wttttmia: J&tak tn tere g at v emonia, jrestun, Poatoffiee as Second-Class Matter. Few To i U VERNONIA, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1926 1928 Jury Li«t Drawn Basketball Team Climbs A Ä"Ä. A ( w U r& Annual Repurt Madn Court Registered Mrs. H. E. McGraw, retiring By Park Guinmission To Second Position In The Here 192« For jury Juatice Chamber list for district, lident, acted as intailing officer 4 of Columbia county. of which the special meeting of the Ain- P. Hill is justice of the peace, has Vote In City at night, On Last Year ’ s Work Columbia County League erican Legion Auxiliary Monday Year Of been drawn as follows: when the following members Expects Activity R. M. Aldrich, Frank Allen. A. ■ Park Ha* Baan Graded, Cleared, One Point Defeat by St. Helen* were placed in office. and Tree* Trimmed; Tentative In First Game Marred Perfect J. Austin, A. Bennett, Caos Ber- Mrs. M. E. Moe, president; Mrs. gerson, Chas Bergerson, PeteT Ber- Plan* for 1928 Outlined Record For Season. Harry Wilson, vice president; Mrs. gerson, L. Boeck Sr., J. W. Brown,i Mrs. J. C. Lindley, vice president.; LonU Brown, C. Bruce, J. H. Bush J (By Mrs. Judd Greenman) The Vernonia high school basket- £. H. Washburn, secretary; Mrs. The park commission was ap­ ball team has now reached second D. C. Cason, Albert Childs, H R. F. Nance, treasurer Mrs. Em- Christenson, J. M. Clark, B. J. mett Crow, chaplain. Mrs. W. S. pointed by the mayor last March place ia the Columbia county and held their first meeting on the league, in which St. Helena, Cline, H. M. Condit, A. B. Counts,, Eason, historian; Mrs. W. B. Crowley, C. Bubendorf, R Dun­ Jacksoi n. sergeant-at-arms; Mrs. E. , 9th of that month. Since then there (Scappoose, Rainier and Clatskanie can, J. Emmons, R. Emmott, J. A. J. Toueli Mrs. W. H. Hurley and j has been eight meetings of the are also competing. Vernonia’s two i Erickson. Mrs. V. owell, executive com- board and a great deal has been point defeat of Rainier here last A. Fonda, L. L. Graven, C. P. Goal of 300 Member* i* Set For Be ■Mto accomplished. Friday makes the situation look The city council allowed the favorable for a chance at the Hieber, G. Henkle, R. Hammack, .After the lnstaUatto* Mrs. H. Î020: P.*t Year We* Fir*» le E. McGraw was presented with a park $100, and $141.66 was taken championship pennant, according to F. Hartwiclt, A. R. Holme«, W. H. WMeb AetHe All Year. Hurley. G. C. John«, H. John«, M. 1 in on Vernonia day. This money local fans. past president* jewel. set With a special city exaction has been used for grading, clear- i A nervousness In playing was Jolley, J. Kraniek, A, L, Kullander, The Vernonia Chamber of Com- for February 14. when the voters ing away brush and trimming trees evident in the game with St. Hri- J. R. I*e. Chas. M«lm«ten, H. E. i merce ha« set a goal of 300 mem- Pomona Granfa Meat* Feb. 4. of Vernonia will decide whether «■na at the first of the eason, .fnGraw, B. McDonald, J. A. Me- bere for 1928, ««cording to R. M. olumoia County Pomona Grange >n the park. they want a charter amendment to will have betr 98th regular ses- This year the city council voted I which has been partly overcome. In Donald, J. P McDonald, John Mil- Aldrich, president, who stetes thet permit the council co peas ordi- son with Beaver Valley Grange the park $500 and some of this the first half of the Rainier game, lets G*0^ MeGonald, ^Chna Mellinger,, the past year was the most sue- nancns «ompellmg property owner« *** on Saturday, February 4. The sum has been spent for digging i Vernonia lead 18 to 10. During Perry Mellinger, Mike Miller, C. ceasful in ita history, haring been to construct or repair ixdewalks secretaries are asked to end in a ditch and grading with a tractor, Rainier's rally In the second half, A, Milla, G. R. Mill*. the first year that the cnamber was the city, the warning .s issue« more Pomona reports in ample time for Several huge stumps were burned| the Vernonia team made Alex Morton, Mike O'Conner, F, active the whole time. City Bocorder D 3. ng. and now the ground is in fine I shot* at the basket than Rainier, Overson, Andrew Parker, N. J. An office has been maintained, but few are enr.irieit but nervousness again creeped I Parker, W. O. Porterfield, C. W. I where general information ia given shape. over present. them, and but few were net- Magazines Will Be As soon as the weather is set­ r.sithner, Thos. Riggles, J, W. Rose, out to traveler« and settler«, both tied enough there will be more ted. Since less r.han I'll' R. Sewman, Earl Snider, Dan from personal inquiry and through Furnished High School The game in Portland Friday Steiner, A. Sword, R. Spencer, J. the ’ malls. Many inquiries aity election in the ,-orne By P.