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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1928)
xtiursday, June 28, 1928 ____ Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia Oregon Carrie Drake, Cora The Shell Oil Co., have a new Davidson, oil truck. Lange, Linnie Martin, Georgia Mc Kee, Inez Powell, Dolly Stevenson Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Wardle have and Silvia Turner. I moved to Corvallis. Miss Zelma Adkins of Cincinnati, W. W. Jackson and family are Ohio, ha3 been visiting her aunt, ¿»’V’X.For Luzader, leaving this week for Texas. Mrs. J. B. Wilkerson, for several eyesight specialist, has been days. Miss Adkins’ father served A. L. Karnopp, night operator at in the Spar, sh-Americ: n war, hav- making monthly visits to Vernonia. His next visit will be July 2 and 3. Vernonia, has ueen transferred to mg enlisted at Portland. Sihce the Beaverton. close of the war he has resided in office at Kuilander’s. Have Cincinnati, where Miss Adk.ns was your eyes examined.—adv. *" Mr. and Mrs. C. Reich and born and reared. Ask for Mother’s Bread, the daughters and John Junkins spent W. J. Gooding of Vernonia is the week end in Portland. quality loaf.—adv. a brother of the late Senator Good Judge D. B. Reasoner has as his ing of Idaho who passed away Mrs. Florence Nelson of San guests his son R. F. Reasoner and Sunday. E. C. Egelus, also of V er- Francisco is here visiting her family of Grants Pass. nonia is a nephew of Senator daughter, Mrs. Bert Tisdale. Mr. Gooding has lived in Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Barnett are Gooding. Paul E. Green of Portland is now leaving for the east where they Vernonia for six years and had e>‘^loyed at Mac’s Pharmacy. He I expect to stay about three months. not seen his brother during that time. Ke was unable to attend the is "staying at the McDonald hotel. Mrs. A. B. Cooper of the Inman funeral. Carl Eurgeson spent the week Poulsen camp was in town Thurs- The three camps of the Oregon end in Portland and Vancouver, day. American Lumber Co., closed yes- Wn. ______ terday and will remain closed un- Mrs. M. M. Martin left Sunday Mrs. Florence Patton of Scap for Seattle where she will visit t’l August 15 or September 1, de- poose was the guest of Mr. and I with her mother, Mr3. A. Lester pending on the fire hazard, The mill has a sufficient quantity of | until alter the fourth of July. Mrs. 0. A. Anderson Friday. logs to last until the latter date Miss Vera Penny of Portland is i Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Baker left if necessary but will shut down Sunday for South Dakota where Friday night for ten days for re the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. they will spend about two months pairs. The planing mill will close Williams. visiting Mr. Baker’s relatives. only July 4 and 5. At the Vernonia Bakery you will Mr. and Mrs. W, R. Meyers went find a wide variety of good things Police Note* front which to select a lunch for to Camp Clatsop Saturday where In a raid on the Noodle Parlo r they attended the encampment of the picnic of fishing trip.—adv. at 735 Third street, by City Mar the Oregon National Guard. shal Phelps Sunday night, R. Ringo, Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Moe and Mrs. Arthur Wridge backed her S. Semiso, Y. Faseaki, T. Uean-.ado, baby were visiting relatives in car into the gas pump at the Square K. Itano. M. Orio were arrested Portland and Vancouver over the Deal garage Saturday and damaged for gambling and fined $5 in week end. it slightly. Judge Reasoner’s court Monday Neil Morfitt of Astoria was a morning. Mary Koto was fined W. II. Brendle and family, for- Vernonia visitor this week. He gav $10 for allowing gambling in her a thort talk at the meeting of the merely of Vernonia, have returned place of business. here from Marshfield. Mr. Brendle Lotion Tuesday night. Joe Wieberg was fined $1.0u for owns the Square Deal garage. shooting f:re crackers on Bridge Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hamblen of Miss Roberta Williams who has street. Seattle are visiting Mrs. Hamblen’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tis taken to St. Vincents Sunday for an operation for acute appendicitis >—— dale. is reported to be getting along sat- >== Miss Francis Tisdale, who has isfactorily. "X____ CONDI I IONS____ '■•een pehnnl jp Emma Jane Russell ran a nail is spending her vacation with her under a ring on the third finger father, Cleve Tisdale. of her left hand and the ring had lu rs. Anua Webster and family to be filed off and nine stitches Mount Hood Loop — opened on moved t o Portland yesterday, taken in the finger. June 15, and in good condition. where her daughter Anna Rea I A seven pound baby boy was Screenings have been placed over plans to enter business college. born to Mr. and Mrs. A. W hartón fresh oil and practically all sur The Vernonia Bakery is having of the Moonlight apartments. June face oil had dried before road was a variety of fresh fruit pies these 8. He has been named Edward opened. The Cooper Spur Road to Cloud Cap Inn is open for 7 miles days such as Strawberry, Raspber Leroy. from main loop highway. A snow ry, and Loganberry. They are truly Mrs. Hannah Smith, Addison drift 15 feet deep blocks highway delicious and only 25c each.—adv. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. at the north end of Ghost Ridge. 1 Dr. Luzader, eyesight specialist, Anderson left Saturday for Berx- Motorists can walk by trail from will be at Kuilander’s new jewelry eley, Cal., where they will attend this point % of a mile to Cloud store on Monday and Tuesday July summer school at the University of Cap Inn if they so desire. California. 2 and 3. Redwood Highway — The Red- Greenman sprained his Betty Clarke, ten months old wood highway, due to construction at a ball game Saturday daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank work, is not recommended at this afternoon and was unabie to work Lr Clark, swallowed a button hook I time as underground springs have for several days. last Saturday which stuck in her I been encountered which make a throat and threatened to prove [ bog hole of certain sections of the Miss Dorothy Foxcroft will ar- fatal but the button hook was final [road. Tractors were used to haul rive in Vernonia Friday from Sas ly removed by Mrs. 0. F. Burke, traffic through the mud for about katchewan and will be the guest and Betty is none the worse. ten days, but when traffic became heavy, this proved impossible and of her aunt Mrs. Geo. Pasco for several months. The Vernonia Hiking club climb the road was closed for five days , ed the Enterprise trail Wednesday J to all traffic. Finest quality fireworks sold at evening. They are planning a dif Crater Lake — Crater Lake west approach of mile bridge. Guns ferent hike for each week and O. i highway, Medford-Crater Lake 10c, firecrackers, 5c, other prices in F. Burke at the Miller Mercantile Park, Klamath Falls is open all the comparison. Try our goods and pne store will be glad to give informa [ way, but the spur road leading es first. DeLois Powell.—adv. 453* tion to anyone interested in hik from Anna Springs to the lake has Mr. and Mrs. 1 W. W. Jackson ing who would like to join the club. not been entirely opened as yet. I Cars can get within one mile of and** children left yesterday for Mr«. Veda Smith, librarian at Vigo Park, Texas, where .they will the Gresham high school and Mis. the lake at the present time. A make their home, They plan to Elsa Knowles returned Minday I foot trail which is in fairly good travel by steamer ■ from Portland from a month’s vacation spent, in i condition leads from the road to the lake. It will only be a few nays, to .Ban Diego. Southern Oregon and California. however, until the road will be They returned frem San Francisco P<Aer Bqrgerson was re-elected open all the way to the lake. Crater ttyihe high school board yesterday. by boat. Lake hotel season opens officially sidewalks T ork of laying the tidcwalkc The Camp Fire cabin committee July 1. around-the high school is to start met Monday evening and a com Rainier National Park, Washing Immediately. mittee was appointed consisting of ton—The Nisqually road will be opened to the public as far as I*? R. Orgon has opened an art C. F. Hieber, Emil Messing and Narada Falls on Friday, June 15. Mrs. Judd Greenman. The com I in the building formerly t-c- Paradise Valley, 1 % miles distant, I ./¿ed by the jewelry store. He mittee was instructed to proceed may be reached by foot or horse with the building at once. Will be here for two weeks xnd back over a good trail. Mounts and will sell