FOUR VERNONIA EAGLE Greetings to the Legion. arsenate have been used. with some conifers in the inside 'tie castor oil on a cheesecloth pad I have no other way to send Experiments and investigations ruws. once a month helps to keep patent Christmas greetings to my boys, have demonstrated that the best leather uppers on shoes from Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dexter and onjy through the paper. To the success in growing forest planta- “Inside” Information cracking. Mr. and Mrs. P. \ an Ness of Port- COmmander and all officers of tne; tions and windbreaks in the Great Rabbits can be cooked in any A rough practical test for de­ "' ' • region of North Dakota and of the ways chickens are cooked, Mrs. E. McCay of Portland spent ¿and visited at the home of Mr. American Legion, I wish you a r Piains termining whether the air rn a W and according to their degree of tend ­ Mark E. Moe Monday. | very merry Christmas and a happy Christmas with her mother, Mrs. ! eastern Montana results from meet- room is too dry is to observe the new year. Dora Washburn. i ng the following requirements: erness. R. V». Tousley of Lewiston, Idaho and prosperous inside windows on a cold day. If AUNT SALLY. good when boiled, Parsnips are j Summer fallow during the year frost forms freely on the inside Louis Kestner of St. Helens, was in Vernonia for Christmas vis- up in a white sauce I prior to planting; cultivation as peeled, and cut of the glass there is no doubt but EVANGELICAL CHURCH deputy sheriff, was here on busi- iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. I long as horses can be worked be- to be reheated in a casserole or J. Tousley. that the inside air has sufficient G. W. Plumer, Pastor. ness yesterday. I tween the rows; careful selection baking dish in which they go to I humidity.“ If there is no sign of | M. E. Carkin was taken to Port- The Sunday school will meet at of kinds of trees used. The trees the table, Mr. and Mrs. K. A. McNeill spent ._..J ( ‘J yesterday afternoon for med- 9:45 frost the air is likely too dry. "" a.m. 1. Sermon subject for 11 recommended for this part of the * Smoked Finan Haddie is a good the week end in Portland visiting . ical attention. An intestinal disor- a.m. will be, “Spending Our Years, ft j northern Great Plains region are fish to serve in winter time. Cut When you buy sheets at the relatives and friends. the cause of his Christian Endeavor 7 p.m. The 8 i der is said to be Caragana, boxelder, green ash, it in pieces simmer until tender, January white sales, be sure to | p.m. theme will be “Is It Well j northwest poplar, white and Chin- B. G. Graves and Geo. Blair of illness- and then pick from the bones and get them long enough and wide With Thee?” l cse elms, Jack and Scotch pines, serve in a cream sauce. enough, so they can be tucked In St. Helens attended the Legion ban- Roy Brady and family left yes- Black Hills spruce and Colorado When taking ashes out of the at the foot and the sides, and quet and installation here Tuesday terday for a visit with friends and Departmsnt of Agriculture blue spruce. These requirements ash pit, sprinkle them if possible turned over the blankets at the night. Press Service I relatives in Forest Grove and Cor-! dairy are believed to be necessary rather before handling. A small watering top edge, to protect them. Measure Intelligent selection of nelius. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Johnson and nellus- animals is one of the most im- generally through the great Plains pot kept near the furnace assists your pillows before you start out children spent the Christmas holi- D g Reasoner spent the Christ-! up a west of the 98th meridian. Very. materially in keeping down dust. to buy pillow cases, so you will i portant steps in building 1 days with their folks in La Grande. mas holidays in North Plains and I successful shelterbelts have been A light, even oiling with a lit- know what size to get. high-producing herd. Miss Ruth Holaday, who is at-' J511» his