THE CACTUS FLAT CATAMOUNT LAURENCE LOCKNEY, Editor VOLUME 1 THREE VERNONIA EAGLE Thursday, April 5, 1928 Department CAYUCOS SAM ROPES REFUSED PATENT ON BLEAR-EYED CALF KEEPS WILD AND WOOLY MARVELOUS INVENTION RESPECTABLE FOLKS AWAKE (Meade's ¡■Martha NUMBER 45. KITCHEN COUNCIL STEER Good Substantial School Lunches— Archimedes Puck has been refus Cayucos Sam, who can ride any- ire the kind the children need these The Catamount doesn't like to ed a patent on the safety electric give publicity to the evil doings of i thing that walks and rope anything I Spring days. Spring is growing sea- our citizens, especially to those light wire which he recently in that runs, had his hands full the on and they must have plenty ot much thought, by other day when a wild steer from good plain food to grow on. few who keep their subscriptions vented, after paid in advance but when a whole boring a hole in the wire down the Rim Rock country got out in With good lunches and lots of exer juice run the open spaces with blood In his cise the Spring tonics can stay on the sale disturbance is raised like it the center to let the _ was one night this week when Judge through, which not only save juice eye. The steer was one that had shelf. Sulfur and molasses have gone Sleweum’s blear-eyed and moth eat but was also no-shocking, as with spent his calfhood and several of out of date in these days of better en calf kept the whole town awake the electric current running down his mature years in the bad lands balanced diets. until near midnight, then it is time the center of the wire on the in below the Rim Rock, and the cow Any school lunch should include a from the Diamond-A hearty sandwich, some fruit and a to take our editorial pen in Hand side instead of running in a hap punchers shafts at hazard way all up and down the Ranch drove him out with a bunch beverage, preferably milk Then too and direct a few barbed i outside, a person could handle the of tame cattle that had spent the the person under suspicion. children always like sweets of some Our fair young village went to wire with his bare hands without winter in the tall brakes, where kind and a piece of plain cake or a the grass grows knee high to a bed at about its customary hour getting shocked. lew cookies are better than too much of nine o’clock the other night and Mr. Puck blames Wall Street and giraffe. candy It's the hungry child that our citizens were all prepared to the Republican party. When the herd struck the flat eraves too much candy. i when get some well-earned rest lands, Cayucos took after the steer These lunches are well-balanced SOCIETY Judge Sleweum’s calf opened up with a rope and a whoop. The steer i and pretty sure to make a hit with its vocal throttle and bawled its ( saw Sam coming and gave a snort the children. head off for two or three nours, Miss Sophie Spindleshanks was that could have been heard for a (1) Minced ham sandwiches, (sea pausing only for breath, and its hostess at a beautifully appointed mile and struck out for the wlde| soned wilh mayonnaise,) jelly sand plaintive, pathetic notes were so all hot dog feed Tuesday evening. and open. wiches, cookies, milk ( '/i pt.,) ripe fired dismal and heartrending that Sam was gaining on he steer banana. BUSINESS AND FINANCE we each and all of us yearned to after a five mile run and the steer (2) Huns (filled with a slice of jake the rattle-brained calf to our saw that the jig was up if he didn’t hearts and to shoot me Judge for Mescal Bill smeared some red think up some scheme to outwit boiled ham or bacon and one of allowing it to make the night hide-fpa;nt on an old barley sack the the puncher. The steer turned to cheese.) lettuce sandwich, dried figs ous. other day and sold it to a tourist the right and split the breeze in and raisins, hot chocolate (in thermos An investigation the next morn for a Navajo rug. the direction of a lone oak tree- bottle). I about half a mile away, When he j (3) Minced egg sandwiches (sea- ing by our intrepid police force, I Constable Twist Newton, developed got to the tree he started tn to soned with mayonnaise and onion LOCAL NEWS the fact that the Judge’s old cow, I circle round and round the tree juice), milk, peach or orange, plain • who is known all over the sagebrush The proprietor of the filling sta- so that Sam couldn’t get a chance layer cake. (4) Sardine paste sandwiches belt as the worst fence breaker tn tion has written to Detroit to find to throw his rope on account of the community, broke Into Hamp out how to put gasoline in the new the tree being between him and the stuffed egg. milk, fresh fruit, anima! JiggS’ alfalfa patch by squeezing Ford. (steer. This kept up until Sam and cookies. through the gate which was fasten his horse were both getting dizzy,1 When making sandwiches for the Stone Bruce advertises that *le when Sam noticed a knothole in children, especially little children ed at the bottom but not at the she will accept a job if it is not 400 the tree, which went clear through mince the meat or eggs and make in top, and when she got In couldn’t get out again. She was hard for his wife to handle. the trunk. He kept after the steer to a paste to spread on the bread The finally liberated about twelve took out sandwiches will stick together better Mayor Abe Barlow has