I VERNONIA EAGLE TWO Thursday, December 22, 1927 » prem- W. O. W. Vernonia camp No. 655 In the County Court of the State rub lightly with a cut onion and expenses such as insurance put a few uncooked cranberries in iums or taxes must be met. More of Oregon For Columbia County meets every Monday night at sevc: or less problematical is the ques- each duck. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT thirty at the Grange Hall. Visiting Pineapple rings with cress make tion of new furnishings or equlp- IN THE MATTER OF THE members welcome. --------------------- an attractive garnish for guinea ment; or the amount that niust 'I ESTATE OF ROBERT LINDSEY, C. C. hen roasted in pineapple juice. go to doctors and dentists, and con­ J. P. SHEELEY, DECEASED. How to be a welcome dinner guest C. C. DUSTEN CLERK. Notice is hereby given that the Curls of bacon and celery hearts sequently the amount that can be —is equally a3 important as how to are used the same way for broil­ saved. A good budget is one that be a charming hostess. Vernonia Lodge, No. 184 A. undersigned administratrix of the ed quail and orange sauce. takes all these points .into con-, No doubt there is not one of us estate of J. P. Sheeley, deceased, F. & A. M., meets at Grange has filed her final account in the Gooseberry jelly makes a good sideration and i A keeps ’ the definitely who Isn't anticipating being a guest Hall every Second and matter and court above mentioned, I substitute for cranberry jelly as known expenses well within the at some friend's dinner table during anticipated income, leaving a fair­ this holiday season. How shall we Fourth Thursday nights. and that Monday the 16th day of a relish for poultry or game. sized margin for the uncertain be pleasant guests and make our com­ Visitors Welcome January, 1928 at the hour of 2 pany desired? The first and last rule Stem Rot Hard to Combat items and for emergencies. After of course is to follow the lead of our K. A. McNeill, Secretary. o’clock p.m. of said day, has been Sweet clover has never given making the budget on a yearly hostess and be considerate always. fixed as the time, and the court satisfactory yields in western Ore­ basis, it is helpful to plan foij There are so many little customs room of the court above entitled in gon because of the disease known each month separately and in • ad- that art» important and no proper Columbia County Court house at as stem rot. There is no practical vance, so that as expenditures are guost can ignore them. Invitations to St. Helens, Oregon, the place for I.O.O.F.—Vernonia Lodge No. the hearing of objections to said control measure for this disease. made they can be compared with dinner should be answered within 246 meets every Tuesday night final account and the settlement It is much better to grow vetch, the original estimate in each cate­ twenty-four hours after receiving, in alfalfa, or red clover, depending gory. Sometimes it becomes evident the same style as received, either for­ at 8 o’clock, in Grange hall. Vis- thereof. conditions and use that the that a larger allotment must be' mal or informal. itors always welcome. W. A. Harris, Attorney. Ellen Shee­ upon M. E. Graven, N. G. crop is to be put to, the experi- made in one field, or that less i We must plan to arrive not more ley Administratrix. than ten minutes before the hour tor station finds. John Glassner, Secretary. would do in another, and corres-' dinner. On no account short of acci­ Date of first publication Dee. 15, ment ili ponding changes can be made dent must a guest be late tor a din­ Clover is Cheapest 1927. the yearly and monthly plans. AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY .Date of last publication Jan. 12, ner engagement. That clover is the most cheaply When dinner is served and an­ produced hay crop in Oregon when Meet» first and third Mon­ 1928. I nounced the guests ent: . the dinning the stand has been seeded with day* of each month at I room and take their pl . , according the Legion Hall. NOTICE OF CALL OF BONDS grain has been determined by the to the arrangement of the hostess. experiment station. The average McGraw, President Guests will stand behind their chairs Notice is hereby given to the “The Road to Romance” t’.ntil the hostess by seating herself, holders of the following bonds of cost of production of clover hay “The Road to Romance,” the Vernonia Post the City of Vernonia, Columbia when seeded with grain was $7.38' Ramon Novarro starring vehicle to gives the signal to be seated. From which side of the chair? Really a in 1925 and 1926 as compared with' 119, American Le- County, Oregon; $10.29 for vetch, $9.11 for alfalfa, be shown at the Rose theatre Sat­ trivial matter, but to be perfectly cor­ U gion. Meets second Bonds No. 8, 9, and 10 rect we seat ourselves from the left and fourth Tues- improvement bonds, dated January and $8.77 for cheat, taking the urday, is a screen version of Jo- side. seph Conrad’s most famous sea s?days