Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, August 23, 1928, Image 1

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VOL. 7
NO. 3
Start Contest
Add One Day Creamery Adds |Off"XÌ
Council B uys
Cakes eAÌ
and Bread Made
Prizes will be given for the best
To Help Fair
Miss N. E. Alley, formerly of |
To Vaeation New Equipment ■ cakes
Department Richmond,
and loaves of bread made of
Ky., arrived in St. Hel- ]
recently to take over the duties'
stration for 4-H club girls and la-
of the county nurse. She was in
New Fire Hose ens
Vernonia Tuesday, accompanied by H igh School and 2 Grade Now Installing 30-Horse- die3 ,of v*rno"ia and community to
Miss N. E. Alley Takes
Duties of County Nurse
Miss Elizabeth Murray, county
superintendent, and Mrs. L.
E. W. Holtham Succeeds school
A. Humphreys, home economics
specialist, who will give demonstra­
Aldrich on Council
tions here next week.
Miss Alley is a graduate of the
Army School of Nursing, connected
with the Walter Reed general hos­
pital at Washington, D. C. She has
also taken a special course in pub­
lic health training at Columbia uni­
Misses Hazel Malmsten and Bessie versity, New York.
Will Open On
Tuesday, September 4.
I be given by Mrs. L. A. Humphreys,
power Boiler, Capable of b ( ° nrisrian
m.e . economics specialist, at the Grand Prize and District
on<l Wed­ .
Christian pnnrnh
church Tnaadav
Tuesday and
nesday of next week, August 28 and
Supplying All Needs.
Prizes Offered
Full particulars of the baking
The Nehalem Valley Ice & contest will be given at the demon­
At the request of Miller Mercan­
stration Tuesday. Entries must be
tile company, who are handling the Creamery company received a large
iu_ ­ jin by 2 p.m. Wednesday. The dem-
school books again this year, the boiler this week which is being back
‘ons will be held during the
Vernonia grade schools and high stalled in an extra room in L—. onstrat
hours of 10 to 11:30 a.m. and 1:30
school will not open until Tuesday,
to 4:30 p.m. each day. Baked goods Larger Attendance Expected At
September 4, according to J. B. er, which is of 30-horsepower cap­ will be sold by the ladies of the
Fair Thia Year On Account
McDonald Appointed On
church Wednesday after 4:30 p.m. I
Holthams Return From Vermont
Of Big Contest
Since other merchants in the three pasteurizers with a capacity A recipe book will be given each
Library Board.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Holtham and town wish to observe Labor day, of 300 gallons of milk at one time. lady attending.
family returned to Vernonia Mon­ they complained last year they were
The boiler will, in addition to
Prizes In Contest
day from Sheffield, Vt., where they forced to stay open since Miller’s this, provide heat for the plant in.
Christensen Dies in Portland
On hundred feet of a good grade have spent the summer. “We are was open to sell books ana sup­ winter, run the steam turbine bottle ]
Grand Prize: An expense
of new fire hose was ordered pur­ glad to be back,” said Mr. Holtham, plies and many of the others sell washer, and the bottle sterilizer, as jured last week at the East Side
paid trip to the Pendleton
chased by the council at its meeting "but we have seen 26 states since school supplies. Consequently, wish­ well as the cream tester.
Round-Up, September 19-22,
Monday night. Fire Chief Smith leaving here, having driven to Port­ ing to keep peace in the community,
or a handsome diamond ring.
Since the reorganization of the
''as been auvocating this move for land, Me., just before starting the school boards have granted one , creamery one year ago, approxi-
Five prizes: One each for
several months, declaring that some west.”
more day of vacation than was at mately $5000 in new equipment and of Burley, Ida., were guests of Miss
the most popular girl in St.
of the present hose is so worn out
They were accompanied by their first contemplated.
Helens, Rainier, Clatskanie,
reconstruction has been spent,
that there is danger of it bursting daughter and her husband, Mr. and
Professor Wilkerson announced, From a daily production of 50 Macile Roberts over the week end.
Vernonia, Scappoose, of their
under pressure at any time.
