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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1928)
f Thursday, March 22, 1928. VERNONIA EAGLE SIX MAr, X ■ Act of March 3, 1879 or so. Isn’t It annoying to run out of 1 thing like flour, or vinegar or va nilla just at a critical moment? A MARK E. MOE, Editor good plan is to make a weekly check of all staples and keep a sufficient — Usually, wet SPRING always on hand. thoroughly is no to I ' supply To start with make a list of the about the There s staples and pin it up somewhere, may Saturday its one worry be on the kitchen calendar—baking “ in the pile though, when thousand one For all, powder, flour, granulated sugar, pow the of the wetting! dered sugar, vinegar, soda, mustard, from the rigors of in dur molasses, salt, pepper, paprika, spices winter. And for its sug- A barn (whole and ground), vanilla and the November> was other gestions, few are house" ___ ling favorite flavorings, chocolate I particularly (ground or cake, chocolate), shorten cleaning _ in the offing, ap-!P ™T‘? SSW ! The ing, and canned milk. Maybe you have proachmg, new old automo-' ^' contained a few other things you call staples ¡started remove the hay when the overhauled, Easter clothes to you can add to this list. had subsided «uineienuy, sufficiently, uu spon- that for by some for by nau suosioeu be ( Friday is fine day to go marketing. £.,1 ----- X taneous So many merchants have “Friday others, year’s and summer specials” and it certainly pays to —the the ground. to watch for them. One homekeeper says I combustion is the she saves enough every week to buy faipt fair automobil-j understood causes of a ticket to the movies. ing, “parking sparking,” the Ways of keeping food stuffs make ’s probably the why it baseball season, and beach a lot of difference too in the amount |so much (over in sors. buy. If you have a good big flour to computed by to bln you may buy family flour in fifty Spring one of the two seasons National Underwriters.) pound sacks. If you keep it in a can the year. The is fall. has Take home for instance. How on the cabinet shelf with the sugar, and summer its about that y attic and gar. tea, coffee and so on buy in ten-pound sacks. It’is beet to buy pastry or cake partisans, but a happy t the clothes flour in small packages and empty it medium. lou dread adore either; Remove piles rags, into a tin container. Keep Graham or Whole Wheat flour on hand in small you preterence for inibb Such may oily or quantities because these flours do not wintei o\er retain a t w;thout you knowledge. look keep as well as white flour. the intermediate seasons. out! You wake in the middle Taking care of the more perishable such as fresh milk, eggs and but k°fe aiie ^ the night and wonder how you got foods ter requires extra time and maybe a the hot weather come should find solace nto sucb ]10t piaCe trip to market in the middle of the the the coal must live week. But by planning the meals around now ahead you won’t have to be wasting on his interest for months and is done.—Manufacturer. time running to the market several are concerned ever the wear ar.d times a day. tear the balloon tires must un life earned by Ameri A standing order for milk to be de the that the scram cans. livered each day works out tine if the of the world. Ameri you keep a supply of canned milk for the rugs furniture home will cans need emergencies. Canned milk makes the relieved. best kind of gravies and sauces and puddings. Bread, too, can be ordered There are many who dally by planning meals ahead of schemes for helping time. Of course there may be emer _____ I gency orders when you want to make by working. sandwiches for a supper, tea or picnic. The world a be Vegetables such as potatoes, and all for root vegetables can be kept several works hard to a nullify all their days in a cool storage place and save finds it too for man may all of many trips to market. You’ll be surprised how much time but “discerning his and money you can save by system when to ” atic buying. Anytime I can help you _ Brevity ___________ a is the ___ _ of in1 About the with marketing suggestions drop me You offend your ve s is at the 1 llrs K Address—Martha .Meade. Home Service Bureau. Sperry Flour Co., San reader your hearer in one respect Francisco. WET—BUT IT BURNED! when material is — soaked—there need ’ possibility of fire. ’ Spring arrived with ” hay and suggestions. it iis joker subject suggests surcease a | located New Hampshire, heaitless some flood in 1927> or a of them, I wet, being partially submerg- vacation-time aru _ owner automobiles, e 11 ay. to wa biles to be ter but- , Spuu- shopped and paid combustion beat him to it. Re last straw hats sult barn burned to suits be rediscovered, garden seeds and Spontaneous perhaps dreams of harvests, 1 least of all fire. opening of That reason does bathing cen-! damage $15,000,000 ¡1926, according figures is neutral Board of Fire of other Winter you own its irreconcilables rank ce that that spring strikes age? Don>t fo closets can winter and any of paper summer or may have a r ish. materials be summei and warm re- we If so, gaid foi may up of • .2 re mded °f ever ¡ a e to in thought that man Better look before any six those damage who new soon More insurance is dergo have consolation than by rest on and at be more. BE BRIEF SCHOLARSHIP AT U. OF 0. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eu gene.—For the purpose of research in the school of business administration, a ^scholarship, valued at $500, will be awarded to a student of this school at the University of Oregon, according tc an announcement made by Dr. Arnold Bennett Hall, president of the UniveT sity here. The scholarship is being awarded by the American Arbitration Association. .»1A1L isxvJJk UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eu sought are harder to detect than in many gene.—More than one fourth of the ehr Urriuuiia Eaglr ano censorship would be even less effec dYlartha [cades graduating class of the University of tual than in some others. With the possible KITCHEN COUNCIL Oreg n last year earned part of their exception of the larger cities, crime news credit» by correspondence-study, it ia J 1 travels faster than the newspaper presses. Buying the dally food supplies stated by Miss Mozelk Hair, director The average citizen and newspaper weekly will save many extra hours of administration of this work. reader is more ready to believe that the .’or the things you lil'.e to do best. murderer or bank robber who blames the Take a look Into your pantry and TENNIS PLAYED INSIDE $2 per year in Advance j Issued every Thursday will find that the food stuffs fail UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eu- crime news for his crime is only making tou into two classes, the things you keep gene.