Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, February 02, 1928, Image 1

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    Iler nenia
Entered at Vernonia, Oregon,
Postoffice as Second-Class Matter.
Cabin Is Planned For
Vernonia Camp Fire Girls
VOLUME 6. NO. 26.
1927 Was Active Year
For Pythian Sisters
of Vernonia
Light & Power Co.
County Fire
Loss Heaviest
Vernonia Temple No. 6 is still
The need for a cabin as a meet-
very much «live. Our meetings are
ing place for the five Camp Fire
well attended as our members al-
groups of Vernonia was stressed at
ways have something interesting for
a meeting held in the Washington
us to work on. The past year has
school by representatives of differ-
ent organizations in town.
Foggy and Cold Weather Causes been a veiy successful one for
The Company’s Only Office
A committee to act as a ways I Be Maintained Here; All
Intense Gloom Among Northern us.
and means, and also as a building
Emil Messing, one of our knights,
Folk; Business Quiet.
land Connections Severed.
committee was appointed as fol-
made and donated a cedar chest,
lows: C. F. Hieber, Rev. G. W.
(By A. D. Moe of Hood River, (with the Pythian Sister emblem
G. Vi. Ford was appointed re-l | father of the editor of the Eagle) carved and painted on it,) to the
Plumer, Mrs. Fred Brewer, Miss
Hazel Malmsten, Mrs. Black and ceiver of the Vernonia Light &
Los Angeles, Calif., Jan 14, 1928. sisters. All sisters took very active
Power company by Judge Eakin
Miss Bessie McDonald.
We left Yuba City Thursday part in the chest w'th very
A location for the building has
morning in a fog and it lasted all beautiful fancy work. Five hun-
not been
selected j*-*,
yet, but it is j Tuesday. He has stated that the day. While it was not heavy enough dred tickets .were sold, at f.rty
Also Approves Norris Resolution thought that one measuring 44 by only office that will be maintained to interfere with traffic, yet the cents ouch, which brought a total Columbia
To Abolish “Lame Duck”
roads were wet part of the time. of two hundred and fifty
the girls. This would provide a used at present in Vernonia.
During the Past Year
Session of Congress
| We took the route over the Garden The chert was raffled off Just be­
place for their meetings which now, The bondholders in Columbia highway to Sacramento, where we fore Thanksgiving Day. First and
The state forester has issued his
Deer Island Grange has notified presents a serious problem, accord-j . county requested that the custodyI sj)ent an hour greasing and oiling second prizes were given. Our M.
I of the company property be turned'
car an(j getting an auto per­ E. C., Mrs. Mildred Black was for­ 1927 report to the governor of
Senator Chas. L. McNary that they ing to the guardians.
advisory vvuuvu
council was
An auvisory
wu, elected over t0 this county, and this was mit The office of the Division of tunate enough t0 get the lucky | Oregon relative to receipts and
are opposed to the movement on
is now in a ___
foot to eliminate the price-fixing by the guardians last week as fol- ordered done Saturday by Circuit ji|otor
new number for the chest, and it was expenditures and fires and fire
__ Vehicles
______ .j
losses for the season. Columbia
building on
P strei
feature of his farm relief bill as lows: Mrs. Judd, Greenman, Mrs. (Judges Tucker and Stevenson of building
on P
street. The same girl presented to her at Christmas
‘ chest,
the county suffered the greatest mone-
introduced this session of congress. Mark E. Moe, and Mrs. M. D.1 Multnomah county.
was the boss in the office who time. In return for the
In a communication recently Cole. The guardians of the five
For more than a year Lloyd R. caused me so much trouble the sisters presented Mr. 1 Messing’with' tary losa with a total of $81,467
sent him they stated that "we groups are : Mrs. A. C. Knanss, SmSmith in Portland had been the first time we went through seven a very beautiful Knights of Py­ only $20 of which was of unsalvable
timber, the rest being in logs and
would rather have the bill defeated, Miss Melba Laramore, Miss Hazel; receiver for both the Vernonia j years ago, but she has apparently thias ring for Christmas.
