Enteren at V emonia, Oregon, Postoffice as Second-Class Matter^ VOLUME 6, NO. VERNONIA. OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER J<4927. Woodmen Initiate Class Of 12 Candidates Monday O Q T A U/ill UnH UidiliAi Hill nUld AiinilSl \DQQinn in HUIlUal UUOOlUII ill American Legion Auxiliary Elect* Officers for 1928 Santa Claus Will Be Here Friday Vernoni* unit of the American One of the largest crowds that Legion Auxiliary elected the fol- has ever attended a meeting of Dnrtlond Aiovf UUnnlf lowin« officers at the regular meet- the Woodmen of the World was rilllldllU II üa I flutJR ing Monday night: Mrs. M. E. Moe, present at the regular meeting of president; Mrs. Harry Wilson, 1st Vernonia Camp 655 held in the Now Chief Want* Children to be December 28, 29, and 30 Dates| vice president; Mrs. J. C. Lindley, K. P. hall Monday evening. Twelve Set For Annual Convention; I 2nd vice president; Mrs. E. H. Safe and Happy By Observing I condidates were initiated. More Prominent Speakers Scheduled. Washburn, secretary; Mrs. R. F. A Few Measures Christmas Day. than 70 were present. Five noted speakers will address^ance, treasurer; Mrs. Emmett Santa Claus has askeil Fire C. O. Samain, local organizer for the convention of the Oregon I F.r°W’ chaPlaln; Mrs- W- S- Eason> the Woodmen, was present and ( Chief E. L. Smith, who is also ex State Teachers’ Association at its historian; Mrs. W. W Jackson, ser- otiicio deputy state fire marshal, expressed his surprise at the rapid annual session to be held in Port- Keant-at-arms; Mrs. E. J. Tousley, growth of Vernonia Camp. Ar­ [ to act as ius assistant in Vernonia land, December 28, 29 and 30.' Mrs’ W- H- Hurley and Mrs- V- rangements are being made to have ( and to see that all of the children They are Dr. David Snedden of Powa11’ executive committee. the degree team go to Salem the I help to make this a very Merry Teachers’ college, Columbia uni- After the meeting a special latter part of January to put on Christmas indeed. Chief Smith told versity, New York City; Miss’Chrlstmas Program was held. Those Santa Will Give Sweets To AU a degree, this being the night Santa Claus that he would be glad Myra Snow, classroom teacher of' Parttcipating were: Mrs. Harry| Good Children Who Come To Puritan. Long Discouraged Ob­ when they are planning to initiate i to nelp if Santa would help to Seattl.; Joy Elmer Morgan, editor'^llson’ R- F- Nance. Mrs. make Christmas a safe Christmas See Him Friday Night. servance but Dutch Fostered a class of 500. of the Journal of the National Clarence Nance, Mrs. W. W. Jack- It; Pope Julius Sat Date H. A. Tays, captain of the drill for himself and the “kiddies” by Education association; Miss Flor- son- and Mrs- W- S- Eason- Re­ cutting oil his whiskers. After experiencing some difficul­ - ■ freshments were served by Mrs. team, surprised the Camp by Hale, state supervisor of , welc , Santa Claus promised Chief I epee With more than 600,000,000 marching his men into the lodge rural schools of Maine, and C. M. |F ' J' Tousley and Mrs. Geo. Ogg. ty in making arrangements for Smith that ne would shave clean Santa Claus to give the Nehalem throughout the world observing room in new snappy uniforms. Ray Dennis, dean of the Conservatory rx. 1 r m r? i valley an advance visit, for he is Yule-tide, the ceremonies, alike in Charlesworth, leader of the band, for this Christmas (or make them Of Music Of Stockton, California. Display of New Ford a busy man at this time of most of their fundamental religious ~"7ept'ed ’ the Camp a bagg I fireproof by the process given here­ Attracts Record — Crowd the very On Wednesday, December 28, *- -------- - ------------- year, he at last promised to o .cis, wm differ materially in, horni tbe oply instrument lacking with,) because whiskers are out( 2 steady stream of - past ■ and be here for a short time on Fri- of style anyhow and not sanitary; the business of the association will! A various countries as to details. Two to compIetc tbe band. besides they sometimes catch on be transacted at the meeting of preSent fli'wer drivers was s aug- day night. The Study club of Ver­ thousand years before Christ, Yule-1 . A « . 4.U a A committee was appointed to fire and burn him terribly. Now the representative council. On mented by many potential new noniaj, which is Sponsoring the tide w&3 celebrated , Chief Smith and Santa Claus love Thursday, December 29, the first. Ford drivers Saturday raorning I . by - the .. Aryans, . : see the members and secure funds event, announces that at 7:30 p. tne ... which to x build , ... the ., new mod- , r ., srreat branch ... of the . human . with the little children of Vernonia and general meeting of the association when Crawford’s show room was m. a short Christmas program will family irom which most of the , .. - $ n* ‘ i i mi, ■ em hall. In less than 24 hours their dads and mothers, too, and will be held from 9:00 a.m. to the gcene of the showing of the be held in the Legion hall, after Christian