Dcrnonia faille r* tsntereu at Vernonia, Oregon, Postoffice as Second-Class Matter. I Volume 6, Number 45. VERNONIA. OREGON. THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1928 P.-T. A. Will Banquet Would Sponsor County Track Legion Graduating Class Think Suicide Aviation Landing Field Pythian Sisters Cedar Grove Is The Parent-Teacher association Vernonia post of the American Will Meet Here Pomona's Host Is Killer Of Meet Is Won Legion is sponsoring a banquet for the went on record Tuesday- senior class on Wednesday, May 16, at its meeting to favor Edw. Morgan By Vernonia evening the sponsoring of an aviation land District Convention To Be Granges In County Report previous to the Junior Prom, in the dining hall of the Christian ing field for Vemoia, and appoint Local a committee consisting of Art Easy Victor ed Whitaker, H. E. McGraw and M. E. Carkin to investigate the feasi At Scappoose bility of the proposed plan. Team The district convention of the Pythian Sisters will be held in Ver nonia May 25, according to Mrs. M. D. Cole, district deputy grand chief. Arrangements are being made for an afternoon meeting, when lodge work will be exemplified, and an evening meeting open to the public. The seven temples in the district, Ava of St. Helens, Columbia of Rainier, Kinnickinic of Seaside, Evening Star of Garibaldi, Miriam of Tillamook, Nea-kah-nie of Ne halem, and Vernonia temple will be represented. Three Portland tem ples and those from North Plains, Hillsboro and Forest Grove have also been invited, Orphea temple of Portland haa arranged to bring their drill team of 16 girls, who will give exhibi- tions of fancy drilling. Committees have been appointed by Mrs. Cole to care for the visitors. The even ing meeting will be held in the Legion hall, where there will be a formal dance as the main feature of the entertainment. More detailed plans of the con- vention will be announced later, according to Mrs. Cole. Many Activities During church. The committee in charge Past Few Winter Months of this dinner which will be very I Found By Loggers 2 Miles formal, are Mesdames Ray, Good (By Lillian Daniels) From Scene of Crime Columbia County Pomona Grange ing, Hieber, and W’ardle. Miss Bessie McDonald and Miss met with Cedar Grove as hostess Grange for their 99th regular ses-j Hazel Malmsten, the decorating sion Saturday. The Grange was! committee, will carry out the color opened at 10:45 a.m. by Worthy] scheme of the senior colors, coral and silver, in a Maypole plan with Master Warren Young. Bennett High Man With 16^ Point* ending in baskets fast Reports from all granges were | streamers ened by the class rose. The class Ex-Service Man Thought to Have Bergerson Second With 14^4|. read and all show that active work colors also be carried out as Been Mentally Unbalanced Hieber Third With 14 is being carried on. One thing is far as will possible in the dinner of When Shooting Morgan especially noticeable that the four courses. E. A. Green will (By Clarence Wardle) Granges are putting on the full represent the Mrs. P.-T. A. and L. F. What was believed to have been degree work according to the man With a final score of Vernonia Junior Skip Day Austin is to be the toastmaster. another pitiful tragedy of the ual and not just giving the obliga 89, Rainier 15, St. Helens 8 and Observed Tuesday World war came to a dramatic end tion. Scappoose 1, the local high school ing Monday with the finding by Neighbors of Woodcraft track team carried off nearly all Membership is increasing. Yank The junior class of Vernonia high of the body of Anthony the honors at the county track meet school observed their annual skip ton still has the largest list of Observe 1st Anniversary loggers Aleksonis, Greek logger, who had held at Scappoose Saturday. This day Tuesday. Six cars, driven by members, 132; Winema 106, Beaver suicide by shooting him is the first time the local school Prof. J. B. Wilkerson, Chas. Melis, Valley 92, Warren 78, Beaver The Neighbors of Woodcraft, Cir committed self in the head, about two miles has won* the county meet, although Elsa Weed, Morris Bennett, Mrs. Homes 71, Natal 66, Clatskanie 65, cle 881, observed their first birth from O.