supplement to VERNONIA EAGLE NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL. PROPKRTY BID IN BY COLUMBIA COUNTY AT TAX SALES Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Sherltf and ex Officio Tax Collector of Columbia County, Oregon, by authority of an order made and entered by the County Court of Columbia County, Oregon, sitting for the transaction of county business on the 1st day of March, 1928, will offer for sale at public auction, for cash, each and all of the following lots and tracts of real property located in Columbia County, Oregon, and heretofore bid in by said county at Tax Foreclosure sales and to which said county now holds a deed by virtue of said sale; said respective properties will be sold to the highest and best bidder for cash, but in no event lor a less sum than that set opposite each respective lot and tract in the appended list; said properties to be sold being described as follows, to-wlt: Description of Real Property Amount Spitzenberg, EH of L. 8 B. 1 ............................................................ $ 3.00 Spitzenberg, EH of L. 10 B. 1 .......... 4.52 Spitzenberg, L. 12 B. 2 .................................................................... 3.53 Spitzenberg, L. 1 B. 3 ...................................................................... 1.33 Spitzenberg, L. 16 B. 3 .... 3.02 Spitzenberg, L. 15 B. 4 ....................................................................... .84 Spitzenberg, L. 16 B. 4 .................................................................... .84 Spitzenberg, EH of L. 9 B. 6 ........................................................ 3.52 Spitzenberg, E H of L. 10 B. 6........................................................ 1.32 Spitzenberg, L. 1 B. 7 .................................................................... 2.97 Spitzenberg, W% of L. 3 B. 7 ........................................................ -2.95 Spitzenberg, Fractional B. 9 ........................................................ 2.51 Apple Valley Scappoose Orchard Tracts, Tract 28 ................... 6.00 Apple Valley Scappoose Orchard Tracts, Tract 28%......... 5.00 Apple Valley Scappoose Orchard Tracts, Tract 30%, ex cept 2 acres to Tomason and except 1 acre to Reavis as described in Book 31 at Page 445 Deed Records of Columbia County, Oregon .................... 3.41 Sunrise Ridge Orchard Tracts Lot 5 Block 1 ....................... 10.00 Sunrise Ridge Orchard Tracts Lot 7 Block 1 .......................... 8.00 Sunrise Ridge Orchard Tracts Lot 8 Block 1 ........................ 8.00 Lots 1 and 2 and the S% of NE% Sec. 6 T. 3 R. 2........ 1000.00 Lots 3, 4, 5, and SE% of NW % Sec. 6 T. 3 R. 2 ............. 2000.00 NE% of NE% Sec. 10 T. 3 R. 2 ........................................................ 144.50 Undivided 3-24 interest in 8% of SW% Sec. 11 T. 3 R. 2 37.52 Undivided 3-24 interest In N% of NW% Sec. 14 T. 3 R. 2 except timber ................................................................................... 37.51 Lots 3 and 4 Sec. 15 T. 3 R. 2 ............................................................. 90.41 Lots 6, 7 and E% of SWU except 20 acres as described in Book 23 at Page 153 Deed Records of Columbia County, Oregon. Sec. 6 T. 4 R. 2 ........................................... 165.25 S% of SE% of NWH of SE% Sec. 16 T. 4 R. 2 .......................... 5.00 SE% of SW% of NEU Sec. 20 T. 4 R. 2 .................................... 10.00 SE% of SE% of SWV< Sec. 20 T. 4 R. 2 ....................................... 10.00 NE% of SE% of SWU lying East of Railroad Sec. 21 T. 4 R. 2 .................................................................................................. .96 N% of NW % of SWU Sec. 21 T. 4 R. 2 .................................... 20.00 NE% of SW% lying West of Railroad Sec. 21 T. 4 R. 2...... 20.00 NE% of NWU of.NE% Sec. 21 T. 4 R. 2 ............................. 44.50 W% of NE% of NE% Sec. 21 T. 4 R. 2 ............... 70.08 Lot 1 except 11.66 acres to Olson Sec. 26 T. 4 R. 2............ 39.05 Lot 3, 4 and E% of SW% Sec. 30 T. 4 R 2 ............................. 255.21 SW% of NWH of SW% Sec. 32 T. 4 R. 2 .................................. 10.00 N% of SE% of SWU Sec. 34 T. 4 R. 2 ..................... 62.36 N% of 8W% of SE% Sec. 34 T. 4 R. 2 ................................ 