each month, 8 1, 1925, said bonds being in de­ state as a whole. The napkin is par; ally unfolded, and pirate story, Marceline Day p.m. H. E. Me- only partially, and spr ad on the lap. Current Question» Discussed Graw, Commander. nomination of $500 each; All of the has the featured feminine role. spoons are always laic in ths saucer, above bonds being redeemable at O. A. C. Corvallis, Dec. ^19—Lo- “The Irresistible Lover” never left standing iu the cup. Used the option of said city on Jan., l,!ca] grange leaders and Mrs. Min-] Nehalem Chapter 153, O. E. S. 1928. That pursuant to said option, I n;e e . Bond, state lecturer, are! Norman Kerry, star of many of knives or folks are n er laid back Regular communi- said bonds will be redeemed within appearing regularly on the Wed- ! the screen’s greatest dramas, will on the table cloth. The knife when not cation first and 30 days from the date of this no- nesday night grange hour over the be seen for the first time as a In use is placed across the edge of third Wednesdays tice, to-wit: On First day of “oHege 7a7iô ^Ïa7on,‘‘ K0 a “ c ?‘ c71-< full-fledKed eom«dian “The Ir’ the plate. C the ' When a course ls finished we lay of each month. January 1928, upon presentation to I resistible Lover, ” which comes to lege speakers, including Dr. Mil­ knife and fork on the plate, the tines All visiting sisters the City Treasurer. lton N. Nelson, head of the econ-j | the Rose theatre Sunday. Kerry is of the fork turned up, and the handles and brothers wel­ In case the holders of said bonds omics department, add to the pro­ co-starred with Lois Moran in the directly in front so that they will come. not be in the'way of the person re­ fail to present same at the time1 grams with discussions of current picture. Catherine McNeill, W. M. moving the plate. “The Border Cavalier” and place mentioned herein for , political and economic questions, Leona McGraw, Secretary. Ereakfng bread or crackers into a the redemption thereof, then the j In a series of talks of farm relief Galloping horses ridden by men interest thereon ssall cease and the ’ plans, Dr. Nelson scheduled an ad­ who know no fear and have a reck­ plate of soup dates ba^k to the nur­ And to pick up a large piece of Mountain Heart agency aforesaid will thereafter dress on the grange debenture plan less disregard for danger create sery. bread and leave a row of teeth marks Rebekah Lodge No. 243 pay only the amount of such bond ; for December 21 at 8. an atmosphere of the old west in In one corner is equally unpardonable. No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every sec­ and the interest accured thereon “The Border Cavalier,” coming to Break off a small piece of bread at a Disorderly in Restaurant ond and fourth Thursdays in up to the said first day of Jan­ the Rose theatre Monday. time, butter it and eat it. In eating Wm. Hanson was arrested by1 Grange hall, Vernonia. Visitors al­ uary 1928. meat cut oft a bit at a time as de­ “On Your Toes” and Marshal Kelly Sunday night ways welcome. Dated at Vernonia, Oregon on regular Denny special, at the sired and eat alternately with other I charged with being disorderly In Mrs. Viola Treharne, N.G. this 1st day of December, 1927. accompaniments of the meat course. having'R°se ^ea^re Tuesday and Wednes- Don’t be a “finicky” guest! Nevei Mrs. Hazel Thompson, Sec. J. C. Lindley, Treasurer, I a public restaurant and 1------ „ I day. embarrass a hostess! In rare in­ City of Vernonia, Ore. liquor in his possession. “Special Delivery” stances if a dish is something that we He plead guilty before Judge Reasoner Monday morning and was With his second Paramount riof heartily dislike we may be pardoned J. MASON DILLARD Home Pointers fined $40 on the possession charge, |of fun, “Special Delivery,” Eddie *-or toy'n8 with our bread or enjoying the former roystering ' an otlve or two until the next course. (From School of Home Economies) 1 and $30 on the disorderly conduct Cantor, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Our manner shows best that we blackface of the far-famed follies, | have enjoyed the hospitality of our Next to Carkin Cleaning Works In making variations of muffins charge. The fines were paid. appears Thursday and Friday at hostess. The welcome guest is as combine fruits or nuts with flour Here Every Wednesday Requests Honorary Degree the Rose theatre. to prevent settling. When done, gracious in accepting a3 the hostess University of Oregon, Eugene, muffins are double in bulk, loose j is in offering. It you have a special Dec. 19—An honorary degree of question about being a guest or host­ in the pan and spring back when! DR. ELLA WIGHT some kind was recently requested ess—write to Martha Meade, Home touched. DR. C. J. WIGHT from the University of Oregon by Service Bureau, Sperry Flour Co., San Clover rolls are made by plac- CHIROPRACTORS Francisco. ing three small balls of dough a smiling, pleasant-faced lady, just Blood Pressure Examination I past middle