VERNONIA EAGLE FOUR Thursday, January 5, 1928. " ■ — service TRAIN SŒDÜLÊ CHAFES S. P. & S. Transportation Co. UNITED RAILWAYS CO. Now- in effect Inauguration of Stage Service to Portland— Stages now leave Vernonia daily at 6:40 a.m., 10:40 a.m. and 5:20 p.m., arriving Portland, Stage Depot, 9:35 a.m., 1:35 p.m., 8:15 p.m. Ar­ rival 6th Street Stage Terminal is 5 minutes later. Returning stages leave the 6th St. Stage Ter­ minal, Salmon, 5th to 6th Sts., at 7:30 a.m., 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. daily, arriving Vernonia 10:40 a.m., 4:05 p.m. and 8:05 p.m. daily. Stages leave Stage Depot, Park & Yamhill Sts., 5 minutes earlier. Train Schedule Changes. Train No. 61 now leaves Portland, Union Sta­ tion, for Vernonia at 7:35 a.m. instead of 8:25, arriving Vernonia 9:52, Keasey 10:15 a.m. Returning Train No. 62 now leaves Keasey at 11:30 a.m., Vernonia 11:55., arriving Portland 2:05 p.m. instead ‘ ' of ------- 3:20 p.m. as at present. Folders, further information, etc, of J. J. Hoydar, Gen. Agent. Phone M. 161 R. M. Aldrich, Ticket Agt. Spokane, Portland & Seattle Transportation Co. UNITED RAILWAYS CO. I Oregon American Glasses Announcing the ¿New Series ( CHURCH OF CHRIST (Christian) Home coming. Annual meeting election of officers. Bible school 10:00. Communion and morning worship 11:00. Basket dinner at noon. Business meeting afternoon. Christian Endeavor 6:30. Evange­ listic sermon 7:30. Bible Study and choir rehearsal Thursday 7:16. All members of the church are urged to be at the Home Coming, Friends and all interested are wel- come to all the services. Come and enjoy the day with us. Teddy W. Leavitt, Pastor, Phone 266. -a Successful Six With FOUR-WHEEL BRAKES now hid* for Even EVANGELICAL CHURCH The Sunday school hour of the church is 9:45 a.m. Let everybody Classified Advertising / ✓ C-Ct HOUSE FOR RENT—Inquire 542 Third St. 221* Product of General Mtton Body by FisMr important occasions when things just must come out right ••• use S perry drifted snow F lours 3 ACRE FARM 15 acres gleared orchard, garden, 7 room house, chicken house, balance mostly oak, some fir, will give terms. C. W. Wardle, Vernonia, Oregon. 186* New la Style from Radiator toTail-Light - Offering" Scores of Vital Advancements at No Increase In Price! Emphasizing the Importance of this VFNthe impressive array of new announcement are two entirely features given herewith cannot convey the extent to which the new and additional body types: the Four-door Sedan: and the Sport Lan­ New Series Pontiac Six surpa««es dau Sedan, a close-coupled, swagger all previous attainment» In the field creation, exemplifying the highest of low.priced sixes. After enjoying art of Fisher closed body craftsman­ a spectacularly successful career, ship. Come in and see this history­ Pontiac Six now bids for even great­ making tine of Sixes, available in er success with a car greater In six body types. every way. E FOR SALE—G. A. Kelty 84 acre farm with implements. One mile south of Clatskanie, Oregon. Own­ er wants to go east to care for aged mother. For terms call at farm or address above. 17tf uniform it brings good luck every time /7 jt so Read This Partial List of Added Features LOANS—The Washington County NFI.A of Hillsboro, Oregon has extended their charter to make loans through the Federal land bank ci Spc .’ne to farmers in Columbia county. I tercst on loans in the federal lan f bank arc at New FisWr Bodies New Fender» New Four-Wheel Brale» New GMR Cylinder Head New Fuel Pump NewG n tease V eiwituoon New Carburetor J (As Factory) Nr« \Lrnifoldt and Muffle- Nnv and Greater Pcmer New C row-Flow Radiator New TE« r-moitat Net* W a:er Pump New Wheel New Inttrvnent Panel Niw Comcidenrtil Lock Neu Pash Gasoline Gaucre Neu Stop-Light Neu Clu.vh Neu Stcermf Gear New Frame New .Axle» COUPE SPORT ROADSTER SPORT CABRIOLET ♦-DOOR SEDAN SPORT LANDAU SEDAN I TRADE— Passenger tour- ing car for electric washing ma­ chine or what have you. Inquire R. Boeck. 