach the intelligence of their au­ ing recent years.” In conclusion Senator Robinson The quadrennial contest presents out that a proposal for changes in the thors,” he declared. Senator Robinson pointed out that said: “The safety of our political in­ an inspiring spectacle when conduct existing system was submitted to the ed with high standards of ethics, resolutions committee at Houston but only such modifications as meet with stitutions depends on fair elections Benator Robinson said. But, he con | was rejected. The convention realiz­ the approval of public opinion are and honest government. You may tinned: ed the futility of attempting to secure I possible no matter who is President. never expect clean government if Senator Robinson continued: nominations or elections are to be “Numerous political serpents are unanimity on the proposal, he said. "Having in mind that the law for bought and sold. Of course, such hissing in the dark and striking from The platform provision as finally cover, and with venomous malice seek adopted condemns the Republican enforcement of prohibition has been methods do.. n"t meet .with . annroval to poison the thoughts and arouse the party tor insincerity in promising discredited because good faith efforts have not been made for Its enforce­ prejudice of those who will decide ment, the conclusion is asserted that issues of far-reaching Importance." a breakdown Is not threatened by M. D. COLE The spokesman of a party has a j STRIKING EXCERPTS FROM j mere proposals for modification, but duty to tell the wholo truth, he added, 1 SENATOR ROBINSON'S SPEECH OF ACCEPTANCE. rather by indifference of the public to but "he proves himself unworthy If , Dentist 1 proper execution and by corruption he knowingly accepts advantage and inefficiency of many enforcement “ The leaders on both sides must Vernonia, Oregon from falsehood, even though not ut officers. It is recognized that the display a sense of justice and fair­ tered or inspired by himself.” people constitute the reservoir of all ness by refusing to become the Senator Robinson characterized the political power and have the right, in 1 beneficiaries of political Influences attitude of the two parties with re­ the constitutional manner to call for and processes which they them­ MARK EVERY GRAVE spect to the agricultural problem, the changes in either or both the Consti­ Memorials in granite and marble selves are unwilling to employ." outstanding issue of the campaign. tution and the law. The executive at reduced prices Both platforms recognize the dis- ! has no power to modify either. It is "Numerous political serpents are tressed condition and hold out prom­ WRITE FOR PARTICULARS In no sense an attempt at nullification hissing In the dark * • * • . Sound ises the relative value of which is to suggest changes in the Constitu­ Oregon Monument Works publlo policy encourages full, frank apparent, he said. Fourth and Main St., Hillsboro tion or the law. Nullification exists and fearless discussion of Issues The Republican party tn 1924 gave in refusal or willful failure to enforce. and records.” virtually the same promise it gives this year, "to tako whatever steps are Honest Enforcement “The spokesman of a party has necessary to bring back a balanced | “To summarize, the Democratic condition between agriculture, Indus- I the duty to tell the wholo truth, platform does not commit the party • ♦ • • . He proves himself un­ try and labor,” Senator Robinson as­ for or against modification. It does serted. However, the McNary-IIaug- i worthy If he knowingly accepts ad­ pledge the nominees to an honest vantage from falsehood even though en bill, prepared under the direction , effort to enforce the Eighteenth of Secretary of Agriculture Wallace not uttered or Inspired by himself.” ! Amendment and the laws enacted had just been defeated and to regain pursuant thereto. Governor Smith the confidence of the farmers Presi­ “The Republican party is either has promised his best efforts to en­ dent Coolidge, In the 1921 campaign Incapable of successfully dealing a force prohibition. His personal opin­ promised to call a conference to con- with the (agricultural) question or ion that the law or the Constitution Triumph elder legislation for the next Con has deliberately violated its express should be changed to make certain grass. promises to the farmers of the na­ j better observance and enforcement, of The doctrine which Mr. Hoover has j tion.” does not affect his disposition or abil- Musical adopted originated from the confer­ I ity to perform that duty.” ence which followed, Senator Robin- “If a more equitable and effective Quality On the subject of the Merchant •on said. This doctrine provided that plan than that comprised by the Marine, Senator Robinson asserted: agricultural production should be lim­ equalization fee is discovered, it "While the necessity for Govern- ited to the demands of the domestic should be adopted.” msitf ships continues, and until they market "and with only such foreign . can ne transferred under satisfactory markets as may he profltable." Governor Smith’s statement “is | conditions for private operation, the The Capper Williams bill followed an unqualified acceptance of the service should be kept efficient and the general lines of this recommenda­ obligation to enforce the law to should be improved to meet competi­ tion. It was supported by Mr. Hoov­ the best of his ability.” tion with foreign lines and to provide er, Senator Robinson said, but was opposed by the farm organizations obedience to the Eighteenth Amend­ for the expansion of our commerce.” He said the Democratic party recog­ •nd defeated. ment, “alter having flagrantly disre­ nizes that an adequate merchant ma­ As further evidence of Mr. Hoover's garded tor eight y.’ars that amend- rl nq. Is <>s«»n>ln to .the ssfetv of, tju ROBINSON ASKS CONTEST BE ON ETHICAL PLANE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1928 by the majority of tbs' RepffDrican party. Many Republicans condemn the indifference of their leaders to the ignominious record mentioned—a rec- ord which never could have been made it the watchmen on the towers ha