VERNONIA EAGLE Thursday, December 15, 1927, Mrs. Lottie Handley, spent Sunday chance to order fruit cake and ;pend Christmas holidays with her 'England-opposed the observance of i years the Jamestown settlers were in Portland. pies for your Christmas dinner, sister, Mrs. Dave Marshall. She' Christmas, and on December 24,, j to become noted for their hospi- decreed that'tality at Christmas time. Lawrence Dickson is employed Don’t be cne of the disappointed also is helping at Reithner’s dur- 1652, parliament ­ ing the Christmas rush. now, today. today. Ver Ver- 'there should be be no there should no observance observance of of The at the Vernonia Drug store dur­ ones— order yours now, The Puritans Puritans arrived arrived at at Plymouth Plymouth nonia Bakery.—adv. ing the Christmas rush. G. O. Muhle of Marshfield, head the occasion, It was only gradu- in December, 1620. According to A. Corey was in Portland Mon­ Mr. and Mrs. Judd Greenman ¿jsEf^For 5 years Dr. Luzader, auditor, and Chas. E. Wells of »Uy that observance came back the Journal of William Bradford, day on business. superinten-' into repute. “ye 25 day (Dec.) they begane to were in Portland the early part eyesight specialist, has been Hillsboro, comemrcial Call at the Vernonia Bakery for of the week. Martin Luther has been given erecte ye first house for comone making monthly visits to Vernonia. dent, of the Oregon Telephone stale bread suitable for dressing. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hartwick His next will be Feb. 6 and 7, company, were in Vernonia Tues- credit for introducing the Christ- use to receive them and their —adv. and E. S. Thompson were in Port- office at Kullander’s. Have your • ay looking over the new telephone mas tree into Germany. Doubtless ; goods.” Thus, although the Puritan building. ' he did much to popularize it, but '■ leader avoids the word Christmas, it Mr. and Mrs. H. E. McGraw and land on business Monday and Tues- eyes examined.—adv. j the Christmas tree is believed to appears that home-building in the day. children were in Portland Tuesday Smith, Prof. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. , The good will of our patrons have had its origin in mythological colony began on that day. The Mrs. R. I. La Rocque of Port­ on business. land spent the week end in Ver­ J. B. Wilkerson and Mrs. J. W. and friends, both old and new, is times. In Germany, St. Nicholas 1 Puritans seem to have had a happy E. W. Holtham un ^pent Sunday nonia visiting with relatives and | Brown went to Portland last Sat- one of our _ most valuable assets, has ___ set agart in his honor, Decem- Christmas dinner on board the May­ _ ____________________ and Monday in Poruand on busi- friends. I urday to attend the funeral of The spirit of the season brings to I ber 6. St. Nicholas, Bishop of flower, though that was the last I ness. E. Brown. I Lester Us renewed appreciation of old as- Myra, who died about 343 A.D., for many a year, as any obser­ Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Junji One hundred pound size flour Funjiwara, December 5, a girl. | Mrs. M. R. Reynolds of Spokane, 'ociations and of the value of new was noted for anonymous charities, vance of the day was frowned up­ sacks for sale at the Vernonia Bak- The Japanese lass has been named 1 Wash., arrived Saturday and is friendships. That your Christmas It was once the custom in Ger- on. Little by little, Christmas as a I Hanaye. | going to spend the holidays with may be happy and success attend many for a man to personate St. holiday was brought into favor, but R. your New Year is our most cordial Nicholas on St. Nicholas Eve, and it was as late as 1856, - — oo, wnue while Na iva-. ­ Gordon and his sister, positively your last her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. i Laramore. I to inquire how the children had thaniel P. Banks was Governor, wish. Vernonia Bakery, adv. < that' I behaved during the year, who were the day was made a legal holiday Alton Elliout and Wm. Heath recently moved from the Vernon- Among the college students that 1 deserving of presents, and who in Massachusetts. ia hotel to the Cherry Tree ap- arrived the latter part of last week I merited a touch of the birch rods The good Dutch Fathers sailed partment where they now reside to spend the Christmas holidays ' he carried. In some places, Knight for the New World with the image as bachelors. with folks and friends are: Law­ Ruprecht takes the place of St. of St. Nicholas for a figurhead on Chas. T. Early of Portland was rence Dickson, Herman Dickson, ¡Nicholas. In Holland, Germany and their vessel, they named the first in town Monday and Tuesday on Charles Hoffman, Robert Hoffman, more recently in other countries, church they built for St. Nicholas business. Mr. Early is planning to Russell Mills, of O. A. C.J Amy the benevolent saint is familiarly and he became the patron saint of construct a new building where Hughes and Glen Hawkins of the known as Santa Claus, and he is the new city on Manhatten Island, said to have been introduced into the Majestic theatre recently burn- University of Oregon. i Thanks to these sturdy old Dutch- England from America, where he i men, many delightful customs of ed down. Mrs. A. J. Black, who has been Various Yule-tide Customs had been naturalized by early i Christmas observance were preserv­ | settlers. From page 1 confined at her home from a re- ed to posterity. The hanging of a stocking as a cent operation, is being seen again. offered for greater usefulness, the Yule-tide has been singularly for gifts was accounted receptacle Western Union Telegraph company Dudley Spencer