-A. camp 2 near Keasey. the district meet at Seaside was A. J. Hughes, and Ethel Tousley, Fern Hill 56. Attendance is very day anniversary Thursday, May 3. Because of the condition of the won by Vernonia last year. Clatska carried the members of the class fair and conditions financially are Just one year ago they organized it was estimated that he must nie did not participate. very good. to Oswego lake. The day was spent with 30 names on the charter. body have ended his life April 13, or Last year and the year before in swimming, boating, and after a Clatskanie has been conducting There are now 60 members. hours after Edward Morgan Vernonia scored second place in picnic dinner they visited a Port Mrs. Koster and her assistants a was few a drive for poisoning grey diggers, shot at night in a bunk house this county. The list of events, win land theatre. The following juniors as community work. Vernonia is provided an interesting program. at that camp. A 32-20 caliber re ners, distance and time is as fol made the trip: working for a new cemetery. Deer The kiddie car races caused much volver was still in his hand. It was lows: Island is using every effort to excitement and merriment, accord a bullet of the same bore which Della Cline, Helen Spafford, Bet Shot put. Bergerson, V; Ray, V; ty CuNer, Ethel Tousley, Frances create sentiment toward and sup-1 ing to those present. killed Morgan. Aleksonis had room Engebretsen, R; distance 41 feet Lappe, La Velle Gosa, Louise Mil port of a special tax to complete Delicious refreshments were serv ed in the same bunk house with 6 inches. three miles of road in order to ed, which included an immense Morgan, who had often been known ler, Thelma Spencer, Millie Mc get rural delivery. birthday cake furnished by the Ver to have chided the former on a 100-yard dash. Bennett, V; Hie Mullen, Viola Hankel, Elen Whit- ber, V; Clement, R; time 10:3 sec sel, Gavena Charlesworth, Alice Beaver Homes has organized a nonia Bakery. It was beautifully number of personal matters, much Rundell, Myrtle Hall, Arthur Hix Old Songs Bring onds. baseball team and have sent for decorated and had one large candle to the Greek’s indignation. the charter for a Juvenile Grange. in the center, also 31 smaller ones 220-yard dash. Bennett, V; Adams son, Oliver Mellinger, Donald Suth Thoughts of Mother These bits of information, to erland, Hale Greenman, Robert Warren is working for a new hall. around the outer edge. These gether with the knowledge that V; Clement, R; time 25 seconds. Graves, George Holt, Gustaf Holt, smaller ones were in honor of the Winema had a good will meeting The songs of songs on Mother’s High hurdles. Hieber, V; Hod Charles Melis, Elsa Weed, Russell Aleksonis was an ex-service man anniversary Circle of Neigh who ges, V; Parker, V; time 20 seconds. Peck, Thomas Graves and Jack Os day is “Home, Sweet Home,” which with the business men’s club of 31st had been disabled during the bors of Woodcraft. Astoria. has stirred humanity as no other Pole vault. Hanniff, St. H; Weed, wald. World war, led some to believe ever did from the first night it Two reports from Cedar Grove V; Parker, V; height 9 feet 8 in that his mentality was below nor was sung, in London in 1823. and Beaver Valley juveniles were mal in some respects, and that he ches. Thoughts of home are inseperable sent in, and both are very busy. brooded over Morgan’s jokes with Low hurdles. Hodges, V; Hieber, from that of mother but the word Beaver Valley’s community work is a personal resentment that was un V; Hill, S; time 16 seconds. “mother” does not appear in John the planting of vegetable gardens reasoning in its intensity, causing 440-yard dash. Adams, V; Hieber, Howard Payne’s most famous verses. the produce of which is to go to him to even murder this man who V; Rouch, R; time 60 seconds. The new Aeolian organ for the was without his knowledge a real the Children’s home. “Home, Sweet Home” An enthusiastic track meet was' “Mid pleasures and palaces though Mile run. Hixson, V; Roush, R; Joy theatre is expected to arrive friend. Mr. Watson of Yankton was elect Lee, V; time 5 minutes, 11 seconds. held by Vernonia district Friday we may roam, ed by a unangnous vote of Pomona today, according to J. H. Bush. Aleksonis apparently became con 880-yard dash. Hixson, V; Oberst, afternoon when contestants from “Be it ever so humble there’s no as alternate to the state Grange. The installation crew will divide fused in running away from camp, their time between working on the V; Marshall, V; time 2 minutes 20 Pleasant Hill, Washington and Lin place like home. following program was present and realizing that he was on the coln schools competed for honors. “A charm from the skies seems to The seconds. ed. Song by a group of girls, talk one going in at St. Helens and wrong road, attempted to cut The winners will take part in the ’ the one in Vernonia. It is thought hallow us there, Discus. Bennett, V; Bergerson, by Geo. Nelson, reading by Mrs. across a ravine. He is thought to V; Engebretsen, R; distance 101 county meet which will be held “Which seek thro’ the world, Vhh Swoll, recitation by Grace that more than a week