We are quietly doing a great logging equipment destroyed. Seven­
as to eliminate this part would Mrâmslen, Mrs. Fred Brewer
Light & Power company and also calmed down since and we got the
deal of altruistic work. We helped teen fires were reported in the
only create a lot of high salaried Miss Bessie McDonald.
the Northwestern Trust company, label without delay.
officials and be of no material
due to the companies being allied
The fog lasted all day. We ex­ needy families at Christmas time. county.
Tillamook county came second
Mass Meeting Is Called
benefit to the farmer.
because of $125,000 bond issue. pected to run out of it near Fresno, We are always ready to help at
a loss of $26,180, and Clat-
“The National Grange stands for
For All Ex-Service Men
the debenture bond pland and we
now severed connections with the where we spent the night, they said sent a barrel of fruit to the child­ sop third with $21,885. The great­
. i
would suggest this plan as a sub­
A mass meeting for all ex-service, trust company.
the sun had not been seen for ten rens home at Vancouver, just after est number of fires was reported
in Jackson county, where there
stitute {or the price-fixing plan of men and their families will be held I Mr. Ford states that he intends days.
your bill. The debenture bond plan in St. Helens February 11, when to put on a flannel shirt and help
California is sure “in the dumps”
On Wednesday, January 11, at were 155. Douglas county was
creates no new offices or high the various benefits for all vet-1 “Frenchy” La Rocque, local man- without sun. Everybody complains, our regular meeting, the following second with 132. During the season
salaried officials as the enlarge- erans will be explained, according ager, put the equipment and af- and when the sun doesn’t shine it officers were installed: M. E. C., a total of 778 fires were reported
ment of a few existing agencies is to J. W. Valiant, service officer fairs of the power company in is cold.
Adelma Soden; M. of R. C., Pearl as occurring on lands coming un­
all that is needed for its admin- of the American Legion, depart- shape. No radical changes in rates,
The next morning the fog was Wilkerson; E. S. Theo Emmott; E. der the jurisdiction of the state
J. Freeda
Freeda Van
Van Doran;
Doran; M.
M. of
of F.,
F., j forester.
ment of Oregon.
service or methods will take place worse than ever and lasted until I J.
Approve Norri* Resolution
There will be a conference of for some time, he states, but an we reached the Grapevine station at Lorita Bateman; manager, Minnie I Fire fighting costs were reduced
Deer Island Grange sent a reso­ post officers of the county the honest effort will be made to build the foot of the Tehachipe moun­ iAspland; protector, Isabel Culbert-j*0 a minimum, the total expended
- • Lamping;
- I being $53,966. Of this amount $43,-
lution to the three representatives same day at 11 a.m.
P. C.,
up the plant until it is in the best tains. Then the weather turned son; guard, ■ Loreta
stating that they approved the
Mildred Black. Mrs. Katherine Hof- 203 was spent in the suppression
possible condition. After that, he from winter to summer.
Norris resolution for a constitu­ Robert Hoffman Pledged
The roads were good all the way fman is our pianist and Lola of fires in logging camps, the ex-
stated, an attempt will be made to
tional amendment which would ab­
and the new car got quite Nance press correspondant. A light penses being borne by the opera­
To Phi Lambda Upsilon
olish the “lame duck” session of
a kick out of its first trip to Cali­ lunch of ice cream and cake and tions in which the fires occurred.
Causes of Fires Given
congress which has been passed by i Oregon State Agricultural Col­ operated as such a concern should. fornia. The old car was so familiar coffee was served afterward.
