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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1928)
THURSDAY, VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON TWO with its use are not yet well known, Insects Intercepted evident that the use of a Although at times this country it in the County Court of the State appears to be infested with an un 1 paper mulch markedly stimulates of Oregon for Columbia County duly large variety of insect pests, I growth (at least under conditions In the Matter of the stern states.) An impervi- the number is small compared with in the Estate of what it might be were it not for OUS paper mulch also tends to per- Charles H. Brown, Deceased, the foreign plant quarantines of the mit an increased water supply in Notice is hereby given, that the department of agriculture. During the surface soil. In the ease of a Mountain Heart undersigned as administrator of the past year 7150 insects on plants ligl rain (which, without the pa- Rebekah Lodge No. 243 :the estate of Charles H. Brown, and plant products were intercept per would only moisten the top No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every sec 1 deceased, has filed his final account ed and kept out of the United ■ and be quickly lost) the pa- ond and fourth ' Thursdays in in the County court of the state of States. These included 556 recogniz I per nllows the water to penetrate Oregon for Columbia county, and ed species and 473 insects belong I to the plant roots. In addition, the Grange hall, Vernonia. Visitors al- that Saturday the first day of ing to various families, among them 1 use of the paper considerably less ways welcome. September, 1928, at the hour of being fruit pests such as the Med en.- the labor of weeding. '1 he bulk Mrs. Myrtle John, N. G. 12 o’clock in the afternoon of said iterranean and West Indian fruit ¡of the weeding is confined to the Mrs. Frank Cronister, Sec. | day and the court room of said flies and the Mexican fruit worm early season’s growth and practical- I court has been appointed by said on fruit from numerous foreign : ly all the weeding and cultivation KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS | court as the time and place for countries; the chestnut weevil and ! in hot weather is eliminated. At i hearing of objections thereto and i so-called codling-moth of Europe on the present time the chief objection HARDING LODGE 116 I the settlement thereof. chestnuts from Italy and Spain; the to the paper mulch is its expense. Dated and first published Aug- turnip gall weevil on turnips from Meets every Friday at ust 2, 1928. 8 P.M. in Grange hall. "Inside” Information France, Holland, and England; and Last publication August the sweet-potato weevil on potatoes A mint flavored gelatin is appe 1928. W. A. Harris, Attorney. R. M. Aldrich, C. C. i from Porto Rico, Brazil, and Trini- tizing with cold lamb. Sliced cu J. M. Clark, Administrator. Harry Culbertson, KRS |dad. cumbers may be placed in the bot tom of the mold. Marketing Livestock Saves Loss SUMMONS Use the pressure canner for all Woodmen of the World In the Circuit Court of the State Marketing of livestock sent by non-acid vegetables. Send for Far cooperative shopping associations is W. 0. W. Vernonia Camp No. of Oregon for the County of mers' Bulletin 1471-F before begin 655 meets every Wednesday night an important factor of a successful Columbia. ning to do any canning. HE Republican candidate for at 7:30, at the new W.O.W. hall. V. D. Wridge, Plaintiff, vs. Mabel organization, and the department of Each child's costume should have Vice-President as he appeared agriculture recommends that a uni- at least one pocket. If pockets on Visiting members welcome. Wridge, Defendant. during the period when he was ROBERT LINDSAY, C. C. form system of marking be adopted. :the dress spoil the design or lr the> To Mabel Wridge, the above nam- making a record as prosecuting attor L. M. ESCUE, CLERK. Cattle and calves are best marked , canno j be use( ] because oi plaits or [ ed defendant: In the name of the by dipping 4-inch Roman numerals ■ some othel. feature, make one in ney of Shawnee County, Kansas, that State of Oregon, you are hereby on the right or left hips, preferably j the bloomers still stands. required to appear and answer the the former, cutting the hair very1 Make