Mrs. D. McDowell and daughter.
however, C
'__ one^
__ day
__ __
that since
has pounds of butter, the output has
choice of a gold wrist watch
I been cut from the schedule, classes1 been increased to 300 pounds ptr'
E. W. Holtham was elected coun­
or an expense paid trip to
cilman to serve out the rest of the
the Oregon state fair at
day and indications point to a
¡September 4. The students will meet! steady growth far beyond this.
term of R. M. Aldrich, res •signed. He
Salem September 24-29.
ill and im-
was called to the city hall
Unlimited prizes of one
Because of objections on the
! then will be given an opportunity to part of officers and stockholders
mediately sworn in by City Record-
season ticket to the Columbia
purchase their books.
er Reasoner. He is to serve the rest
county fair to every person
the word “ice” in the name, as
In the afternoon schedules will to
of 1928.
who qualifies in this popular­
that is a small part of the business,
be arranged to avoid conflicts, les- it is expected that the name “Ne-
ity contest.
Two members of the library
sons assigned, and preparations halem Dairy Products Co.” will be Swiss Floral company of Portland,
board, Mrs. C. W. Reithner and
The premium list of the 18th made for actively entering upon
Mrs. W. A. Harris, having resigned, annual
[ and an authority in his field, will;
Pacific International Live- school work Wednesday, September adopted in the near future.
the mayor, with the approval of stock
Coincidental with the change In ] speak on ‘Landscaping The Small! W’ho is Columbia county’s most
Exposition, to be held at Port- ,5.
the council, appointed Miss Hazel land, November 3 to 10 inclusive,
name it is planned to change the Garden’ at the meeting of the Ver- popular girl?”
As a means of determing who is
Malmsten to serve the remainder is now being distributed. Extra
of the butter from Nehalem nonia Garden club at the Evangel-
Relief Corps Will Hold Picnic
the most popular girl in this county
of Mrs. Harris’ term, and Miss Bes­ copies may be had from General
The Women’s 1
_ _
and also who are the most popular
sie McDonald to serve the remain­ Manager O. M. Plummer, 211 Amer­ hold a picnic at Weed’s grove on, ter, and pack it in goldenrod-color- I states Mrs. M. D. Cole.
der of Mrs. Reithner's term.
‘ .
j This will be an interesting lec­ young ladies in each of the five
Thursday, August 30. There will, ^cartons,
ican Bank building, Portland.
local cities a popularity contest
The problem of cleaning out the
The total amount of cash prizes be plenty of cars available to take ■ The local butter is said to be j ture, according to Mrs. Cole, tor
catch basins at street intersections offered in all the various depart­ all members to the grove. They are of such high grade that recently, | both members of the Garden club started last week which will be of
! and any others who are interested interest to everyone in Columbia .
in the business district was discuss­ ments approximated $100,000 and asked to meet at the bank at ”10 when a surplus s was on hand,
ed at some length. Water Superin­ is divided about as follows: $11,- a.m. All members and friends are quantities were sold to two Portland j in improving their grounds. She county.
In order to give more persons
merchants. Telegrams were immedi- stressed the point that t>y public
tendent Gaines was of the opinion 000 in the beef division, to which urged to come.
the opportunity to secure season
atelv received from these merchants is cordially
cordiallv invited to
tn attend,
that heavy screens placed under the the breed association from the vari­
Two new members joined the ately
tickets to the Columbia county
grates would catch all paper and ous parts of the country have add­ corps at the last meeting August 16. stating they would pay .5 cent] Mr. Bacher will deliver his
fair at a great financial saving,
above the market price per pound, ture with the aid of many of
sticks and that these could easily ed $7000; the dairy department
a campaign of ticket selling will
if they could be supplied with this | several hundred slides which
be removed. It was generally con­ $11,800 in addition to about $2000 I Circulating Petitions
be the method used to determine
butter regularly. Lack of cream is] be projected on the screen at
ceded that some of the basins are by the breed associations; the sheep
j the most popular young lady.
For A. E. Veatch For
all that keeps the creamery from church,
so badly clogged at present that a classification carries $6500 of our
Garaei club is sponsoring ' Season tickets are good for admis­
man would have to be hired to clean money and about $2000 additional
Independent Candidate manufacturing more of this pro-1 The Garden
I duct, it is said.
' , these lectures once a month in the sion at any time during the fair
them out before tlfe rains start to of breed association money; the
----- ' ' ‘
Petitions are being circulated in' pfCi^ara
Officers nf
of the ------------------------------------
corporation are
| interest of - ■ improving the beauty of and can be used as many times as
avoid small floods at intersections. draft horse class $3750; the fat
the purchaser desires.