races are descended. The about , , one-third of the necessary . , . rx Aryans were sun-worshipers. Day , , , , .. . / they do not want them to be 12:00. Section meetings only will new car More than 500 pergons which Santa will distribute candy . , ., , , monev had been subscribed. It is b urned anu crippled for life and convene Thursday afternoon and ¡passed pasged tnrougn through me tbe ghow room oav- Sat. , to all the good children who come «XVXX....W.. — snow room by day, suns power , intention of the Camp to x begin v * . .. as the .... i - de-, the so homes destroyed, Friday morning. C„ T ‘ On Friday from urday between 8 a.m. and 1 p.m., to see him. meir happy creased, these primitive people fear- L, x K ® , , . , , . , , the new structure as soon as the Chief Smith wants the kiddies of 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. there will ( according to Mr. Crawford, local The large Christmas tree has eu he would be overwhelmed by. ., ... .. , . , . .1 weather will permit, Vernonia to help him prevent fires, be a closing general assembly. dealer. been placed at the corner of Bridge darkness and remain forever in ____ i_________ Twenty-five different departments save precious lives and happy Many came and looked and gaz- ( and First streets and will be well ‘he underworld. When he apparently y R j| Qld homes, by asking daddy and mam­ will hold section programs. Each ed in vain for some sign of the ; lighted for the occasion. The cold­ wheeled about and grew stronger,I . Hill Climbing Days ma to promise to “do” these things chairman has prepared an especial­ well known model T in the new ( ness of the weather makes it im­ they felt he had been born again. ly interesting program, and the! Ford. Satisfaction was written on practicable for the program to be this Christmas: Reminiscent of the old days, on Avoid The Hweolor-tid, or turning-time, attendance will probably exceed the use of candles and therefore was a period of rejoic­ when curious crowds witnessed the open flames for Christmas tree and that of any previous year. Among ( many a countenance when the held in the open. | name plate was found to be the Santa Claus urges that all chil­ contests between ing at the annual re-birth of the hill-climbing 1 other decorations. Look our for the outstanding lecturers and edu­ observing dren pay him a visit Friday even­ and the more sun. The origin of many Yule-tide | pioneer automobiles, is the collec­ snort circuits in electric wiring cators appearing on the depart­ same— •and smiled complacently when the ing. And since be is in a hurry, customs may be found in the tion of 18 cups now occupying an ana connections. mental programs are: Dr. W. W. transverse springs were noted, it is important that everyone be myths and legends of our Indo­ honored place in the factory of I xu — be —------- in case xuuvuco candies uxo are used, sure Youngson, Dr. Richard Dillehunt, the Oakland Motor Car company at( that the flame can not possibly' Frank 'L. Shull, Miss Vida Ham- Heads nodded, ribs were poked on hand by 7:30 p.m. The Study European ancestors, with kindly elbows to draw at- club promises a short program, slain Pontiac, Mich. was Balder, the sun god, come in contact with the dry! mond, Charles H. Carey, Miss Julia tention to these two lone remaining appropriate for Christmas, that Visitors to the general offices needles of the tree or any other ( Spooner, O. M. Plummer, Miss when the jealous fire-god, Loki, reminders of the car that made will ¿e remembered by all who at- had him pierced through and of the company—c ■specially the vet- flammable decorations, curtains or I Grace Bridges, Supt. E. H. Whit­ the name Ford a family synonym tend, and assure that there is am- through with a sprig of mistletoe, eran salesmen who dealt for many drapes. | ney, William von Hoogstraten, Di­ for transportation in all lands of pie room for everyone in the ca- the only missile that could barmiyeara -with the automotive industry, Portland Symphony, Use nonflammable materials to rector of the ~ ---- ' | pacious Legion hall to hear what n 41- — — J™ n «• *4 ZVZ-,/1 ' . I 1 . X — zl Avar iVi O him. Gifts from the gods and god-, frequently stop to read over the represent snow and frost on and ’ Portland; Dr. Harl R. Douglas. Dr. this terrestrial orb. desses were laid on Balder’s bier, | jngcrjptjong on the ojd cupg- The around the Christmas tree or where C. V. Boyer, Dr. H. D. Sheldon, ( That many were satisfied was is going on. evidenced by the report that sales A complete report of all money and he sent back gifts from the j rrophies recall the contests^ which they may catch fire. (Eugene; Prof H. D. Scudder Dr. have already mounted past the and work donated toward the com- realm of darkness. It probably i*j filled the newspapers of 1909, 1910 Be careful that the “kiddies” do | J. R. Jewell, Dean Ava B. Milam, j two score mark and are still climb-! munity Christmas tree will be from the Roman Saturnalia, how- and iqij , when the