3rd and Cougar St. 221 GILBY .MOTOR COMPAW WILL Sperry Flour Children’s Hour, KEX H45 5'ST r 1 2-DOOR SEDAN I MISCELLANEOUS I A tie what his own will should have e(l t0 nleet ant* overcome obstacles settled, and by mere self-indulgent rather than indifferent and easy- carelessness let the opportunity going, When faced by difficulty be an overcome!-. Lose no golden slip by. opportunities. The difference between men who are successful and those who are Klamath Falls—S. P. Dehlinger pccialist, has been unsuccessful is not so much due raises 10,000 sacks potatoes on 42 CALL FOR BIDS Vernonia. to tile difference in intellectual ca­ acres. Sealed bids for the construction pacity as to the difference between a concrete theatre building at activity and slackness. The man Vale—Canal construction under e corner of First and Bridge who is alert can see difficulties auv way at Harper, on Vale reclama­ streets, Vernonia. Oregon, will be ahead, and will be able to prevent tion project. and Mrs. H. Mossman spent received by Marion F. Stoxes, ar- them before they occur. While the ¡the week end in Portland visiting' chitect, Portland, Oregon. lazy, easy-going man who is not' Oregon’s wage earners increased Plans and specifications may *’e easily aroused by difficulties will from 28,800 in 1914 to 59,500 in their daughter. at the office of the ar- not trouble himself to look ahead, f 1925. Their products have more ---- Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bush were procured ------.i in Portland. than trebled. in Portland Thursday of last week j vhitect J. H. BUSH. I j thus being unprepared when he on business. loses the opportunities leading to I Oregon banks have on deposit fortune and success. Miss Edna Carrick left for Van­ $310,654,231, largest sum in state’s School News couver, Wash., Tuesday to enter Therefore, be alert and prepar- history. From page 1 business college. busy ones, made up of reviews Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hixson drove Charter No. 267 Reserve District No. 1^ and examinations. to Sakamokawa, Wash., Wednesday The members of tlie civics class REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE of last week for a short visit who have been studying parliamen­ with relatives. BANK OF VERNONIA Mr. and Mrs. Frank SÊinn left tary law about three weeks, will Tuesday of last week for Kansas spend the remainder of the sem­ at Vernonia, in the state of Oregon, at close of business December 31, 1927. • City, where they intend to make ester in writing a little book on “Community Civics.” It is expect­ their home. Resources Frank Alsdorf and daughter Ra­ ed that some real talent as authors ' may be discovered in the prepara- 1. Loans and discounts, including rediscounts, accept­ chel returned to Portland Monday ances or bills of exchange, sold with endorsement of tion of these original books. alter visiting with his son Charles the bank (including items shown in 29, 30 and 32, if any) ............................ ...................................................... $117,529.55 Aldorf and family. INDOLENCE 2. Overdrafts secured and unsecured ............................. 934.49 Miss Gladys Carrick entertained (By Della Cline) 3. U. S. government securities owned, including those a few of her friends Thursday ev­ Indolence is the foundation of shown in items 30 and 35, if any ................................. 34,450.00 ening in honor of Miss Rachel Als­ nearly all blunders. Everyone who 4. Other bonds, warrants and securities, including for­ dorf. eign government, state, municipal, corporation, etc., has grown old enough to look back including those shown in items 30 and 35, if any....... Charles Reynolds of Hermiston over the wasted opportunities of 48,067.44 5. Stocks, securities, claims, liens, judgments, etc. . 3,000.00 returned home Tuesday after vis­ life will be likely to attribute most 6. Banking house, $12,200; furniture and fixtures, iting a few days at the- home of of his blunders to indolence. $9,500 .................................................................................... ’ 21,700.00 his aunt, Mrs. Chas. Alsdorf, and Sometimes one has omitted to 9. (ab) Cash on hand in vault and due from banks, bankers and trust companies designated'and approved couin, Mrs. George Higdon. learn what he needed to learn in agents of this bank .............................................. 