A petition for a st~eet light at classes roughly uround $5000; in Columbia county to place the name J J. E. 'f’app, president; Lester Shee- < Vernonia gardens and homes,
In order to have a wide appeal
the corner of First avenue and Um- the horse show department, which of A. E. Veatch of Rainier as an | ley, vice president; Harry W. Kerns,]___ ___ -- _ _------ --------- _
the prizes are such that the fortun­
atilla street was granted by the is second to none in the country, I independent candidate for repre­ manager and buttermaker; Mrs. 4-H Club Members To
ate winners may take expense paid
Harry Kerns, bookkeeper. Besides ]
$10,500 of Pacific International’s sentative in the state legislature.
Have a Weekly Radio
trips to either of Oregon’s greatest
Mr. Veatch was the third candi­ Mr. and Mrs. Kerns, the creamery1
Lester Sheeley, representing the money and $24,500 in stakes and
Program by October 1 celebrations or may choose some­
employs one assistant buttermaker, I
Chamber of Commerce, was present in entry fees, making a total of date to file for the republican nom­ one
thing more tangible as proof of
girl butter printer, one cream [
to protest the non-action of the roughly $35,000 for the Horse Show ination at the primaries, and re­ hauler
and ice delivery man, one ] A large-scale demonstration of their popularity, if they desire to
council in the matter of hiring a which again makes it lead the world. ceived less votes than the nominee milk and
butter delivery man, and radio’s effectiveness in influencing select the diamond ring or the gold
special rate attorney to present the In the Land Products department Glen R. Metsker or E. E. Ballagh.
rural thought and action will ba wrist watches. Every girl who en­
city’s case in the complaint filed $4500; dairy products show about ! Mr. Metsker also received the dem­ two boys as helpers on deliveries. carried on for a period of 30 weeks ters the contest and disposes of at
with the public service commission $1000; for Boy and Girl Club work ocratic nomination through hav-
starting October 1, by some 60 least 15 season tickets will be re­
against the Vernonia Light & Power $5000; judging contests of various i ing his name written in.
broadcasting stations and the radio warded for her efforts with a
company to reduce the rates. The kinds $3250. There will also be a I In regard to his independent can-
and extension services of the United season pass to the Columbia county
mayor appointed a committee con­ | divisional show of the American Na- 1 didacy, Mr. Veatch issued the fol­
] States department of agriculture, fair.
sisting of Tapp, Hoffman and Hol­ | tional Fox Breeders’ Association lowing statement: “I have decided
j the department announced recently.
Thousands of people attend the
tham to investigate the feasibility ’ with prizes aggregating several to allow my name to go on the of­
The radio stations cooperating fair each year several times and
of the matter and report at the ad­
A party of 20 from Vernonia with the department are going to pay the regular admission charge,
journed session of the council to be sociation itself. The district this didate. It is only fair to those who I climbed Larch mountain Saturday give the rank and file of 4-H club when they could secure a season
year will comprise Oregon, Wash­
held Friday night.
nnnortunitv to cast evenin£- They left here
five cars boys and girls a national outlook ticket in advance of the opening,
Albert Childs asked permission ington, Idaho, and Alaska, with per­ j give them an < ..
“ ..
. . ahnnt
about 7 7 n o ’ ’ rlnrk
clock, nrrivincr
arriving nt
at Mult-
Mult-1 on the activities of their organlza- and avoid all waiting at the gate
to construct a woodshed in the rear haps some other territory taken In.
nomah falls at 11.30. They com- tion by means of a weekly broad- and use this ticket as many times
The same superintendents, prac­
of the Nehalem Market, an addition
menced the climb at midnight and cast, “The 4-H Club Crier,” pre­ as they wished and save money by
to the present building. The request tically, have been selected for the and my principles are being more reached the top at 3:30. They were ] pared by the radio service tn con- doing so. It is to give these persons
was granted. The council also de­ coming show. As a matter of fact,
disappointed at not being able to junction with the extension service, an opportunity to secure season
cided to buy and install a valve for the heads of departments of the • the great issues of the present pres­ see the sunrise on account of the
The 4-H clubs, with a membership tickets that this contest is being
the water line at the west approach Pacific International are changed idential campaign are forming and I ] fog.
mute than
man 620,000 lurm
ooys put on.
of more
farm boys
of the bridge on Bridge , street M very little, which assures a smooth, sides are being taken by the re­
was served at the top and girls, are agencies for the de-
In another section of this paper
and so their
adher­ iby Breakfast
an emergency measure in case Of splendid show year after year. The spective
If candidates
I should be
Miss «“zd Malmsten and Miss ] velopment of skill and character is an entrance blank and explana­
j various department heads are as ents. I. _ -------- __-- --- ----------
the breaking of the line.
