Thursday, June 21, 1928 Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia Oregon are reputed quite poisonous in the CHURCH OF CHRIST southern country but in the north (Christian) they become more or less harmless Sunday’, June 24, we will have due to the colder climate. This one our Bible school and morning wor­ was about two inches long. They ship out of doors. Cars will be sometimgs come in shipments from at the church building at 9 a.m. the tropics.—Tillamook Headlight. Come, bring the whole family, i bring a basket of lunch and let : us worship in God’s great out of I doors next Sunday. Bible school Educational Chat» ,. | in the morning, lunch at noon and I church service in the afternoon at By Natal Grove. The Bible school at Dr. Arnold Bennett Hall Mist will join in this program next President, University of Oregon Sunday. Regular evening services at the We are all constantly preparing. church. C. E. at 7 and church ser- Bible study Wed- Everything we do, every thought we vice at 8 p.m. 7:30 p.m. “Looking think, every victory we win and every nesday at >> battle we lose tends to Toward Pentecost.1 Teddy W. Leavitt, Pastor. prepare us for the A struggles that are ihead. If we culti­ Jefferson county farmers expect vate habits of ignor bumper wheat crop this year. ince, slovenliness and indifference, we are Beat & Laird at Bandon com­ preparing for failurt plete 12-mile lumber road to Gay­ ind defeat. If one is to prepare lord. mccessfully to takt his place in this world he must first develop habits of industry, per Dr. A. B. Hall severance and mastery The men of industry, the farmer, the store keeper, or the doctor succeed to just the extent that they bring to bear upon the performance of theii duties these' splendid habits which re­ sult in mastery and achievement. . Then too, if we are to prepare for material success we must learn to think to plan, to use our heads. We must study the problems of life, the problems of our business and our profession and bring to bear upon the solution of these problems not only industry but a keen intellect and an open mind. We must work into this foundation of material «uccess, good health and physical fitness, No man is equipped to grapple with the problems of life, and particularly with the strenuous problems of this strenuous age, unless he has learned to keep himself physic­ ally fit, to conserve his energy and to come to his task in the prime of phy­ sical and intellectual vigor. To succeed today a man must also have personality. lie must learn to win ■wr y « a the confidence and friemLh.p ot m. n, f v Q ÌÒ O M he must learn to make friends, he must learn that one of the elements of ma­ terial success is to be a leader of his fellow men. There has never been a period in our history hen there has been such a dramatic call for service to the best ideals and purposes of our democracy. To prepare ourselves for this service we must mobilize our spiritual re­ sources for our country. We must de- velop a passionate love for liberty, for righteousness and for justice until we find our deepest pleasure and our greatest exhaltation in sacrificing for these noble aims. This meanB we must cultivate our instincts of human sympathy. We must learn fo recognize that we are our brothers’ keeper. We must come to the vital, vivid realization that in a democ­ racy the burden of securing justice and enthroning righteousness is a burden that belongs to everyone. If the citizens of our democracy can build for material sue -ess upon these g- at corner stones and in addition, if they can develop a genuine dynamic patriotism, one that will marshall their forces and their hopes and their aspira­ tions to the defense of America'and al) the great things for which it stands, we will have prepared ourselves for citizenship and built an impregnable basis and bulwark for dem.«» ra*.For 5 years Dr. Luzader,! IF. Bv McPherson, Mr. and eyesight specialist, has been R. W. Meyers, L. L. Althaus, making monthly visits to Vernonia, j Carl Burgeson. office at Kullander’s. Have Baker’s city natatorium has cosr your eyes examined.—adv. ■ $185,000. FIVE