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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1928)
VERNONIA EAGLE EIGHT ing as a morning glory killer. The | ed bottom lands. Alfalfa offers considerable pro- sodium chlorate is used as a spray CROPS RECOMMENDED mise as a hay crop and produces one pound of thesodium chlorate "3 cuttings per year. The usual pre to a gallon of water. It is sprayed From page 1 cautions must be observed as t° on with a pressure sprayer after Barley the grass or morning glory has More barley is recommended for bloat when alfalfa is pastured with made a substantial growth, and is cattle and sheep. the county. Hannchen is the lead tough and woody as in June or ing spring variety. As Hannchen Special Weather Report» Requested As the first cutting comes at July. The weeds should not be barley is sometimes short, growers cut off if they are to be sprayed are seeding it in a mixture of oats a time when the weather is showery, as a large lea> surface and woody we recommend that farmers start for feed. This makes it easier to stems afford better penetration and bind and yields are said to be on a conservative acreage that better killing results. Two sprays heavier than oats alone. The mix they can handle in a short time. were necessary in 1927. Thorough ture is probably not desirable for As the weather bureau is now get wetting of stems and leaves is es ting weather reports by radio from general market requirements. sential. The committee recommends that ships far at sea and are in better We suggest that the county agent position to make long range fore more barley be grown and reports fore co-operate with the experiment sta that Hannchen barley is adapted casts, we request that such casts be broadcasted each day front tion on sodium chlorate trials. to lands that will grow corn. Trebi barley is meeting with the middle of May through June Carbon bisulphide, K.M.G. and splendid favor on the dyked lands for the benefit of those making common salt are considered doubt- and other moist lands of the coun hay. We also request the county , ful in value, and too expensive for ty. This variety is an irrigated bar farm organizations to ask our con- general use. A. L. Morris, Chairman Crops ley thus it is adopted to moist gressional delegation to secure this I Committee. as a permanent service. soils. Chopping or Cutting Hay for Feed O. T. McWhorter, Secretary Crops Oat. • Cutting or chopping cured hay Committee. Gray Winter oats is the best for feed is not recommended as a variety for fall planting. For spring oats, the Victory Tree variety practice except when the hay is The Development is recommended except on the coarse or high priced. With fine, well cured hay or Of The Radio moist dyked land where Shadeland Eclipse, a side oat, seems well cheap hay, it is doubtful if cutting (By Arthur Hixson) adapted. The Shadeland Eclipse is pays in increased feed value. Cut The radio first started with the hay handles more easily but must not a good milling oat on account telegraph and the wireless tele- of thick hull. Swedish Select is be dry when put in the mow, to ; graph. The telegraph was first in- avoid spoilage. Precautions must be also a leading variety. taken to avoid dust explosions when | vented by F. B. Morse in 1873. Wheat I The single circuit system was in For fall seeding the Red Walla I cutting dry hay. use for about 35 years when J. Green Feed i B. Stearns, in 1872, invented the variety of wheat is recommended or Where good yields of roots when the crop is to be used for system. This was the send- . kale is secured, the extension of j duplex feed. on | mg °f two messages m different the acreage is recommended White Winter is recommended for j many dairy and poultry farms. | ! directions over the same wire. the fall sown milling wheat. These crops are worth while only! The next improvement was in Corn are secured. j 1873 when T. A. Edison invented Corn as a silage crop is be where heavy yields drained land : ^e duplex system of ...sending two .veil manured, well coming less popular with sóme production is J messages in one direction at the dairymen on account of the labor is best. Their cost of varieties of”me time. Edison in 1874 invent- generally high. Best problems and cost of filling the Sugar, Prize e<i the quadruplex system of send- silo. Where silage corn is grown roots are Giant Half two messages both ways at the Winner, Giant Intermediate and I later varieties are being planted Danish Sludstrup Mangels. Among I same time, to secure higher yields provided, the carrots White Belgian. Yellow' The telegraph was invented and however, that these late varieties Giant and Chantenay are good but patented in the United States in mature at least to the silage stage. tney do not produce tonnage equal! 