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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1928)
THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1928 VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON FIVE I The Loyal Women’s vias of - tho tor of the on I part oiled macadam. Hebo to New- inTTeugc—over inlies— would — approved ------ -- typo used ----- — Christian Bible s ..................... - -- - •__ -__ -- _ Not port, good macadam. school held their the Oakland All-American Six. more than girdle the earth tin limes. business and social meeting at the only is it simpler of adjustment lieedsport-Lakeside-North ____ Bend: It Is greater than the total mileage home of Mrs. Adams on Friday. All and more accurate than the old Free ferry across Coos Bay from of all tlie railways of England, Ire present report a very enjoyable and1 type, but increased - speed, r—> power, 7 a.m. to " ....................... 11 p.m. Marshfield-Co- land, Scotland, Wales, Canada, profitable afternoon. The next meet-' 'acceleration and fuel economy aie quille, paved. Coquille-State Line, France, Germany, Italy, Austria, Bel —-i. ing will be held at the home of achieved by its use in conjunction macadam and in ___ ________ Miss Betty Culver had her ton- good condition. Sweden, Switzerland, Argen Mrs. Van Doren on Friday, Sep- with the new manifold and gear I* ree ferry at Gold Beach. Runs on gium, sils removed last Friday. tina, Japan, Australia and South Af Itenxber 28. ratio. Connected with the carburea- the hour and half hour. rica. The balance still remaining is I tor is a new mushroom type air dc- Mrs. Harry Phelps, who has been The Dalles-California Highway: more than twice that of China. A farewell-surprise party was ¡|eetor ill with tonsilitis, is better. The Dalles-Bend-Klamath balls: All given Phoebe Greenman by the, Tbt.' intake manifold ha9 been , good oiled macadam. Figured in History Vernoma Hiking club last Friday | cha d to aceomodate chan . — W UT.VVU1VMWV*. 111 • Geo. Gardner of San Francisco home -- of Mr. and and the tbp carbureator, r,rlll]w,.„,. and nnd the reax- " axle ■ Tillamook Highway: Portland- Octavia, a common Roman name ,, ” at , the ,, ------ purchased the W. I. Ratcliffe ranch evening a S- u n u” °n tht“ Ore?0? «ear rati° hepped up to J.3 to 1.1 McMinnville-Sheridan, paved. Good for females, was borne by two women Saturday. American hill. MISs Greenman left Marked improvement in every phase. oiled macadam, Sheridan ..................... to Hebo. prominent in history. One was Oc Part, 011ed mecedam, He- tavia, wife of Mark Antony, associ Born: To Mr. and Mrs. R. C. for Portland where she will enter ;Of performance is instantly notice- ‘ ab!ei behind the° tbe wh whee) ---- •- ated for a time with Octavius In the ]e, "behind" “eeT‘"' wjlh ’with“'"a boDto ¿‘llamook. Reynolds, August 18, a girl. She St. Helens hall for the coming ab t . . d and 1 an ample re- . Bend^LBkewiew (Fremont High- government of the empire. Antony ...... .. higher . has been named Martha Virginia. I year. The evening was spent playing I games. Refreshments were served I serve power at all driving ranges. ?ay' ' “end to Summer Lake, part- deserted Octavia for Cleopatra, queen Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Frank by Mrs. Green. With the increase in gear ratio, y macadamized; balance good dirt of Egypt. The other Octavia was the Mrs. Judd thc rate of iston travel jg stin, road. Summer Lake to Paisely, 9 wife of the villainous Emperor Nero, Crippen, August 19, a girl. She has I Those present were 1 •••a jC ... A I - - - - TY11IOC mannzlnjv. • I»».! — —..— X* 1_ >• a Greenman, Mr. and Mrs. E. been named Ruth Elaine. considerably less than that of any , miles macadam; balance fair dirt who murdered her and also his | Green, Misses Dorothy _ _Holtham, . • ofber voj car Ju ¡n j VIJ be t |ow pr;ced 1 six road. Paisley-Lakeview, macadam. mother. It was before Nero that St. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Meyer are ! I Hazel Malmsten, Phoebe Greenman, |iyunuer | cv'iindpr ** iieiu. f;„ia Thus' Lakeview to Burns: Best route Paul appeared a prisoner In Rome. inus re- visiting Mr. Meyer’s mother Mrs. Charlotte Green, Catherine Hoffi' £¿7" a^antage“i?t h^ held x since via Paisely. Good macadam from k. C. Dressier in San Francisco. Lakeview to Paisely. From Paisely man, Della Cline, and Lou Althaus, ¡ts introduction: minimum o’ ’ DR. L. W. GRIFFITH v eldon Parker, Charles ? iveison, moving parts which means long to Gap Ranch, 84 miles, good desert Eyesight Specialist There is none fineç than Mo Norman Green, Marshall Malmsten,1 er bfe f “r ‘tbe car road of the unimproved type. Gap Accurate Fitting of Glasses ther’s bread.—Ask for it by name. Lawrence Dickson, Carl Burgeson. | uicxson, carl Greater beauty and a big car ap- Ranch to Burns, fair dirt road. Will Be Located at Joy Next door to Brown Fui’- ! —adv. To Burns: Nearly 50 miles Theatre Building Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Crawford of pearance, in line with the current of Bend niture. Phone 1021 ' this route is now improved desert vogue, is achieved by the use of September 25 Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Malm st en Manning, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Tall larger type of highway. Balance ordinary 29 by 5 balloon tries and were in Portland Friday and Satur man of Corvallis, Mr. and Mrs. C. smaller wheels with ten sturdy desert road. Dusty. B. Hensley of Forest Grove, Pro day. Burns to Vale: Very rough and fessoi- and Mrs. H. C. Tallman — ' of spoyes, and a larger seven-and-a- rocky. Best route via Burns to Miss June Cole of Moscow, Ida., Portland and Edgar Crawford were quarter inch hub flange. The larger Canyon City via Seneca, thence HEHXHZHZHZHZHZHZHXHXHZHXHXI is spending a week with her brother guests at the Harry Culbertson home tires result in greater riding com east over John Day highway. Sunday, The day was marked by! fort and lessening of tire wear. Dr. M. D. Cole. Burns to Canyon City and John H Simultaneous with these mechani- a double celebration, it being Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Bateman Hensley’s and Harry Culbertson’s ea’ changes is the announcement Day: Distance 70 miles. Semi-im went to Gresham Sunday for the birthday. i that the smart sport landau sedan proved type. Narrow in places. Can will take on new dress. The body be traveled in from 2 and one-half H auto races. School days are here once again will be of a dark Standish green to 3 hours. Mrs. Maude Duncan and Mrs. and with them come lunches for Duco, with fenders of lightex- Vir- H Helen Steiner both of Vernonia the school children. For sandwiches ginian green, a combination similar Getting Her Education will teach in Vernonia schools this no finer bread can be had than to • that ■ now * used • on the • Oakland — .. . From Electric Signs year. Mother’s bread in the sandwich All-American cabriolet. Wheels are The child lived on the tenth floor H loaf size. I_ __ __ ______ . __ It will keep fresh just'in natural wood finish. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Richardson a downtown apartment building. , . ___ ,____ , consist- of sport equipment, returned last week from a vacation twice as long as any other bread' Special She had so few playmates, and so few H I you can buy and besides children ing of rack and six wire wheels with trip to points in Idaho and Wash opportunities for playing, that she I do like Mother’s bread. Ask for it' tires, also is available for the first made what she could see through ington. | by name at your grocer or direct. time on a low priced six. Spares tlie tenth-story window her compan H * Mrs. Dorothy Sandon who for 1 from the Vernonia Bakery.