Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, January 19, 1928, Page 5, Image 5

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    ^Thursday, January 19, 1928.
deputy sheriff, was here on bus- THRIFT WEEK JANUARY 17-23
New Home Purchased by
mess Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Moe and
baby were in St. Helens Saturday
years Dr. Luzader, on business.
eyesight specialist, has been
At the request of the local W.
making monthly visits to Vernonia. C. T. U„
American flags were dis-
His next will be Feb. 6 and 7, played in
Vernonia Monday in hon-
office at Kullander’s. Have your or of the signing of
the 18th am-
eyes examined.—adv.
Mrs. W. S. Eason was in Port­
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Biggs re-
land on business Saturday.
turned last Friday from Skamo-
kawa, Wash., after a two-months
Chas. Scammon is home
| -tay at the home of Mrs. Biggs’
Lewiston, Idaho.
Harry Wilson was a Portland
Mr. and Mrs, Orville Shuler and
visitor Saturday.
Miss Winnie Phelps of Portland
. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Cates motor- were Sunday visitors at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Lou Cates und
id to St. Helens Sunday.
Delphine Cates is reported to
Clarence and R. F. Nance pur­
have been ill the past few days.
chased the Hollywood cafe Wed-
Arthur Savage is reported to be nesday of last week. The cafe is
open daily from 5 a.m. until mid-
ill with smallpox.
night, the two brothers taking
Martin Fish is in a Portland hos­ turns at cooking.
pital taking treatments.
The Women’s Missionary society
C. L. Van Alstine is taking treat­ will hold a social evening Tuesday,
January 24, at the social hall of
ments from a Portland specialist.
the Evangelical church. All mem­
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. R. A. bers, their families and friends
Heacock, December 26, a girl. She are invited.
has been named Marylin.
Did you know that every day the
G. G. Hall, county roadmaster, Vernonia Bakery makes 12 differ­
was in Vernonia Friday on bus-1 ent varieties of dark and white
bread? Here is a variety of bread
for every taste and since variety
Mrs. R. I. La Rocque of Portland quickens the appetite have at least
spent the week end in Vernonia i two kinds of bread on your table
visiting with relatives and friends, at every meal and when you buy
k P. Bergerson has been re-appolnt- any kind of bread ask for Mother’s.
ed road supervisor of districts 9 —adv.
and 16 by the county court.
Evangelist Roy L. Dunn, now
C. H. Keys of Scappoose has conducting meetings at the Church
in­ of Christ, is a capable and force­
been appointed county fruit
ful speaker. Mr. Dunn was an evan­
spector by the county court.
gelist under the state board for
Mrs. Skinner returned recently nearly five years and has had i
from a visit with friends in Wash- experience in both pastoral
evangelistic work both in the
and west. More recently he
Mrs. R. Charlesworth had
, been a professor at the Eugene
misfortune to sprain her knee
ble university.
ly this week.
When bread experts who are
Mrs. Iyan left Monday for Tex- thousands of miles away and en-
as to be with her daughter, Mrs.
tirely impartial have judged Moth-
Pitman, who is ill.
er’s bread and said that it is so
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Craig good that they can give no recom-
Johnson, December 28, a boy. He mendations for improvement, what
more could you, as a consumer, ask?
has been named Tom Howard.
Use Mother’s bread always and in-|
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. McGraw sist that your grocer give it to
were in Portland Monday on busi- you when you order bread from
' Cream puffs and chocolate eclairs
Mrs. Judd Greenman, president
every Monday, Wednesday, Friday of the Vernonia Study club, has re-
and Saturday at the Vernonia Bak- ported that the total amount re-
4 ceived by donations for the com-
munity Christmas tree last month
The W. R. C.
eon in the social hall of the Evan- was $188.75. Expenses on the tree
I amounted to $50.39, and milk bills
gelical church today.
paid for various families and din-
Every Saturday at the Vernonia aers given amounted to $38.65. A
Bakery you can buy Parker House jtotai of $99.71 was left which will
rolls at 15c per dozen or 2 dozen'be reserved for the community
for 25c. They never do last long Christmas tree this year.
so phone your order if you can not
come early.—adv.
M. E. Carkin, who is recovering
from a recent illness, spent, the
week end at his home in Camas,
Sponsored by the Y.M.C.A. and Oregon
Bankers’ Association.
In co-operation with the National
Thrift committee, ot which John A.
Goodell, tor many years a resident of
Oregon, is executive secretary with
headquarters in New York, The Y.
M.C.A. and Oregon Bankers’ associa­
tion are sponsoring thrift week, Janu­
ary 17-23. It always begins on the
anniversary of Benjamin Franklin’s
birth, he having been the originator
of thrift.
