Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, June 21, 1928, Page 4, Image 4

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Thursday, June 21, 1928
Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia Oregon
well written advertisements have directed
public attention to convenient, becoming,
attractive, useful, ornamental and suitable
merchandise. The sale of all necessities,
all luxuries, all indulgences, is more
stimulated by the newspaper
Issued every Thursday
per year in Advance'
idveiiiscment th:, a by any other agency.
Entered as Second Cl s Mutter, Au,;i. t 4, 1922 at the Only hungei, cold and nakedness are com­
Post Office at Vernonia, Oregon, under the
parable to the advertisement as a promo-
Act of M.ircli 3, 1879
iti of san s, and even purchases of food,
fuel and clothing are directed more large­
MAUK E. MOE, Editor
ly by the business columns of the press
any other influence except immediate
Many things are seasonable in summer, The largest stores in our greatest cities
such as fresh fruit, garden vegetables, have been built up by their advertising,
vacationing, circuses, sleeping-porches, their persistent and clever invitation to
swimming, baseball and golf, but from .'¡c public ill the press to share in their
the working-man’s point-of-view it just bargains. Imagine what would happen to
seems as though summer is first of all the daily sales of merchandise, real estate,
seasons for straight-away, unadulteratet die: it re tickets, insurance, books and other
and undisturbed loafing. And when we tilings, if newspaper advertisements were
use “woi king-man” in this connection we prohibited by law for six months. It is
mean every man and woman who is earn­ not exaggeration to say that they would
ing a living, every woman and man who drop 5U per cent.
is keeping house and every boy and girl It is not the current news of events
alone that makes the press of such incal­
who is going to school or college.
The economist who discovers a means culable value to the nation, nor the free
whereby the world can earn a livlihood editorial expression of opinion. The bus­
and create an estate in the nine months iness concerns in their announcements to
from September 1 to June 1 should be the public, decisively influences both the
sainted, knighted, degreed (that is by uni­ volue and the direction of trade which
versities, not juries), elected to some good flows to this or that store, office or bank.
paying public office and pensioned. Even This is a fundamental fact no business
though the formula has not been discover­ house can afford to overlook.
ed, there should be great fortune making
possibilities in high-powered advertising
of such a prescription secretly discovered
and offered to a distressed public for the Once upon a time, there were three
first time.
.competing mousetrap makers, all doing
During autumn, winter and spring the about the same amount of business. Each
righteous indignation of the toiling world charged the trade twenty cents a trap.
rises up against such as will not work The merchant retailed for thirty cents.
but thrive as parasites upon that part of One day one of the manufacturers de-
humanity which works. What a different cided to spend one cent per trap to ad-
complexion public opinion takes on dur­ vertise. lie did not raise his price to thc
ing the warm and smiling days of sum­ dealer, and the dealer did not raise his
mer! Nobody blames a fellow for turning price to the public.
hobo then. Bosses, who spend the morn­ The advertising trap maker kept up
ings at the soia bar and the afternoon on the advertising for a couple of years,
the golf links, don’t belabor their cm- when it was found that his business had
ployes for dropping the pencil for a mo­ grown to such volume that he could build
ment of day-dreaming and window-gaz­ better machinery. So, instead of turning
ing. The meals mother prepares on hot out a trap for fifteen cents, by quantity
summer days would be ample grounds for production he could make a better trap
divorce at any other time of the year, but for ten cents. 'Phis he was able to sell to
father complains not and the children are ‘ho dealer for fiftepn cents, and the dealer
satisfied. Mother hasn't the energy to pre­ sold it to the consumer for twenty-five
pare better and the other members of the cents.
family haven’t the energy to eat that Now, who paid for the advertising?
which she has provided.
Not the consumer, who now got a better
So it is resolved that summer was made trap for less money. Not the dealer, be­
for hammocks, ice-cold lemonade in the cause he now made a better percentage
siiade, a water-side cottage, a loafing of profit, gave his customers better value,
automobile or anything whatsoever except and make a quicker turnover.
Neither did the manufacturer pay for
the advertising, because he now sold so
many more that where he used to make
five cents profit per trap and sold a
What is the secret of Vernonia? Why thousand a day, he now made three cents
has it enjoyed a steady growth, economic per trap and sold three thousand a day.
stability and preeminence among com­ He was selling three times as many
munities equal or laiger in population?
traps. Yet the supply of mice had not in­
There must be a reason or reasons for creased like that.
the magnetic powers exerted by Vernon­ By looking closer it is discovered that ft
ia in attracting new citizens and recalling the other two mousetrap men had gone
those few old residents temporarily re­ out of business.