Della Cline. They started the des- and enthusiasm for farm life among tion for those who wish to enter
follows: A. P. Fleming, manager (or unfortunate) as to be elected, | Mel'a
arriving at the foot farm youngsters. The new radio the contest. Season tickets will be
11 a 10:30 ’ and
Hillsboro Legion Plans
were back in Ver- program for club members is the sent to each contestant, who will
the; | about
i Show. Mr. Fleming is known all people of Columbia county to nijt
nonia at 6 p.m. Sunday evening. It first effort to give each individual be supplied with additional ones
Air Circus Next Sunday over the country as the manager, best of my ability and will 1./ I ,«
nknnf 6.5
A K miles
miloo { q the top Of in the organization a weexly glimpse when the first supply is sold, Wise
; is about
not only of the Pacific Internation­ waver in the support of any measure ! ' the mountain.
into the whole realm of club work. contestants will get an early start
Interest in the first annual Ame-1- al
which I deem of benefit to the
Those who made the trip were :
The national program will sup­ and sell these money-saving tickets
rican Legion air circus Sunday, Stockton and Palo Alto shows in great majority. If I should be de-
August 26, at the Hillsboro airport, • California and this year will handle ] feated I will feel that I went down Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Parker. Misses plement state 4-H club radio pro- ! to their friends and acquaintances
is being shown throughout north-' the newly organized Seattle Horse in a just cause and there will be Thelma Olsen, Helen Hieber, Della ] grams, carried on by a number of at once. The time of the contest
Cline, Merrill Mills, Zelma New, land grant colleges. It will intro­ is short as it closes on Monday,
western Oregon and the Legion
to be held October 20 to 27, no remorse on my part.”
Hazel Malmsten, Catherine Hoff­ duce a new radio personality who September 10. Everyone has an
committees are laying plans to give I | Show
His handling of these five
man, Charlotte Green; Bodie Hie­ will tell farm boys and girls of the equal chance. The county has been
the spectators “a thrill a minute/ »» ’ I inclusive.
big shows on the coast insures a Legion Plans Big
ber, Lou Althaus, Marshall Malm­ entire country the story each week divided into five main groups and
It is expected that at least 20 splendid
entry list in every case.
sten, Russell Mills, Charles Nelson, of the best achievements by club I each girl may choose the town
planes from various parts of the
E. J. Fjeldnter of Idaho has
i Norman Greene, Elmer Olsen, Carl members, local clubs, or groups of nearest or in which she lives. Sev­
northwest will take part in the charge
of the beef division; D. L.
Vernonia post, American Legion, Burgeson, Veldon Parker and Ar- local clubs, announce important re­ eral contenders will be at work in
day’s events.
of Idaho of the dairy di­ plans a big meeting Tuesday, Aug­ thur Hixson.
gional or national club events, and each town, but all have an equal
The circus will be opened at 11 1 Fourt
vision; Ray Fox, one of our trus- ust 28, when it is expected that
explain how to conduct club pro­ chance to win the grand prize
a.m. with a race from Swan island I tees,
I Round-up trip. Officials of the
field in Portland. The stunt flying j tion; C. E. Grelle, our trustee and committees will be appointed and
Joseph L. Williams, 80, former
Separate "4-H Crier” programs Round-up and the Oregon state > fair
contest will start at 1 p.m., and it a director of the Pacific Co-opera- plans made to hold a big three-day
is open to strictly stock 90-horse- tive Wool Growers’ Association, carnival the latter part of Septem­ resident of Vancouver, died Sunday are being developed for the eastern, will co-operate to make the visit
ber with the object in view of clear­ at the home of his daughter at Tre- central, southern, and western of the winners one of pleasure ! and
power motors. This event will in­ I will
charge of wool and mohair ing the local post of all present in­ ] harne, where he had lived for a groups of states. The schedules of entertainment, Each local commer-
clude three rolls, three loops, three show have
short time. He is survived by six cooperating radio stations will be cial club or civic organization
debtedness on the post building.
true Immelmans, and three turns
A. C. with the sheep; A Mouel-
Since it was decided at the state sons, William C. Lane of Ridge­ announced early in September. Six­ should select its candidate, as there
in a spin coming out In direction O.
