Wrtumia 55a 9 le Entered at Vernonia, Oregon, Postoffice as Second-Class Matter. Vol. 5, No. 51 VERNONIA, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1928 Harmoil Field Donor Passes Away July 15 Told of Flag House 23 Girls Drivers Courtesies Heat Keeps In Canada Propose New the touring season is Short Route Team Away In New Cottage here Now and that many Portland, Ore,. — Employment Oregon motorists conditions in all parts of the Pa­ are making long automobile trips, cific northwest are reported as fol­ To Rainier lows by the Four L Lumber News; Vernonia Will Play DeMo- Children’s Farm Home To which in numerous cases carry them Aids Many Students Money Is Available Employment Conditions In Northwest Reported The small fruit harvest in the lay Team of Portland here Proceed With Erection in across international boundaries, it well that drivers “brush up” on Portland-Willamette valley district Next Sunday. Honor of Mrs. Ada Unruh is courtesy, especially in relation to) Would Cut new Route from Associated With Many Hu­ is virtually over and help is shift­ the flying of national standards, as- ing to other work. Hop harvest By Chas. Richardson The mid-year meeting of the serts Edward E. ~ Pittsburg to Apiary will start about August 10. Logging manitarian Projects The game scheduled for last Sun­ directors of the Children’s Farm manager of the Cohen, general Oldsmobile com- camps in this section are 75 per day between the Adam’s Giants of Home was held July 7, and was a pany of Oregon. cent active. Portland and the local club was very interesting one. A tour of in­ “An American visiting Canada Marshfield, Ore. Coos bay log­ not played, due to the fact that spection of the grounds and build­ ging camps and manufacturing the Giants did not show up. No ings was maije and everything was should make certain that the Brit­ plants are well supplied with local reason is advanced for their not found in excellent condition, the ish flag is flown from his car along help. Building, /arm work, dock turning up but it is thought by •gardens thrifty and poultry and with the Stars and Stripes,” explains and road work seasonally active. most of the fans that they were dairy herd on a paying basis, The Cohen. “If the American flag is Thia Road and Proposed Shortcut Most of Mr. Harmon's Work Re- Aberdeen, Wn. Logging has been simply overcome by the heat. The repainting of the cottages To Beaches Would Make Ver­ and not carried, it is unnecessary to mained Publicly Unknown; slowed by forest fires and fire haz­ game was actually scheduled all landscaping the grounds has given fly the Union Jack. The same rule nonia a Crossroads Point Retired in 1924 ard. Fire fighting is at present re­ right and it was through no fault the home a much more attractive applies when crossing the boundary between California and Mexico with quiring hundreds of men. Supply of of the local management that there appearance. What promises to be one of the William E. Harmon, through one help is sufficient to meet all local was no game. It was decided to proceed with respect to use of the Mexican flag. future main line highways carrying When the flag of one’s own coun­ of whose benefactions the Harmon needs. Next Sunday Vernonia plays the the erection of the girls cottage, to try is displayed it should not oc­ much of the north and south traf­ Tacoma, Wn. Considerable num­ Washington Chapter of DeMolay of be named in honor of Mrs. Ada Field was made possible for the children of Vernonia died Sunday, ber of unskilled workers here seek­ Portland on the local grounds at Wallace Unruh, and plans will be cupy a more commanding position fic through the northern part of July 15, 1928, at his summer home ing jobs. All wood-working plants 2:30. The present lineup of the carried forward at once so as to on the car than does the flag of Oregon is being agitated in Vernon­ in Southport, Conn., after being in are busy. Most camps have resumed Vernonia squad is certainly a for­ complete it this fall. This will make the nation in which the motorist is ia, Rainier and points through ____ visiting. The two flags may be which the proposed route would poor health for several years. since July 4. midable one and will give any the seventh cottage of the group Seattle, Wn. Many transient team a real battle. The addition and will permit caring for twen- flown side by side or one may be touch. The proponents of the route Mr. Harmon, who was known na­ placed on the right and the other suggest that it follow the west tionally as the executive head of workers coming and leaving this of another pitcher by the name of ty three more girls. Mc- on the left side of the car, but side Pacific highway - - through ------ ■- — city. Sawmills and logging camps During the past year the major many real estate activities which Foster braces up the team substan- when the latter arrangement Is Minnville to Forest Grove, thence generally active. improvements have been the' new bear his name, was associated with tially. Manager Tisdale is attempt- Bellingham, Wn. Employment