issued a and at the same time he *''"v o’clock midnight by Hamp who had proclamation to all law-abiding cit his six-shooter. He tied the rope and can be more easily eaten by little listened to her bawling long enough, izens to quit strewing their Satur around a bullet and stuck the cart-1 folks and opened the gate and assisted day night bottles all over the main ridge back in his six-shooter. When' Fruits should be thoroughly ripe and her through the opening with an the steer was opposite him and on washed off nice and clean Oranges, street. elm club. the other side of the tree, he fired apples and bananas are easiest to The Honorable William Hoots, the bullet through the knothole, carry. Peaches and apricots or grapes The Catamount is always fair to its friends and enemies alike, but candidate for president from Cac- and the rope settled fair and square come in good when in season if this outrageous shock to our shat-1 tus Flat, has not as yet had his over the steer’s horns. A half pint of the necessary or This is the best feat of roping strongly advised quart of nnlk a day tered nerves happens again, the name dragged in the mire of the Judge is going to get his name in Teapot Dome controversy, stating that has been done in this region for every child" can be fitted into the the paper in no uncertain terms. j today that his hands are clean be since the good old days when men school lunch very nicely So ne chil cause he was not at the time hold was men. dren will drink a whole pint at that SCANDALOUS REPORT SET ing down a job of sufficient politi time and then the other pint can be AT REST BY ALF STUDE cal importance. BEARCAT’S RATTLESNAKE taken partly with the breakfast cereal GROWING BRAN NEW BUTTON and partly in cooked gravies and pud- Jed Spillers was in from Squaw “I understand this town is dry,” „ --- ’ ?---- , I said the Rev. Ananias Etherblazer Valley recently with some valuable Bearcat „ Boone s pet . rattlesnake Whenever I can help you these statistics on the amount of rain has four full-fledged rattles and as to Alf Stude last Monday. daily household problems on what to that is needed in that section. I we go to press this lively and viva-1 serve or prepare for the growing “Well, not exactly,” answered Alf. “It went dry Saturday night Will Rogers, who writes for the cious little reptile is developing a' family write me I'm always glad to about two o’clock Sunday morning, papers, made a contribution to button right smack square on the make suggestions Adilress Martha but they orter be a good stock on charity the other day by giving end of it’s lengthy tail. The snake Meade. Home Service Bureau Sperry has fully recovered from his long Flout Co.. San Francisco. hand by this time.” John D. Rockefeller a dime. winter hibernation and is usually Ebenezer Squills says that patch to be found on the front steps of Scotty Macpherson, who was ope- rated on Tuesday, stopped his watch' of green on his farm is partly vege- the Boone home, where he greets all callers with joyous wags of his tail. while he was under the anaesthetic, tahlc but mostly aphis. I NOTICE OF CALL OF BONDS Home Reminders Notice is hereby given to the holders of the following bonds of the City of Vernonia, Columbia county Oregon: Bond No. 3 of Improvement district No. 3, dated May I, 1926 said bond being in denomination of $500.00. Bond No. 3 of Improve ment district No. 5 dated May 1, 1926 said bond being in demonina- tion of $500.00. Bond No. 1 of Improvement district No. 7 dated May 1, 1926 said bond being in demonination of $439.68. Bonds No. 2 and 3 of Improvement district No. 8, dated May 1, 1926 said bonds being in denomination of $500.00 each. Bond No. 1 of Improvement Dist No. 9, dated May 1, 1926, said bond being in denomination of $196.74. All of the above bonds being redeemable at the option of said city on May 1, 1928. That pur suant to said option, said bonds will be redeemed within 30 days from the date of this notice, to- wit: On the First day of May, 1928, upon presentation to the fis cal agency of Oregon in New York City, to-wit: The National Park Bank. In case the holders of said bonds fail to present same at the time and place mentioned herein for the redemption thereof, then the In terest thereon shall cease and the agency aforesaid will thereafter pay only the amount of such bond and the interest accrued thereon up to the said first day of May 1928. Dated at Vernonia, Oregon, on this 1st day of April, 1928. J. C. Lindley, Treasurer, City of Vernonia, Ore. Meat with flecks of fat through out is more tender and has more juice than cuts without any fat If meat cuts are not fresh, they will have dark dry edges. Good cuts of beef are edged with straw colored fat, are firm, and have fine grain muscle. Poor beef has coarse, flabby flesh, is dark color with yellow oily fat. A new sandwich _____ filling _ is ____ made by creaming 1 teaspoonful of but ter, adding one small cream cheese mixing thoroughly. Stir in 2 table spoonfuls of strained honey. Pare and cut one large apple, slice in thin slices and put into the mixture. Spread on light or dark sandwich bread. White bread may be toasted. Select cuts, which come - from those parts of the animal which re ceive least exercise, are muscular with little connective tissue. These are better when cooked by