EIGHT Nickerson Sold First Gas BEACONS FOR NIGHT FLYERS I i From page 1 I publican ticket. “Among the pioneer residents of the Yernonia district I remember best are Frank Baker, who was the first postmaster at Vernonia, and Bob McNutt, who was the next post­ master. He now lives in Grants Pass. Spence Rose and Joe Van Blaricom owned the townsite of Vernonia. Tom Lavendar was our first blacksmith. Olaf Malmsten was the next one. Among other old-tim­ ers were Mike Emmons, Dick Sess- man, Alec Swords, Lad Lupin, John Adams, Frank Tracey, Dad Parker, John Pringle, W. D. Case, Tom Tucker, Riley Adams, Paddy Wilson, iJudscn Weed, Israel Spencer and Charlie Mellinger. I worked for a timber cruiser for a while. We cruised the timber from Vernonia to the mouth of the Nehalem river. Following the river it took about 80 miles. On upper Rock creek we struck sections that would go from 12 to 15 million feet to the quar­ ter section. “Before the coming of the auto­ mobile, when most of Oregon’s roads were bad, I used to haul ap­ ples from Vernonia to Portland. It took me four days to make the trip. Vernonia, like most other western communities, had its share of trag­ edy. I served on the coroner’s jury when an inquest was held over a SBN fRPNCtSCÓ)^ CHQWCHILLR As an aid to aviation and the de­ velopment of night flying, the Stand­ ard Oil Company of California Is build­ ing what will be the two highest powered incandescent electric beacons in the country—one to be placed on the summit of Mt. Diablo near San Francisco Bay and the other in the Merced Hills, Los Angeles. These bea­ cons will develop ten million candle­ power and the flashing beams from them will be visible to aviators for between 100 and 150 miles. The com­ pany has taken this action at the sug­ gestion of the United States Depart­ ment of Commerce, the Airways Di­ vision of which is now engaged in in- stalling lights to mark the airways from Los Angeles to San Francisco and from Los Angeles to Salt Lake City. The Department of Commerce is also projecting a series of lights north­ ward and eastward from San Fran­ cisco, as indicated In the chart above. These official airway lights are set at frequent Intervals and are of three million candlepower each. The government will give the light on Mt. Diablo the official designation of "SD,” standing for “Standard- Diablo,” and “SL,” signifying “Stand- ard-Los Angeles," for the light in the Merced Hills. The light tor this type of beacon, built by the Sperry Gyroscope Co., is furnished by large 1500-watt incan­ IRCH OF CHRIST ffl MERCED HillS DIEGO ASSEMBLING STANDARD OIL AVIATION BEACON, WORKMAN IS HOLO- ING 1500 WATT LAMP WHICH DEVELOPS TEN MILLION CANDLe POWER.3ft■ INCH REFLECTOR AT LEFT ANO 3ft-INCH LENS AT RIGHT /■/AHI tTuAIOt descent lamps especially manufac­ tured for the purpose. The reflector and lens of the beacon are 38 inches in diameter. The light is equipped with an Ingenious device holding two of the Incandescent lamps—one direct­ ly in front of the focal point of the reflector. In the event of this lamp burning out the Second lamp is auto­ matically thrown over to take the place of the one that has gone out. This is done almost instantly so that there is no interruption in the opera­ tion of the beacon. The beacon itself makes six complete revolutions per minute. An automatic astronomical clock turns the beacon on at sunset and oft at sunrise. This clock auto­ Friday, June 15. Many interesting articles from Japan and fancy work will be for sale and tea served by women in Japanese costumes. A and Silver tea in the church parlors Wednesdays 7:30. Japanese Bazaar Christian Children’s Day. Regular study hour at 10:00 and special service given entirely by the children at 11:00. Songs, scripture and ser­ mon given by children. Everyone will enjoy this Children’s Day pro­ gram, come! Communion at close of service. Christian Endeavor at 7:00. , Evening service 8:00. Bible study Auto Tops, Curtains, Cushions, Seat Covers Auto, Sign, and House Painting. Decorating, Calcimining, Tinting. (The Pioneer Church) G. W. Plumer, Pastor Rev. F. B. Culver, the new presid­ ing elder, will preach at 8 p.m. Sat­ urday and hold the first quarterly conference Sunday. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. At 11 a.m. Rev. Culver will preach again and hold communion service. 7 p.m. young people’s meeting. 8 p.m. Children’s day program. VERNONIA AUTO SHOP Next Door to Brown Furni­ ture Company Phone 1021 Card of Thanks We wish to extend our thanks to our friends and neighbors and es pecially to the Evangelical church and Sunday school for the many beautiful flowers and for the words of comfort in our deep sorrow. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Shipley and Family. Don’t sacrifice your Model T Ford, but bring it in and let us look it over. Maybe all you need is a complete engine and transmission overhauling to give you thousands of miles of additional service. We’ll do that for a labor charge of only $20. Other charges equally low. IM OVAL WE FIX 'EM UP EVANGELICAL CHURCH $20 to $25 ft JfíN BERNARDINO LOS RNGLLES man named McPherson. Green Ad­ ams stepped out into the street and shot it out with McPherson. He shot Mac through the heart. Green Ad­ ams was tried, convicted and sent to the penitentiary and after a little while paroled. Two farmers, Stod­ dard and Bachus, who lived on Rock creek, had a dispute over their boundary line. I doubt if the ground in dispute was worth over a few dollars. Stoddard ambushed Bachus and killed him. Deputy Sheriff Charlie Mellinger and ‘Doc’ Beakley followed Stoddard, and when he re­ sisted arrest, killed him.” Medel T Ford Engine and Transmission Overhauled for a labor charge of only JERN e Thursday, June_14, J.928 VERNONIA EAGLE Crawford Motor Co. matically compensates for the con­ stantly changing hours of sunset and sunrise. The beacons will be mounted on 75-toot steel towers. The symbols SD and SL will be hung on the side of the towers as a mark of identifica­ tion in letters twelve feet high out­ lined in neon lights. These lights complement the exist­ ing system of daylight airway signs which the Standard Oil Company maintains at some 500 points on the Pacific Coast. These signs are painted on the roofs of its warehouses and give the name of the town in which located. They can be read by aviators at a height of several thousand feet. riV J6C JL Win A Prize At The Fight I Saturday night you will have a chance to win a prize of $5 worth of shoe repairing if you hold the lucky number at the smoker to be held in the Legion hall Saturday night. Everyone will get a number Loggers Made to Order Good Year Shoe Shop Lodge Notices Mountain Heart Rebekah Lodge No. 243 No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every sec­ ond and fourth Thursdays in Grange hall, Vernonia. Visitors al­ ways welcome. Mrs. Ruth Reese, N. G. Mrs. Hazel Thompson, Sec. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS HARDING LODGE 116 Meets every Friday at 8 P.M. in Grange hall. Emil Messing, C. C. Harry Culbertson, KRS program of instrumental and vocal music will be given throughout the afternoon. The public are invited. Hours from 2:00 to 5:00. Friday June 15. Teddy W. Leavitt, pastor. Woodmen of the World W. O. W. Vernonia camp No. 655 meets every Monday night at seven thirty at the Grange Hall. Visiting members welcome. ROBERT LINDSEY, C. C. L. M. ESCUE, CLERK. Reithner’s A. F. & A. M. Vacalionland’s Greatest Entertainer Be Buying Wise STaru/nwuick Let STYLE by the barometer, QUALITY the rule, and VALUE the keynote that guides your buying. Vernonia Lodge, No. 184 A. F. 4 A. M., meets at Grange Hall every Second and Fourth Thursday nights. Visitors Welcome Levert Goodin, Secretary. American Legion i Portable There’s a reason why “Reithner’s sales are increasing every month— STYLE and QUALITY • Prices reveal an achievement in presenting the trade with greater values than ever before Coolie Coats at ............................ $ 2.50 Flannel Sport Blazers at ........... $ 6.75 Fashionable Silk Dresses at ........ $12.75 High Grade Silk Bloomers at ....$ 1.00 With a new amplifying! TONE CHAMBER SHOES — HOSIERY — DRY GOODS Genuine Kotex, per package ............35c A positive vacation need j In Oakland-Pontiac showrooms throughout the United States a special Fisher Body Demorfstration opens Saturday, June 16. Co­ operating with the Fisher Bodv Corporation, Oakland has arranged to demonstrate to automobile owners everywhere the reasons L>r the superiority and popularity of Fisher bodies. Come to cur showroom during the Fisher Body Demonstration. Learn how Fisher builds bodies and what high quality of materials is used. See for yourself why experienced owners demand bodies by Fisher. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain a sound understanding of such an important part of your automobile. Oakland AU-American Six, 045 to ¿126$. New Serie» Pontiac Six, ¿745 to $875. All fnicn at factory. Check Oakland Ptnuiac deiwrred r- ic-« — Uu -» trulsMi«- MMMM hunJ.tng dtaffi■ . Motors Time Payment Plan available ut minimum rate. GILBY MOTOR CO. Vernonia, Oregon Extra Special Let us demonstrate Large size Bath Towels.................. 35c or 3 for $1.00 Mae’s Pharmacy I fourth Tues- days each month, 8 p.m. W. H. Hurley, Commander. Bodies by Fisher War Tax Removed—Delivered Price» Reduced. Plays All Records Vernonia Post 119, American Le- gion. Meets second why Experienced Owners Demand Order of Eastern Star Nehalem Chapter 153, o. E. S. Regular communi- Fcation first and Z _ SySStfeX third Wednesdays of each -h month. Al! visiting sisters and brothers wel­ come. Catherine McNeill, W. M. I. O. O. F. i.o •O.F.—Vernonia Lodge No. 246 meets every Tuesday night st 8 o’clock, in Grange hall. Vis- itors always welcome. A. P. Bays, N. G. A. H. Webb, Sec. American Legion Auxiliary OAKLAND-PONTIAC • ......... Si^ Meet» fir»t and third Mon­ day» of each month at the Legion Hall. Mrs. Mark E. Moe, President. Mrs. E. H. Washbum, Secretary.