tierno nía intereu ai V emonia, Oregon, Postoffice as Second-Class Matter. VERNONIA, OREGON, THUR SDAY, APRIL 26, 1928 Volume 6, Number 38. Stubbs Becomes Many Primary 8?c±mer°.TbeCFo±d Valley Pioneer Clean-up Day Ruth Bride of G. N. Taylor Cornerstone of the representatives A quiet weding was solemnized Yields News Dies Thursday Being Urged Saturday Candidates Are of A the meeting in the presence of a few Chambers of Commerce of friends on Saturday April 21, at Columbia county will be held in St. 37 Years Old Republicans ' , j forming Helens Monday for the purpose of Mrs. Sylvia A. Sesseman Vernonia Study Club Will Beaverton, Ore., when Rev. Geo. N. Taylor united in marriage Ruth a county organization. Succumbs After Illness Of Several Months. Sponsor Annual House- Cleaning This Year. Lucille Stubbs daughter of Mr. and Placing and Removal of Mrs. R. L. Stubbs of Vernonia and Stone Viewed A pioneer of the Nehalem valley Believing that the spring rains 'Phil W. Taylor, son of Mr. ! -------- nia. passed away Thursday of last week will soon be over, the Vernonia Mrs. Waldo Taylor of Weiser, O. M. Plummer, general manager when Mrs. Sylvia A. Sesseman died Study club is - urging a clean-up ho. Locke Taylor, brother of the of the Pacific International Live­ after an ¡lines of several months. day for the city in the interests bridegroom was the only attendant. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. stock exposition, will be the prin- MANY CANDIDATES .................... cipal speaker at the Chamber of Her husband and children were at of improving its appearance. A com­ Taylor left for Vernonia where they Old Courthouse Being Razed At the bedside when the end came. mittee will ask the mayor at the Hillaboro To Make Way For Glen Metsker Expected To Win will make their home. Mrs. Taylor Commerce luncheon next Monday New Structure Nomination For Representa­ Mrs. Sesseman was born in Grant next council meeting to declare a has been a resident of Vernonia at the Guild hall, St. Helens. time for this annual event. tive in Legislature. for the past three years and will The executive board and mem­ county, Wisconsin, July 25, 1855, News of 37 years ago proved in- It is expected that a date early continue her present position of as­ of the Columbia County Cow and was 72 years of age' at the With a great predominance of bers time of her death. Her many years in May will be set, when all rub­ sistant cashier of the Bank of Ver­ teresting Friday when the corner­ Testing association will be present republicans registered to vote in spent in the Nehalem valley leaves bish will be hauled if properly Dox- nonia. The young couple are resid­ stone of the old courthouse at Hills­ Oregon at the primaries this year, at the meeting. Mr. Plummer’s ad­ a host of close friends to mourn ed or sacked and placed along the ing at the Moonlight apartments. boro was removed. D. B. Reasoner, dress will deal with dairying. Mr. city recorder, was present to ex­ most of the candidates have filed streets. Since there has been no brought to St. her loss. amine the contents of the copper on that ticket. For president, Her­ Plummer by is the being Beside her husband, R. Sesseman, clean-up day since last April, con­ Vernonia Tennis agricultural commit- Helens box which he saw placed in the bert Hoover is the only one who she is survived by three sons and siderable accumulation of litter of has filed on the republican ticket, tee. Club Re-organizes stone in 1891. two daughters, Reuben and Ed. of various description is in evidence, while for the democrats, Smith, Copies of the Morning Oregonian Vernonia, Josh of Portland, Mrs. especially on vacant lots and alleys. Walsh, Reed and Workman have Next Legion Smoker Further details for this event The Vernonia Tennis club, which for January 1, 1891, and July 4, Julia McNutt of Forest Grove, and filed. Will Be On May 3 Mrs. D. Keasey of Ashland. Eleven will be published later as definite reconditioned the high school