dry heat, The chief methods are broil ing, _ panbroiling, roasting, panfry ing and frying. If milk is kept in a large shallow basin instead of a deep one, will remain sweet much longer. The delicate flavor will brought out in salt fish if It Is soaked in sour milk before cooking. the 1 B uick S tyle S how Showinq America's Smartest ^Motor Car Creations Here are assembled a wide variety of Buick lmdy- typcs by Fisher. All are arrayed in alluring new apring-tlme color harmonies. All are endowed with the moat luxurious upholsteries and ap|*oint- ments. And all are months ahead of the mode in smart, low, dashing lines, low without any loss of bead-room or road-clearance. Glasses- Scientifically Fitted 15 year» experience Free Examination Watch date for M c D onald next vi»it A. BIBLE THOUGHT AND PRAYER // parent» will have their children memo rize a Bible »election each weelg, it wiN prove a priceless heritage to them in after year». LOVE NOT THE WORLD:—Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.—1 John 2:15. PRAYER:—May the love of God keep our hearts and minds stead fast and true upon Thee our God. After the burial of Jesus what did the chief priests and Pharisees say to Pilate, and what answer diil he give them? Matt. 27:02-60 NEW BATTERIES $9.85 Old Batteries Taken in Trade Now is the time of year your battery should be kept fully charged and in tip top shape. Your battery recharged, painted acid $1-50 proof, paint and acid adjusted, all for .. Radio batteries and others not requiring ^100 removal of installation in car.................* Rent batteries, per day 25c ood ilby G Motor Co.RS STORES AT NEWBERG SALEM SHERIDAN VERNONIA STORES AT CORVALLIS HILLSBORO M c M innville MONMOUTH Pre=Easter Coat Sale Be sure to attend this magnificent Style Show! See the most beautiful motor car creations of the day—and the moat durable, dependable and vibrationleaa of ram as well. Come any day or evening during the next seven days. A cordial welcome awaits you. Friday, April 6th. Ending Saturday, April the 14th. Many Styles, Many Colors, Wide range of the newest types and Effects We believe no better values have ever been offer ed in Vernonia. Prices lower than elsewhere WATCH OUR SHOW WINDOWS! April 6th to April 14th hotel Make your rexervation» now Dr. HARRY The incubator should be disin fected thoroughly after each hatch, the disinfectant being thoroughly applied to all interior parts after the machine has been cleaned and all dirt and down removed. Care should be taken to use an efficient disinfectant, such as a saponified cresol solution. After the hatching season is over, clean and disinfect the incubator, empty the lamp, and carefully store the parts inside the machine. The large losses to oat growers caused by the smut diseases can be almost wholly prevented by dis infecting the seed with formalde hyde shortly before sowing. One pint of formaldehyde added to 40 gallons of water is enough to treat 50 bushels of seed. Sprinkle the solution on the seed while it is being shoveled from one pile to another, cover with blankets and leave for at least 2 hours, or over night. Care to avoid freezing or heating is essential, and if sowing is delayed the seed should be spread out and dried. Farm fires each year take the lives of about 3,500 people and de stroy or damage property to the extent of $150,000,000. The prin cipal causes of fires in order of their national importance, accord ing to David J. Price and Harry E. Roethe of the United States de partment of agriculture, are: lightn ing, defective chimneys and heat ing apparatus, sparks on combusti- ble roofs, careless use of matches and smoking, spontaneous ignition of hay and other agricultural pro I ducts, careless handling and storage of gasoline and kerosene, and faulty wiring and improper use of electrical appliances. Weeds in the seed wheat are a common means of increasing the weed crop on farms wherever wheat is grown. In an investigation to determine the amount and kinds of weed seeds being sown with wheat, 55 samples of seed wheat were col lected from as many grain drills operating on farms in the main spring-wheat areas of Minnesota, North and South Dakota, Only two drills were sowing clean seed. The seed wheat in the others contained an average of 2 per cent by weight of weed seed, indicating that an average of 53,000 weed seeds per acre were being sown on these 53 farms. When weeds in large num bers grow in the field with wheat, they crowd and shad,- the crop, and use moisture and fertility in the soil that would otherwise he avail able for the wheat. Clean land and pure seed will result in the pro duction of more wheat, and it will bring a better price on the market. Manufacturer’s Line of Ladies Spring Coats on Sale Beginning Opening Today— Style Week at Buick showrooms! Everyone who loves the new and beautiful—every one who plans to buy a new car this Spring— is Invited to attend this special showing of those smartest of motor car creations, the fine Buick models. Proper Service Miller Mercantile Co. «COLOR TIME«. \ 1 Agriculture of Pre»» BROWN Eyesight Specialist Portland, Oregon OpenifiqTodaii Thomas Garage Across From the Post Office Lovell Auto Company Attoria, Oregon THEN BETTE» AirTOMOErUE Ad BUILT. BUICK Gordon Hats Vernonia’s Leading Store Days Dress Trousers