l WC ì FA a J f A iaL that Pay Dividends i ■jlflMtl Safeway Sai Lip-. for Fri., Sat. and Mon. May 25,26,28 Pure Cane Sugar Fancy Blue Rose. Long Grain The sugar market is strong and ad­ vancing. Buy yours for the canning season now. Fine granulated. 100 lb-kll! $649 i V ! Golden Fancy 3 Cans 49 c 12 c. 6 Pounds .................... 59c $225 , Market Day Special Good grade of Stan­ Clean fresh stock. dard quality. 37 c 6 Pineapple Corn 69C cans Tomatoes Fines! quality of slight­ That Crisp Satisfying ly broken and imper­ Standard Quality with wann weather break­ fect slices. Puree. fast cereal. Pk< -28c 3 Lr.rcans .................. 63c Dai nt} Peaches Waiters 4 Hominy made Fine Quality of Yellow Whole Grain A crisp flaky salted Clings. with lye. cracker. 2 Lb. 69 c 2 Large 39c 3 Pkg. tins ............... 29C Fruit and Vegetable Features Bananas solid ripe fruit , , 3 Ibs. 25c Lettuce large solid heads . 3 heads 23c If lil Rhubarb fancy Canby Slock . . Per lb. 3c New Spuds fancy garnets . 4 lbs. 28c I (I White Wonder. Oregon Domestic Brand. Quality straw. made. 37c 10 Bars Each 1 V Purex 98C $580 ......................... 79C 6d0Z. case Bottle z Cappers Rubber the best that’s made. Each*.......................... $1 29 Aprons Per dozen Per Bottle .................. Malt Syrup Mrs. Stewarts Brand does not streak the Blue Ribbon or Bud­ weiser Hop Flavored. clothes. 35C 3 Lb. 2 Bottles 79c Can 49 Lb. Bag....... $2 09 5 J 2 PtjU g Pounds 29c $115 75c PORTLAND -VERNONIA TRUCK LINE In An Age of Speed The telephone leads for it is the only com­ munication system that links the entire na­ tion and permits you to immediately com­ plete a transaction regardless of distance. The Telephone Gives You— PRIVACY—ACCURACY—SPEED ECONOMY—CERTAINTY Oregon Telephone Company STORES AT CORVALLIS HILLSBORO M c M innville MONMOUTH House Dresses and Aprons Í& i Mens Straw Hats New Straws fancy bands, the very latest in shapes— Made of Printed Cloth’s. Absolutely fast colors, neatly trimmed and well made. $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 98c to $3.50 GENUINE PANAMAS — $5.00 New Shipment of English Prints just arrived, fast colors, 35c and 45c. Men’s Athletic underwear, fancy Madras, Colored Stripe Broadcloth, Rayon Silk— 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 Beef Roasts Juicy Shoulder Per Pound . ..................... Young Shoulder Pork Per Pound ............................ Little Red Riding Hood Childrens Hose, Black and colors, Size 5’/2 to 10. Price 25c Per Pair. Ladies Lisle Hose, Black and Colors 25c and 35c MEN’S FANCY DRESS SOX 25c and 50c MEN’S HICKORY SHIRTS $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 22c 14 oz. Red Wrist Canvas Gloves 15c 15c 15c Pork Roasts Bacon Squares 2 to 4 Pounds J Pounds .......................... 0 SHIP BY TRUCK and SAVE MONEY Right in Style Quality and Price Al The Very Best Meats at the Safeway Market Shortening—Snow Cap Vernonia Phone 1041 Portland Phone East 9923 NEWBERG SALEM SHERIDAN VERNONIA $198 Big K Flour. All Hard wheat CAREFUL HANDLING INCORPORATED Corona Brand Hard wheat blend b.„ DAILY SERVICE STORES AT Flour 49 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Miller Mercantile Co Brown Glass Fine Lge. 32 oz. bottle. Bleaches and deodor­ izes. Made from pure gum rubber, assorted colors. 25r Bluing I i Bottles Brooms Soap *1 73C Ol.urse tins ................ Delivered to Your Door in First Class Condition St. Helens, Oregon, May 4, 1928. SEALED PROPOSALS, ’addressed to the County Court of Columbia county, Oregon, at St. Helens, Ore­ gon, and endorsed “Proposal for doing the following work in Col­ umbia county, to-wit: The construction of 1.27 miles of highway, including clearing, I grading, culverts and bridges, said road being on the Vernonia Buxton road, from the county line, north toward Vernonia will be received by said County Court until 2:00 o'clock p.m. May 28, 1928 and not there­ after, and at that time will be publicly opened and read. All proposals must be made up­ on blank forms, to be obtained from the Roadmaster, at his office in St. Helens, Oregon. Must give I prices proposed, both in writing and in figures, and must be sign-j ed by the bidder, with his address. I Plans and specifications are on file at the office of County Road- j master at St. Helens, Oregon and may be examined in the office of the County Clerk. Each bidder shall deposit, with his bid, a certified check for an amount of at least five (5) per cent of his bid, payable to the County Clerk, which shall be for­ feited to the County in case the award is made to him, and lie shall neglect, fail or refuse, for a period of five days after such award is Sweet Peas Raisins Kelloggs ) ( «Of 11 Rice NOTICE OF CALL OF BOND J. W. Hunt, County Clerk. made, to enter into a contract and Notice is hereby given to the hold­ file the required bond. 403 ers of the following bond of the The right is reserved to reject City of Vernonia, Columbia County, any and all bids. Hillsboro — Bids received for Oregon: $160,000 new high school and gym- John Philip, County Judge. Bond No. 2 of improvement dis­ nasium. T. B. Mills, Commissioner. trict No. 4, dated December 1, J. N. Miller, Commissioner. 1925, said bond being in dei omina- Bayocean — Military academy J. W. Barney, Roadmaster. tion of $500; the above bon«' being planned here. redeemable at the option of said city on June 1, 1928. That pur­ suant to said option, said bond will be redeemed within 30 days| from the date of this notice, to-wit:l On the First day of June 1928 up­ on presentation of the fiscal agency I of Oregon, in New York City, to- wit: The National Park Bank. In case the holders of said'bond | fail to present same at the time and place mentioned herein for the redemption thereof, then the interest thereon shall cease and the agency aforesaid will thereaf­ ter pay only the amount of such bond and the interest accured there­ on up to the said first day of June 1928. Dated at Vernonia, Oregon on this 1st day of May 1928. J. C. Lindley, Treasurer. 393 City of Vernonia, Ore. F reiglit •il We have found that ideals in business are profitable. To set a high standard of public service and live up to it; to have a goal of accomp­ lishment and strive for it; to conduct our business honestly, truthfully and as efficiently as possible and to share the rewards of effort, lib­ erally an 1 jiistly, with those who h ive helped us earn them—these are some of the ideals we have striven to maintain in the upbuilding of the “West’s largest food concern.” 5 THREE VERNONIA EAGLE Thursday, May 24, 1928 22c gf “ I Gordon Hats WAIST OR BIB OVERALLS $1.29 $1.29 - $1.29 Vernonia’s Leading Store Star Brand Shoes