courts 1891, were in the box, as well as plans are made. last year, met Monday evening at copies of the Forest Grove Times, For representative in congress grandchildren also survive. The card is arranged for the Mac’s Pharmacy for the purpose of and the Hillsboro Independent. All from the first district republicans The funeral was held Sunday re-organization and discussion of the newspapers were in marked con­ who have filed are W. C. Hawley, smoker to be held at the Legion with interment in the local ceme­ the situation for playing.this year. trast to the present styles, and what incumbent, and James W. Mott of hall Thursday, May 3. Johnny Hol- tery, Rev. Teddy Leavitt of the Astoria. For secretary of state the ombo, the Clatskanie “Terror” Church of Christ, officiating. It was said that the school board were supposed to have been news republicans are H. H. Corey, Tom meets “Kid” Lopez, a fast young plans to discontinue use of the items were in reality editorials con­ B. Handley, and Hal E. Hoss; dem­ Filipino local boy who has a record courts on the grounds to make an taining in some cases vitriolic crit­ Judge Eakin Visits as a fighter. ocrat, Ed. S. Piper. Although no definite date has athletic field of the place. A com­ icism mixed in the news columns. Judge Eakin, circuit judge was Holombo is the pride of Clats- A nickel placed in the box by For judge of the 20th judicial in town for a short visit, He spent been set, it will only be a matter mittee from the club was appointed district, the republicans who_have kanie and the residents of that city considerable time looking over the of a few days when the Joy thea­ to confer with the board on the Mr. Reasoner and a three-cent piece put in by Judge Crandall were also J. A. Eakin, will wager their woolen underwear, Vernonia Light & Power situation, tre will open its doors to the public matter. filed are J. J. * Barrett, _ incumbent, and O. B. Setters, all it is said, on Holombo, who is a When the litigation which the com- and many surprises will be In store Officers were elected for this found. Other articles included a fa3t hard hitting yousgster. of Astoria; democrat, H. K. Zim- year a« follows: Dr. M. D. Cole, Masonic apron, printed constitutions pany is in was transferred from for them. Joe Raymer and Kid Butler is Multnomah to Columbia county cir­ merman of Astoria. Kullander, of various fraternal orders in Hills­ The draperies will be hung and president: Miss Alma For state representative from Co- a return match and plenty of ac­ cuit court Judge Eakin appointed carpets laid this week. The organ secretary-treasurer. The next meet­ boro at that time, a picture of lumbia county, the republicans who tion is promised, as both boys are the present receiver. He expressed was shipped last week and immedia- ing will be held Monday, May 7, Judge Crandall, then county judge, have filed are Edison I. Ballagh [ set to win. Their first meet ended himself as well pleased with the > tely upon its arrival will be install- at Mac’s Pharmacy. All persons in­ a map of Hillsboro, upon which and Glen R. Metsker of St. Helens, in a foul, Raymer fouling Butler, progress that had been made and 1 ed. It is necessary that this work be terested in joining are invited to was written the name of the city officials, and several other papers, and A. E. Veatch of Rainier. Much! Don Brady meets “Toad” Roberts approved of the connection with done last and it will be rushed to attend. all of which had retained their orig­ isterest is being shown in this race in a four-round bout. There will the Oregon-American Lumber com­ a finish by the factory men. inal color and were in the best of as there are no democratic candi- be 24 rounds of boxing on the pany for auxiliary power which will Very few towns of less than condition. dates and the republican nomina- bill. Circus seats are being built enable the company to render an 10,000 to 15,000 population Camp Fire Girls to Sell can tion virtually mepns the election, and