109,902.82 The W. C. T. U. will meet at order to do the thing he is best 11. reserve Checks on banks outside city or town of reporting the home of Mrs. Strong on the fitted for; sometimes one has bank and other cash items ............................................ . 427.25 O.A. hill, house 40. All members shrunk from the painful effort Total cash anu uue from banks, items 8, 9, 10 and $110,330.07. are requested to make an effort required to decide one’s course in1 4 to attend as final arrangements life, leaving it to fortune to set-! Total $336,011.55 will be made to celebrate the sign- Liabilities ing of the 18th amendment on Capital stock paid in ....................................................... $ 25,000.00 January 16. Surplus fund ..................................................................... 5,000.00 (a) Undivided profits ....................................................... 1,175.22 Card of Thank» Reserved for taxes, interest and depreciation ............ 1,180.00 Our hearfelt thanks are sincere­ United States deposits, including postal savings and ly offered to the many friends and deposits of United States disbursing officers ........... 1,576.98 Demand Deposits, other than banks, subject to reserve: neighbors whose kindness and ten­ Individual deposits subject to check, including depos­ der solicitations at the time of : its due the state of Oregon, county, cities or other the illness and death of our be-j public funds ........................................................................ 204,844.14 loved aunt, Mrs. Mary Staley, [ Cashier’s checks of this bank outstanding payable on demand ............................................................................ softened the pain of our recent 4,330.45 Certified checks outstanding .......................... .................. 2,741.56 bereavement. Proper of demand denosits, other than bank ueposits, Mrs. Nevada, Rainwater, subject to reserve, items 23, 24, 25, 26, $211,916.15 Mrs. Olive Huber. Time and Savings Deposits, subject to reserve and payable on demand or subject to notice: CARD OF THANKS Fitted by a Specialist of Time certificates of deposit outstanding .................... 15,273.76 Savings deposits, payable subject to notice ................ We desise to thank the many Many Years Experience. 74,889.44 Total of time and savings deposits payable on de­ friends and neighbors who so kind­ Here Sunday and Monday, mand or subject to notice, items 27 and 28, ly assisted us during our recent January 8, 9. Make reser- $90,163.20. bereavement; also for the beautiful vations for FREE examina­ Total ............ flowers and the many expressions tion with E. W. Holtham, $336,011.55 of sympathy. We assure yoi Workingmen’s Store STATE OF OREGON, County of Columbia, ss. bur sincere appreciation of Dr. HARRY A. BROWN I, J. C. Lindley, cashier of the above named bank, c do _/ solemnly, ___ ... Eyesight Specialist swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge you have done for us. and belief. Portland, Oregon j. T. CULVER J. C. LINDLEY, Cashier. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Culver CORRECT—Attest: Family, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. A. L. Kullander, J. H. Bush, H. E. McGraw, Directors, ver and Family, Mr. and Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of January. 1928. Harry Culver and Family, Mr. LESTER SHEELEY, Notary Public. Mrs. Joseph Tui irner and Family My commission expires ¡’ecember 18. 1929, Mr. and Mrs. . Henry Barge i Family, Mr. and 1 Mrs. Leonard C’Jl- ver and Family and Mrs. Frank Culver. be on time. Preaching at 11 a.m. subject. ■" and ’ W orks ’ F aith Bring Final Victory.' ;tory. loung People’s ser- vice at 7 p.m. The theme of the evening ser- mon is “Why Was I Born?’’ » Vernonia, Ore.