In the causes of fires, lightning
the United States senate several • lege. Corvallis, Jan. 30. Robert
Mr. Ford has has experience with with the road that we did not have
We hope our coming year will be
times only to be defeated by the! Hoffman of Vernonia, junior in receiverships of public service con- to pay much attention to road signs, just as successful as in the past was responsible for 162. The small
number of lightning fires in the
chemical engineering, has been cerns before, and has met with but had to show the road to the one.
state area as compared with the
J. M. Clark has purchased two1 pledged to Phi Lambda Upsiloi\, marked success in rebuilding them new Commander. It made better
national forests, where the percen­
lots at the corner of D and East national honorary fraternity in to their proper status and taking time than the old one, however.
tage of fires from this cause runs
streets on the east side from A. chemistry. The pledging was a I them out of the hands of the
Through the grape country be­ Clover Seeding Time
Is February or March over 50 per cent, is due to the
E. Wright of Portland.
feature at a meeting of faculty and courts.
tween Stockton and Fresno we saw­
fact that practically all lands pa­
Mark Cameron, formerly
of students assembled to hear a lec­
grapes still hanging on the vines,
Clover is one of the most cheap-I
Hood River, but who now resides ture by Dr. Niel Gordon, editor Dog Licenses Must Be
where many fields had not been ly produced short lived legume for-[ trolled under the administration of
forester are at the lower
in California, was here over the of chemical education. Selection Is
picked, so the grape growers must age crops, especially when planted I the state ~
Purchased by March 1
‘h7ra thunder storms
week end visiting his brothers, who based on scholarship, character and
/Warns County Clerk Nearly all the towns we went
are infrequent.
are employed at the Gilby Motor leadership.
the best time for sowing in west­
The total number of man-caused
1 larger ern Oregon, while March is best
With March 1 of each year set through, especially the
fires was 616 and the incendiary
Information on Future
as the last day, according to the
heads the list with 203 fires. This
Registrations For City
Is Gathered For Farms Oregon laws, on which licenses for roads are being improved all along Oregon.
represents a large percentage of
Election Have Been Few
dogs may be purchased without the way. The entire Pacific coast
The seed is broadcast on the
Oregon State Agricultural Col­ penalty, County Clerk J. W. Hunt is growing, from the Canadian bor- grain field at the rate of 10 to 12 the fires and at first glance would
City Recorder Reasoner states lege, Corvallis, Feb. 1. Knowledge ( of St. Helens warns all dog owners
appear excessive in comparison with
__ der t0 Mexico. The 28 miles of
that registrations for the coming is power, so says the sage. And to secure their licenses in the near curves on the Ridge route are be- pounds of red clover or 6 to 8 other causes. However, the incen­
pounds of alsike clover per acre.
city eltction on February 11 have knowledge is profit, says the far- j future,
ing widened and straightened, but Freezing and thawing weather or diary seldom sets a single fire but
been coming in very slowly. The mer, especially if that knowledge i The law relating
usually sets from 20 to 30 fires.
_ to dog license
last date on which those will be includes information about what an(j penalties, which is reprinted completed. The drive is a very pic­ a good rain will cover the seed Hence it will be seen that a single
received is February 9.
“the other fellow" is going t0 on another page of this issue, turesque one, but requires slow harrowed in. Losses sometimes oc- individual can be responsible for
The election has been called for raise.
I states that any owner or keeper of and careful driving.
cur when sowing is followed by a many fires. Other causes were
the purpose of voting n charier| Such knowledge for use of Ore--a dog who fails to procure a license
Los Angeles is still expanding. light rain and seed sprouts fail to smokers 125, campers 99, logging
amendment to enable the council gon farmers in 1928 is the object shall be subject to a fine of $10. Nearly every year we see the first
58, land clearing 59, railroads 4,
to pass ordinances requiring the of a state economic-outlook confer- j Another section of the law is Los Angeles sign on the highway get rooted. Land of good tilth gives slashing 2, and miscellaneous 68.
best results, but where a stand Is
building of sidewalks.
