cmivieu d, > eruuiuu, Oregon, Postoffice as Second-Class Matter. I q Railroad Will Operate Stages vixKNcNlA, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1928 Many Classes To Study College Short Courses i i Plan I Idll VOLUME 6, NO. 22 Momhorehin Motor Il.Ull.lG: ulilp Association Urges Caution in Winter Driving St. Helens Game To Open Season Oregon State Agricultural Col­ Tf| Fill filifllA Fill ba£e winter driving begins with IU Illi Muu,u I VI a readjU8tment of one-s schedule lege, Corvallis, Jan. 3—Farmers,) bankers, creamerymen, cannerymen. litioti'in tit ^ q I q ID t 0 allow raore time f°r travel be-) llllullull Ul vClKlII tween the home and office, store,' and rural electric service men are _______ ! shop, or plant, says Ge. 0. Brand-1 the beneficiaries of a series . of I enburg, secretary of the Oregon, five short courses scheduled here in the next three months which Spencer Hill Was Scene of Big Drawing of New Hall Submitted; State Motor association. The al-| Crowd Toboganning and Skiing Many Will Attend Initiation at lowance of an extra five, ten, or) cover a wide range of subjects. Salem February 24. All Day Sunday, January 1. fifteen minutes, deplending upon' More short courses are scheduled i ,, . „ 1.- . I the this winter by the school of agri­ Vernonia Camp 655, woodmen _ distance .... one has to . travel, may) . Many Vernonia folk, both young u l held ij sig- « culture than in any recent year. and not so young, were quick to of . the World, one of r xl the most . mean ... a , difference ., .. . much . . more . . .. nificant than that denoted merely A farm mechanics course which take advantage of the cold snow­ enthusiastic meetings of the sea-i. ,, .. ,, _ . . . . ,. according j. . by . the runs concurrently with the second fall Sunday, January 1, to indulge son „ Monday night, to , . time, Mr. Brandenburg e L l xt TJ<-> 8 l points out. regular term of college is the long­ in the rare treat of winter sports. 1 those present, r red Overson sub- It is impossible to tell how est one of the short courses. It Those who had . skis proudly ex­ mitted to the Camp a drawing of | startel January 3 and continues hibited their skill at this fast-mov­ the proposed new lodge hall that)™311^ accj•" street delegation from Vernonia camp to that conditions are radically The local high school team has sent local railroad officials, with from January 9 to Februoary 3. above its intersection with Rose (be present on that occasion, when ferent. Streets are slippery and stages leaving Portland at 5 p.m., It affords opportunity for creamery­ avenue. For a pedestrian or car it is planned to initiate a class of the weather is cold, making for been practising steadily through 1 p.m., and 7:30 a.m. daily, ar­ men to pick up the most up-to- driver to claim the right of way 500, complimentary to Congress- more difficult handling of the the Christmas holidays, and are j tx riving in i Vernonia at 8:05 p.m., the-minute information in the in­ was but to be scorned. It was x their man W. C. Hawley, who has for car, and the temptation of ped- said to be in excellent condition, 4:05 p.m., and 10:40 a.m. daily, dustry, particularly in the line of day of fun and they enjoyed it more than 81 years been i a head estrr’ns is to rush ahead regard­ Vernonia won a game at Kelso, Stages will leave Vernonia at cream grading and butter making, , to the utmost. manager of this society, , and a less of traffic. These and many Wash., by the narrow margin of other factors seem to conspire 17 to 16, and defeated Banks here 6:40 a.m., 10:40 a.m., and 5:20 The rural electric service men A number tried to coast again charter member of Salem Camp, 42 to 16. A pre-season game was against safety. p.m. daily, arriving in Portland at and bankers are due the week be- cm Monday, but the thaw had The next meeting will be held also played with St. Helens Mon­ 9:35 a.m., 1:35 p.m., and 8:15 p.m. i ginning January 23. The former started during the night, which left January 9, for these conditions, The remedy at which time the com- daily. will have a six day session mi bare spots on the road and impeded mittee will record their first mem­ plainly, it to take more time. If day of last week in which Coach Trains to Change I which will be given the inf.'mo­ their progress to such an extent ber of the big campaign. The Camp the motorist usually allows ten Austin tried out some of his second- string men in tne early part of Effective today the United Rail- tion gathered by he experiment that many soon gave up. and Circle of Vernonia will hold minutes for his morning jaunt to the contest, But the St. Helens the office, why not make it fif- station and the Oregon committee ways train No. 61 will leave Port- a joint installation Saturday night, January 7, at 8 p.m. in the K. P. I £een 1 for winter? No better way quintet was too strong for them land for Vernonia at 7:35 a.m., on electricity in agriculture. Econ­ Watch For Chances and they piled up a lead which instead of 8:25, arriving in Ver- omic application of electric power, To Help Other Folks hall. A large program is being ar- j to spend five minutes can be de- could not be overcome by the Ver­ 1 vised. If this allowance is made, farming operations will be . to instead of at 9:52 a.m., nonia ranged for the occasion. After the nonia regulars, the score ending Laugh and the world laughs with 10:37. Returning, train No, 62 will taught in lectures and demonstra­ | installation and an entertainment there will be no driving that is 36 to 31 in favor of St. Helens, you, weep and you weep alone. so fast tnat a sudden stop may­ leave Keasey at 11:30 a.m., Ver- tions. I by the band, a banquet will be This is all too true. We are held. mean a fatal skid. It will mean The second teams of both St. Oregon bankers will be here only nonia at 11:55 a.m. instead of to share the , selfish we like _ ____ I time to let the reckless driver pass, i Helens and Vernonia will play a two days, Monday and Tuesday, ' so Portland at 1:05 p.m., arriving in The W. 0. W. I ’ band, recently It wiU he adequate for more, preliminary basketball game, start- 2:05 p.m., instead of 3:20 p.m. as but during that time they will pleasures of others but when our organized under the leadership of caution in congestion, permitting ing at 7:30 p.m. The linup for the ; take part in a comprehensive pro­ mjp is needed we are apt to try formerly. Kay Charlesworth, had a good turn­ gram designed to give them the and be somewhere else. Many times out for the rehearsal in the Ameri-i one to drive farther behind the Vernonia team has not yet been A petition is being circulated "good morning” next car, which will make stopping decided upon, but Coach Austin is latest information on the economic ) just a smile and a Vernonia protesting this action one needs to can Legion hall Sunday afternoon. '• I possible in case an emergency expected to try out a number of the S. P. & S. Transportation com­ ! aspects of farming operations in iS Just what some “blue feeling,” The next rehearsal will be held to- ‘I arises. promising players to give them ex­ ' n over come a pany, which will be presented to the state as found in all branches and knowing some one is a little night. “Such a readjustment of one’s perience for next,year. ) of the industry. the public service commission in tile early morning routine is not dif- The seventh annual canners’ i . .'¿rested. We surely are not put' About 14 of the local The starting lineup for Vernonia near future. ficult, and it will bear fruit in varsity is expected to be as follows: school will be February 6-25 when here to seek just our own pieas­ chartered a bus and drove the usual intensive course covering ui es. Some have a habit of saying land Friday night of last week' the form of greater traffic safety.” Bennett and Parker, forwards; Ber- New Theatre To Be fundamentals as well as new de­ "The Lord loveth a cheerful giver” I and paid a visit to Camp 77 of I gerson. center; Hodges and Ray, ELIZABETH C. CULVER Constructed On The I velopments will be given by the when they ask for money. He surely that city. They report having a guards; with the probability that The death of Elizabeth Charlotte Old Site of Majestic • division