ing to arrange games with the Am- utility building, made possible by chosen, the flag of the visited na- through Banks, Buxton, over the numerous humanitarian projects in­ "... should __ " always be at the right, i ne'yly constructed market road tion conditions good. More calls for ber ­ to which he poured the same en­ erican Can company of Portland, the Matheson legacy, the construc- “Nor should any motorist make wbich will be surfaced some time ry pickers than can be filled. On ergy and genius as into his business. St. Helens, and North Portland, all' tionx of poultry houses and an ade- the .... mistake of flying the __ „ of — i during 1929, jben through Ver- flag quate brooder house to care for If One of the outstanding results July 16 more than 300 men return­ good strong teams. --- - ■* ed to work at the Whatcom falls about 3000 little chicks. 120 acres the country which he is visiting I non*a to Pittsburg and over the of his interest in the welfare of beneath that of his own country. P aas of the old Enterprise trail mill. Sockeye seiners will put to the farm are under cultivation, children has been the establishing Shipping Department and of to Apiary and Rainier. According ” with such crops as alfalfa, corn,' Violation of these international i of more than 100 permanent play­ sea soon. the proposed route it would eli­ courtesies Spokane, Wn. Labor turnover) Office Win in Twilight oats, barley, with three and one-1 f° “rle,s“ are always unintentional, to different states. grounds in 34 minate about 21 miles from the .licy . — tllC ' frequently result in un- present League of O. - A. L. Co. half acres in strawberries and more ■ I L b pleasant These recreation centers are all has been increased by the putting i route through Portland incidents at international on and taking off of night shifts I than 10 acres in garden. known as Harmon Fields, from the west side Pacific high­ I borders. ”— Journal. at several Inland empire sawmills. By Chas. Richardson The dairy herd consists of 20 ---------- ---------------------- His interest in these and other Woods work active. Wheat harvest — way and down the Columbia river Last Wednesday the Shipping de­ cows, providing an abundance of , . /-> ic -r similar undertakings will be per- now well under way. highway to Rainier. The traffic | __ ______ good fresh milk for the children, Legion Golr 1 ournament partment took the stacker crew m- petuated through the Harmon Foun­ would then cross the Longview- Lewiston, Ida. Wheat harvest m ( camp and I severely trounced eleven heifers and five heifer , Is A Convention Feature dation, a family philanthropic cor­ Rainier bridge and go north over full swing. Resident labor fully em­ them to the tune of 10 to 0. As calves. There are twenty seven pigs poration which he organized and . , .. . . ithe Pacific highway through Wash- ployed. __ _____ _______ r ___ = ___ ___ and over 1400 chickens, which will j the score indicates, this game was A three-day golf tournament on ington. endowed during his lifetime so that LaGrande, Ore. Haying, agricul- just a workout for the shippers, help R-Vinls» nmiran solve the food r----------- problem. - j | the p fammi« -r to .. ------ —----- famous Medford 1 18-hole course ’ effective methods of public service Preliminary surveys show that The Matheson endowment fund j wit! be a feature of the state con- might be developed under his own tural and lumbering work well sup- They all clouted the apple hard there is now only four miles of un­ supervision, It was his particular plied with local help. No outside and this coupled with plenty of has been established from a part vention of the American Legion on completed road between Buxton and in any line. "boneheads” on the part of the of the legacy left to the home by August 2, 3 and 4. The Medford desire aot to contribute to the help Boise, Ida. There is still surplus stackermen gave them an overwhel­ Mrs. Rachel Matheson of Salem, course is conceded to be one of the Vernonia and 12 miles between usual charity, but rather to use of ming victory. This will be increased as other best on the coast, having been de­ Pittsburg and Apiary. The section the facilities in his command to of help in the lumber industry between Buxton and Vernonia will, McCabe for the winners pitched funds come, thus providing for a! signed by H. Chandler Egan, for­ according to the present rate of stir others to the possibilities with­ this section. airtight ball, allowing only one future maintenance fund. The mem­ mer national champion, who is a construction, be completed during in themselves. measly little hit. His support was bers of the board feel the endow- resident of Medford and a member the year 1929. The section between Beside his widow, Katherine Grif­ Club Suggests Phlox ment fund is a very important pro­ of the local golf club. Visiting Le­ fiths Harmon, he leaves a brother, As Vernonia Flower just as good and as a consequence i vision for the future of the home. gionnaires are requested to bring Pittsburg and Apiary is not on the the