ence scheduled here February 8-11 that relating to claims for damages moved farther north. This year, difficult to obtain, sowing alone
which will be followed by a series inflicted by dogs, in which is states
later in the season is recommended. Rebekah Lodge Installs
W. C. T. U. Will Meet Feb. 7
line, and 75 miles from the center
Officers For This Year
The W. C. T. U. will meet Feb­
of the city, a large sign read:
P.-T. Assn. To Meet Monday
ruary 7 instead of February 14 at the month. These local conferences may file claims for damages in­ “You are now entering Los An­
Mountain Heart Rebekah lodge
The regular meeting of the
the home of Mrs. Franklin Malm­ under the auspices of the exten­ flicted by dogs with the county geles.” When we went through 70
Parent-Teacher association will be 243 recently installed the follow-
sten. All members are asked to be sion service are an outgrowth of court.
miles of a continuous city last held in the Washington school ing officer^ for this year: Mes­
present as this is to be an im­ the former economic conferences
spring as we passed through Chi­ Monday evening. Dr. R. I. Hall dames Ruth Reese, N. G. ; Hazel
Ex-Kaiser’s Tub For Sale
portant meeting. Friends arc al­
Thompson, secretary; Attie Camer­
cago, we thought it the longest
ways welcome to attend all ineet- programs in the light of new con- , The offering for sale in Essen, city in the United States, but Los- will speak on “Contagious Diseases,” on, treasurer.
ditions and later and more com- Germany, of an ornate copper gas­
After the installation a delicious
plete information based on federal heated bathtub bearing the imper- ¡ Angeles is making room for the ned. Everyone interested in the
luncheon was served in the hall.
and state outlook reports and Io- ial arms of the Hohenzollerns and largest city in the world, if it can schools is urged to attend.
W. C. T. U. Institute to Start
1 once used by former. Kaiser Wil­ build up solid in the great expanse
Plans are progressing for the About 35 were present for the oc­
The W. C. T. U. of Columbia cal data.
County agents here in annual helm recalls the unique and humor­ of country now annexed. The city bazaar and food sale to be held casion.
will start their series of institutes
February 7. The one to be held in conference, together with exten- ous early history of that now indis­ limits have surrounded several of February 25.
Boys and Girls Clubs
the smaller suburban towns, with
Vernonia will occur on February sion specialists and college depart- pensable fixture.
When bathtubs were first intro- the hope of compelling them to sur-
To Split $1525 in Cash
10, and will be an all-day session. ment heads, will prepare the state­
Mrs. Pearl Purney and I Herman
It is said that the evening meet­ wide outlook report containing con­ duced into the United States in rended, and some of them have,
appropriation of $1525 for
ing will be of especial interest to clusions on all Oregon farm enter­ 1840, newspapers condemned them, while others are still holding out. Holcomb were married in
girls’ 4-H club contests
the public. There will be pictures
Los Angeles, Jan. 17, 1928. accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Thos. at the Pacific International Live­
of the Corvallis Farm Home shown, ing year. The federal outlook re­ against them, and doctors held
While Mrs. Moe is enjoying a
also a lecture by Miss Maude Al­ port released January 28 contain­ them us as a menace to health. In visit with her sister, Mrs. Otis, at McDaniel. Mr. and Mrs. Holcomb I stock exposition in 1928 has been
drich, national movie director of ing latest “intentions to plant” in­ 1843 Virginia levied an annual tax her country home in the San Fer­ who are well known here, will re- made by the Portland Union Stock
Yards company according to word
the W. C. T. U., who is a noted formation will be available for use of $30 on every bath tub. A Boston nando Valley, 26 miles from Broad- side in Vernonia.
received by the state college club
speaker. No admission will be charg­ along with more complete state ordinance forbade the use of them
Installs 12-Hole Frigidaire
office from George A. Pearson,
the* city of ^Los Angeles,
ed, but a collection taken to help data than ever before. G. R. Hy- except when ordered by a physl-l of
course) I am calling on old
The Lincoln Candy Kitchen in­ president.
defray expenses. The public is cor- slop, chief in farm crops, is chair­ cian.
