VERNONIA EAGLE TWO Thursday, April 5, 1928 n Press Conference Elects Officers of Oregon and had two years of FOR REPRESENTATIVE IN THE For Sheriff LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY To the Republican Electors of special training in the east. 1 My teaching experience nas been Glen R. Metsker, of St. Helens Columbia county. I quite varied and extensive having Candidate for the Republican I shall be a candidate at the been principal of both grade and May Primary Election for the I high school. I have been connected Nomination at the May primaries. FOR SHERIFF. I favor fewer and better laws— To the voters of Columbia county: publican nomination to the office with the Vernonia and St. Helens measures, only, that I hereby announce myself as a can­ of sheriff. If nominated I shall high schools and Columbia City and constructive will make possible the conservation didate for the office of sheriff of perform the duties of the office at McNulty grade schools of this coun- and legitimate development or the Columbia county and if elected I all times impartially, efficiently, If elected my chief aim shall be natural resources of Oregon, par­ promise to administer the office with firmness and with tact. the building of foursquare citizens ticularly our vast hydro-electrical My every official act will be in energies. as efficiently and economically as for Columbia county. possible and to cooperate with the fact official—not personal. May Harbert Beaman. I favor economy In governmental No arrest ar service of process (Paid Adv.) • administration ; the elimination of law enforcement officials to the I waste and lost motion, We have best of my ability. I am a register­ will be made by me, or by any too many commissions; unnecessary ed republican and property owner one in my employ, actuated by per- VOTE FOR offices; too many useless laws; too sonal animosity or hatred but by in Columbia county. much taxation; in short, too much the sole purpose to perform the (signed) government. duties of the office with dignity, P. A. DIXON. I am opposed to wholesale legis­ and firmness benefitting a public (Paid Advertisement) lation. Our mills and factories should official. turn out grist lumber by the whole­ For County Sheriff The laws as enacted by the peo- sale: but not our legislature. Ira E. McIntire pie will be my guide. I believe I am opposed to the creation of I hereby announce my any new judgeship for Columbia - candidacy - in their enforcement and observ- county as useless and unnecessary. for Columbia county sheriff on ance by all people alike. I am opposed to the creation of the republican ticket at the pri- I have been a resident and any new office for which there is mary election May 18, this year. taxpayer of Columbia county for ' no demand. Have been over 15 years a res- nineteen years. My interests are A personal campaign for this of- ident of Columbia county where I here and will continue to be. Your ; fice I can not make but shall lea', e have worked at my trade of car­ support will be sincerely appreciated. my candidacy largely in the hands pentry. At the tenth annual newspaper conference held at the University of «•» J. L. Chittlm. of the electors. Oregon February 10 and 11. Frank Appleby, publisher of the LaGrande While always interested in public Should I be elected I shall have (Paid Adv.) Observer, was elected president for the coming year, and George Turnbull, affairs have never been an office put one employer, or client, the professor of journalism at the University, was again chosen secretary. I people of my county. seeker. Those in the photo are Mr. Appleby, Professor Turnbull Dr. Arnold Ben­ FOR CIRCUIT JUDGE | For fourteen years I have beef. If elected will ENFORCE ALL' nett Hall, president of the University, and Ralph R. Cronise, publisher I a resident and a substantial tax ­ LAWS. of the Albany ¡»emoerat-IIerald, president of the conference for the year in- payer of Columbia county. Your jllSt T.-l-’ (Paid Advertisement) ’ terests and mine are mutual. lected from as many grain drills Department of Agriculture Please accept my thanas in ad- operating on farms in the main For State Representative ’ vance for your support. The incubator should be disin­ spring-wheat areas of Minnesota, Edison I. Ballagh GLEN R. METSKER. fected thoroughly after each hatch, North and South Dakota. Only two (Paid Adv.) I hereby announce my candidacy the disinfectant being thoroughly drills were sowing clean seed. The applied to all interior parts after seed wheat in the others contained for State Representative for Col­ O. B. SETTERS the machine has been cleaned and an average of 2 per cent by weight umbia county (20th district) on all dirt and down removed. Care of weed seed, indicating that an Candidate for Circuit Judge the Repu’ ’’can ticket at the Pri­ should be taken to use an efficient average of 53,000 weed seeds per mary Election, May 18, this year. Republican Ticket disinfectant, such as a saponified j acre were being sown on these 53 The next session of the Legisla­ “Powder My Back” cresol solution. After the hatching farms. When weeds in large num­ Primaries May 18, 1928. ture will be an important