loaders were able to turn the Clifford B. Harmon of Paris, a The annual benefit, which was their clubs and their home handi­ present market road system in Co­ stackers back without a run. son, W. Burke Harmon, two The perennial phlox has been lumbia county, but has been con­ Just the reverse was true of the held in Portland, May 25, under caps and enter in this big Legion sidered by the Columbia county daughters, Mary Harmon Briggs suggested as the Vernonia flower, Bu- the leadership of Mrs. G. L. tournament, playing off their for Meeker and Helen Griffiths Harmon, and with the slogan, “Flock to Vernon-' stacker crew, however, court as the next location of the j ia to see our phlox,” used along1 wh° started for them got off on land, general chairman, and Mrs. matches at any time during the construction of the county market four grandchildren.' William M'. Hartfort, ticket sale three days. the wrong foot and barely lasted road system. The road has ueen Born March 25, 1862, in Leban­ I with it. The Garden club will meet out the first inning. Graven re­ chairman, proved a success, and A handsome silver cup will b-. designated auu and vvíiOLrau'CU constructed iron» from on, Ohio, William Elmer Harmon Tuesday evening, July 31 at 8:00 placed him and pitched nice ball, will net about $800 for the Unruh awarded the visiting T I . Rajnjer to Apiary and accoiding to was one of the first men in Am­ j p.m. at the Evangelical and the but was accorded ragged support. cottage. The program was given by who turns in the lowest Legionnaire net nrize, score tHe ^“ , 'r reP ’enort I® °rt th« Co _Umbla C°'Jnt y erica to foresee the inevitable ur­ | flower will be voted on. Definite Actual errors were few but the prominent Portland artists, who and several other attractive °th" ““Trt? roadmaster is in excellent conditiou ban development that lay ahead of arrangements will also be made for aforementioned “boneheads” pulled i services. donated their are also being arranged for by the at the present time. the United States following the 1 posters and stickers. It is hoped The bazaar will be held as usual Medford convention commission. the graders and stacker men Civil war, and to seek his career 1 that a large crowd will be present by Market road money will be avail­ at the state fair this fall and con- in the physical expansion of cities. to finally decide what Vernonia’s more than offset the errors. able for the construction of the tributions for this will be gratefully On Saturday the Pencilpushers William R. Harmon, his father, j flower is to be. uncompleted section between Rain­ received. All such articles are to The August meeting will be in and the Planershavers engaged in be sent to Mrs. Jennie Nunn, c|o who had a commission under Grant ier and Vernonia during the year battle which the Pencilpushers man ­ during the Civil war, rejoined the charge of R. J. McClary of Port­ 1929 as the last section of the W.C.T.U. Headquarters, 201 South be aged to win by the close score of Commercial St. Salem, Oregon. army several years later and went land and a special program will j county market road system is uear- 3 to 2. However, actual earned to the Indian territory as an of­ given. | ly finished between Clatskanie and runs were much less than this. In ficer with the tenth-cavalry colored, Nine new members were initiated Mist, thus affording an opportun- Home-Made Device Used spite of the errors chalked up taking his family with him to the and one reinstated in the Women’s ity to expend practically all of the against .each of these teams this To Spread Fertilizer Relief Corps at their regular meet­ available market road funds on the army post. In consequence the son was an exceptionally good game. had a boyhood typical of the great ing last Thursday. A pot luck din- proposed route. If all .of the avail­ Greenman and Norris both pitch­ western prairies, becoming an ex­ A spreader which will greatly, ner was served in honor pf the able funds were expended on this ed nice ball, but their support was lessen the work in applying com-1 new members. pert game hunter and a sure shot route it could be completed within with his gun before he was twelve. About 150 attended the Legion! not , the best , in the world. , „ . The first mercial fertilizers has jus: been! After dinner the busine88 meet. two years, according . to its propo­ picnic at Sheeley ’ s grove Sunday | P* aner mark was chalked up in completed by Dr W. L Powers ; - w a3 held The memberahi Before he was fourteen he had nents, which would be the approxi­ Richardson drop- head of the department of soils at j drive has ended and now the w,„. mate time that the proposed Long­ twice crossed the western plains on and it was reported that a very,th® 3econd ed 8 an/i Perf ®<* from third to ! ml? 9r®gon .experiment station. ning side is wondering when they view bridge will be . completed. horseback in company with mem­ enjoyable time was had by all. P. first atloivod a rnnnar tn «nnra bers of his father’s troop. ™ Wa9 Mrs Prizewinners for the various races