Fenton has the horse section; C. convention in Medford to have in­ field, Wash., Virgil F. Lane of ty-one stations in 38 states have re­ will be much valuable publicity at­
of entering.
D. Minton in charge of the Manu­ stallation of officers at the first Ellsworth, Wash., J. B. Lane of quested the program.
tached to having a city’s most pop.
Planes will vie in a dead-stick facturing
Land Products Show; meeting in October -of each year, It Manor, Wash., O. S., J. T. and J. C.
ular girl in attendance at either of
landing, which is cutting motors Professor and
of O.A.C. has is expected that Commander Hurley Lane of Vancouver, and two daugh­
Surprise on Birthday
Oregon's big celebrations. An at­
off at 1000 feet altitude, freezing the Dairy Chappell
A number of her friends paid a tempt will be made to have motion
the stick and landing at a given Thomas, Portland, is m charge of
surprise visit to Miss Catherine pictures taken of the winners.
point. The winner is the one who the industrial section; H. C. Sey­ first meeting in September with
election the last meeting to comply Portland. The funeral was held yes­ Hoffman Tuesday evening, it being
The handsome jewelry prizes of
has his wheel nearest the line.
terday at Vancouver.
her birthday. Miss Hoffman teceiv- the diamond ring and the five gold
The circus will be held at the club work at Camp Plummer; Dr. with the new ruling.
Special entertainment is being
ed many beautiful gifts.«The even- wrist watches will be placed on dis­
100-acre airport recently purchased Lytle of Oregon, in co-operation
Keep Lumber Dry
planned for next Tuesday and re-
■ inz was spent in dancing and later play locally a little later, but it
by Dr. E. H. Smith.
with his fellow associates from freshments will be served.
If wood or lumber in a building ice cream, cake and sandwiches behooves each girl to make an im-
Washington and Idaho, will enforce
is kept free from moisture, so-call­ were served by the self invited mediate start in this popularity
Soap Kills Scale Insects
ed dry rot cannot make progress guests.
Less Danger For Filberts
l race. Turn at once to the display
Scale insects which attack house
With bumper crops all over the
Little likelihood exists that the in it, says the plant pathology de­
Those present were Mrs. W. IL advertisement and entrance blank
ferns are controlled by frequent ap­ country,
present serious inroads on the fil- partment in answer to inquiries as Hurley, Misses Zelma New, Merle in this paper and send in your
plications of common laundry soap,
to feel the increases which bert crop by a mysterious disease to its control. The rot is caused by Mills, Dorothy Holtham, Charlotte name and secure the first assign­
says the entomologist of the experi­ ginning
slowly taking place, it Is a will recur next year in as severe a fungus, Poria incrassata, and no Green, Phoebe Greenman, Louise ment of season tickets at once.
ment station, Four ounces of soap are
conclusion that the Pacific form, believe specialists of the ex­ fungus can cause rot if cut off Simmons, Della Cline, Helen Hie- ' Every candidate who sells a min­
is used to a gallon of water. It is foregone
International this year will live up periment station. This disease which from moisture, Treatment usually ber, Amy Hughes, Frances Lappe; imum of only 15 tickets will be
best to wash the solution from the to
its motto: “Bigger and Better.” appears as a brown stain exuded consists in replacing rotted wood and Russell Mills, Harold Olsen, well rewarded with one season pass
plants about two hours after ap-
This great livestock university of from the immature nuts causing with sound timbers or boards and John W'ardle, Norman Green, Vel­ to the Columbia county fair. Any
this Pacific slope country has be­ blanks or deformities has been seen making sure there is no contact don Parker, Charles Nelson, Law­ girl in Columbia county can think
L. L. Althaus and W. R. Meyer come a part of agriculture in its before but not in such quantities. with the ground or leaks in roofs. rence Dickson, Herman Dickson. at once of 15 persons who will buy
of the Shell Oil company made a very best sense and has rooted deep Its cause and real nature Is yet Even escaping steam sometimes Bodie Hieber, Marshall Malmsten, a season ticket, and save money by
Please turn to page 6
causes trouble.
1 undetermined.
Morris Bennett, Donald Hodges.
business trip to Portland Friday.
doing so. Get busy now.
Sell Season "Pickets
Discuss Catch Basins
Public Invited 'Lo
Attend Lecture On
Flowers August 23
Premi uni Lisi Of
Livestock Exposi­
tion Is Available
Larch Mountain
Scaled By Party