age, it is announced, in one muffin ring or pan. Rheumatism, Neuritis, Stomach, by Earl M. Pallett, registrar. The ’ BIBLE THOUGHT AND PRAYER A few economy secrets for Xmas Hot cross buns are made by i parent» will have their children memo­ Liver and Intestinal Troubles may come in handy about now. Some lady presented herself at the reg-| If rize a Bible »election each wee^ it wiH prooo placing three small balls of dough Delayed Menstruation of us are seriously wondering how istrar’s office recently with the | a pricelew heritageta them in after year». in one muffin ring or pan. we ourselves and the family pocket- Hot cross buns are cut from request, and when asked upon what' WORD OF GOD .............................. book are going to stand the strain. basis the degree should be granted ! PROCLAMATION OF PEACE: .. spiced dough rolled one-half inch replied, “I have sent two sons! —Glory be to God in the highest, I Forget Xmas?—of course we LESTER SHEELEY thick. After rising they are brush-: couldn't. The Xmas spirit of good ed with beaten egg. Upon removal through the University, and I feel ' and on earth peace, good will to- cheer Is dear to the hearts of every­ Attorney-at-Law one of us. But this is important— from the oven, a cross is made, that I am entitled to a degree if ■ ward men. Luke 2: 14. is. I heard that the uni- Prayer: Our loving Father, we If we want our gifts and our efforts to on top with confectioner ’ s frosting. 1 anj . one Oregon Twin rolls are made by cutting i versity Vernonia v ' v sometimes gave honorary thank Thee for: “Peace perfect bring happiness to family and friends two rounds from dough rolled one-, degrees, and I consider this as peace, our future all unknown? —we must preserve our own good fourth inch thick. One round is ' great an achievement as any wo- Jesus we know, and He is on the cheer. We mustn't feel all tired cut a id "broke’’ when the happy day ar­ DR. W. H. HURLEY throne. placed on top of the other prev­ ‘ man could make,” rives. The mother explained that her iously buttered. To whom should you commit Remember the saying about the gift DENTISTRY AND X-RAY To lard poultry and game, care-1 ■ husband had been dead for many your way? Answer, read Ezekiel without the giver. The Utile extra Evenings by Appointment years, that she had supported the fully insert a blunt wooden skewer, cheer that goes with a gift however Office over Drown Furniture Store. children and herself, and had ed­ 18:31, 32. big or small is what really counts Vernonia Oregon under the skin, and lift it from ' ucated both of them until they ELMER D. STEVENSON the greased meat, without tearing among fri; nds. The funeral of Elmer D. Step­ Have you ever thought of oven the skin. Lay flat pieces of salt! ' obtained their degrees. I The registrar assured her that henson, who died at Treharne Dc- gifts—a box of dainty cai.i s and cook­ pork in the openings. M. D. COLE To overcome the slightly fishy as ' he personally felt she was entitled cember 18, was held from the ies that you’ve baked yourself? Ab­ well as gamey flavor of wild duck I to a degree in recognition of her Brown Undertaking parlors wed- solutely different from what you sent I work, but that at present no pro­ nesday morning at 10:30. Rev. G. last year and really nol expensive at DENTIST was made for the granting W. Plumer officiated, Interment all. Such a gift box wi'.l be a wonder­ MARK EVERY GRAVE vision ful surprise especially for friends who of such aw’ards. will be at Kerby, Oregon. I Memorials in Granite and Marble Oregon are away from their hotnc3. Vernonia The mother smiled pleasantly, The deceased was born at Phoe-' Get a good stiff pasteboard box, a At Reduced Prices thanked the registrar and departed, nix, Oregon, March 24, 1862. He I WRITE FOR PARTICULARS apparently proud and happy, even is survived by his wife; one son, fancy one if you can with holly decor­ Oregon state highway budget for ations. If you decorate one yourse'f MRS. M N. LEWIS & CO if lie did not gain a “degree.” 1928 is 33,898,006, including $740,- Fourth uud M Ain St. Geo. Stephenson of San Francisco; e it a final coa tng of lacquer as a Hillsboro 000, for oiling roads. two daughters, Mrs, Wm. Flagg of finish. Line it carefully and neatly “Inside” Information A good quality of skim milk Los Angeles, and Mrs. Frank of i with waxed paper and then pack it I should have a yield of 15 to 18 Ashland; and one sister, Mrs. Geo. I full. In the center of the box place a pounds of cottage cheese per 100 Riggs of Treharne. piece of holiday fruit cake or pound pounds of skim milk. LESTER E. BROWN cake wrapped in glazed paper and Banana “figs” are a form of Lester E. Brown died December tied with holly ribbon. A fancy little food not generally familiar to 12, 1927. at the home of his moth­ jar of preserved ginger or spiced American housewives but are re- er in Portland. He was 23 years. honey or any particular choice bit of commended as a desirable and 3 months and 19 days