1837. It is mostly used for send- Mackay yellow dent has beeni a ^promising silage corn in the ex to mangels. Pomeranian white* globe ng telegrams and railroad mes- périment station trials. It does not turnips are suitable for fall and sages. | The wireless telegraph was in- mature a good yield of seed in early winter. Pasture»—Landino Clover I vented in Italy by Marconi in 1896. a cool year. Minnesota No . 13 and The best pasture for irrigated or'rft was not used extensively until Golden Glow are grown in subirrigated soils and dyked lands 1916, when most all ships were umbia county for silage and ! without too much standing water equipped with it. The wireless play grain. a great part during the World More corn such as Golden Glow I on them in winter, is Landino ed war. The Morse code was first clover. It is sowed at 4 pounds an 13 is and Minnesota No. recom used, but the international Morse mended for home feeding on poul acre on a seed bed prepared like code is used most now. try and stock farms in the eastern I an alfalfa seed bed. It is also a i fair crop on the drier pastures but The first of a series of improve part of Columbia county. Where corn is left on the stalk I it will not make the summer pas- ments was made by George Arco of Germany. In 1903 a wireless or is cut and shocked it dries out ' ture after dry weather sets in. and may be kept in cribs or lofts Reed Canary Grass For Wet Lands telegraph company was formed by For the wet, swampy lands where Slaby, George Arco, and Braun. and fed through the season. Soft corn should be sorted out and fed most crops drown out in the winter This company manufactured wire Reed Canary grass is a good sum less instruments and rented them at husking time. mer pasture. It must be kept pas to ships and land stations. In 1903 Grain Seed Treatment Copper carbonate is recommend tured down or cut down or it will the first message was sent across the Atlantic ocean, a distance of ed as the best all round treatment get too coarse for pasture, The summer growth of Grimm 2300 miles. In this message Presi for wheat smut. Formaldehyde is also effectively used in the coun alfalfa makes summer pasture or dent Roosevelt talked with King ty. Where formaldehyde Is used green feed, but the usual pre- Henry VII. About this time A. G. Bell in the grain should be planted as soon | cautions against bloat must be vented the telephone which carried as dry enough to run through the taken. drill, or if it cannot be planted! Swarf Essex rape is used as pas- speech over wires from one city for a few hours it should be aired ture in the summer. Both cattle out so the fumes will get away and and sheep are pastured in it. The bloat precautions must be observed. not kill the grain. The rape makes a recommended Fiber Flax Fiber flax has no very well as starting crop with red clover. Weed» sured cash market in Columbia Canada Thistle, Wild Morning county. Markets are too far distant at present. Fiber flax bids fair to I Glory and Juack grass continue to become an important crop when lo worry the farmers although , the cal manufacturing possibilities are loss from these weeds is not as great as that from mustard, wild developed. radish, pink and other annual Seed Flax Seed flax has been grown on weeds. All seed should be thorough tide-lands with very gratifying re ly cleaned before sowing. Crop ro- ouivo. »i.vie i* He,»** uviuouu suits. There is «. a heavy demand »v, for tation is one of the best means it in Portland and no prospects of | °f reducing weed loss, and keep glutting the market, This crop ing weeds under control. It is es grows best on the lowlands that pecially important that the plantain !content of our clover seed be re hold moisture fairly late. Seed flax is best planted on a 1 duced. The best and cheapest control fine firm seed bed using 40 to 45 pounds of seed per acre. There is 1 method for the perennials is the Thorough difficulty in harvesting and thresh dean culture method. ing it when it is damp as early In work, keeping all growth below the morning. It ' is best handled ground is necessary if the work is after it gets dry and brittle. Flax to be successful. Sodium chlorate as a spray has is not suited to weedy land. Seed Flax and Fiber Flax Diffe.