there will be plenty of seating uninterrupted service. Quilt for Cabin Benefit Of the names inscribed on the boast of as fine a theatre as Ver­ Glen Metsker is favored by many capacity, according to Matchmaker cornerstone, R. Crandall, judge; J. nonia will have and a great deal Vernonia since he is the only [Pat Murphy. from The Vernonia Camp Fire Girls W. Shute and D. B. Reasoner, com­ Mr. Fuegy Transferred. of credit is due J. H. Bush in go- one who has stated thus far that Friends of Milton A. Fuegy of i ing ahead with this work of giv­ will sell chances soon on a silk missioners, only Mr. Reasoner is if elected he would actively sup-i Astoria, traveling freight and pas­ ing Vernonia one of its greatest quilt to be raffled off on Camp alive today. After serving as coun­ port a short road being built as a senger agent of the S. P. & S., will assets and certainly the most mod- Fire cabin day, some time after ty commissioner of Washington state highway from Portland to the be interested to know that he has ' ern and up-to-date buildings in the school closes, for the benefit of county, Mr. Reasoner was on the Clatsop beaches through Vernonia. been promoted to the position of city. Nothing has been overlooked the cabin fund, according to Mrs. bench as county judge for a num­ For the office of district attorney, [ city passenger agent at Spokane, t in malting it as up-to-the-minute M. D. Cole, member of the local ber of years, and while he was John L. Foote of St. Helens, incum­ there established the enviable re­ The regular meeting of the'Wash., effective May 1. as any city theatre. A large enough Camp Fire council. bent, republican, and John L. Stor­ ! Parent Teacher association was held] Mr Fuegy started working with stage with dressing rooms has been With the help of various organi­ cord of pulling the county out of la of St. Helens, democrat, are the in the Washington school Friday. the g p & s in 1916 as agent provided to accommodate asy stage zations, the fund has been slowly a huge indebtedness. ___________ candidates who have filed. . afternoon. An exceptionally large helper at Rainier. From there he presentation that is shown in Port­ growing, until the girls believe that Interest in the county is center-[ -crowd , was in attendance. The pro-jwent t0 Seaside as freight cash­ land. sufficient money will be dn hand ing in the of race for sheriff its grnm "as 3S *ollo'vs’ Soa?s J?y the [ «er and telegraph operator. He then multitude candidates The with repub-i Only first class shows will be in the near future with which to multitude of canuiaaies. ine iepuu | todowlng pupils of the Washington: rvd station avent at Goble lieans seek no- the nomination are . ___ m.n__ 1.1 T___ .__ served as station agent at uoDie, run and each one will be conduct­ start building. Lo™ Kestner r A^DUon" l”| ed in a first class manner. Race For County Clerk MrTntwp T L Chittim of St Hel- C}.au anc®’ Claude Claude Veal V eal and and Josephine Josephine As toria until With the filing by Burrell P. Special Woodmen Service ens; James Jessee of Rainier, and) Piano . solo, Helen Ruth Ruth ent * t position. o;,sition ! The American Legion smoker, der * Murray. Murray' mPlano S010’ . Helen Graves of St. Helens for the nom- O. G. Weed and Arthur Snyder gurke- The prize prize winning essays ‘ '_____________ ' i : Burke. ________________ Church of Christ Sunday ¡nation on the republican ticket for held at the Legion hall Thursday of Vernonia. The democrats are of the local W. C. T. U. contest county clerk, J. W. Hunt, tncum- was a credit to Matchmaker Pat Humane Week Observed Silvo Graham of Clatskanie, William ! were read by the winners and Mrs. [ A special* service for the Wood­ bent, who has already filed, will Murphy. Plenty of action, from Mrs. Teddy Leavitt ’ s Sunday Pringle Sr. of Vernonia, and Jarvis I Strong'presented the prizes. Russell: men of the World will be held at make a w’arm race, the first bout to the final, seemed Davis of