from second on the1" plly Their I* ’“ ’ ” ,nstrument —.............. “f des,*ncd for *7 will will be be tendered tendered the the banooet. banquet. Mrs. Wesley Vandercook and W. C. The boy was sent to St. Mary’s were as follows: ; I Sarah A. Spencer, chairman of Comer- of Longview, the chief en­ second counter came over in the taehed to a tractor or car and used Ladies’ potato race, Mrs. school at San Antonio, Texas, at j the side that lost, was absent at gineer of the Long Bell Lumber 14. Later he returned to Lebanon Hartwick; 25 yard dash, Mrs. J. fourth when Davidson let one go ¡n field fertilizer work. Materials the last meeting. company, and promoters of the with his mother and his brother L. Timmons; sack race, Mrs. H. through his fingers in center and for this implement cost but $10. Those initiated were: Mrs. Cor- Rainier-Longview bridge, were in ‘‘A tool was needed to secure a Clifford to attend high school and J. Buff mire; ball throwing, Mrs. which later became a, score on a j more uniform distribution, lessen rine Wall, Margaret Lyons, Em- conference with the Columbia coun­ take a course in the normal uni­ C. L. Biggs; pie eating, Betty bad throw to first. ty court recently and were promis­ The office force scored a run the disagreeable features of appli- ma Lisendy, Barbara Grinisa, Dora ed then entered the legged race, Betty Olds Olds; three versity there; and that as soon as funds were avail­ Washburn, Erie Knapp, Axie Hay- each in the third, fourth, and fifth cation and to avoid interference by Medicine in and Emma Jane Russell; 100 yard Louisville School of den, Mary Kelly and Mary ‘ Han­ able the remaining link between innings. The first was marked up ' wind, ” - . explained Dr. Powers. “ It dash, Mrs. Sophia Johns, 1881. Apiary and Pittsburg would be ke). It was his father's loss of a Men’s 50 yard dash, C. J. Nance; after two were out in the third on was made, by using a three fourths j completed. Mr. Vandercook also in­ a hit by Taylor and Olson ’ s bone- . inch gas i pipe for a shaft, and — . _ . .. small fortune through an unfortun- 100 yard dash, William Nissen; 25 terviewed the Chamber of Com­ sheep that yard sack race, H. E. McGraw ; head on Stoke’s easy roller to him.) q U bicycle rims for wheels. The • Olli try specialist ate speculation in merce at Vernonia relative to their Instead of retiring the side by hopper is made of a cylinder of 18 1 Gets Leave For Year brought the course in the Medical Broad jump, H. E. McGraw and position concerning the, linking of throwing to first he tried to trap ■ gage galvanized sheet metal. Feed ! ---------- school to an end after the first C. J. Nance; three legged race, the Rainier-Longview bridge with the runner between second and holes, one inch in diameter are I H. E. Cosby, extension specialist year. Forced now to earn his own M. E. Ulshoeffer and C. L. Gibson. the west side Pacific highway living, William E. Harmon first be­ Girls under six, Betty Schalock. third and the runner eventually spaced six inches apart. Strips I in poultry husbandry at the state through Vernonia. It is understood scored after the ball was thrown J along either side carry a shutter college, has been granted a year's came a salesman for a nursery Boys under six, Danny O’Donnell. from various reports that the pro­ company in Ohio. He found he had Prizes were donated by Corey over the third baseman’s head. The with holes of the same dimensions leave of absence it was announced ject has been considered for more second run was scored on hits by to adjust the rate of application at the annual convention of Ore- a genius for salesmanship, and Economy store, Kullander Jeweiry than two years and much prelimin­ gon poultrymen at Corvallis. Mr. ary surveying has been completed looked for an opportunity to give store, Mac’s Pharmacy, Reithner’s, Norgorden and Davidson and the as desired.” this a large scope. In later years Vernonia Drug company, M. Mur­ final marker was chalked up by The handle from an old lawn Cosby has been in poultry exten- between Rainier and Vernonia. En­ he told the story during an inter­ ray & Co., Vernonia Billiards, Hawkins who was sent in to pinch mower was utilized. It can be de- sion work in this state for eight gineers point out that the summit view as follows: i Workingmen’s Store, Skaggs-Safe- hit for Wolff. He came through taehed along with one wheel, which1 years and in that time has visited of the road between Pittsburg and with a nice clean single ard was is frefe to turn on the shaft. This practically every community, “ ‘The surest way,’ I said to my­ way, and Bank of Vernonia. Apiary is some 700 feet lower than brought home when May dropped makes it possible to place the tool That poultry keeping in any of on the Pittsburg-St Helens road self, ‘is to hit upon something that Taylor's fly. ! in the rear of a run-about car and its phases is a purely business mat- and could be constructed on a much Tennis Matches Interest everyone wants, make it possible The pennant race is becoming quickly cover large areas. 