wiF > be have lost his bearings and sat down at Deer Island Saturday. The events necessary to put it in working or ne’er met with elsewhere. ____ , ____ ___ __ __ Murray,1 feet 9 inches. Burns, short talk by _ Miss on a log to rest. While there he were as follows: “Home, Home—Sweet, sweet Home, reading by Lillian Daniels, talk by der. probably meditated upon his crime Broad jump. Clement, R; Hodges, 100-yard dash. Jack Christensen, “There’s no place like Home. A record crowd attended the and decided to end his own life IO. B. Setters, recitation by Mrs. V; Johnson, R; distance 19 feet first; Marvel Graven, Wesley North “There’s no place like Home.” ” “ ■ by — Sundland, reading Mrs. -- Mae i opening of the new show house rather than attempt to evade pun 8 inches. rup, second. Though Sir Henry Bishop, com Beeman, piano solo by Mr. Sund-i Friday night. The Woodmen band ishment. High jump. Bergerson, V; Ro- 60-yard dash. Oscar Sorlee, Ben! poser of the music of “Home Sweet land, recitation by Mrs. Schwab, played before the first and second J. W. Brown, who brought the miti, St. H; Johnson, R; height 5 Home,” established in court his I story by Mrs. Dowling, recitation shows, flags were flying in the body Spencer, Joe Magoff. to Vernonia, has wired to feet 2 inches. right to that title, the melody was town and Vernonia took on a holi by Mrs. Pearl Becker. 50-yard dash: Edw. Oberst, La-| his brother Sigmont Aleksonis of Relay. Won by Vernonia, Adams, described as “ a Sicilian day air. air, ” vern Adams, Joe Magoff of Pleas degree was exemplified | Waukegan, Ill., for instructions. Hodges, Bergerson and Bennett. especially in America, until Tong for The a fifth ant Hill third. class of 16. A vote of I Judd Greenman was given the District Meet Saturday after Bishop was dead. He wrote Pole vault: Jack Christensen, thanks was tendered Cedar Grove honor of dedicating the new the This Saturday, May 12, the an Ronald Fetsch (A class); Rob Mey-I it first for a book of national songs for their hospitality and work. The atre and he delighted the audience High School Debate and called it a “ Sicilian air. ” When Teams Awarded Pins nual track meet for this district ers of Pleasant Hill (B class); Ed ] next Pomona meeting will be with with bits of humor tucked in with will be held at Seaside. It Is ex ward Oberst, Lavern Adams (Cl Kemble of the Covent Garden thea Clatskanie Grange Saturday, Aug-i praises for Mr. Bush and his faith The members of the high school pected that Astoria and Seaside class) Orien Weed, first, Clarence tre bought John Howard Payne’s just 4. in the future of this valley. Miss will be Vernonia’s strongest com Oberst, Lee Engen and Raymond i manuscripts, he had Payne rewrite Joy Bush made a very pretty ack debate teams were awarded their The following resolutions were “Clari, the Maid of Milan” into an pins Monday for having participat petitors, and since Astoria has anj Aurelio tied second (D class). adopted: Whereas there is a strong! nowledgement of thanks for the ed in debates against other schools inside running track to train on,] "Our honorable janitors” then opera, and then turned over the opposition theatre having been named after in congress to any farm! a larger student body, many are clipped their sprint off in nothing opera manuscript, with the words relief legislation that will be of her. Special entertainers lengthen in the county this year. The follow of the opinion that honors will go flat with “speed king” Gooding a of “Home, Sweet Home” in it to any real benefit to the farmer, I ed the time of the first show until ing received awards: Veldon Parker, to the fishermen this year. fraction ahead of “race horse” Mc Bishop to write the music. Bishop therefore the Columbia county Po-i three hours had elapsed before the La Velle Gosa, Della Cline, Cath erine Hoffman, Helen Hieber, Ethel immediately took his “Sicilian air” Enthusiasm is being aroused lo Donald. mona Grange reaffirms the pos- program was concluded and the cally for a large delegation to ac Broad jump: A class. Marvel and adapted it to “Home, Sweet ition taken at the last session, that crowd awaiting the second show Tousley, Thelma Spencer. company the track team to Sea Graven, Wesley Northrup. B class: Home.” relief bill to be effective! were able to find seats. Observe Mother’s Day Other publishers, on the tremen the « ---- X. farm side to give them support in the Joe Magoff, first; Harvard Maim- must have either the equalization The W. C. T. U. met at the dous success of the song, knowing contests. It is believed that many sten and Ben Spencer second. C fee or the debenture bond plan. Rough Tourist May Be home of Mrs. W. W. Wolffe