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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1928)
Thursday, July 19, 1928. Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia Oregon FIVE Voiture 40 et 8 of the American sumed by the present owner, and 120.000 or more seeds per plant, jto the birds themselves on several like that requires a long campaign Legion to the convention at Med all bills due are payable to the Not all weed seeds germinate at counts, one of which concerns cer-J of education on the part of the , . 4- . 1 z. 1 n.. » 4- 1 a . . « .v. z. « zl z< z. A u... t . 1 * 1 •' A V 1 - .1 Z"^ ford were elected as follows: H. present owner. ¡once, I. but delay sprouting for a. some tain destructive habits of the ... regal- sportsmen among themselves. Cer E. McGraw and John Hay; alter Twin Fir Super Service Station, 1 time, some of them for several appearing fowl. Observations of at tainly it cannot all come from the nates, E. M. Murphy and Clarence F. E. Malmsten, Owner. 1 years. This fact is responsible for I least a number of farmers in this farmer, who already has made his Nance. the old saying, “One year’s 3eed- county attribute the China with position clear. /y ii^For 5 years Dr. Luzader, i ing makes seven years’ weeding.” I tendencies similar to those of the Special Prosecutor Wanted The Nehalem Market and Grocery eyesight specialist, has been A petition was presented to the The only sure way to prevent an Bolshevik forces during the late Grand Island — Three Koval making monthly visits to Vernonia. is offering a prize of a Swift pre city council Monday night, signed nual and biennial weeds from in | war—the trick of doing damage Anne cherry trees produce 1800 mium ham to the person correctly creasing is to prevent them from whether they gain by it or not. His next visit will be Sept. 10-11. pounds fruit. guessing the color combination by nearly 50 citizens, asking that office at Kullander’s. Have ^¡9***. which is to be used in painting a special prosecutor be hired to I going to seed. This count alone if eventually Destruction during the summer Oregon leads all American states your eyes examined.—adv. the front of the store. The contest plead the cause of the city in the of currant and gooseberry bushes proved to be false would not set impending hearing before the ¡tub tle the unpleasantness over the in low rate of infant mortality. closes Saturday. which grow near white pine trees Koster Products camp resumed lie service commission relative to will prevent the spread of blister Chinas. Some say they are as de-1 operations Monday. There is not a loganberry on the the change in rates of the Vernonia rust. White anil sugar pine timber structive as our esteemed but care Light & Power company, subject to in this country is worth about fully fenced in domesticated hen,' Miss Helen Hieber is now em market, yet the Vernonia Bakery the aprpoval of the directors of the equal has fresh loganberry pie every day. ployed at the Bank of Vernonia. $550,000,000. and the rust disease while others contend with As one good cook remarked, she I Chamber of Commerce. The mayor is now threatening these valuable fervor that they pay for their keep Fred Brewer recently purchased | could not make them better at appointed' a committee to confer trees in New England, New ork, in the fields by eating the insect! a new Flying Cloud Reo fiom the1 home. They are really good—no- j with the board of directors on the New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Michi- enemies of the crop. The count thing but the pure fresh frult and ' matter. Gilby Motor company. gan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Idaho, against the China as a game bird sugar. Try one and you will come Comfort and Safety Washington, and Oregon, Blister that is likely to stick with a large G. W. Boyd bought a _ new ___ _ P: _ .. n- back for more.—adv. Bid* Wanted rust does not go from one tree to number of the farmers is the one tme coupe from the Gilhy Motor VERNONIA Io PORTLAND Sealed bids will be received by another, but spreads from infected against a certain type of hunter , company. Lester Sheeley drove to Long- the clerk of school district 18 at white pine to currant or gooseber whom any kind of game attracts. , Lv. 6:40 a.m. Ar. 9:30 p.m. Ar. 1:30 p.m. Lv. 10:40 a.m. Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Albert view, Wash., Saturday to confer Keasey, Oregon, for building a ry bushes, and from them to the He is of the kind who goes through I Ar. 8:10 p.m. Lv. 5:20 p.m. Holmes, June 29, a girl. She has with Wesley Vandercook concern- play shed, size 30x40 feet, with trees. From late June until the | fields and gardens, leaving gates ing a proposed road from Rainier a four-way roof, to be sided in on I leaves of the currant or goose-| open, trampling grain and vegeta-1 been named Maude Arlene. PORTLAND to VERNONIA in . quest or pursuit of the ' to Pittsburg. Mr. Vandercook and three sides. berry drop, 1», grvwuis growths ui of the me fungus lungus ble, . Lv. 7:30 a.m. Ar. 10:40 a.m. Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Deonisio Mr. Comer of Seattle returned with re-shingling school- ¡ Also bids for growths producing I *' ume< Prize- develop, these 1 Lv. 1:00 p.m. Ar. 4:05 p.m. Yana, June 29, a girl. She has Mr. Sheeley Sunday and stated house. the summer and fall spores which! The point that the farmers want Lv. 5:00 p.m. Ar. 8:05 p.m. j they were well pleased with pros- been named Pauline. Bids must all be in by July 24, are carried by the wind and infect to put over to the game commission _ ! pects for a new road into this dis- 1928. at 2 p.m. The board reserves the trees. The range of infection is s and the sportsmen is that the $2.50 One Way. $3.75 Round The Vernonia Hiking club climb- trict. the right to reject any or all bids. limited to short distances, making [ China’s habitat is in the farmers’ Trip ed Hoffman Lookout Wednesday MRS. J. W. LINDSLEY. Chair I it possible to control blister rust fields. ~ and as such it is a lure evening. The Vernonia Bakery has just man. Spokane, Portland & Seattle locally by destroying all the cur to inconsiderate hunters who for MRS. THOS. PETTIJOHN, Clerk. rant and gooseberry bushes in the get that a farm also is considered Transportation Company L. L. Althaus returned Wednes- sl’e.nt $135 .{.or new pullman pans now fina Mother ’ s 501 vicinity of white pines. The Euro-1 as property. To remedy a dispute day from a very enjoyable vacation and l°u W1 1 i bread in the sandwich or pullman pean or cultivated black currant is I spent in San Francisco. size a much nicer shape 1 loaf of U. S. Department of Agriculture particularly susceptible to the di-1 Ten years ago the average profit sease and is most dangerous to the i Mrs. Alice Hubert of Oakland, _______ , | bread. It is longer than the old Calif., is visiting Mr. and _ Mrs. gives you __ Guy Uoa^ which ' .i more slices above cost of feed for a dairy cow pine. For complete control, every Geo. Dellora. P‘‘i it '* is just about per- in the cowtesting associations in currant and gooseberry bush should j Nelson and her son, C__. ___ """ * and * “ fect for sandwiches. Why has this the state of Missouri was $88.21 in Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Meyer and money been spent?—that the Ver- a year. In 1927, the average profit be pulled up, and sprouting should Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Parker went nonia Bakery may give to you, our had increased to $139.33 per cow. be prevented by removing the crown and large roots. berry picking up Pebble creek Sun customers, the t'est.—adv. j Over 95 per cent of the members day. of cowtesting associations in this To Wash With Iron Water Mr. and Mrs. E. B. George, state are using purebred bulls. Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Elizabeth Water containing iron which is George, Mrs. A. J. Farmers in the coastal regions W. McDonald, June 18, a boy. He Hughes and Mrs. R. L. Stubbs re liable to rust clothes and other ma-j of Georgia, North Carolina, and terials can usually be improved for' has been named Delmar Edward, turned Sunday from a delightful South'TarUina, i. where „..«e the u. ru Porto i Frank Simmons, credit manager T « T.eXaS and Lou‘s‘ana- TheX I Rican mole cricket has caused washing purposes by adding a lit tle limewater to the water, stirring The Willing Workers will have a left Monday morning July 9 from good deal of damage to truck and it thoroughly, allowing the iron to Houston, Tex., making the return garden crops in recent years, will pot luck luncheon and thimble trip in six and a half days. They find in Farmers’ Bulletin 1561-F, settle to the bottom, and then draw-' party in the social rooms of the reported that they were glad to I “The Porto Rican Mole Cricket,” ing off the clearest water for use.1 Christian church July 25. return to Oregon where it was not a