Yankton. Fetsch, Nadeen Aldrich, Edna Uwens school class met at the home of i the church of Christ Sunday even­ to satisfy the many fans present. Mr. Graves is a graduate of the Mrs. Harry Culbertson for the social J. W. Hunt, veteran clerk, is and Helen Ruth Burke were the: ing at 7:30, when the local lodge University of Wisconsin and has The first bout, Delween «l.miny “Kindness will attend in a body. again seeking that office as is Bur­ winners. These essays have been /1 e. _ , ’ The address, lived in St. Helens since 1912. For Davis and Ed. Thompson, showed to Animals, ” delivered by Mrs. rell Graves, who is now deputy sher­ I sent to compete in the county con­ Rev. Teddy L4avitt, pastor, cor­ the last seven years he has been plenty of action in each round by Helen Spaford, was in keeping w’ith iff, both are republicans and of St. test. dially invites the public to attend chief sheriff’s deputy in charge of both fighters, The decision was a Helens. Miss Eaton gave a short reading 1 humane week. tax collections. Enlisting in the draw, although Davis was outweigh- Dainty refreshments were serv­ this service. Elizabeth Murray will have oppo­ I on “The Meaning of the Safety First army at the outbreak of the World ed. ed by the hostess. Those present sition for the republican nomination Program.” Mr. Condit spoke on Birthday Party Held. The second bout, between Nils war, Mr. Graves served 20 months as school superintendent in Mrs. “Safety.” The Camp Fire girls pre-| [were: Mrs. Johnson, E. Sunell, Hel- Mrs. Otto Michener gave a birth- with the 91st division. Place and Ed George, was a slug- Vr E. Spaford, Elmer Robbins, May Harbert Beaman, a teacher in i sented a short playlet under the di- i en „ ging afaffr. Both men were game , Beulah Lindsey, Otto day party Saturday at her home in the McNulty school. ■ rection of Miss McDonald. Mignon Clatskanie in Lumber League but lacked ring experience and at Brady, Teddy honor of her little girl, June. Games Mrs. Bessie H. Gobba, who has : Depue, as a careless girl, Joy Bush. Mitchner, Nola Clatskanie has been elected to the end of the fourth round were been the sole democrat office hold­ a careless boy, Donald Northrop, Leavitt, Harry Culbertson, W. A. were played, then they spent the rest of the afternoon unraveling a membership in the Lumber Baseball tired. They were given a draw. ' er in the county, is not running Dorothy Black, Margaret Bennett, McClurg, George Stankey and Lai- spider's web made of colored string, league, with headquarters at Kelso, Robert Cline and Floyd Smith again for county treasurer, and her Jack Taylor, Louise Roberson, Mar­ kin Nelson. . which ended in a prettily - decorated I . Wash. _ ... Clatskanie __ ___ .j will play 11 wrestled and Smith was thrown at place is sought by Gladys Peterson garet McDonald. Nelle Green, Em­ ¿■¿u, Dinner I Held breakfast nook, where the hostess! games at home and nine abroad, the end of four minutes. This af­ and Frank A. George, both of st. ma Jane Russell, Nasseen Murray, Birthday LiMe U/ooJ had a delightful lunch ready. Those according to the schedule. fair pleased the fans on account Helens. Velda Mellinger, were the charac­ In Honor Ut IVlr. Weed nartv were Anna- ___________________ in nonor CJi W eetl wbo pninved enjoyed the party were. Anna- of the difference in size, Cline J. L. Van Orshoven will be op- ters. ,, ~ . belle Heath, Dorothy June Wolffe, Snyder Enter. Sheriff Race showing plenty of speed and good posed by J. E. Eilertson for re- Mrs. Burke, Mrs. Bell and Mrs. I The Vernoma Women s Relief Thelraa and wilma Johnston, Frieda Arthur Snyder of Vernonia en­ publican nomination for county sur­ Wilkerson were appointed a nomin- Corps held a birthday dinner for „„„ Burt ui of ±1I Timber> Orpha o.up.ey, Shipley, tered the sheriff race last week just head work. Clarence Oberst and Holly Hol- veyor, ating committee for the election of Judson Weed April 14 which was Dorig and Edith Andersorii Shelb,, before the time for filing closed.j