Tues cars will make the trip, inasmuch class: Edw. Oberst, Lavern Adams, it only as a “Sicilian” air, thought day afternoon. The following pro- resolution of condolence on Future Town Booster as clear weather seems to have ar Joe of Pleasant Hill. D class: Robt. it free to all and rushed out the A death grame was given: Song, “Home, of Mrs. W. W. Turner of I rived in this part of Oregon to Cline, Louis Graven, Lee Engen., editions. Bishop took them to court Winema Grange And a Valuable Asset Sweet Home,” Mrs. Wolffe; read was adoped. stay for a time. High jump: A class. Marvel Gra-j and won his case, establishing his ing, “A Mother’s Prayer,” Mrs. Whereas, the producers are de Estimates by the A. A. A. show Chas, ven, Wesley Northrup, Delmar Mor claim to composership of the im Malmsten; talk, “My Mother’s perishable tune. pendent to a certain extent upon that one-third of the population of ton. B class: Oscar Sorlee, Joe County Nurse Taking Two other songs have won to foreign markets for the marketing the United States will be on the Wooden Shoes,” Mrs. F. Malmsten; Magoff. C class: Aubrey Austin, New Position June 1. Joe, Richard Meyers. D class: Robt. highest popularity in national cele- of their surplus products, and highways this summer on some type song, “Mother of Pearl,” Mrs. Wolffe; reading, “Prayer for Wo Cline, Louis Graven, Orien Weed. bration of Mother’s day. Rudyard whereas up-to-date information is of recreational tour. It is also esti mankind,” Mrs. Ray Charlesworth; Miss Nina H. Little, health nurse Chinning: A class. Delmar Morton Kipling wrote the words of one desired of these markets and where mated that one-third of these re reading, “The King’s Highway,” of Columbia county will accept a B class. Joe Magoff, Clyde Bennett. in his earlier novel, “The Light as the government now has a leas creational-minded motorists will new position with the Pacific branch C class, Lavern Adams, Robert Di-; That Failed.” Frank E. Tours, ed wire to San Francisco and camp out and the remaining two- Mrs. H. S. Strong. A delicious lunch was served by office of the American Red Cross al, Richard Meyers. famous English ballad composer, whereas several days delay Is caus thirds will use hotels and resorts. the hostess. at San Francisco, after four years adapted it to music in 1903. It has ed in relaying this information to! Shot put: A class. Jack Christen and two months service in the coun sen, Marvel Graven, Delmar Morton. won apparently enduring public the farmers by mail, therefore we I Several cities on the Pacific coast do not make the camper welcome, ty, she has stated. respectifully petition congress to seeing in him a liability rather B class. Clyde Bennett, Ben Spen favor as, Miss Little will be nursing field cer, Harvard Malmsten. “Mother O’ Mine” arrange for a leased wire from than an asset, and no effort is representative for Idaho, Washing Vernonia relay team, Graven, “If I were hanged on the highest San Francisco to Portland. made to treat him as the invited ton and Oregon. hill. Mother o’ mine, Sorlee, Christensen, Northrup, won guest of the state. Apropos of the, Dr. and Mrs. M. D. Cole and first, Pleasant Hill, Morton, Spen “I know whose love would follow above, the following story is told. Mrs. Cole Elected baby left Saturday for Moscow, cer, Weed, Meyers, second. me still, Mother o’ Mine. In the outskirts of San Diego,1 (By Geo. A. Nelson, County Agent) Idaho, for a visit with Dr. Cole’s President Of P.-T. “ If I were drowned in the A. deep- Reed canary grass has proved The girls’ events resulted as recently, a mud-spattered home on parents. They expect to return the follows: A class. 75-yard dash, Cleo est sea, Mother o’ Mine, to be an important forage crop wheels ejected a family of tired Mrs. M. D. Cole was elected presi latter part of this week. “ I know whose tears would come plant in parts of Oregon. This grass Hall, Garnett Ellis. High jump, El dent of the Parent Teacher associa tourists. down to me, Mother o’ Mine. is especially adapted to growing inor Martin, Ida Beaver, both of They were of the kind that en on the lands that are submerged tion at the meeting held in the high “ If I were damned of body and Pleasant Hill. Broad jump, Garnett joy this kind of recreation, modest, school Monday evening. Other of soul part of the year, as it will stand Ellis. “I know whose prayers would ficers elected were Mrs. Greenman, unassuming, ready to rough it considerable flooding without In B class: 75-yard dash, Christine under all conditions. This type is vice-president. Miss Eaton, secre make me whole. jury and produces excellent feed Rainey, Eva Hall. High jump, rolling into many of our