both' bloomers and (lresses A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge, No. 184 A. , complaint filed against you in the dose to the skin. Marks for sheep for )ittle girls j enough to al. above entitled suit on or before F. & A. M., meets at Grange the expiration of six weeks from should be made by using branding low for wide tucks and hem3 to be Hind applied with a half inch of |et down when the material shrinks date of the first publication of Hall every Second and , the this summons which said first nub ' “u ro“nd-bristl® bru«h’ pIaClnf! and the child grows. A tuck in the Fourth Thursday nights. Visitors Welcome 1028, tb.t ,h. „..enb.dSan; S.A,’“p’p.nAT**“. W,l‘ ?’* ■h"’ Levert Goodin, Secretary. by the court in an order for pub-jmore tban 4 marks on the top oi nor will a wide tuck in the under waist of a two-piece dress. Instead lication oi this summons; and if ¡the shoulder, back, or rump; or of stitching these allowance tucks you fail to appear and answer the , no j more than 3 marks on the side American Legion once, stitch them every half complaint, the plaintiff will apply. of the shoulder, back, or ham. Use just Vernonia Post inch of their width with a modera to the court for the relief demand- ; o f paint or colored tags is unde 119, American Le< tely long loose stitch. Each time a ed in the complaint, to-wit: for ajsirable. It is important to place stitching is ripped out one inch is gion. Meets second decree of absolute divorce dissolv- i marks where they are conspicuous added to the length. and fourth Tues- ing the bonds of matrimony exist-, and can be seen without unduly dis- Watch your posture while at days each month, 8 I ing between plaintiff and defend turbing the animals. Heavy shrink p.m. W. H. Hurley, your ant, and for such other relief as age often results because animals various household tasks, Keep back traight and bend from the Commander. to the court may seem proper. are unnecessarily disturbed to deter hips. Do not slouch in a chair This summons is published by mine the identity of the owners. while sitting at work. Sit well back order of the Honorable John Phil in your chair. If your tables, sink, Order of Eastern Star ip, judge of the county court of Paper Mulch Increases Yields tubs, and other surfaces where you Nehalem Chapter 153, O. E. S. the State of Oregon for the county About 15 years ago it occurred work a great deal are not the right Regular communi- of Columbia, duly made, dated, and1 to the manager of a sugar planta height and cause to stoop over, sec cation first and entered July 5, 1928. tion in Hawaii that, since the trash whether they could not be raised. third Wednesdays LESTER SHEELEY, or crop refuse collecting on top of It pays even to have plumbing fix of each month. Attorney for Plaintiff. the sugar cane acted as a suppres tures raised when necessary to save All visiting sisters Residence and post office ad sor of weeds, a cheap grade of pa fatigue. and brothers wel dress: Vernonia, Oregon. per would have the same effect come. Date of first pub. July 5, 1928 and at the same time be much more Prevent Sparks Escaping PORTRAIT from the family al Date of last pub. Aug. 16, 1928 durable. In connection with the de Catherine McNeill, W. M. Machinery that is used in field bum taken when the Repub- velopment of the use of this paper or forest, such as engines or trac American Legion Auxiliary NOTICE OF MEETING OF BOARD mulch, it was noticed that areas tors, - llcan presidential candidate should be in such shape that mulched with paper produced more OF EQUALIZATION was a student at Leland Stanford Uni Meet* first and third Mon vigorous crop plants. Later the sparks cannot get out of the smoke versity in 1894. day* of each month at Notice is hereby given that on mulch was tried on pineapples with stack or burning particles of carbon the Second Monday in September such rapid and marked success that blow out, and thus set fire to the “sire exchange” in the United the Legion Hall. (September 10, 1928) the Board of to-day more than 90 per cent of dry brush, timber, grass, or grain. States was held this year at the Mrs. Mark E. Moe, President. Equalization will attend at the Hawaiian pineapples are grown un The ground should be cleared down State Fair grounds in South Da Mrs. E. H. Washburn, Secretary. Court House in Columbia county, der