closed., comb wrestled, wrestled, Holcomb throwing W. S. Roberts will have no oppo­ officers. Mrs. M. D. Cole was ap- well attended by many of his old Caton> Audrey Johnston and June He made the i seventh republican' Oberst at the end of three minutes. sition for the county assessor’s of­ pointed chairman of the committee friends from all over the county, Michener seeking the nomination. There are The only bout of the evening" that fice and J. L. Foote will be without for the progressive dinner which more than 100 being in attendance. '_______________ three dmocrats also in the field. disappointed the fans was between opposition for district attorney in will be held on Monday, April ‘ - -- -- 30. Mr. Weed is the only Civil war Shower Given Mrs. Garner Kid Butler of Portland and Joe the primaries, but he will be oppos­ It was decided that the P.-T. A. veteran remaining in this part of Mrs. M. D. Cole and Miss Louise Raymer of Vernonia. This bout ed by John L. Storla in the fall t would sponsor a dinner for the the valley. i Malmsten were joint hostesses for started with plenty of action, but election. senior class of the high school to I a shower which was given at the after two minutes of fighting, But- T. B. Mills is scheduled to have be given the night of the junior 1 home of Mrs. Cole Saturday after­ ler was down on the mat, claiming smooth sailing for county commis­ prom. Mrs. Ray, Mrs. Gooding, Mrs. Metsker Favors Separate noon in honor of Mrs. E. E. Garner. Senatorial and Circuit a foul, which was allowed by the sioner again as he has no opposition. Hieber and Mrs. Wardell were the Mrs. Garner was the recipient of S. C. Morton and E. H. Flagg committee appointed to have charge The Parent Teacher association judges. These boys will fight It out Judgeship for Columbia many beautiful gifts. Those present will hold a progressive dinner Mon­ again on the next card May 3. have both filed for justice of the of this event. Weed, Mrs. day evening starting at six o'clock The bout between Don Brady and peace at St. Helens. Following is a copy of a letter were: Mrs. Judson J. A. Phipps is opposed by Chas. addressed to the Oregon Voter by C. Snyder, Miss Charlotte Hiltz, at the home of Mrs. M. D. Cole Andy Raymer was one of the best New Bulletins Published L. Clark for this office at Rainier.[ Extension service and experiment Glenn R. Metsker, candidate for Miss Lillian Condit, Mrs. H. John, where fruit cocktail will be served. of the evening. Brady finally won station bulletins recently issued in­ the republican nomination for rep­ Mrs. C. Malmsten, Mi?s Lois Malm- Cars will be provided there for the decision after four rounds of clude “Beekeeping in Oregon,” resentative for Columbia county in sten, Mrs. B. F. Rogers, Miss L. those who haven’t them and the fierce fighting. Kizer, Miss Bessie McDonald, Miss next course will be served at Mrs. The main event between Mel “Dairy Cattle Feeding With Point­ the state legislature: “I notice in your issue of April Hazel Malmsten, Mrs. D. Steiner, E. A. Green’s home and will con- Shephard and Dane Brady was a ers on Management,” “The 1928 Mrs. sist of baked ham, scalloped po- clever six-round affair. For the Orchard Spray Program,” “Controll­ 21st that one of my opponents for Mrs. E. Condit, Mrs. W. Kent, ing Rodent and other small animal nomination for the office of Rep­ M. E. Moe. Mrs. F. Brewer, Mrs. tatoes, buttered peas and carrots, first few rounds the boys were very Wideman, Mrs. L. Thompson, Mrs. hot biscuits, jelly and pickles. Vege­ cautious, feeling their way for a The Columbia county potato pests in Oregon,” and “Chemical resentative in the Legislature from T. F. Keasey, and others. table salad and wafers will be serv­ good opening. Both boys received growers association will hold its composition of insesticides and Fun­ Columbia county favors a separate ed at Mrs. W. W. Wolffe’s home. a lot of punishment and in the next meeting on Friday, April 27, gicides.” All are for free