—Indoor tenuis is popular at the Entered as Second Class Matter, August 4, 1922 at the excuses in the hope of persuading the an hand or the staples and the per University of Oregon now, since equip ishable foods that you buy every day ment for an indoor court in McArthur Post Office at Vernonia, Oregon, under the judge to give him “another chance. * — Court has been installed. ing is also popular. Night play SCHOOLS TO BE STUDIED UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eu gene.—Problems of efficiency in Ore gon high schools, including those of college entrance requirements, will bo studied by a committee of the State Teachers’ Association, headed by Aus tin Landreth, principal of Pendleton High School, it is announced. F. L. Stetson, professor of education of the University of Oregon, will also serve on the committee. 4 ART CASTS AT U. OF O. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eu gene.—A cast of the head of Moses ai copied from the original masterpiece ol Michael Angelo is among the 18 new casts which were received recently by the sculpture department of the school of architecture and allied arts of th(A University here. FAR EAST STUDENT WRITES UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eu gene.—Indo China will soon be added to the list of countries represented al the University of Oregon, if T. E Huang, of Singapore, is attracted by literature sent to him at his request. 1 a i î Outsells any other 3 cars in Buicks field ,o + W 4- -F » M otorists like you invest almost as many dollars in Buick motor cars as in any other three cars in Buick’s field * * * x 'Udith means something when it is backed by dollars persons have themselves any other is in hurry: please brief. way than Poor terminal facilities authors and Man establish credit speakers often excellent and then frequently good wisdom. A possess kinds good. useful knowledge, fail in have done. only place where conserva- touchstone vx success any field'. may customer, d' * handicapped necktie your or counter. and please him in another. But if you tire him with your tediousness, you lose1 Actress has a hard life. About time Forest Grove — Ernest Tucker him altogether. | she gets used to her husband it is time constructing modern garage and re- pair shop. The newspaper leads the style today in to get another one. pith and cogency and has educated the, —•—;----------- Wheeler — Several logging public to the expectation of receiving Such strange things are happening camps are open or will soon open' much in little. The well-executed cartoon these days nothing seems to be a coinci in this section. will impart a whole philosophy of life at dence any longer. a glance, or provide silent comment on I —-------------- ;---- current events worth a column of words.! A diplomatic gesture is something that Brevity is the soul of wit. Yet they who makes you think maybe you will get your have wit, or think they have, are in espec- money, ial danger of saying too much. Some one . has ........ . ........... ............................... ................... g, ______ said: “It is „ better to say ...................... nothing and There was enlightened self interest in be thought a fool than to open the mouth the time of Jesse James, but people didn’t call it that. and dispel all doubt.’’ Be brief! The line of least resistance leads down ward and the line of most persistence ON BEING USEFUL leads upward. Men and women who sow the seed of constant useful activity reap the harvest It is savage to sacrifice children in the of success from a soil ferti ized by their name of religion; we do it only in the own steady purpose. It wou d be as fool 'name of speed. ish to expect success without active ex ertion as to gather a crop before you plant No matter how independent wives may the seed. But in cultivating that character get, they always let hubby pay the bills. which reaps true achievement you may! sow in all seasons and gather the fruits Lots of times the loudest yell comes i with the serene assurance that even wind from the man who didn’t vote. and weather—storm and stress—are a You can do what you like if you like part of the process of personal growth. Optimism is an ally of effort and suc what you do. cess. It is the kernel of the nut. not the shell. It is the fine trait of the man, not Getting along nicely in this world is the faults. It is the flowers on the hillside, not inherited. not the dead leaves under the snow. It is the opportunity in any job. not the grind. Atom is smallest thing in this world. It is up to the individual whether his Up an atom the biggest. world will be golden or drab. Optimism in a world is the eye of the soul. It is the If a man wants his dreams to come color in the vision revealing the fine be- true he has to wake up. yond the coarse, the best beyond the worst. Two wrongs don’t make a right. They often get one left. - SYNTHETIC NEWSPAPERS Travel broadens some. Others return The controversy over the question as skinny as ever. whether newspapers tiers should publish crime — news is not un like the controversy over Many hands make light work, and many any other form of censorship. With them hands make light of work. all it is a turbulent minority seeking the censorship of something the majoritv Having to swallow insults is very hard v . unexpurgated and unadulterated. on a man’s digestion. <5 1O2R. R. J. RertH'M« Tobare«» Compin». Winston -Salem, V C. Ir :his particular controversy the evil ef fects of the thing for which censorship is Body by Fisher SEDANS $1195 to $1995 COUPES $1195 to $1850 SPORT MODELS $1195 to $1525 All prias f.o.b Flint, Mich,, government tax to be added. The G-M-A.C. finana plan, the most dairable, is available. Thcmas Garaae Across From the Post Office Lovell Auto Company Astoria, Oregon If you smoke for pleasure vou have the right idea. Enjoyment in smoking is the thing that cdunts and you T get it full measure in Camels “I'd walk a mile for a Camel”