71.81 2*0 .-80 acres in S% of SW % Sec. 34 T. 4 R. 2 (Book 22 Page 599) ........................................................................................ 51.71 14.26 acres in SW % Sec. 34 T. 4 R. 2(Book 24 Page 360) 69.07 10.85 acres in Sec. 34 T. 4 R. 2 (Book 22 Page 602)........... 40.81 70-100 acres in SW % of SE% Sec. 35 T. 4 R. 2 (Book 29 Page 522) ........................................................................................ 12.30 N% of SE% Sec. 10 T. 4 R. 3 ......................................................... 100.0.) NEU Sec. 10 T. 4 R. 3 .................................................................... 792.81 E% of NE% of NE% Sec. 12 T. 4 R. 3 ................. 20.00 S% of NE% Sec. 30 T. 4 R. 3 ....................................................... 80.00 SW% of SE% of NWU Sec. 32 T. 4 R. 3 .................................. 10.00 NWH of SW% of NWH Sec. 32 T. 4 R. 3 .................................. 10.00 St. Helens, Undivided % Int. in L. 1 B. 86 ................... 1.95 St. Helens. Undivided Int. In L. 2 B. 86 ..................................... 1.92 St. Helens, L. 8 B. 92 .................................................................. _... 5.00 St. Helens, L. 16 B. 92 ......................................................................... _ 5.00 St. Helens, L. 15 B. 95 ...................................................................... 9.56 St. Helens. L. 19 B. 97 ....................................................................... 26.64 St. Helens, L. 20 B 97 ...................................................................... 27.45 St. Helens, L. 4 B. 98 ........................................................................... 4.00 St. Helens, L 5 B. 98 4.00 St. Helens. L. 6 B. 98 ......................................................................... 4.00 St. Helens, L. 18 B. 98 ....................................................................... 4.00 St. Helens, N% of L. 8 B. 130 .......................................................... 11.67 St. Helens. L. 9 B. 130 ................................................................... 59.96 St. Helens. L 12 B. 146 .................................................................... 20.84 All of L. 1 lying E. of Deer Island Slough Sec. 6 T. 5 R 1...... 27.20 NWU of NWU Sec. 20 T. 5 R. 1 ..................................................... 139.62 SWU of SW% of SWU Sec. 20 T. 5 R. 2 ...... 32.65 W% of NE% and E% of NE % Sec. 30 T. 5 R. 2 except 15 acres (Book 25 Page 447) ........................................................ 312.42 Und. % Int. in SW % Sec. 33 T. 5 R. 2 ... 227.26 Und.. % Int. in SE% Sec. 33 T. 5 R. 2 ............................................. 227.26 E. 8 acres of N% of NE% of NE% Sec. 35 T. 5 R. 2........... 53.64 Goble, L. 4 B. 3 ....'......... —...................................................................... 9.25 Neer City. L. 1 B 2..... .91 Neer City, L. 1 to 12 inclusive B. 3 ................................................... 5.00 Neer City, L 4. 5. 6 B. 9 ....................................................................... T OO Neer City, L. 9 B. 12 .............................................................................. 5.55 Neer City, 1 to 12 inclusive B. 15 ............................................... 36.43 Neer Cit, L. 1 to 12 inclusive B. 18 ................................................ 36.43 Neer City. L. 4. 5, 6, 7. 8. 9, B. 19 .................................................. 57.66 Neer City, W. 25,feet River Lot 2 .................................................. 16.49 Beaver Homes, 63-100 acres S. of road Tract 82 ........... )........... 5.36 Beaver Homes. Tract 83 ............. 97.11 Beaver Homes. Ixjt 6 Tract 115 .......... -........................................... 69.35 Beaver Homes, E. 15 acres of Tract 117 ................................. . 11.59 Beaver Homes. Lot 5 Tract 117 .......................................................... 35.74 Beaver Homes. Ix>t 6 Tract 117 ....... 68.27 Beaver Homes. Lot 7 Tract 117 .................................... ................... 49.97 Beaver Homes. Lot 8 Tract 117 ........................................................ 4 9.05 Beaver Homes. N. 3.01 acres Tract 120 .............................. 