- 1 been tried out at the experiment The attention of seed flax station and is successful as a killer growers is directed to the Impor- of quack grass, and looks promis- tance of securing seed for plant- ing purposes from lots selected and improved for seed production pur- poses. STANDARDIZATION OF VARIETIES IN FARM More Legume Hay is in • Demand WE FIX ’EM UP Common or Hungarian vetch and oats are mainly supplemental to the elover acreage. When clover is short the vetch acreage is in- Auto Tops, Curtains, creased. Vetch is increasing in im- Cushions, Seat Covers portance as a silage crop. I I Alfalfa Alfalfa is now grown on about 250 acres in the county. Grimm is renoin mended as the standard var- iety. More alfalfa should be grown to take care of hay and green feed needs on stock and poultry farms. It has proved a successful crop in the southeastern parts of the county and is being grown «mite extensively there and gives considerable promise in other parts •' he county. We recommend that those living in Western Columbia c y consult the county agent e to alfalfa culture. Alfalfa is also recommended for well dratn- Auto, Sign, and House Painting. Decorating, Calcimining, Tinting. i Thursday, March 22, 1928. to another. Then the question came because at one time there may : take them in other forms and not up, why couldn’t speech be sent be as many as 20 stations broad- pay any attention to the fact that by wireless? After a couple of casting on the same wave length, they are eating the food they have years of experimenting Marconi in This causes great interference if objected to. Custards, of course, vented an instrument by which he the party listening in has a very are made of both milk and eggs. could send speech for short dis- sensitive set. | Milk-vegetable soups, white sauces tance without wires. served with other foods, and cocoa The first radio used a small When children say they do not as a beverage, are all ways of hid- of acid with a platinum wire like milk or eggs, they will often *"he milk the children need. a detector. For sending, a Croakes tube was used. The modern vacuum tube was invented by Röntgen a few years after the radio was in vented. His crystal was one of the first detectors used. It is still used in many receivers such as crystal and reflex circuits. The first radio could send mes- sages for a mile or a little more, but today messages are sent from one continent to another. The radio was first used privately and for government purposes, but today it serves the means of one of the ; best entertainments now known. During the World war the radio, was not allowed to be used publicly I because the government used it for I messages that were private and ! concerned only the army and navy. | The broadcasting stations each year build larger and more power ful apparatus. They use tubes on j the order of vacuum tubes, but many times larger and requiring thousands of volts to operate. The stations range from five to 50,000 watt power. There are from 800 | to 1000 stations in the United States using high wave lengths. Radios first needed large dyna mos and storage batteries to op erate, but sets are now made which use dry cell batteries, and some from the light socket. Nearly 50 per cent of the homes in the United I States have radios. The latest type of receiver is1 the short wave set. This set is better than the long wave set be cause more distance without as much power is acquired. It is used almost exclusively on the trans- Í Atlantic stations. Most of the ships are now equipped with short wave sets. The short wave sets are not used very much yet for entertain ment purposes because there are so many government stations that would interfere with the reception. The short wave is from 50 to 150 meters wave length, the long from 200 to 600 meters. Radio is now used for transmit ting pictures. This has proven suc cessful, but very expensive appara —the wonder cook stove that cooks and bakes tus is required. Even grand opera has been sent by radio from Eng- | faster than any stove you have ever seen; land to America. —the stove that’s all ready—all burners—in one Radio has proven very useful in airplane exploration such as1 minute; over the north pole. In the future i —the stove in which burners turn on or off like all mail planes will be equipped ¡ with short wave radio sending and | city gas after the first burner is lighted; receiving sets. In many countries I | radio stations are becoming so i j —the stove that uses no wicks or chimneys; numerous that special laws are I —the stove in which the flame is always under passed for their control. I control; In the United States the radio is becoming a perplexing problem! A Big Factory Demonstration See the Albert Lea Kitchen kook —the stove that does not soot utensils; —the stove that is faster than city gas and more economical than any other stove you ever used. Two Davs Only March 28-29 Next Wednesday and Thursday A factory representative will be in our store to de monstrate the Kitchenkook and other products of the American Gas Machine Company. We want everyone, whether you need a stove or not to visit our store during this demonstration. Don’t miss this opportunity to see the stove that has created a sensation wherever it has been shown. Wil I your stove pass the safety test? Ask the Demonstrator about it. Remember The Date VERNONiA AUTO SHOP Next Door to Brown Furni ture Company Phone 1021 Hoffman Hdwe