Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, May 03, 1928, Page 4, Image 4

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_ Thursday, May 3, T928.
of Agri cult ure
did not succeed in the attempt, it is true,! U. S. Department
Pre»« Service
but he proved that the thing could be done. “Use scrub sire to make good
When Samuel Morse started to transmit hash, but purebred sire to get the
” is a slogan suggested to
messages between distant points by means cash,
interest in promoting the
i y A
of a tiny wire, people -said it could not arouse
use of purebred bulls.
be done but Morse soon proved differently. The use of cod liver oil In the
Fifty years later Marconi showed people feeding of livestock has increased
its. demand to such a degree that
Issued every Thursday
$2 per year in Advance how to talk through the' air without even imports last year exceeded 2,500,-
the use of wires.
000 gallons, valued at nearly $2,-
Entered as Second Class Matter, August 4, 1922 at the
Edison achieved two things that most 000,000.
Post Office at Vernonia, Oregon, under the
simple rules for taking care
Act of March 3, 1879
people declared to be impossible when he of Some
the dairy cow at calving time
used electric current to produce light and are given in Leaflet No. 10-L, just
MARK E. MOE. Editor
when he reproduced the sound of the issued by the United States depart­
of agrieluture. It is called
human voice. Motion pictures are another ment
“Care of the Dairy Cow at Calving
of the “impossibles.”
Time.” A copy may be procured
“They” said the automobile would ex­
by writing to the department, giv­
terminate the horse but it hasn’t, and no­ There are other ach’^vements, seemingly ing name and number of the leaf­
body ever imagined the automobile would
offer any competition with the baby car­ ment. They stand as a challenge to the in­ The huge economic losses caused
by woods fires should make
riage but it has, and disastrously for the genuity of mankind. The need of the world yearly
everybody realize the importance of
latter industry.
fire prevention. The south is re­
sponsible for the burning yearly
There is only one thing to which the de­
of about 20,000,000 acres of forest
cline of the demand for the perambulator
and cut-over land, or about four-
fifths of the total forest area burn­
can be attributed. That is the phenomenal:
ed in the United States. This
popularity of the automobile. Mothers and With the commencement season of presents
a money loss running
nursemaids find that giving the baby its
to many millions of dollars,
airing from the automobile tonneau in­
Young dairy heifers should
volves less physical exertion than pushing out the country are confronted with that all times have plenty of roughage
solemn problem of choosing a life career. which is best furnished, in late
a baby carriage.
summer, by green pas-
Happily many of them have solved it or- spring In and addition,
enough grain
The baby carriage is not more than think thpv
x the majority
„ are D should
..uu.d be fed so that the heifer
three-quarters of a century old. It was a „ . , .
have. Perhaps
111 this fortunate gTOUp, but many others develops steadily and gains from
logical development of the go-cart i “J ¡are pondering deeply the vital question. 1T0.1% p?un^s a day. if skim
X« . .
- mill/' ia nlon H-fnl
nhnnn tF runv
vogue .. before
. . which . writers . of The last United States census showed be fed advantageously to the dairy
that time descube as being a low, spring- that 41,614,248 persons are gainfully em­ heifer until she is 8 or 10 months
ess contraption very
in the
Stat * unuer
nd t£e di. old.
* similar
* , to the
. modern
,—- ployed
wuyeu ih
me United
uimeu oiaies,
Specialists in the United States
toy ' 1 expiess
rectjon of
J" Tx wagon
~ 1 an Zx * di awn, instead
. - of 1VVUVU
U1 1,516,129
X,UXU,XxJ administrators.
auuiiiUBU PLUlS, execu- department
of agriculture have
was only after countless infants tives, and technical experts. It is estimated
foiu. from their carts, with resultant that"’ . by *1930
--- 1,900,000 executives will
lad fallen
injury to the child or great fright to the be
• needed
- - ’ to ’ supervise the work of the
parent or nurse when, looking back, they 50,300,000 persons then employed. It is
should find only an empty cart, that the further estimated that only 150,000 special­
modern push type of carriage was invented- ists will be graduated from the colleges
Charles Burton, an English lithographic and technical schools to fill the 400,000
artist, is said to have invented the baby new executive positions. What an oppor­
carriage in 1848 shortly after coming to tunity these statistics show for ambitious
the United States. The idea became im­ young workers to rise from the ranks of
mediately popular in New York, where industry to places of leadership.
Burton lived and when the inventor later It is the eternal axiom of “plenty of
returned to London it was to go into the room at the top” but from the statistics
Business of manufacturing perambulators. there appears to be more room than ever
The modern baby gets its daily treat­ for the person who deserves to be there.
ment of fresh air and sunshine from papa’s There are courses designed to train ex­ MODERN
automobile, instead of from its carriage. ecutives, but the courses will not do it
Except in exclusive city residential dis­ ail nor will all the executives be those for­
tricts and small towns the baby carriage tunate enough to have had that advantage. A STANDARD OIL PRODUCT
has become relatively obsolete. And where In self-study, in inherent qualities, in am­
is a woman who could safely pilot a cum­ bition and industry will be found the
bersome carriage across busy street inter­ stepping stones to these 400,000 vacancies
sections and through the sidewalk crowds? ¿hat must be filled in 1930.
¡Ihr Rrntnuia taglr
found that when a farmer keeps ac­
counts he has the best guide for
improvement of his business. Farm
accounts show which of his activi­
ties have proved most profitable,
and which have been conducted with
little profit or loss. The farmer is
then able either to concentrate on
the profitable ventures or to sub­
stitute other activities which may
bring good profits for those that
have not been profitable.
qt »/4
Unless the dust bag of a vacuum
cleaner is emptied after using each
time the pores become clogged and
the sweeper loses its efficiency.
