FOUR Thursday, June 7, 1928. VERNONIA EAGLE fanning himself violently with straw hat or newspaper. Sports costumes have emancipated wo men so far as summer apparel is concern ed. Short sleeves, no collars, light and airy cos Issued every Thursday $2 per year in Advance materials, loose-fitting, straight-line tumes, all help the female of the species, Entered as Second Class Matter, Aujrust 4, 1922 at the be she flapper or dignified matron, to Post Office at Vernonia, Oregon, under the look cool and comfortable in the eyes Act of March 3. 1879 of sweltering man. MARK E. MOE, Editor Why not the men declare a little in dependence in this matter? Returning sus BETTER BUSINESS ETHICS penders are to be worn beneath the shirt so that dignity need not be sacrificed It is a wholesome sign of the times that when the coat is removed. As an office business and professional men are much uniform the coatless outfit should make concerned over the ethics of their own for greater comfort, increased efficiency particular occupations. Many trade asso and smoother tempers. Why not discard ciations, service clubs and other commer the coat except when formality or com cial bodies have committees on business fort demand its use? standards and printed codes of ethics to Although man never tires of bantering guide their members. Colleges and uni the opposite sex for being the slave of versities offer lecture courses on the sub fickle fashion, there are good reasons for ject, books are being written on it and suspecting that men folk would cast aside there are organizations dedicated to. the the coat for the sake of comfort if it were improvement of the standards of business not unfashionable. Husbands gibe their Conduct. „< .; sj wives for being too conventional and melt However, the public is not overly im under a heavy coat merely because it is pressed by mere organization or printed unconventional to remove it in the pres codes, standards and platforms. It judges ence of others. the ethics of a business by the ethics of individual members of that business. It GOOD ROADS MAKE THE WORLD KIN does not buy goods from trade associa tions, but from individual concerns. What really matters is not the publicly announc Paved city streets and improved high ed and purposely high-sounding and son ways leading to the city, affect the growth orous code of an impersonal association, and prosperity of the community in many but the actual everyday conduct of the in ways. dividual business man, firm and corpora In the first place, cost of upkeep of an unimproved street or highway is much tion. greater than if the thoroughfare were But there is not a consumer who has paved. not convinced himself by actual experience The entire surface of paved street is that merchants, especially, are doing more usable; that is, there are not two lines or than talking about service. Modern bus ruts which the traffic follows, as on a dirt iness has learned that “honesty is the best or gravel road. Therefore, paving in policy” and that “he profits most who creases the capacity of streets and high serves best.” And it matters little to the ways. consumer whether business is rendering Paving enhances property values and better service for purely selfish reasons or acts as an inducement for home owners because it has become morally conscious. to the appearance of their grounds Profits are a worthy, honorable goal, and improve houses, that street a more but if they are the only aim of business, pleasant place making to live then the commercial system is doomed. Paved streets make on. city more desira And it follows naturally that, since the ble from an industrial a standpoint, for, a commercial system shows no evidence of factory or any business which requires decay, profits are not the one and only hauling will naturally pick a town where goal of modern business. hauling can be done most speedily and economically. A FORTUNE IN THIS We are no longer living in the days of the old walled cities. Good roads, good Man’s day is triple; a work day which stieets and rapid locomotion have annihil has been shortened; a leisure day which ated time and distance and virtually made has been correspondingly lengthened; and the whole world kin.—Manufacturer. a sleep day which, so far as is definitely RULES TO PREVENT FIRE known, has been neither shortened nor lengthened with the progress of mankind. Fire Chief Scott, of Los Angeles, en Greater mental activity, artificial light, more diversions, and the noises and dis umerates ten rules for fire prevention tractions ot the city may have subtracted which should be followed by every citi something from the sleep period of mil zen. Their observance would contribute lions. But it may be that modern man greatly to reducing fire losses to a min needs more sleep to knit up “the raveled imum: sleeve of care,” for the ravage is greater Remove all dry grass and weeds from in this day of high-speed living than when around barns, garages, fences, etc. Never man found it easier to make a living and build bonfires on windy days. Burn all oily rags. Do not leave them less to do when he wasn’t engaged in lying around, as there is danger