Of the total, $1075 is for the
man of this committee.
The Kaiser’s old tub which now friends in the business district. The stalled a new 12-hole Frigidaire
dially invited.
With the state report prepared, approaches the auction block was last three days have been cold, yesterday, which Mr. Lincoln states pig feeding contest and $450 for
gas 1 with frost every morning and tne will now enable him to give a I the corn growing division, both
Economic Conference Feb. 28-29 conferences in 10 counties will be constructed in 1891
Plans for the Columbia County held on the following dates: Lane, stoves were a novelty and gas was tops of the Sierras showing white greater variety of service in ice I open to members in Oregon, Wash­
, with a new storm. We got through creams and sherbets than formerly. I ingttn and Idaho. In the first div­
Economic Conference for February February 17-18; Malheur, Polk, used exclusively for lighting.
the Ridge route over the Tehachlpe
This is in line with improvements ision, four pigs from the same lib-
28-29, are rapidly being formu­ Clackamas, February 21-22; Colum­
mountains just in time as the next contemplated upon moving into the ter entered at weaning time are
Keep Farm Account*
lated. The various commodity com­ bia, Josephine and Deschutes, r • b-
The keeping of farms accounts day a snow storm covered the pave­ new location. Mr. Lincoln is especial­ judged on individuality, greatest
mittees are being appointed to out­ ruary 28-29. Farmers, business men
line the important items to be and bankers will take part in these is an important item in connection ment a couple of inches deep, with ly optimistic concerning business gain in weight, lowest cost, and
local meetings in order best to with good farm management. This fog in places that froze on the prospects for 1928, stating that completeness of report. Corn grow­
considered at the meeting.
When this conference convenes, adapt the state outlook reports to helps to keep account of the ex­ wind shields of the cars. C. W. he looks forward to a particularly ers must enter by August 1 and
penditures and receipts of the dif­ Hooker, at the Wholesale, Terminal, good year for all retail and service later exhibit 25 ears. Judging is
the first day will be given over to local needs,
75 per cent on the exhibit and 25
Avoidance of ruinous surpluses ferent projects of the farm, In sail the cool weather is helping to trade.
tl.e committee work and for the
per cent on the record book.
committees to formulate a report to and unnecessary shortages in farm order to return net profits on each 1 improve the apple market. They
The day of barter and exchange
| they have had several weeks of
In the past many contestants
present at the general conference production has been found nossihle undertaking.
The county agent’s office has a very warm weather here up to the :s not past. Offer an article for have reaped added financial profitB
on the second day of the meeting. in a measure through widespread
information on farm outlook errly book that is well adapted to the I present time that has caused many trade and you will be surprised at by raising corn for one contest to
feed to pigs in the other.
Astoria. Lower Columbia Co­ in the year. While it is not pre­ keeping of farm accounts in a I of the apples to go down, especial­ the replies.
McMinnville. J. C. Penney Com­
will sumed that a successful farmer will simple form that is easy to keep ly those which were overripe and
operative Dairy Association
Turn useless goods into money
build big condensary and powdered jump around from one type of and gives the maximum amount of affected by the submerged wash­ pany will have larger. modern
by advertising them for sale in
farming to another constantly, ad­ information. These hooks may be ing.
milk plant.
Forest Grove. Carnation Lumber the classified column. The Eagle
Mr. Hooker says that there are
Hood River. Negotiations begin justments can be made to material­ obtained at the county agent’s of­
{or 50-ton pulp, and perhaps a ly increase profits, experience has fice at the cost of printing, which less Hood River apples in Los An- Co. rushes work on new electric classifieds are eagerly read for bar­
gains every week.
1 sawmill.
Please turn to page 6
is 15c each.
paper mill.
Would Not Eliminate the Price-
Fixing Features
Suggests Debenture Bond
$81,467 Is ¡927 Loss