The men who really paid for this manu­ <
Patriotism, community loyally and civic facturers advertising were the two who
pride may blind some to the advantages of had not advertised, and who paid with
other towns and to the defects of their, their business. If the non-advertisers only
“old home town,” but they alone cannot realized
it, while u«.,
they ...
are v talking about
and do not account l’or tue high esteem in the needless expense of advertising, they
which this community is hold by the brave- are really paving the advertisers’ adver-
ler and its own citizenry. There is some tising bills. -The Neoga, Illinois, News,
inspiration back of the extravagant praise;^
of even the most enthusiastic civic booster. CELEBRATE THE FOURTH HERE
Isn't ihe real secret of the success of
Vernonia as a community the fact that Vernonia will have its own celebration
it has, from its easiest beginnings, recog­ on the Fourth of July this year, so instead
nized ami conies ?d its imperfections? A of planning to visit your friends on that
good diagnosis is hall the cure. By being date, we suggest that you invite them to
first in detecting its “sins of commission visit you. While we live in the extreme
and omission" this community has been WQst. it is not a typical cattle country, and
first in doing what it should do and in possibly you and surely some of vour
ceasing to do what it shouldn’t do.
friends have never seen a rodeo. They
Some communities are born great, wib enjoy it.
others acquire greatness and still others For those who are air minded, as one 1
have greatness thrust upon them. Verno.. , local enthusiast says, airplanes will be
ia is all three iast into one. It was born here at that time to inspect, watch or ride
with certain natural advantages. It acqi: r in as one wishes. Truly, anyone wishing
ed by the thriftness ami vision of its citi-i for a good time on that annual celebra­
zens industrial, commercial, social a i l tion day will not find a better one else­
residential superiorities. And great no.-i where.
being thrust upon it by every passing
tourist, occasional envoy of business ami No one has as yet proposed a flower
even more scrutinizing \isitor.
for Vernonia. We would like to have con­
tributions on this matter and the whole
thing decided by the Chamber of Com-
mere« before Vernonia day. earlv in Sep­
Beyond all question the most potent o1 tember, when the flower should have a
business demands in America is the place of honor with the exhibits.
newspaper advertisement. Millions upon
millions of dollars are expended every
A loafer usually wishes he was doing
day in the stores of the country because something else.
®hr Urnuntia fcaglr
siribution Witho
Eveiybody hop in the old bus and go for a trip. It may be only a
week end jaunt or an all summer tour—there’s a lot of fun in either
one. No special preparations necessary. No days of sweating over a hot
stove, cooking and pieparing a lot of food. Just pick up and go—happy
in the knowledge that within striking distance of almost any place in the
great West there is a convenient, low-priced Safeway ready to furnish
all the food even hungry travelers can consume. Wherever you go—de-
pend on Safeway.
Safeway Savings for Friday, Saturday and
Monday, June 22, 23 and 25.
cm < ■fiwii h ¿urTirvi
Maximum Brand
A rich creamy milk
without that cook-
ed taste. At our in-
troductory price of
3 Can Limit
Geo. Washington. The
| finest plug cut in din­
S ner pail tins.
I 1A Pound can
I t Pork & Beans
Campbells Brand. Fine
lor hot weather and I
picnic dinners.
••vriiT— bbj — aj
Fancy solid
ripe fruit.
New fresh stock. Bright
Gohlen Hallowi fruit
2 Pound
New Spin is
L 1
No. 1 quality. Large
and smooth.
on ice
Fancy Klondykes. Not
too large.
ing and deodorizing.
8 oz. bottles
3 Bottles
P°r pound .
White Wonder Brand
A fine quality of Yel­ Best for the laundry.
low Clings.
Standard pack in No.
2 1Z> tins.
69c 20 Bars
Old Dutch
Cleans without scratch­
49c 3 Cans
Safeway Maple and
Cane. A light tasty
syrup for summer use.
10 Lb.
** Lb.
Blue Ribbon or Bud­
weiser, Hop flavored.
3 Lb.
The Margarine of
3 Cans
12 Cans
Fancy Blue Rose. Long
Per Carton .................
Carton .
29c For cleaning,
Camels, Chesterfields,
Luckeys or Cid Gold.
3 Pounds
Cans ......................
Safeway Brand or
Nehalem Valley.
1 Pound
2 Pound
We won hl rather have a big volume and a small profit
than a big profit and a small volume.
White Ribbon
Pounds .........................
Pounds ................
Pork Roasts
Shoulder—Young Grain Fed
Per Pound ........................... 22c
Bacon Squares—2 to 4 Pounds
Fine for Boiling of Frying
Per Pound ...........
!•> or Whole — Sugar Cured
Per Pound .......................... 31c
We Deliver All Orders Free
Store No. 225
Phone 741