-T, Aaaociation grading done and the ground will | night • _ O. _ i every week from persons interest- with Hill Military academy, E. Tapp, E. f — be leveled and seeded to grass. A | ail others iuroinu.:e:i..v Thompson, C. 1 Tre- ed in this section of Oregon, who their «egistmtnin. uieoraimr •Mociation number of people have offered to is expected to give the local team Thoma«, Roy Tucker, ------- Rvan law. It will he necewsaT” ft ool Fri­ donate plants and shrubs and these a good workout, inasmuch aa it I harne, C. A. Van Alatine, Harry want to go into the dairy, sheep, doe* not figure In the county Wilaon, Albert Wood, Bert Wood, poultry, general will be collected and planted. persons to re-register farming or other Water will be piped into the league reaults. January 31 the lo- Dave Ihibendorf. this coming election ih businesses. col ’ earn will journey to Clatskanie, rk and a camp stove built 80 ed recently no omrer nemi With j larger membership, the it can be used for picnics, . Some where local fans hope they will Women« Relief Corp« swearing in of voters scope of work ■>f the secretary's tables and benches have 1 already even the score against that te«m, day in. Oregon. Install« Officer« For office will be enlarged, according been donated and the park com­ when the chance for the county February 1 to Mr. Aldrich, who states that 1928; All Day Meeting championship was lost on that floor. mission hopes to have a well estab­ Judge Reasoner the amount of work that can be lished city park functioning 9 as the last day wnen Ila will The Women« Relief Corp« in- 1 done l o advertise this csHey ¡a carlv summer. cept regisirauom. üor thu sue stalled tha nrrwly ctortcd of firm limited only by the funds avail. ere are plans for tennis courts election, as he must nave tme for 1928 at an all day m>«t?nff play grounds for the children prepare the poll books ind Thursday, Mr*. Homomsn came ha< recently money is now available Review material for the election in natal! of Commodity Marks) over from Portland member« n «W- parstus as soon ruary 14. He also tales officers, illation Trend* For Peat Weak preferanee would be advisable for ail luncheon Op 71 Which Grain. The market for the who were sworn in he opti­ of it* i .it eipai grains held generally on rd to register to, . as misiak wined this during the w< eek just past, they voted to cheek *roaident. »laeinff competition for high protein records to see if they ties of Hp ring wheat advanced occurred at such times narket won newhet for the best void the registration. ty. TF vns a fair demand With the move confine XDortfl both , red and Portland, Oregon in asking for free ie Pacific nor within the city limits, ready outlet that there is a scareit.. annels. walks in this locality. Among generally things, the post office depai t in all markets, requires continuous sidewalks demand for feeding all places where mail is »o be de­ ruled firm all livered. With he need so apparent Miller; ountry the city council quickly passeu a Mo. 4, Hay and 1 feed. ll iff her as sea resolution puLting up the char:, , .rices during the paat V •ec8 n tillm«-r. Proceed« of "Hook and strengthened feed prieta. into Ladder No. 9” To Go seed products mcultam i again rule bu suitinu- arly higher, Alfalfa meal ara wer To Fire Department «rally firm, Hay market -'tamps, impre ventanti» was firm to a little higher. drier Potatoes. The potato the personal nonio operato the seemed •omewhat weaker, the tax roll end of I sat week, all over t anted annually to try. California. ( iregon, 1 theatre government and ton and Idaho xh tipped 1245 d tiring th i week of January r 8 to That 40 Local Pupil« Pa«« forests now eon- 14. an < ■ mpared w>tb 799 I cam the fire depart« Slate Examination« ired and fifty ‘he week before. The total move- accurato »« pos« Loe A n vetes plae ment for orated in 27 United State* < during mentioned wan 5.344 ■$r>urcaa of its firefighting force* the territori«« the first we o Rico. Over car« c-,mnared with 4,217 the pra- the 'd.spneal of th* F R O sr>w for the filming of “Hook and lari wo million vioua wee«. nth ' radei Apple«. Apple* are morin* ac­ der No. 9.” per mt of the I in the eleven tively from storage. Compared with All the fire-h nw Wash: iffton. Or*» t'twnou* season« the shortage tn cold actually tak*n in thç «nffin* Un*. and go«, Caliform Montana, Idaho, -torage stocks is hemming greater nuartwrw at rhe envi ey were. Wyoming, Uta c o lo rado, J Arizona, and greater. Few change* occurred and rdxnance Nevada, an New Mexico, in apple price* during the week and th** many *h<^w of >e<>rge I and occupy an eighteen p >er cent jo*t passed altho price« on Euro­ trueka m act Inn verw lohnston of the aggregate area of f these pean market« declined somewhat. th« St« McDonald ed of* but they states. Butter. A firm tone to the but­ th«*r own Morris, lehn le second great If the national foresto hm ter market at Han r ranetsro pre- vVhito thto ¡.arti ci nation Pendlo- ; y »tena, and opened the«e eleven Mtates »er« tranaferr aiied. In the r. a stern rnarketa the fir»men in the pictura lent Trud«, to net tie ment and to Atlantic coast Prices decii of rcaiam found imnAwaihlc lion i* still the entire are* fam in any othar way. h 1 fi.r lU^t of Maine, ithdrawaia t»d »H« in* of extrem« f Vermont, Masaach prieee are ear« in iiffhttof and fi 30&.000 po f cut, Rhode Island. actio«, a* ali of th« n 1 Jersey. Pennsylvania, in storage faatiy refased to dona i l4ur hundred mllion feet ita- 1« t tlmo.-r is stanu. r woto ane nair-raiMa* -".capes -. national forests. and n< the courue of their duty and . and ten million acres been a • Ml to »»id to be 01 l for ¡crazing purposes. met 4-amatically realM Many people have U m mt of fire d early notion ’hat to conserve our I «lthin we must entirely slop the • tarea member« at living, and keep H as it stands for • future n Keefe, E4- i exiets. Ellia. Mary . Umber Gordon Lue ir»g after uuntry and a »«alter L. Rr«iwer, to bat with vittori bu( Mng tn ’nere«.» n- etibart. •t ware ea* j <»*■• All Not Voting io last Election Most fte-register Committees Evolved February 91$ Last Date MemberstiíD Orive le Start Late Farm Market Review ■- bl 4 * Volumcß, Number 25 « » I», i .