six School News VERNONIA EAGLE business in Vernonia to Jos. Scott, formerly of Portland, Wednesday of last week. Mr. Scott, who is an ex­ perienced real estaie and insurance agent, spent several years in Mon­ tana previous to coming to Port­ land. He states that his family will .imain there until school closes in May. Mr. Clark has not announce^ his plans for future, but will continue to live here for some time, he stated. Thursday, Februaiy 16, 1928. Tillamook. Masonic building be­ Per Capita Wealth 1 water is lost because of this vapor ed with varnish to give finish. The ' Exceeds Most States th20U»h the, overflow pipe. i.i..-et is a resemblance to a crazy ing rebuilt after $12,000 fire dam­ age. i In cold weather, when alcohol or quilt. for Luncheon sets are appropriate states with “ "ti-freezing mixtures are used, it Oregon is one of six Salem. Prison flax plant buys per capita wealth in excess of is particularly effective, due to the use for breakfast, luncheon an in- more machines to increase mill out­ $4.000, and ranks under only the fact that these mixtures vaporize formal dinner on the porch, or in- put. The Vernonia Loggers met de- states of Wyoming, South Dakota at a much lower temperature than formal suppers. water. Candles give the most attractive feat from Scappoose last Friday and Iowa. The state of Nevada Umatilla and Morrow county on the local floor 9 to 18 in the The rugged core on this radiator lighting for the dining room. Their leads the whole country with per dairymen form cow testing associa­ slowest game of basketball played capita wealth cf $7.299, while the is another improvement, the core height depends on the size of the here this season. The first quarter figure for Oregon is placed at being supported on three sides by holders, tall candles are best in tion. low standards and shorter ones in Vernonia had placed in G. Adams, $4,374, which is in excess of Ne­ tanks instead of only on two. Astoria. Bids to build 30 Ore­ The average height, A. Adams, Bennett. Hodges and Copper is used in the construc- those of braska and California, the other gon National Guard structures at are | candles, always unshaded, Parker. tion of this radiator, instead of two states in the $4,000 class. Camp Clatsop aggregate about Vernonia Grange Honored The second quarter Ray replaced I The total wealth of Oregon is brass, marking another departure lighted before the guests enter the I $30 000. At the regular meeting of the computed at $3,775.000,000, and in construction. Circulation is handl­ room. A. Adams. He showed good play­ ing, though the team on the whole Vernonia Grange No. 305 February represents only its tangible, physi­ ed through a completely redesign­ played the poorest this season. 11, the members were agreeably cal forms such a land and im­ ed water pump which Is similar -u They seemed stale from last week’s surprised by about fifty-five visit- provements, the equipment of in­ that on the Oakland All-American ing members from Winema and dustrial enterprises and farms, six. End thrust is greatly reduced strenuous games. The last half Scappoose climbed Natal Granges. livestock, railroads and public util- through a balanced impeller. The After the regular business the ity land and equipment, personal fan is a 15-inch two-blade type, up to 18 and Vernonia to 9. lecturers’ program followed which property, motor and other vehicles, turns on bronze bearings and is Girls Lose The Vernonia girls also met de- consisted of talks, songs, and read­ but excludes gold and silver coin driven by a belt. The cooling system feat in the preliminary Friday night ings, a large per cent being given and bullion, credits and currency. is thermostatically controlled. at the hands of the heavier Scap- by visiting members. Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia. ■ Home Pointers The home economics committee South Carolina and Arkansas are poose sextet with a score of 9 to I of Vernonia served coffee, sand- at the bottom of the list. The per If the skin on a chicken’s leg is 11. The Vernonia girls played the wiches and cake, the latter refresh­ capita wealth of the state of cut and the leg broken just below hardest game of the season, as ments being brought by the visit­ Washington is $3,727, while that the knee joint, the tendon may be this was their first defeat, though ing members. An interesting feature of Idaho is $3,506. There are no pulled out by a fork. This makes they were consoled by the thought of the evening was two large' eastern states in the higher brack- the “drum-stick” easier to eat. In buying a roast, allow one- that they played a much heavier birthday cakes, one for “Honest- ets. • '-> half pound for each adult member team. Players were: Hieber, I. Haw- Abe” the other in honor of “Wash- of the family. kins. Green, Oberst, Cline and M. ington.” These cakes were made New Cross Flow Radiator by ladies of Vernonia Grange. | A round-bone chuck roast is one Hawkins. Feature of Latest Pontiac The very social evening spent ’¡of the best roasts of beef and one together by Nehalem valley farmers The Oakland Motor Car company, | of the least expensive. and families will long remain a continuing its pioneering activities ’ To vary French toast serve it Vernonia 1 1 which brought Duco, four-wheel j with cherry sauce instead of sirup. As the Student Sees It pleasant memory to Grangers. brakes, the fuel pump and. many , To make sauce, dilute 1 tablespoon By PAUL LUY University of Oregon other major developments to the of corn starch with, cold water and Potato Growers to Meet School of Journalism motorist, has scored again through | add 2 cups of stewed and pitted A meeting for potato growers ' its introduction of an entirely new l cherries. Stir and cook until boil­ will be held February 17-18 in the 1 ing begins. Tn the past six days I have received principle of heat radiation. To make an orange filling for the same number of marriage and en­ following communities: The “cross-flow” radiator, one Yankton Grange hall, February ' of the features of the new gagement announcements from femin­ series sandwiches, spread bread first with Deer ! Island ine friends, formerly college classmates. 17, at 1:30 p.m. Pontiac six, has attracted a large cream cheese, then spread with And still there are those ignorant few Grange hall, February 17, at 8:00 share of attention among the crit- orange marmalade and cover. Shred­ —because this fineness in Rollins combines who say a college education for a girl p.m. Beaver Homes Grange hall, I cal “new stuff” enthusiasts who ded pineapple creamed into cream the beauty of lustrous silk—excellent qual­ accomplishes nothing. February 18, at 1:30 p.m. have thronged the automobile shows cheese makes a good combination, Professor Ilyslop, head of the Crushed maple sugar added to chop ­ ity and long wear even in gossamer-sheer show the Oakland-Pontiac My Idea of ‘he snprerm cp‘muist Is E department of the O. A. C. ar.a ped nuts and cream or condensed was rooms since the latest Pontiac chiffons. The latest colors on Fashion's tho automobile dotier v’io adver ’ ■rt.o'js ■ Extension Service, will discuss the | milk is also good. fn- shown on January 5. in a college newpapor. | growing of the potato crop In Col­ Calendar always can be had in Rollins and Attractive lamp shades can be «■ Mowing horizontally through 384 umbia county. the dyes hold their brilliancy through many F.ut if Henry Tnril has a sur- made with colored envelope linings inches or radiator core cooling Ail intere ced potato growers are by gluing them double over an surplus of oil models^ he face, instead of vertically, this ra­ washings. Many women were satisfied .vitad to be present and take part organdy foundation. Several coats wishes to get rid of dirt d^or takes advantage °f the P«n-! of varnish applied over it gives i i in the discussion. with the hosiery they wore until they cheap before he lulls the new Geo. A. Nelson, . - ,-e of condensation. It has 40 the shade a glossy finish. A light ones, he w-ill find a gold mine sur- compared it with Rollins —now they wear County Agricultural Agent. lr‘<*es ™re radmtmg globe inside aids in blending the on any campus. i face than the old radiator and con- « * » Rollins exclusively. colors artistically. These linings I tains 12 quarts. It has two slide Narrow Bridges Dangerous The program of the evening con­ can also be used to cover a wooden sisted of music and college songs.