of spon the actual business of earning money. It would be interesting to know how taneous combustion fire. Remove and dispose of all rubbish and many hours the savage sleeps as compared with the chemist who proposes a chemi other waste material from the premises. Provide yourself with an approved type cal substitute for sleep. Science lias come to look upon the body of incinerator. That is the only safe way as a collection of elements whose reac to burn rubbish and other waste materials. tions determine the physical state of man’s Chimneys should be cleaned and ex being. rl his has led the chemist to con amined once each year, especially in us sider the diet which may best supply what ing coal or bricquettes. Many fires each the body needs and has suggested to them year are caused by defective chimneys the idea of discovering or creating a cat and by sparks flying on shingle roofs. l)o not use gasoline to clean garments alyst that will so resolve and recombine the elements which sleep has alone been or gloves in the house. Do that kind of able to convert from the poisonous to the work in the open air away from the fire. Keep an apprved fire extinguisher in benign that man may have longer days the house for emergency use. It is better without lessened years. No other discovery would work such a to be safe than sorry. Do not use flexible gas hose to connect revolutionary in human society. It would fatigue the imagination to try to think of gas heaters or stoves. Use solid pipe con the social changes which would follow the nections only. discovery of a synthetic substitute for Cooperate with the fire department by making your building safe against fire; sleep. '1 nough man for ages has assumed that by removing the cause of fire. Keep in mind the location of the near sleep was foreordained as a blessing to mankind, the scientist who makes sieep est fire-alarm box and memorize the tel unnecessary will be blessed even more ephone number of the fire department.— than “the man who first invented sleep." Manufacturer. ©Ijr lîrnuiuut fcaglr COATS AND 90 IN THE SHADE The late bird catches the sleep. A low moral aim oft will hit the dollar Why is it required in summer time that a gentleman wear his coat everywhere ex mark. cept on the golf links or tennis court or Many persons are able to beat oppor- in the swimming pool? Dignity demands it, some say. Also, it tunity knocking. has always been the mark of a gentleman to wear a coat, no matter how ridiculous Having to swallow insults is hard on he looks mopping his face and brow or a man’s digestion. ■ A CT. •t V.. .■ Disivi hut ia - ó ~ THRU OUT THE WEST Safeway Economy ! Safeway Service ! 1200 widely scattered units operated by this organiza tion, you will receive the same courteous, efficient, time and money saving ser vice. Plan on these stores and markets when you start and depend upon them the whole trip. Anywhere you may go, in the Middle West, South west, Northwest, or along the Pacific Coast, in almost any town, you will find a clean, convenient, low pric ed, Safeway Store, with a complete assortment of the highest quality foods. And in each of the more than rib ÜZE.’ Safeway Savings for Friday, Saturday and Monday, June 8lh, 9th, and 1 Illi. ht Buy Buller ft Safeway Brand. Strike anywhere. •J ? Cans 12 Cans I Cerio 79c 3 Bottles $295 American Beauty Brand. Fancy Pack 49c .. 89c .... Crux 49c Full Qt. Bottle Fig Bars 22 oz. size, brown glass Fresh stock with heavy 39c fig filling. Jar ... ........... 23c 3 Pounds Bottles 98c $580 Per dozen Pt. Size Jar .... % Pt. Size Wesson Oil America’s choice for salad and cooking. Aprons Fresh and Snappy Made from pure gum rubber. Assorted colors Asparagus 2 in 49c Cans Fancy Franquettes 1 Pound 3 Pounds Tomatoes ..................... .... 49c Always $185 2 Pounds . .. .... ...... Citrus 29c 85c Peanuts Solid Packed 3 Cans 12 Cans 49c Walnuts 29c Large- size packed No. 2'/> tins. 39c Each A dainty cheese waifer 4 oz. package ... Per case Ginger Snaps 2 Pounds Cheese Bits 3 Packages 49c Rubber 49C Qt. Can i-'•j The Margarine of qual That healthful refresh ity. ing summer drink. 69c 3 Pounds Gold Medal Brand. The best that is made. 'J 18c Carton Grape Juice Mayonnaise k J ft Fancy sliced, in heavy Fruit Pectin for jelly syn.r. making. 47c 93c 3 Cans Carnation, Bordens, Pet or Federal. Pineapple Shrimp ft Matches 12 c.»................ $110 6 Box here and help the Camp Fire girls of Vernonia. All of the profit made on butter Saturday will go to this worthy organiza- tion. 1 Pound .... 2 Lb. Roll Canned Milk fresh roasted. ....................... 29c Powder 1 lge. pkg. Citrus granulated soap, 1 lge. pkg. Citrus washing powder, 1 granite mixing bowl, 98c ALL FOR All our Meats are government inspected at the Safeway Market i rtji W e buy the best Beef Roasts Shortening Young and Juicy Shoulder White Ribbon Per lb................................. * 22c Bacon Bacon Squares. 2 to 4 lbs. Per lb .............................. 17c u WE Store No. 225 DELIVER 2 lbs- 8 lbs- 29c $115 Pork Roasts Younk Milk Fed Per lb — .......... -.............. 22c ---------------------- T------------------ ALL, Vernonia ORDERS FREE Phone 741 »