pictures, oil paintings and The Greenleaf club recently do hiking equipment may be rented at will also d<| picture framing. nated $5 to the Camp Fire cabin Narada Falls. Due to the deep H. D. Eggleston suffered a com fund. The club is composed of the snow at Paradise Valley, it is pound fracture of the leg when he following members: Marie Adams, doubtful if private cars will be able to make the complete trip un fell from a scaffold while paint Wilma Babb, Nell Baker, ing the McDonald hotel, He was removed to the Emmanual hospital, Portland. C. W. Reithner went to Portland on business the latter part of last week. His son Ralph, who has been attending business college there the past nine months, returned home with him. WE FIX ’EM IIP Auto Tops, Curtain», Cushions, Seat Covers Auto, Sign, and House Painting. Decorating, Calcimining, Tinting. Strawberry Crates In response to many requests we are now carrying STRAWBERRY CRATES stock in sufficient quantity to supply the local demand. VERNONIA AUTO SHOP tfext Door to Brown Fumi ture Company Phone 1021 Vernonia Trading FIVE til about June 29 or 30. Beginning for the balance of the year. To Gold Beach has organized a Fire June 15 full service will be in obtain this, however, it is necessary Department with two companies. ivree at Paradise Inn. for the applicant to present affi 1'he number of foreign registra davit from the head of the motor tions seen on the highways of Ore vehicle division of his home state, gon at this time of the year calls certifying residence of applicant in for information regarding the re That state. quirements of the state of Oregon relative to registering cars bearing Bad Road. Tax ia High foreign licenses, said A. E. Shear Motorists pay a bad roads tax er, manager of the touring depart equivalent to 22.3 cents on every ment of the Oregon State Motor gallon of gas consumed on a poor association. highway. The Oregon State Motor Oregon has a reciprocal agree- association reports that this con ment with the various states of the clusion was drawn from experiments union and the requirements for the recently conducted in Washington, foreign car within the state are Iowa and North Carolina. not at all stringent. A motor ve The figures were based on the hicle licensed in another i stale premise of a car making miles must be registered within 72 hours to the gallon on a rough 1U after entering the state of Oregon. On a basis of a speed of highway. 33 miles More than eight mil Registeration stations have been hour, the test showed the cost established by the secretary of the per of gasoline and tires per one thous lion Model T Fords are state in many places throughout and miles over rough roads used the state and the Oregon State in the experiments was $35.10 for still in active service and Motor association registers cars at average four cylinder car weigh many of them can be its main office and each of Its 15 an ing 3,500 pounds loaded. The cost driven two, three and branches. the same car at the same speed In registering the automobile the for over a very smooth improved road five years and even long make of car, type of car, < ’ number and state of registration tests. only $12.80, according to the er. must be given. The name of the owner and home address, where For the Model T Ford I staying Oregon, when car entered No Special Clean-up is still a dependable and state and approximate stay of the Day, Council Decides economical car and the car in the state must also be given. I The registrar then issues a per mit in the form of a sticker to be j The city council has decided to cost of replacement parts placed on the windshield that the I forego any designated day in Ver is very small. car has been registered. This per-1 nonia as clean-up day, and has mit is issued for ninety days. Only made arrangements with local Bring your Model T to one permit can be issued in any draymen for a nominal price per one year on any car provided, how-' month per famdy for having this us and let us look it over. ever, that the secretary of state done For just a few dollars we may issue an extension if the appli- 1 “The council expects the people ...... ..... ....... . . .... . cant can show that he has not be-: to thoroughly clean up their pio- ' may be able to help you ¿Ome a resident' of Oregon. To ob- nerty.” says Dr. Ella Wight, cilv | tain this extension it is necessary health officer, “and in this way get thousands of miles of to appiy direct to the secretary of help make Vernonia more clean additional service. state giving such information ‘ as and a lovely place in which to live; will satisfy him that the applicant and now is the time to do it, before has not established residence here. the hot weather sets in, causing In the case of traveling sales decay, fermentation and germs. In i men who find it necessary to travel this way everyone helps to start in and out of Oregon the secretary our school year with a clean,! of state may issue a permit good healthy community.” Model T Fords are still ^ood for vears of service Crawford Motor Company There is a hardware s.ere~ near you that displays this shield. Big Buying Power Means Lower Prices npO GIVE you an idea of the buying power of the Northern Hardware Company, Inc., we list here just six of the items purchased last year: 15 12 70 16 15 SCO NORRIS AS r.S I*rwdeni. C. J WH1TL3IDZ Vice President A. THURM Treasurer BOY OPPIE Manager NORRIS AMES Silverton. Or. C J WHHESIDi;.CorvaHls.Or A QUACKENBUSH. Euxcne. Oregon. W 8WANK, Camas. Wash. T L. WILLIS. Portland. Or. L. L. KIDDER. Gresham. Or. ED N. SIMON. Salem. Or. ALBANr, OBSOON Ao. -2—<««•.. u: .me« H<iw. C«. AMi.ihGTO.L WASHINGTON Ko. 1»—AH luk I ou Hdw. Go. ASHLAND. OREGON ho. 41—Taos. H. toinspeoa ASTORLA, OREGON N«. 61— Al. red ruull A C«. ÀUBlAN, WASHINGTON fw. 44—CkVlASkib Ud«. Co. 4LKUKA, OREGON No. 15— U. A. Siale» BOI 11 KL. WASHLNG1ON Ne. Cno«e 4s M«tm. BRXaHEKTON. W A^lliN u J UN ho. —Ba Merlon liilw. Co. BLCKLEY. WAaHIHGlUh No. 80— Joaeo-Wbluaor«. Inc. CAMAS. WASHINGTON No. 4A—W. I WHAM Bdwe Co. CANB1. OREGON No. 44—Coo by Bdwe « La». Co. CEN I KAL POINT. OREGON No. 88—W. C. Leever CHEHALIS. WASHINGTON No. 48 — Brown-Harlas on Hard ware Co. CONDON. OREGON Ko. 71—Holloa A 8oaa CORVALLIS. OREGON No. 14—J. R. Smith A Co. CORVALLIS. OREGON Na. I A Leeke COTTAGE GROVE. OREGON No. 47—Knowles A Grabar DALLAS. OREGON No. 29—Gny Brothers DC FI R. OREGON No. 68—Johnston. Ine. ENIMCLAW. WASHINGTON No. 62—Fisher Bros. EIGENE. OREGON No. 25— J. W. Qnaekenbnsh FOCEST GROVE. OREGON No. 18—fendali Hardware Co. FOSSIL. OREGON No 71—Fotsil Mere. Co. FRANCES. WASHINGTON No. BA—Franeee Mercantile Co. GLTNDALE OREGON No. 4’2—Rarvev Hardware Co. GOLD E* DAI E. WASHINGTON No. BO—MrKenrle A Son. GRESHAM. OREGON No. It—L L. RMdor HEPPNER. OREGON No T!—G’lFsm A Blohoo HIIISBORO. OREGON No. 27—Lester Ireland 290 East Yamhill St. Portland, Oregon EAST 8862 | Our 87 Store« | HOOD RIVER. OREGON N«. 5C—E. A. Franz INDEPENDENCE. OREGON Ko 40—Tbsnw A Horloa 18«AQUAH. WASHINGTON Ko. 11—J. J. Lewis Hdw. KENT. WASHINGTON Ko. M—G. B. Berlin Hdw. KIRKLAND. WASHINGTON Ns. 7k—Kirkland Hardware A Fornltore Co. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON No. 47—Roberta A Harvey MARbHFlELD OREGON No. 68— Ekblad Hardware Ca. MARYSVILLE. WASHINGTON N«. X—Smith A Dbsrr Me Ml NN VILLE. OREGON No. B4—DeBaren A Baa. MEDFORD. OREGON No. 44—Al Pkhe Mn WAl KlF. OREGON No. 66—elder Hardware. MONROE. OREGON No. 21—Thedlnra Hdw. Co., Ine. MORO. OREGON No 76—Moro Hdwe. A lm». On. MT VERNON. WASHINGTON No. 76— Rafter A Co. MYRTLE POINT. OREGON No. B—HaNae, Land? A Son« NEWBERG. OREGON No 46—Lar kin-Prine« NORTH BEND. OREGON No. 52—Reberr-Davis. OAKLAND. OREGON No. 85—Stearns A Chenoweth OLYMPIA. WASHINGTON Ne. 65—Martin Hardware C«. PORT ORCHARD. WASHINGTON Ne. 82—Howe's Hr rd war«. PORTLAND. OREGON No. •—Aaseth Hdw. C«- 781 Tharman St. N«. 18—Division Hdw. 1M1 Division No 83—Hswthoree HJw. 1078 Hawthorne £•_ 5—Nsrvln K. H«4c«. BM8 Pfd *• S. E. No 4-Rowsrd Hdw. A Paint C« 1917 East Glisan St. No^ F--Kenton Hdw.. 1771 Denver Ne 40—F. S. Rsme'de Hoffman M H H H M Inc. DIRECTORS H N in such quantities we are able to give you better goods at the lc vc t price. The savings we make by such purchases are passed on to you. u::e the store near you that shows the shield above. You will find the name ai.d address in the list below this. OFFICERS H H carloads of barbed wire, carloads of galvanized water pipe, carloads of roofing. carloads of paint, carloads of linseed oil. tons of nails. -ÌÙ <■ J H Prleninn. 4tB R. Hardware H H H H H H H H H H H H H N H H H H H H H H H H ZHZHZHZHZHHZHZHXHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZