TWO VERNONIA EAGLE I Thursday, May 17, 1928. » ular in recent months, is included F. E. Price, extension specialist in Fallow Clover Offers in the program from the college soils. Later Season Method radio KOAC at 7 o’clock Thursday, “Fallowing in” clover offers a May 24. “Digging Drainage Ditches good way to use some of the heavier With Explosives,” is the talk, by lands in the Willamette valley that DR. W. H. HURLEY are still unplanted because of the Dentistry and X-Ray late season, says the experiment station. The best method is to disk Evenings by appointment. Office down the heavy growth of grass and over Hoffman Hardware Co. weeds before plowing. It is import Vernonia, Oregon ant that the seed bed be worked down to a firm condition by disk ing and rolling to insure a supply of moisture near the surface. LESTER SHEELEY • After the soil has settled and there have been some light harrow Attomey-at-Law ings to kill weeds, clover may be I Vernonia, Oregon sowed alone or with dwarf Essex rape, any time from the middle of May to the latter part of June. If the land is loose, seed is covered MARK EVERY GRAVE Fitted with a corrugated roller. It usually Memorials in granite and marble 15 years experience at reduced prices pays to inoculate seed on land where clover has not been successfully WRITE FOR PARTICULARS Free Examination grown. An application of land plas Oregon Monument Works M c D onald hotel ter worked into the land previous Fourth and Main St., Hillsboro Make your reservations now to sowing is frequently very helpful. stand will be reserved for Oregon editors and their families. As this “Red Riders of Canada,” FBO's is the only tournament of iti kind thrilling drama of the great north in a Pacific coast college, many per- “Pay as You Enter” west, will ride their adventurous sons from different parts of the A comedy drama, with Louise Fa- way into the Joy theatre Saturday. northwest attend every year. Low zesda and Clyde Cook. At the “Love Me and the World ia Mine” rate round-trip fares on trains and The sublime story of a girl who busses are offered over the tourna risked all for her heart’s desire. At ment week end. The attendance this year is expected to exceed the re the Joy theatre Sunday. cord-breaking crowd of 1927. “Let Her Go Gallagher” A delightful comedy at the Joy Spectacular events will include theatre Monday. Roman riding, pair jumping, tan “Rinty of the Desert” dem riding, cavalry and field artil Rinty fans, and who is not a lery exhibition drill, infantry bat Rinty fan, will be delighted to talion parade, machine gun contest, know that the Wonder Dog comes massed calesthenics, and an attack to the Joy theatre Tuesday and and defense of a fortified position Wednesday. In Warner Bros.’ latest i by the engineer unit. Variety events starring vehicle, “Rinty of the Des- that add interest and humor to the program will be a centipede race consisting of eight men on a team Church of Christ each unit straddling a pole, a relay (Christian) race with men entered from all Bible school 10:00. Mrs. Ray units, a mounted pajama race put Charlesworth, Superintendent. There on by cavalry cadets, a clown pa were 311 present last Sunday and rade, a push-ball contest and a 57 babies under school age took musical ride by men and women. part in an unique Cradle Roll pro Colonel George W. Moses, com gram given in honor of Mother’s Price Explains Blaating day. The idea originated with the mandant, and I. L. Patterson, gov Another of the radio talks on committee composed of Mrs. Teddy ernor of Oregon, will review the Leavitt, Mrs. Greta Olsen and Mrs. four cadet units composed of more use of explosives for digging drain than 1000 men. Captain H. L. Bar age ditches, that have proved pop- Jim Monger. Next Sunday is Dedication day. rett, tournament director, will be Special Dedicatory program follow in command, assisted by John La- J. MASON DILLARD ing communion at 11:00. Basket vinder, cadet colonel, Ursel Narver, dinner at noon and dedication ser cadet lieutenant colonel, Donald Attorney-at-Law vice in the afternoon. All former Barnes, cadet major and adjutant, pastors and evangelists have been and five cadet majors. Governor j Next to Carkin Cleaning Works Here every Wednesday invited to have a part in the after Patterson will be guest of honor. | He will present commissions in the noon program. Christian Endeavor society meet reserve corps army of the United at 7:00. Song and Praise service States to graduating seniors. at 8:00. The Church of Christ of Ver nonia invite the town folk of Ver- j nonia to their church Dedication ' services next Sunday, May 20. Teddy W. Leavitt, pastor. A checking account Joy Theatre theatre tonight and tomorrow. “Red Riders of Canada” Checking Account is one of the handiest and most pi actical things a woman can possess. It simplifies the paying of bills. Makes unnecessary the handling o f money’ with tlie many chances of error in curred. Let us talk it over with you the next time you are in town. BANK of VERNONIA CHRIST FOR ALL-ILL FOR CHRIST CLASS FED WE FIX ’EM UP Auto Tops, Curtains, Cushions, Seat Covers » BIBLE THOUGHT AND PRAYER If parent» will have their children memo rize a Bible »election each week, It prove a pricelee» heritage to them tn after year». a ¿ ah U, acj L ac - ai '. — Be Cliou my strong habitation, whereunto I may continually resort; that hast given commandment to save me; for thou art my rock and my fort- ress.—Psalm 71.3. PRAYER:—May we, O Lord, be as wise as the Coneys, who are a feeble folk, yet they build their houses in the rock. What does God require of us? —Micah 6:8. Decorating, Calcimining, FOR SALE — Certified Burbank seed potatoes, reasonable. F. H. Tinting. VERNONIA AUTO SHOP Next Door to Brown Furni ture Company Phone 1021 _____________ College Cadets Ready For Annual Tournament Oregon State College, Corvallis, May 14—Cadets of the Reserve Of ficers Training corps have started their yearly period of intensive drill and preparation for the annual mil itary tournament June 2 on Bell j field, in connection with the lay ing of the cornerstone of the $500, 000 memorial union building being I built by popular subscription. A group of seats in the grand- . Auto, House 3 NEW HOUSES, just being com pleted, will be ready for rent e. rnaay, May 18, ia, o 5 and v 9 rooms. Sign, and , Friday, Rental $15 and $20 . I; ......... mile x Near Painting., bridge. Inquire Scott real estate of- I fice. Water free. 411* Repaired Shoes Still Stylish YOU need not worry about shoes losing their style and good appear ance just because they need repairing. We will repair the finest shoes for men, women or children and still leave a combination of foot comfort and good style. Loggers Made to Order Good Year Shoe Shop For Ù our Vacation Trip Boxed Stationery Take your own stationery with you when you go on your vacation. It is the right thing to do, and your own satisfaction is worth the small cost of what it will cost you here. Mac's Pharmacy FINNE Y OF THE FORCE * Lynn Sherman School of Saxophone, Piano, and Wind Instruments Meyer, Hillsboro, Oregon. Route 3. Telephone North Plains 41F3. 412* MAYTAG washing machine for sale, good as new. Terms to right party. Inquire Thomas Ga rage. 412* FOR SALE—DAHLIA bulbs, 75 kinds to choose from; also glad- iolas. Mrs. Krinick, 224 North street. 402* Conservatory of Music BROWN M. D. COLE Dentist Vernonia, Oregon NEW BATTERIES $9.85 Old Batteries taken in trade Now is the time of year your battery should be kept fully charged and in tip top shape Your battery recharged, painted acid $150 proof, paint and acid adjusted, all for .. Radio batteries and others not requiring $100 removal of installation in car Rent batteries, per day 25c Motor Ç A Business Man for a Business Office FOR SALE—House and two lots on Rose avenue, cheap to settle estate. Inquire of Mrs. Viola Tre- harne at Treharne Station. 384* FOR REN T—4-room furnished | house, one block from Bridge St. ; Phone E. S. Cleveland, Tel. 323. 2t* MISCELLANEOUS FOUND—A man’s watch, near Workingman’s store. Owner may have watch by giving correct de scription and paying cost of this advertisement. J. A. Holtham. 411* SEWING DONE—Any kind reason ably priced. Mrs. Fouts, 154 A street, Vernonia. 393* LIST YOUR LAND—The Chamber of Commerce desires listings of any Nehalem valley farm land or acreage that is for sale or lease, now being sought by persons In terested in settling here. Send de scriptions, prices, location, etc., to J. C. Lindley, Vernonia. 344 of OREGON CITY, CLACKAMA5 COUNTY Republican, for SECRETARY TATE of New Improved Maytag If interested write in care of 216 New Studio Bldg., PORTLAND, OREGON Vernonia Studio at home of Mrs. Ethel Ray Comer of First and Maple Street HARRY A. Eyesight Specialist Portland, Oregon FOR SALE—Furnished, including a 4-room modern plaster- j I ed piano, house. Equity $500, balance in payments of $25 per month. 249 j C street, near Rock Creek road. I Inquire Mrs. C. J. Moore. 403* Piano, Classical and Jazz. Player Roll Style Taught Portland Dr. Equipped with electric motor, to test, to do as near to you Call 281W. St. Geo. H. either gasoline or A Maytag to try, a week'* wash, ia as your telephone. Helena. Denny, St. Helens Manager Sales Submerged Subdivision