The thrift program embraces ten
rules-for a successful and happy life:
Work and earn, Make a budget, Re­
cord expenditures, Have a bank ac­
count, Carry lite insurance, Own your
home, Make a will, Invest in safe
securities, Pay bills promptly, Share
with others. Each of these is featur­
ed during the week. Practically every
city and town in Oregon is participat­
At tills time when the pressure of
population is beginring to make in­
roads upon the traditional abundance
of our natural re­
sources, it is deslr
able that we should
pause to give
thought to th» uses
ot thrift, which go
tar beyond the sav
ingot money. Thrift
implies a wise and
construct! v e e m
ployment of all pos
sessions, both pri
vate and public, in
order that they may yield the largest
and most desirable returns. New as­
pects of the importance of personal
and public thrift appear daily, and we
have abundant evidence of waste and
disaster which might have been avert­
ed by intelligent foresight and care
ful planning.
O. R. Hyland of Treharne has rize a Bible »election each week, it wlU prove
President, Portland Gas A Coke
returned home after a two-weeks a pricelee» heritage to them in after year».
Company of Portland
visit with friends in southern Ore-
Save and be happy. Get the thrift
j There is no fear in love; but per­ habit. You can
get it only by consist­
fect love casteth out fear; be­
Can you pass up delicious fruit cause fear hath torment. He that ent saving. It will help make your
other habits good.
cake at 50c per pound? This is a feareth is not made perfect in
You will not only
eal bargain and it is better now love.—1 John 4:18.
make for your eco­
han at the holidays—it is mellowed
PRAYER:—O Lord, help us to
nomic security, but
with age and full of flavor. Get it realize that now abideth faith, hope
you will build char­
at the Vernonia Bakery.—adv.
acter as well. In
love, but the greatest of these is
a u g m e nting and
Several Vernonia folk went to love.
conserving your re­
What is said of one who is slow
The Dalles Saturday to get cars
sources you will
stranded there because of the slide to anger?—Prov. 16:32.
create for yourself
on the
a greater sense of
Teacher; “Norman, give
responsibility. You
The Vernonia Bakery makes a sentence using the word ‘diadem
will be careful and
Pupil: “People who drive onto
butter sponge which is truly a de­
wise about how you spend. You will
licious cake and
avoid the debilitating effects of waste­
it will keep for a week. Once you quicker than those who stop, look ful and wanton expenditure of your
taste it though, it won’t have a and listen.”
income. Your time in labor and lei­
hand a week — you
chance to be on n«..u
sure will be more happily and profit­
Oregon Ha. Many Autos
ably employed.
will find it too good to leave alone.
“Oregon’s good roads have been
credited with bringing Oregon with­
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wolffe were in the foremost group of states of
in Portland Saturday. Mrs. Wolffe motor car users,” according to the
is receiving medical attention and Oregon State Motor association.
is much improved.
“Leadership in the use of cars President Portland Chamber of Commerce
I believe in thrift because it stands
The entertainment given by the is held west of the Missisippi. Of
for common sense. The opposite of
eighth grade Friday night was a
thrift is waste and waste Is always
Creditable performance and well at­ spect to the number of cars in
want. The inevit­
relation to population, eight are
tended. About $50 was realized.
able result of waste
west of this river. California heads
is a later lack of
All persons holding certificates or the list with one automobile to
necessary things.
shares in any Oregon Savings & 3.11 persons, Iowa, Florida, Nevada,
On the other hand,
Loan or Building & Loan compan­ Oregon, Nebraska, Kansas, North
the Inevitable result
ies are invited to communicate to Dakota, South Dakota, and Michi­
of thrift is lnde-
learn something to their advantage. gan following in the order named.”
pendence and plen-
Address Box 558. Portland, Oregon.
In Appreciation.
it would be dim-
Having resigned my position as
colt to name a per­
Miss Nora B. Sell of Washtucna, city marshal, I wish to take this
son In need who
Wash., arrived last week for a few opportunity of thanking the people
practiced thrift, and
months visit with her father, J. H. of Vernonia for the cooperation and on the other hand, those who are in
assistance given during my tenure comfort In later years have usually
practiced thrift.
The Vernonia Parent-Teacher as­ n office.
Thrift is a habit and every effort to
my duties will be
sociation will meet Friday, January
with enforcement get people to practice thrift is a pub­
20, at 3:30 p.m. in the high school
of state laws, and will have nothing | lic service.
to do with enforcement of city or-
< Louis Kestner of St. Helens, dinances. W. J. KELLY, Constable.