—adv. ' are mounted in front fender wells ions. merly lived at Wilark will teach at . . . . . - j I on . either side chromc of the lateJ car, while Birds, with big black wings, swoop H The Rebekah lodge «ntertained eorrosive the new school at Camp 8 of the ing across the sky; occasionally an local I. O. O. F and their fam-1 add a brilliant toueh color t(1 Clark and Wilson logging company. the • *• , • • , d Ullllldlll IUULH IJX LUI JI L(* llies at a picnic at Parker s grove the swanky modeJ New and distlnc- airplane, which, for many months, she thought was a giant bird; the tops of The regular meeting of the W. bunday. Races and pie eating con- tjve bum also ure availabI„. trees away down below; tlie fairy M. S. of the Evangelical church tests were featured as the main I In view of tbe beUered iorm . , *1* TltW M* U11C MCLWACU PCIXVIJJJ- lune event, ovniinr except tnn the tvaformn was held at the church yesterday otronr watermelons ance and new beauty effected by clouds of pink and gold, and, as the which were furnished 7, e10un" | these changes, it was felt tn auto-, twilight hour drew on, the bright afternoon. electric signs. tain Heart Rebekah Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Parker mo time was enjoyed, club. A go°u, motive circles here that the Pon- She learned her letters on the signs tored to Seattle over the holiday I many who attended. according to ^ac sjx would take on an added that flashed out with the setting of spurt in the record setting pace It the sun. She could spell rubber, the where they visited Mrs. Parker’s ' You housewives who bake more, has consistently maintained since its ater and a brand of chewing gum be father and mother. or less at home, did you ever sit 1 introduction. fore she could spell cat or dog. Not Mrs. D. McDonald and children, down and figure the cost of your all the letters of the alphabet are Nina Maria and Daisey have return home-baked products? If you have flashed on the sky at night, so that See Hoffman About It. “IT PAYS” ed from Spokane where they were you have probably learned that it C HIGHWAY _> she is growing up with an alphabet visiting relatives. is really more economical to buy < CONDITIONS > which is much restricted. She is be ginning her education In a manner not Mr. and Mrs. J. Turner and twin your baked goods. When you buy possible for a child in many cities.— daughters, Joan and Jean, are from the Vernonia bakery you are i New York Sun. spending a few days with Mrs. assured of quality as only the best too, ingredients are used. Then burner’s sister, Mrs. W. R. Culver. you have a large variety to select American Rail Mileage The Order of Rainbow for Girls from and you buy only what you^ The traffic manager of the Pennsyl Tourists in Oregon, like the birds ÎHXHXHXHXHXHXHZHZHXHXHXHZHX will resume their meetings again need. In home baking you make a vanla railroad snvs that ou September 14 at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. ;bateh’*‘,and’,bef7re,the'V“batch“' il-are working south and, with the1 R. A. Space is mother advisor. consumed you are eating stale °Pening °t school, the tourist seas x goods. Here is food for thought, on in Oregon will be back to nor Miss Pari Krause, Miss Beatrice think it over.—adv. mal. Anderson, Miss Gladys Grant and Highway conditions in the state Miss Ruth Taylor all teachers, are ’ have been excellent throughout the staying at the Moonlight apart summer. Oiling work has been con ments. tinued throughout the entire rour- ; ing season with a minimum of in- Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Bateman mo-, | convenience to the tourist. WRIl-hbllHa tored to Ravensdale, Wn., last Fri- ; ft,-win lbw ‘ Pacific Highway: (U. S. No. 99) day for a short visit with Mr. and BIBLE THOUGHT AND PRAYER i Paved. On account of widening of Mrs. N. Trussler who formerly If parent» will haoe their children memo | the highway, northbound traffic de- FOR RENT rice a Bible »eleclion each week;, It will prove j tours from New Era to lived in Vernonia. Oregon a priceleat heritage to them in after year». j City, 5 miles. Detour is a gravel FOR RENT — Nice Front bed room Mrs. Teddy Leavitt left Monday for two. With private family. 176 for Sutherland, Ore., to spend two; RIGHT REASONING:—Let ; uS road in good condition. No detour North street. weeks with Mr. Leavitt. Rev. O reason together, saith the Lord: f°r southbound travel. L. Curtiss will preach in tbe 1 though your sins be as scarlet, they J West Side Pacific Highway: Pav- WANTED I shall be as white as snow.