— Narrow bridges on some of our 1 tanks, connected by a core with box or a waste paper basket treat- Corvallis Gazette-Times. I highways create an extremely dan­ horizontal water passages and a top “And” is the appropriate word. gerous traffic hazard according to tank. Water from the engine enters the Oregon State Motor assocla- the inlet tank and flows cross-ways tion. All too frequently accidents through the core into the cool wa- other side. It is and injuries due to this condition ter tank on the the engine. The are recorded. The situation is be-j then returned to (k extends up the 3S cool water tank corrected as rapidly as possible ing side and across the top where the but a narrow bridge not only is ’X an impediment to traffic flow, but filling cap is located. While passing cross-wise through is evidence of lack of precaution in safeguarding the users of the' the core, any water or anti-freeze mixture which may have become highways. vaporized in the engine is cooled I know you won’t be'ieve it, but Model 37 and condensed before it reaches hero goes anyhow: There's a now English As She Is Spoke soprano in New York City this sea- An oriental paper, having an the vent. This is an improvement all-in-one electric son named Mlle. Yelly. English section, printed the follow-j over the vertical type, where much » * * ing notice: BUT TO REALLY BELIEVE “The news of English we tell THERE’S SOMETHING IN A NAME, YOU’LL have to hear her the latest, Writ in perfectly style and most earliest. Do a murder OVER THE RADIO. * • # commit, we hear of it and tell it. lor To clean a white fur coat, remove Do a mighty chief die, we publish all trimmings and rub in plenty of it and in border somber. Staff has white cornmeal with the hands, then each been colleged and write like beat the hat with a yardstick.—Pasa­ the Kipling and the Dickens. We dena News. circle every town and extortionate And the white fur coat—presto. not for advertisements.”—Kansas » * « Auto Tops, Curtains, The fellow I feel sorry for in some City Star. Cushions, Seat Covers without tube» of tho orchestras I’ve heard lately is Fake License Deteceted the conductor. He has to face the Patrolmen Shaylor and Ripley of music. Auto, Sign, and the auto theft division Saturday ar- • • • House Painting, of Ver ­ rested W. C. Hunnicutt We read with a snoor on our lips that golf lessons have been made compul­ ronia, accused of having improper sory at Annapolis. The old command, automobile plates on his car. Decorating, Calcimining, •‘Don’t give up the ship,” will bo re­ llunnicut was alleged to have Tinting. placed by “Don’t concede the putt,” pressed out the figure “7 ” in 1927 we suppose. of his last year’s plates, to have painted the space white and then OU’LL simply have to come in and see the new EASTERN STARS to have painted the figure -8” Atwater Kent house-current set—with every­ MEET DEFEAT ov er the space. The fact that the thing but the speaker in one smart little cabinet. (Headline, Oregon Daily Journal) Next Door to Brown Fumi- This is not merely a set without batteries. It’s They couldn *t break through that license number above was 259-237,1 whereas the numbers on the 19281 ture Company a true A. C. set, using the A. C. tubes, powered heavy Rebekah line, we’ll bet. plates issued have yet to run that wholly from the house-lighting circuiL The re­ HOFFMAN ABOUT IT h gh. aroused suspicion of the po- Clark Sells Real Estate Business ception is clear and true. Oregonian. .1. M. Clark sold his real estate And the cabinet! No larger than many battery Scappoose Teams Win From Vernonia Here Reithner’s ROLLINS HOSIERY/or cfâomen Cfâho cfâant Only the ^Finest WEW tvtmater K ewt RADIO HERE! 0 0 202 Y ’S A SOAP for Every Purpose It is both wasteful and imprac­ tical to use one kind of soap for every house and personal even use. HOFFMAN IIARDWA RE COMPANA sets— compact— beautiful. Your choice of two satin-finished color combinations. True Single Dial control—the F ulvvision Dial which you can read at a glance and which brings in your station in a split second. Reliable—this set has to pass 222 factory inspections or tests. AND the price! That surprised us when we first saw and tried this set—and doe» vet. With a first-class self-contained all-electric set selling at S*?2 twithout tulies', the day of universal enjoy­ ment of radio programs is certainly here. Come in and see for vourself. Model E Radio Speaker $26 Radio’s truest voice. All protetti d j