one for Miss Rich invites all who are season is over, clean and disinfect bers grow in the field with wheat, Columbia county as there will be 28 vparq pxnpripnpp in fhp s®ek’I?g information on the question the incubator, empty the lamp, and they crowd and shade the crop, and C.O VAueiience Hl me of discouraging too ardent young carefully store the parts inside the use moisture and fertility in the a redistricting of the Senatorial and practice 01 law. I suitors to see “Powder My Back,” machine. Representative districts throughout soil that would otherwise be avail­ her latest Whrner Bros, comedy at (Paid Adv.) the state. Columbia county has now Weeds in the seed wheat are a able for the wheat. Clean land and the Rose theatre Thursday and Fri ­ a population which entitles it to ■ common means of increasing the pure seed will result in the pro­ day. FOR COUNTY TREASURER I weed crop pn farms wherever wheat duction of more wheat, and it will a State Senator and a Judgeship i --------- To the voters of Columbia coun­ i is grown. In an investigation to bring a better price on the market. of its own. With my Legislature “Seventh Heaven” ty, Oregon: I will be a candidate experience and wide acquaintance­ Mighty stage triumph starring determine the amount aqd kinds of at the May primary election for the Janet Gaynor and Charles Farrel, weed seeds being sown with wheat, ship through out the state if elec­ republican nomination to the office at the Rose theatre Sunday and 55 samples of seed wheat were col- A classified ad will rent your house. ted will be in a position to render of county treasurer. 1 Monday. valuable service to Columbia coun- If nominated and elected, I prom­ ty and the state. ise to administer the duties of of­ “The Fighting Eagle” J. BARRETT Edison I. Ballagh. fice efficiently and honestly. La Rocque will be seen in Seeking republican nomination at I I have been a resident of Colum­ his Rod (Paid Advertisement latest De Mille star picture, the primary election May 18, 1928. bia county all my life, and a tax­ “The Fighting Eagle.” at the Rose “Honest, impartial, trained, ex­ payer for a number of years. on Saturday next. It Is a For Sheriff Your support will be appreciated. !’ theatre perienced, virile, tax-saving admin­ romantic story of the days when GLADYS E. PETERSON. ’ Napoleon To the Republican Voters of Col­ istration—no ring rule—be fair and held Europe in awe and The telephone leads for it is the only com­ (Paid Adv.) umbia county. I hereby announce unbiased to foreigners.” packed with drama and thrills. munication system that links the entire na­ my candidacy for the nomination Phyllis Haver is leading woman. Have practiced law in this tion and permits you to immediately com­ FOR SHERIFF for the office of sheriff of Colum- dicial district during the last bia county _ on the ____ Republican _____ _____ Candidate for the nomination of ticket years. East Side, West Side” plete a transaction regardless of distance. sherif on the republican ticket. I With George O’Brien in the lead­ at the primary election, May 18,1 Paid Adv. have served seven years as deputy ing role. Allan Dawn has directed The Telephone Gives You— 1928. sheriff and believe I am well quali­ a marvelous picture from Felix If nominated and elected, I pledge For Superintendent fied for the office because of ex- Riesenberg’s successful novel, “East PRIVACY—ACCURACY—SPEED myself to an efficient administra­ To the voters of Columbia coun- prience and training. If nominated Side, West Side.” This Fox' Film ECONOMY—CERTAINTY tion of the office and an impartial ty: I wish to announce that I shall I will endeavor to give the people shows at the Rose theatre Tuesday enforcement of all laws. be a candidate for nomination for of this county an efficient and and Wednesday. I have always believed in the the office of county school superin- courteous administration of their am able. — I ......................... j You have not read all the news principle of Prohibition, and do i tendent in the May primaries on affairs in so far as LOUIS KESTNER, until you have carefully perused now believe that the present pro- | the republican ticket. I feel that (Paid Adv.) all the advertisements. hibition laws should remain on the because of my training ana experi­ statute books and should receive ence I am well qualified to serve the people of Columbia county in a just administration the same as I this capacity. any other law. I have been graduated from the Oscar G. Weed. Monmouth Normal, the University Political Announcements Rose Theatre In An Age of Speed Oregon Telephone Company Give Candy For Easter EASTER MILLINERY rut It Safely Away In Millinery this season, you may choose almost at will when considering size, and you will be well within the dictates of fasihon. When you get your pay, put it safely away until you reach this bank. Then you can put it away in safety until you need This bank welcomes new accounts, matter how small. Come in and get quainted. A fresh stock of ALMOND ROCO the new confection Also Janke’s and Canterbury BOX CANDIES AT MAC’S PHARMACY FINNEY OF THE FORCE By F. O. Alexander Model Millinery RANK OF VERNONIA A Thing of the Past