auto after the water is gone. Christine Rainey, Celesta McDonald. “I know whose prayers would make tary, Mrs. Bennett, treasurer. camps today, and their number will A child welfare meeting will be A planting of Reed canary grass A garden club will be organized Broad jump, Audrey Johnston, Eva’ me whole, Mother o’ Mine, O Mother o’ Mine.” held in the Washington school next increase as time goes on. was made by Beeson brothers of in Vernonia in the near future, Hall. C class: 60-yard dash. Alice Entering the city, loking around, Clatskanie last spring and a good The verse is republished by per Monday afternoon. This will be the according to the Vernonia Study Parker, Nelle Green. High jump, During the club, sponsoring the movement. R. Leona New and Arva Lines of mission of Chappell-Harm’, inc., last meeting of the year and the the leader of the San Diego cara stand was obtained. president will appoint committees. van seemed to feel a tinge of doubt winter, however, the ground was J. Clary, business manager of Bet Pleasant Hill. Potato race, Nelle th? American publishers. Of the third of the accepted The day has been changed from and suspicion among the business covered with flood waters and will ter Flowers magazine of Portland, Green, Mary Brunton. be ready for pasturing as soon as and Fred Borsch, plant specialist, D class. 40-yard dash. Ione Lind-! leaders for Mother’s day songs the Friday on account of the closing men. “What value are these wanderers the ground dries off. will conduct a public meeting Tues berg, Mildred Weed of Pleasant words of “Mother Machree” were of school. All who have land of this type A short program consisting of a to us?” they seemed to ask. They’re day, May 15, in the Evangelical Hill. High jump, Ethel Kelly and composed at an hour’s notice by do well to seed it to Reed canary church for the purpose of arousing Alva Larson of Pleasant Hill. Po Rida Johnson Young for Chauncey piano duet by Mildred Cason and just hobos.” They learned otherwise. For grass. The seeding can be done interest in the organization. tato race, Minnie Christie, Emma Olcott, noted star of Irish comedies, Margaret Bennett, and a piano solo who required a song hit for his by Charlotte Green were much en- shortly this "hobo” had bought a wither in the mud after the water They will show a series of lan Jane Russell. “ Barry of Barrymore ” on the eve joyed by those present. large apartment house, for cash, has gone off the ground, or if it tern slides demonstrating the pos and had helped a realty firm cut dries off sufficiently, the ground sibilities in growing small gardens, J. E. Frank Appointed Constable of its first production. The appeal Eslay Prises Won. off its financial troubles. He hao- can be cultivated and the grass J. E. Frank has been appointed ing music was composed in a similar and lecture on the benefits to the Vernonia captured three of the' pened to be Bradley Tyrrell, trustee seeded broacast or drilled In. town resulting from the organiza constable of this district to suc rush by Ernest Ball in collaboration Reed canary grass should be ceed W. J. Kelly, resigned, who has with Olcott. Ball sang it for years five essay prizes given . by the of Beloit college and vice-president tion of a garden club. The public is cordially invited to moved with his family to Toppen in vaudeville. Ball died, May 3, ' county W. C. T. U. in the recent of the large Bradley Knitting Mills sown at the rate of from 5 to 8 pounds per acre if broadcast, or ish, Wash., where he is employed 1927, in a California vaudeville essay contest, Edna Owens winning in Wisconsin. attend. theatre, just after singing “Mother the seventh and eighth grade prize, drilled in about 20 inches apart at on the city police force. Machree.” | and Dorothy Holtham and Russell Forest Grove — Frank Mill»r the rat? of 2 pounds per acre. It Oregon will get $1,026,500 fed John McCormick also made “Mo- Peck the sophomore and junior priz- buys out leader store and will ex should be seeded alone and not Salmon River cut-off road to eral funds for rivers and harbors Please turn to page 8 1 es. pand business. with a nurse crop. coast will be opened by July 1. this year. Lose Only Two Firsts It was suggested that a com pany be organized which would lease a field of approximately 20 acres, build some hangars and per haps purchase an airplane. Fields which could be easily converted, it was said at the meeting, were the Culver field in Riverview and the ball park. Grade Schools Hold Track Meet Friday *1 Held in Vernonia May 25 9 Temples Represented Ends Life Same Day Joy Theatre Organ Is Expected Today Growing Reed Canary Grass Garden Club To Be Organized A t