—Isaiah ed. Christian church next Sunday. —_ , _ , , | Old Oregon Trail: Columbia river WANTED—Practical nursing ^fn^For 5 years Dr. Luzader, PRAYER:—For the privilege of highway: (U. S. No 30): Paved, day work. Children boarded. eyesight specialist, has been coming to Thee, O Lord, we thank Astoria to Portland and east to The O. Box 455. making monthly visits to Vernonia. [Thee; for the possibility of reason- Dalles. Good oiled macadam from His next visit will be Sept. 10-11. [mi? with Thee, we thank Thee; and The Dalles to Pendleton. Between | for ,r the power which makes us. Pendleton and La Grande at the office at Kullander’s. Have summit of the Blue Mountains your eyes examined.—adv. J I c clean, ea,. we thank Thee. QUESTION:—Why is Jesus call- there is about 12 miles of con If Bladder Weakness, Getting Up Mr. and Mrs. J. Turner and ed the burden bearer? struction making the road somewhat nights, backache, burning or itch ANSWER:—Matt. 11:28-30. Lloyd Sessman started for Yakima, dusty. La Grande to Ontario and ing sensation, leg or groin pains Wash., last Saturday morning, tak the state line, oiled macadam. make you feel old, tired, pepless, ing advantage of the week the mill SEVEN CHANGES ARE Roosevelt Highway (U. S. No. MADE IN PONTIAC CAR 101): Astoria-Seaside, paved, Sea- and worn out why not make the i^, closed down to visit Mr. Turner’s Cystex 48 Hour Test? Don’t give From page 1 brother. side to Mohler, bood macadam, Mo- smart new Duco colors on the sport heler to Tillamook via Brighton and up. Get Cystex-today at any drug Mr. and Mrs. I Kenneth ’ Ferrier iandau sedan. __________ at I store. Put it to a 48 hour test. Garibaldi, , ____ some construction of Portland were the guests d of °f I Outstanding among the new im- Wheeler but good going all the way Money back if you don’t soon feel like new, full of pep, sleep well, Mr. Ferrier’s sister, Malmsten, Sunday. 1_.. p10ney Provements is a one-inch carburea- Tillamook to Hobo, part pavement, with pains alleviated. Try Cystex today. Only 60c at Mac's Pharmacy. teaches in Grant high school. Mrs. R. A. Space was home for the week end from Portland where OREGON-AMERICAN LBR. CO. Miss Daisy Brown she has been staying with Mr. TEACHER OF PIANO Space who is in the hospital. She USING reported that he was not getting along as well as they had hoped. ■ Dunning Foundation SYSTEM OF MUSIC If you do not want to put up Telephone 611 a lunch for that school boy or girl j let them go to the Vernonia Bakery ' and select a lunch from a large variety of good and wholesome I food. It is surprising how much! can be bought for 10 or 15c—adv. j Mrs. Teddy Leavitt and children have left for southern Oregon to I join Mr. Leavitt while he is in a [ missionary evangelistic meeting. I 1927 Pontiac Coach .......... $675.00 They hope to return late next week 1 and will be here for services Sun 1925 Willy» Knight Coupe $575.00 day, September 16. We Fix ’Em Up Vernonia Auto Top & Children’s Lunch Boxes ti tji ii ij Colored Enamel ONLY Hoffman Hardware Co Do You Know? That in 1927 there was shipped from Vernonia nearly 7000 cars of forest products? Getting up lights This makes Vernonia one of the largest shipping points on the entire S. P. & S. sys tem. GILBY’S USED CARS With Merit The Women's Missionary society i of the Evangelical church and friends of the church are holding’ a reception in the church Friday evening in honor of the teachers and directors of Vernonia school districts and nearby districts. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Marshall. Miss1 Georgia Fairbanks, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Caton and family, Mr. and j Mrs. Robertson and family and Mr.! and Mrs. E. A. Green and family celebrated Labor day by having a picnic at Sheeley's grove with a Ug bonfire in the evening. 1926 1926 1925 1925 1926 Essex Coach ......................... Star Coach ............................. Chev. Touring ....................... Ford Pickup ........................... Studebaker Std. 6 Coach .... $275.00 $325.00 $195.00 $125.00 $850.00 Gilby Motor Co. Women’s Savings Accounts Each year we notice an increase in the number of women who have savings ac counts here. Those who have learned from experience the many advantages of saving, have told their friends about it, and their friends come here with their savings. BANK OF VERNONIA