Ver.ionia Camp 655, Woodmen of
the V.’hrld, held one of the most
successful meetings of the season
Monday night, when a large ma­
jority of its membership was pres­
ent. The building committee recom­
mends 1 buying the lot owned by
Mr. £ nkey upon which now stands
a bunding 40x80 feet, which is
the e. act size desired.
A r cess was declared during the
meet; ¿ for the members to in-
spect the structure, which is di-
rectly across the street from the
K. P. hall. Upon their return the
vote "or its purchase was unani­
mous. The building stands upon
large concrete blocks with a frame
solid enough for a warehouse.
The building stands off the
ground in places five to six feet,
which would leave but little ex­
cavating in case it was desired to
have a basement. The lodge elected
officers and five directors to have
charge of putting the building in
shape for occupancy. Work will be
start»'! as soon as the weather will
Charlesworth and another
member of the band made a trip to
Port!, nd Tuesday, where they pur-
seme instruments. The Camp
went to Portland a few days
ago > purchase copies of plays to
ented in the future.
Although 27 candidates are ready
for initiation, it is thought most
of them will be kept waiting un-
til the Salem meeting February 24.
Dairymen To Meet
O. A. C., Corvallis, Jan. 16—
Dairymen of the state will meet
for their 35th annual association
meeting at
Portland, February 1 and 2, an­
nounces P. M. Brandt, secretary of
the state association and head of
Classified Advertising
White Leghorn,
Guaranteed to live, from our
large type, heavy production hens.
Price $15 per hundred, $140 per
thousand. Also Red chicks. Write
Preside.'* of The West Coast
for illustrated catalog. Fred F.
National Bank of Portland
Hughes & Son, Hillsboro, Oregon.
"Time and again we are asked—
Is it possible for a man working for
small wages to save anything when all IF YOU CAN PAY RENT—YOU
his earnings are
consumed in the ef­ Two lots at a sacrifice. Some one
fort to make a liv­ is going to get a bargain........Why
ing? And yet, It is
true that many not you? Inquire at Eagle.
thrifty people are
doing that very FOR RENT—4-room house also 2-
room house at 542 3rd St. 241*
thing by denying
themselves seeming
necessities NOW in FOR SALE—G. A. Kelty 84 acre
order that they may
farm with implements. One mile
be able to provide south of Clatskanie, Oregon. Own­
for the certain nec­ er wants to go east to care for
essities of TOMORROW. It is an in­ aged mother. For terms call
spiration to study the successful ef­
fort of those, who with meager earn­ farm or address above.
ings manage gradually to build up a
fund as a guaranty against future
needs and as a protective inheritance
for those who may be left without the IF YOU are a bargain hunter, and
in the market for a piano, write
productive hand.”
A. Ward, Factory Piano Adjuster,
521 Knot St., Portland, Ore. 241
parent» Will have their children memo­
The dinarily a period of from five to
Woodmen of the World meeting this year is combined with 10 days, however, when the grass
the Multnomah County
Breedrs is not available. For a short period
school under the auspices of the the sheep are then fed hay to sup­
college extension service. In this plement the pasture, making the
will be featured the results obtain­ ewes much stronger at lambing time
ed in feeding and disease control and also preventing a break in the
from the recent special appropri­ wool.
ations for such experiments.
------------------------- | Portland’s postal business
Best sheepmen allow the ewes to 1927 was about $3,100,000.
graze as long as possible during
the winter months in western Ore­
Curry county pays $25 bonus
gon, according to the experiment on each coyote scalp taken in
station. Every winter there is or- county.
eed, Foe! and Hay
oiling Materials
spent Powder
During the Winter Months when Heavier Feed­
ing is necessary, you can be sure of uniform quality
Vemonia Trading Co.
Old Batteries Taken in Trade
Now is the time of year your battery should be
kept fully charged and in tip top shape.
Your battery recharged, painted acid
proof, paint and acid adjusted, all for ..
Radio batteries and others not requiring CJ OO
removal of installation in car...................
Rent batteries, per day
Motor C
Every Day
In the
FOUND—American Legion Auxil­
iary pin. Owner may have same
by calling at the Eagle office and
paying for this advertisement.
The telephone will prove to be your most valuable
and most economical assistant,in the office, work­
shop, home or while traveling.
LOANS—The Washington County
NFLA of Hillsboro, Oregon has
extended their charter to make
loans through the Federal land
bank of Spokane to farmers in
Columbia county. Interest on loans
in the federal land bank are at
a 5'6% rate. Anyone wishing fur­
ther information write, A. R. Eng­
land at Hillsboro, Oregon.
Oregon Telephone Co.
ß runswick
Nick Lucus
Playing and Singing
The Song is Ended
New Brunswick Records
Every Thursday at