distribu­ senatorial district and circuit Judge­ Oregon Program Slated The last course of the dinner will fifth round Brady went to the mat ship for this county and that you at 10:00, at the courthouse in St. tion. A program observing Oregon day be in the social hall of the Evan­ for a count of seven, with quote me as being opposed to both Helens. Washington School as useless and unnecessary. Will win be broadcast by KOAC, the gelical and will be pie and coffee. placed right to the jaw. At that time the matter of adopt­ The decision of a draw pleased Mrs. Ray will hold open house you kindly correct this statement Oregon state agricultural college An hour’s entertainment consisting ing the constitution and by laws, station, the evening of May 1, from of games and a short program will the fans. Shephard fought at 122 as drawn up by the executive com­ Friday afternoon when a Japanese in your next issue. “I have never been opposed to 7:30 to 8 o'clock. “Organization of be given at the church as well as and Brad^ at 126 pounds, irady mittee, will be considered, as well program will be given in her room seemed to have the best of the cos- by Japanese children in native a separate senatorial district for the Provisional Government,” is the something at each home. as other business that might proper­ first few rounds, but after the rare Columbia county. On the contrary subject of a talk by Dr. J. B. Hor­ Committees in charge of the din ­ tume. Mrs. Ray has some ly come up. It is planned to have professor curious and beautiful costumes, also I am very much in favor of it and ner, professor of history and di­ ner are as follows: Menu: Mes- third round Shephard showed plen­ have advocated it for years. If rector of Oregon historical research dames Cole, W. W. Wolffe, E. A. ty of speedy work and his hitting McKay, plant pathologist, from the a Japanese organ. Grace Mills, Willie Marks and such a result be possible, believe at the college. Appropriate readings Green, Roberson. Entertainment: was well placed. O. A. C. extension service, present There was a good attendance at to discuss potato diseases and il­ Alice Watte were omitted from the me, I will get it for my county and musical selections that are of Mirs Bessie McDonald and Miss honor roll in Miss Taylor’s room when I attend the Legislature at Oregon or by Oregonians round out Hazel Malmsten. Tickets: Mesdames this fight, but the seating arrange­ lustrate the same with pictures. the program. A. J. Hughes, Dave Marshall, Alta ment was poor. Matchmaker Murphy its next session. last week. Neil, B. F. Rogers, C. W. Reithner, has promised a good seat for all "It will interest me greatly to Florence Austin of Mrs. Austin’s Oregon City contemplates $85,- Japa n«ae Commits Suicide. Veal, Yeo and Miss Alice Eaton. who attend the next card May 3. know the source and character of room has the chicken pox. 000 civic center building. Teitu Hokoyama, 62, Japanese Publicity: Mrs. Mabel Nichol and Drorbaugh refereed the first two Miss McDonald's room are mak- your information responsible for employe of the S. P. & S. railway Mrs. E. E. Yeo. bouts and Earl Shay the last two. this statement.” Oregon banks had $292.175,336 ing bird sticks for the fair. for the past two years, committed Glen R. Metsker. deposits, February 28. suicide by hanging himself in the Medford d’Anjou pears sell in State pays $38,980 for highway Bend — Yellow pine being plant­ Condon—State will oil 17 miles section tool house Friday. He was commission buildings in Umatilla ed in lodgepole areas, as forestry Salem will vote May 18 on $50,- New York fdr top price of $6.20 a buried in the local cemetery. experiment. John Day highway. county. box. 000 airport bonds. Vern.nl. Wdl Rewe™^ In Sheriff 8 Race Clatskanie, St. Helens and Verno­ Reasoner is Honored Hoover Is Favorite New Joy Theatre Will Open Soon Essay Winners Receive Prizes Legion Smoker Is Well Received ' P.-T. A. Will Hold Progressive Dinner Potato Growers To Adopt Constitution