old. Rev. something may be substituted for the nourishing food. These “figs” are I Teddy Leavitt of Vernonia con­ cake and find a place in the center really dried bananas. Firm ripe I ducted the funeral services. fie of the box. Wrap each different article in waxed fruit is peeled and split length- was buried at the Lincoln Memor- wise and dried either in the »un j ~feu" at* Portland Decern- or glazed paper. Each will keep bet­ or by artificial heat. The drying ber 17. He was a son of J. W ter and look so interesting in a secret little packet tied with red, silver or process brings out some of the Brown of Vernonia. gold ribbon. Just pack the box full banana juice which covers the ba- with two or three kinds of home­ of made cookies and candy, A few rais- Astoria—Spring planting i nana with a white sugary powder. In food value banana “figs” are Crown-Willamette Paper Co. will ins. tigs or dates can be used to fill said to compare favorably with be 950,000 trees. in the chinks. Corvallis ■Big drainage project other dried fruits. The agricul­ Doesn't this all sound good ? And tural experiment station in Hawaii on Long Tom River will drain making up such a box is just as much pleasure as receiving one. For fin­ has been experimenting with the several thousand acres. Wallowa—Winter work begins on' ishing touches put in a few sprays ol drying of bananas because banana holly. shipping facilities from Hawaii are Troy hill grade. If I can help you with a particular Heppner— County will spend not so fully developed as from difficulty during the holiday or send the "banana coast” of Central $20,000 on Willow Creek road. Did you ever consider giving yourself you a recipe, just drop me a line ad­ Bend—Alpine Club will sponsor dressed to—Martha Meade, Director America. Christmas gift? Here is a real worth while mountain sports on Cascade range, Home Service Bureau. Sperry Flour Start the new year armed with a gift that you can give yourself—a gift 1 well-planned budget which has Bend to Eugene. Co.. San Francisco. that will grow in worth as the years go by. Portland has 10,012 business j been drnwn up to include all the A gift that you can depend upon in time are ordered necessities and some of the desira­ concerns, making a gain of 1693 i Hilsboro—Plans I drawn for new $100,000 Washing­ ble purchases your family hopes or 20 per cent since 1923. of need—a SAVINGS ACCOUNT with Junction City — Move made for ton county courthouse. | to make within the expected In­ this strong bank. come for 1928. Food, housing, paved highway through Coburg tol Corvallis — Oregon Agricultural college completes new poultry lab­ clothing, and running expenses will Eugene. Astoria — Tice Lock Washer oratory. be among the essentials. Personal Oregon production of lily bulbs | expenses for each member of the company will build factory at Port increased 400 per cent last year. tv family must be allowed, and fixed of Astoria. State will improve 12 miles of Fremont highway, near Silver Lake. ! KITCHEN COUNCIL XHSHZMZMZHZHZ Rose Theatre (rive > ourselj a Christmas BANK OF FERMISI A JOHNSON’S ELECTRIC FLOOp POLISHER i ?’iOn ?loors, Wax linec ' mis e ? , in c: .'-fifth the ■ :'.y i 'n,. Th ' easy $1 p?v day or way pair HO ARE Í4EH Play Th : I t - (• and entertaining musical numbers followed by a BASKET SOCIAL at the High School Auditorium Thursday, December 29 Admission: Children 15c, Adults 25c Ladies bringing baskets get in free, and admission ap­ plies on purchase of basket. A prize for the best basket. Everybody come. You will have a good time. Auspices of Christian En­ deavor, Christian Church. LONG DISTANCE LOCAL AND TELEGRAPH We Serve Your telephone company, owned by a steadily growing list of individual stockholders, has only one function to fulfill. That is to serve to the best of its ability the ter­ ritory in which it oper- ates. Oregon Telephone Company T. I. E. D. L Tire fully guaranteed, sold at these remarkably low prices $7.35 3O--.3’4 Cl. Cord (A big tire, certain to give lowest- co't per mile. 29x4.40 Balloon ...................... $8.75 (Unsurpassed at any price) 31x71.00 Balloon (30x4.95) $12.90 (A double oversize for 29x4.40. Can be used on either drop center or regular rims) 30x5 Heavy Duty Cord, 8 ply......... $24.65 (Best for the long haul or the short haul) 32x6 Heavy Duty Cord ... $39.75 (A new track tire to fit 30x5 rim») Be sure to use T. I. E. D. Red Tubes. Large Size. Heavy gauge. Tough age­ resisting compound. Easily repaired. TUBE 30x3 (Will fit either nominal or giant casing) ......................... $1.60 29x4.40 (Will fit either regular or drop center equipmt.........$2.05 31x5.00 (Can be used in either 31x5.00 or 30x4.95 casings).... $2.65 30x5 (Will withstand hard service and the heat of long hauls $3.50 32x6( To be used only in 32x6 casings designed for 30x5 rim») $6.90 If you want the right tire or tube for your car and complete satisfaction on your tire purchases, deal with— CRAWFORD MOTOR COMPANY Vernonia, Oregon