Turning the bag inside out oc­
casionally and brushing is a good
Tillamook bay is promised big
paper mill plants if sea channel
enlargement call give all-year ship
Youthful* * Colorful* *
BUICK leads the fashion parade
Fashionable throngs . . .
sparkling motor cars .. . and
standing out like a frock from
Paris—today’s Buick!
Fleet, low lines, suggesting
rocket-like getaway and
unrivaled power . . . glisten­
ing colors, vivid and varied
as the harmonies of Spring
. . . and soft, rich upholster­
ies, delightful to the sight
and touch.
Luxury like this ordinarily
costs a thousand dollars more.
But Buick leads any other
three cars in its field in dol­
lar for dollar sales; and this
tremendous volume makes
possible unequaled value.
You may as well have a fine
car, when you can buy it at
Buick’s price. Smart —
leads the fashion parade.
SEDANS £1195 to £1995
» ' COUPES £1195 to £1850
SPORT MODELS £1195 to £1525
ZfZ/ prices f. o. b. Flint, Mich., government tax to be added. The C. M. .4. C,
finance plan, the most desirable, is evaliable.
ihomas Garage
Across From the Post Office
Lovell Auto Company
Astoria, Oregon
The “summer slump” is the hallucina­ Gasoline is a dangerous article to play
tion of an unbusinesslike mind. “There with. The owner of a rooster left his auto­
ain’t no sich animal,” except in imagina­ mobile standing in the driveway at the
tion. The only slump in the good old sum­ rear of his house while he went inside to
mer time, if there be, is the natural slump get tools with which to repair a leak in the
when business allows its summer advertis­ gasoline line of the car. Along came a
ing to slump.
rooster and decided to scratch for gravel
Qome to think of it, there are abundant in the roadway. It didn’t mean anything
businesses that effect their greatest vol­ to him that’ gasoline was dripping down
ume of sales during the warm months, beside him—he didn’t know he might bet­
and there are no business increases that ter have been scratching dynamite. Evi­
are not reflected in increases for other dently his claws struck off a spark, for
the next instant the air was full of tires,
The myth of the summer slump dates cushions, twisted metal and white leghorn
back to those dark ages when business feathers! That rooster will crow no more,
was a hit-or-miss proposition. Silly super- While
“ _ gasoline is about the most dan-
stitions and foolish fears so held it in gerous, all petroleum products should be
leash that progress was slow and difficult, handled with care. The National Board of
One of the superstitions which none dared Fire Underwriters reports that in 1926,
smash was the belief that business was per- $14,978,599 was the amount of wasted
manently alienated from hot weather and wealth that went up in oil smoke.—Manu-
nothing could reconcile them. Finally some facturer.
daring pioneer broke the evil spell and
all but a few reactionaries have been en­
joying summer prosperity ever since. It
was one of the earliest miracles of adver- It is impossible to figure what Muscle
Shoals has cost the taxpayers. Few persons
No longer does progressive, wide-awake know just how many years it has been
businc.-s curtail its advertising with the kicked around congress. I l anyone tried
arrival of the first hot spell. Instead, it to figure up the time »which the paid ■
stocks up with summer goods, of which vants of the American people in the House
there is no end, and gives them an equal of Representatives and the Senate have
chance with fall, winter and sprin locks wasted on this question, the value of the
by advertising them as heavily.
lost time charged against the public pay­
Even the coal dealer has proved the roll would be astounding.
summer slump a baseless legend. He ad­ For political purposes Muscle Shoals
vertises a price concession for summer coal has been magnified into a national issue,
orders and keeps his trucks busy filling when in reality it is just one ordinary
cellars for the still distant winter. If the power project similar to many which are
coal man can keep busy in hot weather, built and operated by private companies
there is no excuse for other business to all over the United States.
spend the summer dusting boxes, swatting Muscle Shoals is a typical example of
what happens to an industry which be­
flies and figuring business losses.
comes bogged in the quagmire of politics,
THINGS THAT “CAN’T BE DONE” the taxpayers lose the country loses and
private development is discouraged with
The world has always been in need of resulting loss and detriment to territory
men to do the things that could not be affected.—Manufacturer.
done. The need is more pressing today
A quack gets your money and ducks.
than ever.
When Columbus started out to sail
around the globe men laughed at him and Your ship can’t come in unless your ship
told him it could not be done. Columbus goes out.
Carrying Larger Stock
In anticipation of this move, a much larger stock
0 was ordered and is now ready for your inspection.
You will be delighted with our many offerings of
Watches, Pins, Clocks, Ornaments, Chains, Rings,
Fountain Pens, and other articles too numerous
to mention.
Our window displays will prove
of especial attraction because of
the b>. tter location, A new and
pleasing assortment will be on
view whenever you attend the
Better Repairing Facilities
The new quarters will enable us
to handle a larger volume of jew­
elry repair work in quicker time
than formerly, at the same time
continuing our policy of doing all
work in an expert manner.
“Pay as you are paid,” will be
our slogan in the future. Our in­
auguration of a more extensive
credit business will mean that you
need not deny yourself anything
you want that we have in stock
or purchase for you, since you can
make your own terms.
There are no trade marks or other
means of identification of Dia­
monds. That is one commodity
that is backed only by the person­
al integrity and guaranty of the
dealer. A much larger assortment
is now carried than formerly, and
we invite you to inspect them.
Expert Watchmaker and Jeweler