18.36 Beaver Homes. Tract 121 except amount (Book 19 Page 564) 39.78 Beaver Homes. Tract 122 ................................................................... 165.80 Beaver Homes, Tract 129 .......... 142.82 Beaver Homes. Lot 2 Tract 130 ................................................... 38.49 Beaver Homes, Lot 3 Tract 130 ........................................................ 7.62 Beaver Homes. Lot 4 Tract 130 ....................................................... 55.48 Beaver Homes. Lot 6 Tract 130 ... ............................................ 49.13 Beaver Homes. Lot 8 Tract 130 ........................................................ 59.56 VERNONIA, OREGON Thursday, April 5, 1928 158.07 Beaver Homes. Tract 131 ................................... 55.9:; Beaver Homes, Lot 3 Tract 132 ......................... 11.39 Beaver Homes. N. 5.60 acres Lot 4 Tract 132 62.05 Beaver Homes, Lot 8 Tract 132 ........................... 134.22 Beaver Homes, N. 30.91 acres of Tract 133 195.68 NWU of SWU Sec. 10 T. 6 R. 2 ................................................... 192.76 NE% of NE% Sec. 28 T. 6 R. 2 ..................................................... 2 rods by 40 rods in SE% of SW% Sec. 1 T. 6 R. 3 (Book 7 Page 159) ........... -.................................. SE% of NEU Sec. 2 T. 6 R. 3 ........................................................ swy* Sec. 13 T. 6 R. 3 .................................................................. .... SE% Sec. 13 T. 6 R. 3 ....................................................................... NE% Sec. 34 T. 6 R. 3 ........................„............................................... Lot 4 and SE% of SWU See. 7 T. 6 R. 4 Reuben Lots 5, 6. 7. 8. B. 2 .................... Reuben Lots 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8. B 3 • Reuben Lots 1, 2, 3. 4, 5. 6. 7. 8, B. 4 Reuben Lots 1, 2, 3, 4. 5. 6. 8. B. 5 . Dobbins Add. to Rainier. L. 3 B. 22 50x75 ft. in B. 17. Dobbins Add to Rainier Moecks Add to Rainier, L. 8 B. Moecks Second Add. to Rainier, Lot 7 B. Moecks Second Add. to Rainier, Lot 5 B. Moecks Second Add. to Rainier, Lot 7 B. Moecks Second Add. to Rainier. Lot 8 B, Moecks Second Add. to Rainier. Lot 6 B. Second Add. to Rainier. Lot 7 B. Moecks____________________________ 300 feet water front lying between extension of Market Street and l^nd of F. A. Douty, except 100 feet Sec. 16 T. 7 R. 2 ...... ...................................................................................... 935.07 100x100 feet in the Harris D. L. C. as described in Book 5.00 18 Page 400 ................................................................................... 8.00 100x100 feet in Sec. 21 T. 7 R. 2 (Book 22 Page 21)........... 10 acres in W % of E% Sec. 21 T. 7 R. 2 (Book 16 Page 10.00 561) ....................................................................................................... 297.31 SE% of SE% Sec. 22 T. 7 R. 2 .................................................... 297.31 NWU of SB% Sec. 22 T. 7 II. 2 ................................................... 72.58 S% of S% of SE % ot SWU Sec. 22 T. 7 R. 2 ..................... 72.58 S% of S% of SWU of SE% Sec. 22 T. 7 R. 2 ..................... 72.58 N% of N% otSWU of SE % Sec. 22 T. 7 R. 2 ..................... 72.58 N% of S% of SW% of SEy* Sec. 22 T. 7 R. 2 .......................... NE% Ex. 10 acres Sec. 27 T. 7 R. 2 ......................................... 1001.83 90.21 SE% of SW% of NWU Sec. 29 T. 7 R. 2 52.20 NE% of 8E% Sec. 34 T. 7 R. 2 ................................................... 5.79 Portion of N% of SE% E. of highway Sec. 35 T. 7 R. 2 ...... 14.26 Portion of NE% of SW % E. of highway Sec. 35 T. 7 R. 2...... 950.(TO South Clatskanie, L^7 and 8 B. 1 ................................................... 8.00 Clatskanie Heights Tract 22 10.00 Clatskanie Heights Tract 27 Clatskanie Heights Tract 31 Clatskanie Heights Tract 31 A 7.50 Clatskanie Heights Tract 33 A ..................................... Clatskanie Heights Tract E% 34 A ............................. Clatskanie Heights Tract 35 ............................................ Clatskan'e Heights Tract 35 A .................................... Haven Acres Tract 11 ..................................... .................. Havetf Acres Tract 13 except 9 acres to Dearing Haven Acres Tract 4*0% ................................................... Haven Acres Tract 42 ........................................................ Haven Tract 45 .................... :.................................. NE % ot NE% Sec. 2 T. 7 R. 4 S. 7 acres of SH% of SW% Sec. 3 T. 7 R. 4 ............................. NWU of NWU Sec. 10 T. 7 R. 4 ................................................... W% of NEU of NWU Sec 10 T. 7 R. 4 .................................. SE% of NWU and N% of NH% of SWU Sec. 11 T. 7 R. 4 SE% Sec. 23 T. 7 R. 4 ......................................................................... SWU of NW% of NWU Sec. 32 T. 7 R. 4 ............................... E% of SWU Sec. 7 T. 7 R. 5 ........................... .......................... SE *4 Sec. 7 T. 7 R. 5 ................................................................. ft... NWU of NE% Sec. 14 T. 7 R. 5 ...................................................... E% of SWU Sec. 15 T. 7 R. 5 ............................. ...................... SWU of SW% of NWU Sec. 28 T. 7 R. 5 ............. T................. N% of SWU of NWU Sec. 28 T. 7 R. 5 ....... .......................... 8E% of NWU Sec. 28 T. 7 R. 5 ................................................... SWU of SWU Sec. 29 T. 7 R. 5 ..................................................... SE% of 8E!% Sec. 30 T. 7 R. 5 ................................................... | of NEU Sec. 31 T. 7 R. 5 4 Sec. 31 T. 7 R. 5 ..._................................................................. E% of NE% ; NWU of NE% ; NE% of NWU ; Sec. 32 T. 7 R. 5 ....................................................................................................... E% of NWU of 8E% Sec. 34 T. 7 R. 5 ................................... a ...................... E% of swu Of SE% Sec. 34 T. 7 R. 5 NWU of NE% Sec. 35 T. 7 R 5 ................................................. N% of NE% Sec. 36 T. 7 R. 5 ........................................................ SE% of NE% Sec. 36 T. 7 R. 5 ...................................................... swu of SE%- and NE% of 8E% Sec. 36 T. 7 R. 5 .............. SW% Sec. 36 T. 7 R. 5 ................................................ -...................... L. 2 Sec. 26 T. 8 R. 5 .......................................................................... 5.94 Acres (Book 3 Page 212) Sec. 34 T. 7 R. 5 .................. Lots 1, 2. 3, 4, Sec. 2 T. 6 R. 5 ..................................................... I S% of NEU and E% of SE% Sec. 2 T. 6 R. 5 ..................... Ix>t 1 Sec. 3 T. 6 R. 5 ......................................................................... 40 acres in SE% Sec. 9 T. 6 It. 5 (Book 11 Page 352) N% of SE% of NEU Sec. 25 T. 6 It. 5 ..... .................. NW >4 Sec. 26 T. 6 R. 5 ....................................................................... 8% of swu Sec. 29 T. 6 It. 5 ........................................ 80 acres in SE% Sec. 29 T. 7 R. 5 (Book 29 Page 88 to 117.38 Col. Co.) ........................................................................................ SE% of NWU, W% of SE%. SW% of NE% Sec. 32 T. 6 285.38 R. 5 ..................................................................................................... S% of SWU and S % of SE % Sec. 11 T. 4 R. 5 ..................... 4400.00 20.0*0 SE% of NE% Sec. 15 T. 4 R. 5 ................................................... 242.61 E% of SE% and E% of NE% Sec. 21 T. 4 R. 5 % acre tn NE% of NWU (Book X Page 7) Sec. 1» T. 5 R. 4 ........... -................... Lot 1 Sec. 18 T. 5 R 4 SW% Sec. 2 T. 5 R. 6 ....................................................................... SW% of SE% Sec. 6 T 5 R. 5 ........................-................................ NWU Ot SE% Sec. 11 T. 5 R. 5 ................................................. SE% of NE% and NF.% of SE% Sec 19 T. 5 R. 5 ..... 11. 5 SWU of NWU and NW% of SWU Sec. 20 T. " 5 ~ All of the above described real property being situated County of Columbia. State of Oregon. Said sale to be made on the 7th day of April, 1928. at 10:0* A. M. at the West front door ot the County Court House at St Helens. Oregon. Dated at St. Helens. Oregon, this 1st day of March, 1928. J. H. WELLINGTON. Sheriff of Columbia County, Oregon First published March 8th, 1928. Last published April 5tb. 1928.