and Miss Alma connected with important events in Kullander motored to Portland on several years ago began paying for by a story that St. Nicholas the history of the United States. special attention to the holiday dropped a purse down a chimney, Sunday. which fell into a stocking hung up On Christmas night, 1776, Washing­ State officials of the American greeting service, and especially de­ ton crossed the Deleware to capture Legion are expected to be present corated message blanks and en- to dry. In Norway Santa Claus has nearly a thousand Hessians at their velopes service j an assistant, Kris Kringle, while in The were devised. at the annual banquet of Vernonia Christmas revelries. A few days post, which will he held in the since has been extended to cable­ I Switzerland, Father Christmas is later, December 30, Congress re- grams, and the telegraph admin- accompanied by his wife, St. Lucy, Legion hall Tuesday, December 27. -I—.- little girls. In' s°lvej , Eve, Washington laid ggjjg II. held Christmas at Litchfield the surroundings of Bethlehem. proving nicely and hopes to be forever his military uniform, Mar- ¡and 2,000 oxen and 200 tdns of, Columbus entered the port of home by Christmas. I ! Bohio, •llctj Hayti, on CL, St. LNlUIlUlclb Nicholas Xzciy, Day, I tha Washington held her first pub- Vl; VII Miss Georgia Fairbanks, who has wine were consumed. and named the port Saint lic reception in the executive man- The lords received gifts from 1492, i been attending Willamette univer­ sion en Christmas eve, and at their tenants at Yule-tide, and Nicholas. The Santa Maria having sity at Salem, arrived Friday to and his Yule-tide a few years later, the sovereigns received presents from been wrecked, Columbus I ............. their nobles. Queen Elizabeth re-J men worked till dawn Chirstmas country was mourning the death ’ ', this the wreck. The °* Washington. January 1, 1863, j plenished her wardrobe in C I morning _ salvaging _ 1 Lincoln issued the Proclamation of way, and if quantity and quality! day following he was feasted by FOR SALE—Four good work horses i Emancipation, and on December 25, for sale, cheap. Inquire of W. didn’t satisfy, the donors were In-; Chief Guacanagari, who a shirt and given him by 1868, the proclamation of "uncon- Harris. 192* formed of the fact. In 1561 she a pair of gloves received a present of a pair of Columbus, and a coronet of p0]d,!‘htional pardon and amnesty to all 3 ACRE FARM 15 acres cleared black silk stockings knit by one though other chiefs were clad In concerne(l 'n tbe late insurrection, orchard, garden, 7 room house, of her maids, and never afterward nature’s garb. Captain John Smith Crater Lake national park to chicken house, balance mostly oak, would she wear those made of cot-, of the Virginia Colony, spent his I first Yule-tide as a captive among be much improved for 1928 tourist some fir, will give terms. C. W. t°n. Wardle, Vernonia, Oregon. 186* Classified Advertising Leaders of Style and Quality Vernonia’s Progressive Store I ved before the big day Gifts of Quality Merchandise Silk Scarfs Neckties Silk Pajamas Silk Gowns Silk Umbrellas Slippers Bath Robes French Kid Gloves Silk Hosiery Fabric Gloves Silk Handkerchiefs Dolls and Toys Headquarters for Ladies’ and Children’s shoes Phone 801 Vernonia Oregon PIANO near town, beautiful instru­ ment, bargain for quick sale. If interested write A. Ward, Factory Piano Adjustor, 521 Knott Street, Portland, Ore. 183* Z HARDWARE HOFFMAN CO I Advanced Styles in Ladies’ Dresses and Shoes Silk Robes ............................................ ¥............................................................... Mail Orders Filled Promptly FOR SALE—$165 Victrola, practi­ cally new, with 12 records, for $50. Write Box 432, Vernonia or inquire at Riverview grocery. 174* FOR SALE—40 acres of logged off land ’A-mile from city lim- its, $500, small payment down. See Judge D. B. Reasoner, city 174 hall. FOR SALE—G. A. Kelty 84 acre farm with implements. One mile south of Clatskanie, Oregon. Own­ er wants to go east to care for aged mother. For terms call at farm or address above. 17tf MISCELLANEOUS LOANS—The Washington County NFLA of Hillsboro. Oregon has extended their charter to make loans through the Federal land bank of Spokane to farmers in Columbia county. Interest on loans in the federal land bank are at a 5 H % rate. Anyone wishing fur­ ther information write, A. R. Eng­ land at Hillsboro, Oregon. 91 Buy now—our stock of Christmas goods is about sold out, and we are go­ ing to clean it up. Get your presents hare and save your money. $7.95 Boy’s Tricycle Z H Z y2 price 3. O QCJ H $5.65 Boy’s Tricycle y2 price..... 4.00 X H H T N H Rubber tires, adjustable seats, other sizes in proportion. i Boy’s Skates Per pair ...... 2.00 Full line of Daisy Air RifleO j*A $1.50, $2.00 and ....................Ä.OV Scooters 1.98 Large size wagon, hard wood, box, Official Roy Scout Ax and f AA roller bearings, large wheels and rub­ Sheath ....................................... A »vv ber tires, hand C /i Q brake ....................................... O/tO Pocket knives, all kinds and prices. ft X H H H H H “SEE HOFFMAN ABOUT IT” Z HZHXHZHXHXHZHXMZHXHZHXMZHZHZHZWXMX&iZHZHX Gifts from Kullander’s Will Be Loved and Enjoyed Through the Years. Her Diamond You cannot buy Diamonds by brand as you do fine silver or motor cars. The only “name” to guide you is that of your jeweler, whose integrity and ex­ perience should be unquestioned Warwick Watches for men, women, boys and girls await your choosing here, each with my per­ sonal recommendation and continued interest. /I. L Kullander Expert Watchmaker and Jeweler <