1 ter requiring both knowledge, skill lower grade which would ___ . for everybody to buy it, and then A small crowd of tenni3 fans The fertilizer drill box is swept and capital for success, was agreed any sharp curves or eliminate let everybody know that I have It were present Sunday morning for , hotter and hotter each week. The excessive for sale. But what does everybody the exhibition matches played on | Shipping department takes on the out by agitators made from the to by the various speakers at the grades. thp new concrete court in the citv sawm >W tonight and this is expect- inner-liner of an old automobile ’ ’ convention. Prospects for the future want?’ It is also pointed out that this ed to be °ne of the harde3t fou8ht fastened with heavy wires pass- are better, they said, now that the “That was the question that had park Only one set was played proposed route would be eroi 4 at each case, the results being as fol- contests of the season. ' ------ *- *•-- •- “ •* ed through the drill holes in the get-rich-quick poultrymen have been to be answered first, and I told forced out of the game by a few Vernonia jy the inland route to myself it just had to be answered. lows: Men’s singles, Carl David- _ — «ar«n ii u 1 shaft. the Clatsop beaches and would af­ “Further improvements might be hard years. | son, 3, M. E. Moe, 6; women’s "omona Grange Will Hold Then the inspiration came. M. S. Schrock, Milwaukie, will ford north and south travel on “ ‘Land,’ I said, ‘that’s what ev­ singles, Mrs. M. E. Moe, 6, Mrs. 100th Session On August 4 made by substituting metal wire , brushes and by providing an open­ head the association for the coming either the Pacific o r Roosevelt ery man would like to own.’ | E. E. Yeo, 0; men’s doubles, Judd ■ highways to reach the proposed “In those days it wasn’t easy to Greenman and C. F. Anderson, 6, Columbia County Pomona Grange ing that would extend the full year with F. L. Knowlton, Corvallis, route by a minimum amount of buy land. The first payments were L. Roberts and L. Hieber, 1; mix- will meet with Clatskanie Grange length of the hopper to make easier secretary-treasurer. The association travel. always so high that a man with ed doubles, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. No. 321, Saturday August 4, for access to the interior. This could asked additional tariff on poultry Traffic originating in Washing- little money could not meet them. Yeo, 6, Mrs. F. Hartwick and Chse. their ‘ ’ ------ ’ “ Secretaries ------- will be done by cutting out a segment products and baby chicks, and en­ 100th session. So most folks went on wanting Hoffman, 0. please send their Pomona reports or strip of the cylinder full length dorsed a movement to obtain state ton or other northern points could ■ which should be hinged,” comment­ aid in B. W. D. testing work. As proceed south across the Rainier- land, but they didn’t buy any. in ample time for this meeting. I i Legion Picnic Well Attended “I worked out a plan by which LILLIAN DANIELS, ed Dr. Powers. More details of con­ a side issue the convention took Longview bridge to Vernonia and thus could save many miles of struction may be had by those in ­ re- a presidential straw vote which even the smallest wage earner A crowd of more than 75 at­ Columbia County Pomona Secty. terested. suited in a four to one vote for travel to either the west side Pa­ could buy a building lot. All the tended the Legion picnic at cific highway or points south of I Hoover. Ice Cream Social Planned purchaser needed was one dollar to Sheeley's grove Sunday. One mis­ Seaside on the Roosevelt highway. Fira Destroys House Warren Grange is giving an ice pay in cash and a few cents to hap marred the day of good times Artoria — Ixiwer Columbia Gr­ A fire of unknown origin des- pay each week. It was simply the when H. Hielberg fractured a bone cream social Tuesday, July 31, at Harrisburg—Hop picking will and 8:30 p.m. The proceeds will go to troyed a small houne beyond the Operative Dair f assoeiati >n installment plan applied to real es­ in one leg while broad jumping. the new Grange hall fund. Among railroad tracks south of town Mon­ Hank of Commerce perfect plan open here about August 15, with tate, and I was sure that it would good crop. work. I went to Cincinnati, where The American Legion Auxiliary those on the program are: Jack day. It was occupied by Mrs. An­ long-time dairy lea is. Gold Beach — State starts steam Salem “ Oregon Linen tonio and ________ children. No insurance n... hold - a — -- •--- - , „„„ ___ __ I had a brother, Clifford B. Har­ will cooked food ___ sale — Sat- Kelly - of — St. . — Helens, Dr. _______ Rothlis- ___________ shovel work here on Roosevelt E. urday in the building next to the . ( veine- berger V. of Warren, Charlotte Olsen was carried and nothing was saved show first monui t operative mon, and an uncle. Charles F rr - highway. from the fire. Ifil, in June. Please turn to page 2 Vernonia Cleaners. i I of Scannoose. Scappoose. Local Relief Corps Has Big Initiation Contests Enliven The Legion Picnic