description of this insect and Limewater is a safe solution and can be made easily and cheaply at Wm. Pringle Jr. is now criving quite so hot. methods of its control. home. Put a small lump of fresh, a new Studebaker Victoria recent- j I According to observations made The Vernonia Bakery periodical quicklime (caustic lime) in n ly purchased through rhe Gilby by a rangei- of the forest service, I ly sends a loaf or two of Mother’s wooden pail and slack the lime by Motor company. i U. S. department of agriculture, ! bread away to some impartial bread slowly adding about 30 times its The American Legion Auxiliary expert for scoring. Some of these j in Montana, the most dangerous | weight of water. Stir or shake the will hold a food sale in the Van loaves are sent as far as Chicago. I lightning storms come from clouds mixture for about a half hour, al-1 Alstine building next to Vernonia Never have any of these loaves that are gray or dust colored. These low it to settle, and throw away I scored less than 96% and this is clouds are generally high and move the liquid.' Then add to the lime1 Cleaners Saturday, July 28. an unusually high score when it is slowly. Rain from these clouds is residue about 300 times its weight Miss Mildred Ingram of Leban- considered that each loaf is scored J usually heavy and confined to a of water, stir it frequently for the on, Ore., is the guest of her aunt on 14 different points. These loaves ! narrow streak in the center of the next 24 hours, and allow the lime and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Albert are sent away for just one reason j storm, while the lightning Is heavy to settle. The clear water obtained Childs. and that is that Mother’s bread ' on the other edges. above the undissolved lima is lime- [ Very thorough tillage should be water. If kept for future use, this must remain a high quality loaf. The Vernonia Bakery has some- practiced throughout the summer should be put in tightly corked Ask for Mother ’ s bread and you thing new in pastry—Volcano choc will know that you have the best.— on varieties of everbearing straw containers. olate balls and Mt. Hood snowballs. adv. berries. as an adequate and con They sell 3 for 10c, but in goodness — stant supply of moisture is neces Farmer* Will Stand Pat worth more.—adv. NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELECTION sary to insure a large crop of fruit (Rainier Review) [in the late summer and fall. Unless State of Oregon, County of Co of the Shell Oil company at Seat While the state game commission a mulch is used tillage should be lumbia, School District No. 47, ss. tle, and D. E. Borroughs, district - - , releases China pheasants along with i Notice is hereby given that at continued until late autumn, ! 'credit manager of the Shell Oil com i other game birds and at the same j in periods of drought the cultiva- 1 ÿme the school district bond election ...... j promises the farmers a sur-! pany at Portland, were in Vernon tor should be used as often as once , i vey of the habits of the bird, the hereby called to be held at Wash ia on business Tuesday. ington school in Vernonia in and a week. farmers who declared war on the . . , .1 I iunuvio r<nv ucviaiuu wax vxx vxic ' Mrs. C. F. Hieber and Lowell ; for school district No. 47, Colum-1 An enterprising celery grower in birds stand firm in their objection 1,00 installed t“o‘“haring “the“‘birds Hberated'near Hieber spent Monday in Portland. I bia county, Oregon, on Friday the1 Bergen county, N. J., _has Miss Thelma Olsen had as her ¡3rd day of August, 1928, between a rather unique pumping outfit for ¡bei‘r" fields." The “farmere,’“is “seems*, nn Ktwirvn of » z» I z4 rhio , of bin his -F field. This have a certain guest Sunday, Van Pebley of La- the hours of two o’clock P.M. and I subirrigation amount of objection Fayette, Ore. seven o’clock P.M. there will be pumping outfit, which has a capa-| city of several hundred gallons a submitted to the legal voters there The following left Saturday for of the question of contracting a minute, drains the water from the a two day fishing trip on the Sal- i bonded indebtedness in the sum of ditches in the field in case of an monberry river. Emil Messing. O. T. forty-five thousand ($45,000) dol over supply of water, but the pump Bateman, J. W. Brown, J. W. As- lars for the purpose of erecting is so arranged that its action can pland, W. Nissen, G. C. Mellinger. and equipping a schoolhouse in and be during dry reversed, and weather water can be pumped The Woodmen of the World and ] for said school district. The vote to be by ballot upon through the ditches back into the Knights of Pythias lodges have purchased a set of horseshoes and I [which shall be the words “bonds— field, thus raising the water level announce that they are hereby chal Yes” and “Bondi •No”; and the in the soil until moisture is brought capillary voter shall place a cross (x) be- to the surface through lenging all comers to matches. tween the word “Bonds” and the j action. Most persons do not realize what Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kullander, A. word “Yes,” or between the word C. Alexander, and Mr. and Mrs. K. Bonds” and the word “No,” which an enormous number of seeds are produced by weeds. The number A. McNeill returned Thursday from indicates his choice. a 10-days motor trip to Seattle The polls for the reception of varies with different weeds, but [ the ballots cast for or against the most kinds produce from a hundred and Vancouver, B. C. contraction of said indebtedness to several thousand seeds per plant. Slide service for the Vernonia I will on said day and date and at Weeds such as wild carrot, bur Bakery at the Joy theatre was de the place aforesaid, be opened at dock, and sowrthistle may produce layed somewhat, but it is now run the hour of two o’clock P.M. and ning and you will find the slides remain open until the hour of sev interesting—read them each week.1 en o’clock P.M. of the same day, —adv. when the same shall be closed. By order of the District School Mr. and Mrs. 0. F. Burke went School No. 47. i to Portland Tuesday to meet Mr. Board of «Z.,.w4«. -------- District ---------- -— ---- --.i —J- — and Mrs. I. E. Bollman of Sturgis, Columbia county, Oregon, made this ^ay of July, 1928. _ Michigan, who will be their guests I BEN S. OWENS, In conducting your business there are often many record» for about three weeks. On their Chairman District School Board. i way to visit here they went through to keep not included in your regular bookkeeping system which Attest: ALICE GOODING. Yellowstone park. you have been doing with handmade forms. 503 District Clerk. FOR SALE R. L. Spencer, John Glassner, W. FOR SALE — Riverview, one acre I Notice of Dissolution of C. Kilby, E. King, and Emil Mess Your business undoubtedly calls for the use of a different with new four room house and i Partnership ing attended the installation of Notice is hereby given of the dis chickenhouse. W. S. Eason, Mist [ form than any other you have seen. But just because it is some officers in the Odd Fellows lodge 503* , at Clatskanie Wednesday of last solution of partnership on June 28, route, Vernonia. thing “special” is no reason why you need pay any more for it 1928. between Dan Steiner and F. week. than the regular ones of some similarity. E. Malmsten. All outstanding obli AUTO REPAIR SHOP now open Delegates from the Vernonia gations before that date are as- for business. Generator and i starter service. At Sesseman Black Time will be saved and yous work will be mose accurate smith Shop. 503* a a TRAVEL Do You Know? That in 1927 there was shipped from Vernonia nearly 7000 cars of forest products? This makes Vernonia one of the largest shipping points on the entire S. P. <& S. sys= tem. OREGON-AMERICAN LBR. CO Save Time With Printed Forms CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING —...................-............................... Keep In Touch Failure to keep in touch with your business or family at all times has been made in excusable because of the telephone. CALL LONG DISTANCE Oregon Telephone Company ¡FOR SALE—One late model Ford- son tractor, slightly used Good i discount and terms. Gilby Motor Co. 501 .................................................. .................. | SINGER SEWING machine, drop head, seven-drawer. For sale cheap to make room for electric. Phone 343.........................................502* and neat with the forms you need printed as yoo want them. Assistance will gladly be given in designing of any printed forms desired. i FOR SALE—8-room house, 2 lots, on Rose avenue. Price $1000, [ I $200 cash, balance $15 per month. I No. 956 Rose avenue, Whitsell. 466* ' Vernonia [FOR SALE—Delco Light Plant. Al most new. In A-l condition burns either gasoline or kerosene. A good J plant for farm lighting or water i forcing system. For further infor mation inquire at Eagle office. I