mulch, one company in the past I to the mineral soil for a distance of kota, when livestock owners brought Oregon, and publicly examine the year having spent $500,000 for several feet around a stationary en in their boars, rams, and bulls for 1. O. O. F, Assessment Rolls for the year 1928. mulching paper. These favorable re gine, and it is well to wet down the trade or sale. To cover incidental and correct all errors in valuation, sults led the department of agricul ground around it at least twice a expenses there was a charge of 25 descriptions, or qualities of land, ture to carry on experiments, cov day. cents for each bull. The exchange lots or other property assessed by ering the past four years, with aroused considerable interest and I.O.O.F.—Vernonia Lodge No. the assessor, and it shall be the paper mulch on various crops, and First Sire Exchange Held favorable comment and created an 246 meets every Tuesday night duty of persons interested to ap- while some factors in connection opportunity for comparison and dis What was probably the at 8 o’clock, in Grange hall, Vis- pear at the time and place appoint- cussion of the merits of the various ed. itors always welcome. animals. The Board of Equalization will John Glassner, N. G. continue its meetings from day to H. E. Stevenson, Sec. day until such examination is com St. Helens—Salmon fishing seas pleted, but will not be in session for a longer period than one month. on has paid fishermen about $40,- W. S. ROBERTS, v., dmulM., dapartmeat 24 County Assessor. Standard Oil NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Lodge Notices Hoover in Colleg AUGUST 16, 1928. Ki**-E)ectric Current “Electricity is what puts the real kick in a kiss,” observes the St. Petersburg Times, in commenting on the statement to that effect by a Danish scientist, who, incident ally, recommends the wearing of rubber heels so as to get the full effect of the voltage when the pleasant electric shock comes as the lip contact takes place, "It may oe presumed then” adds the Florida editor, “that the ice man's rubber boots, the fireman’s coat or the dentist’s rubber gloves would add considerably to the po tency of a kiss, although the emi nent doctor does not definitely say so.” “Still the old fashioned kind, de livered without any of the isulat- ing accessories, seem not to have lost their effectiveness. The shock, sometimes slightly delayed or long continued, continues to jolt the youngsters who take literally the old bunk that two may live as cheaply as one. Insulation against that idea is what the world needs more than the kind recommended by this kindly but slightly mis guided Danish scholar.” > Sewing MACHINES Rented by the week or month Full assortment of the best needles for all makes of sew ing machines. Sewing Machines For EASY TERMS Sale Vernonia Cleaners GORDON R. WATT Attorney-at-law Joy Theatre Building Vernonia, Oregon J. MASON DILLARD Attorney-at-Law Next to Carkin Cleaning Worka Here every Wednesday A KILLS ’EM DEAD Vernonia Riding Club Saddle Horses for Hire Horses Broken to ride or drive. AL. WHARTON, Prop. Phone 11F155 FLY tiooa. F.rkctl ith improv«! not., quart., gallona, barrel. Model T Ford Engine and Transmission Overhauled for a labor charge of only $20 io $25 Don’t sacrifice your Model T Ford, but bring it in and let ua look it ovor. Maybe all you need ia a complete engii <nd tranamiMion < overhauling v—11— ** to give — you thousands of mil* miles of additional aernee. harge We’ll do that for a labor cha _ of only •20. Other chargee equally low. Crawford Motor Co STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA Less than 3 Per Cent You see the telephone instrument, which to many is the sum and substance of telephone equipment Actually that telephone represent* less than 3 per cent of the total equipment necessary for your share of service. Hidden from view are miles of wire, switchboards, power plant* and other equipment—the invisible remainder neces sary to render efficient service. Experts state that a cow’s milk production will be greatly curtailed if she is bothered with flies, especially during the warmest week« of summer. USE OUR FLY-FOIL SPRAY to prevent this loss. Sold in bulk. We have ju»t received a new ehipownt of BINDER'S TWINE the kind that hold« Trading Co West Coast Telephone Co «M-ITMCT W-R30UW.L LOOK,