public marveled not get near the candles or open i H. C. Seymour Corvallis; Prof.! | made by the Study club in next ever, that the custom of exchanging at the audacity of motorists at- fireplace with their flimsy cloth­ W. E. Kirk, Prof. James F. Mat­ ing._________________ week’s Eagle. j thews, State Supt. C. A. Howard, presents and much of the spirit I tempting hills which were difficult ing or “nighties.” Acquire New License ------------------ cf revelry is derived. Mistletoe, the|even for tbe horse-drawn vehicles and other ----- ---- ------ Salem; Pres. Norman T. Coleman, Place all celluloid Plates Immediately Find Weavils in Rugs? “heal-all of the Druids was heldjof ^hat day. The horse then was flammable and t explosive decora- Reed College ; Pres. J. A. Church ­ . Look in Your Bean Bag in peculiar reverance. It was cutj^till king and many regarded these tions away from danger of catch- ill, Ashland; J. S. Landers, Mon­ Within a few weeks, a majority( i mouth; Prof. Kenneth Ray, Mc­ of the nation’s 22,000,000 motor by the chief priest with a golden i “horseless carriages” as cranky ing fire. At this time of year, housewives sickle, used for no other purpose. , ontraptions of little real value. car owners will be faced with the usually become alarmed because If motion pictures are shown in Minnville. Since the fact of Christ’s birth! The power and mechanical per­ the home, be sure to buy the necessity of acquiring new license they find numerous small gray was not recorded and there was1 fection of modern cars prompts “acetate” or safety film and avoid Farmers Again Bilked plates, says - Geo. O. Brandenburg, ■ • ~____ «x-z. M- ' weevils in their pantry ------ or in other no certainty as to date, the early the average motorists to take for the “nitrate” or highly flammable With Abortion “Cure” secretary of the Oregon State Mo­ parts of the house, says the en­ Christian Fathers wisely ascribed it granted the fact that his automo­ film. tor association, who suggests that O. A. C., Corvallis, Dec. 19— the individual can save himself tomology department of the Ore­ to Yule-tide, and the birthday of bile can climb practically any grade. In case of fire:: Call,the fire gon * experiment station. These the sun became that of the Son. But it was not so long ago that department first. Then try to put The old stunt of “farming the considerabls trouble and inconven- pests resemble the Buffalo carpet The birth of Christ was celebrat­ | entire communities assembled to it out by fire extinguisher, water, farmer” by means of a fake con­ ience if he resolves now to put beetjeg which are very destructive ed on dates varying from the I witness the puffing efforts of auto­ or smother with rug, blanket or tagious abortion remedy has again this task behind him before the i to rugs, upholstering or other fab- appeared in Oregon, warns P. M. last minute rush. first to the sixth of January; on mobiles, resplendent in polished whatever is handy. i rics. Before becoming unduly al- date of such festivals as the Jew­ I brass equipment, to struggle up Christmas decorations and cloth­ Brandt, chief in dairying, and Dr. “Every year,” says Mr. Branden­ armed, an examination should be ish Passover, or the Feast of the “test hills” which today seldom ing used for public festivities, B. T. Sims, head veterinarian here. burg, “Motordom goes through the made of the pantry supplies of Tabernacles. But December 25 was necessitate even a change of gears. where open flames are used for This time the old “Bowman’s Abor­ same trying few days merely be­ peas and beans as the pest is more ever a favorite date. Pope Julius The trophy inscriptions record illumination, can be made fire re­ tion Remedy,” suppressed by the cause so many car owners defer likely to be the bean or pea weevil 337-352 A.D., after careful investi­ the scenes of many such historic sistant by dipping in a solution of government, seems to be revived the purchase of their new tags un­ I than any other pest. gation considered it settled beyond hill-climbing contests in addition ammonium phosphate (commercial in unlabeled packages shipped from til the last minute. If the propo­ Presence of the insect is easily doubt that Christ was born on — ito several early economy and re- ammonium phosphate, 1 pound; the “Bowman Laboratory and Mill­ sition of getting next year's plates recognized as they bore their way _, liability events. Among the famous water, 1 gallon). Wring and dry; ing company.” As it is being sold was spread^ out_ over December 25. beam/by” mak­ - - - are Giant « • ‘ ’ • s Despair v»___ 4_ The holly, laurel, mistletoe of hillg listed will not injure materials and will through the mail by means of al­ more as the motor vehicle auth­ ing a perfect circular hole. Small legedly untruthful circulars,, the the Druids still serve as decora- climb at Wilkes-Barre, Pa; Jeffer- make colors fast. orities make provision for, car amounts of infested material are tions of the season, standing as son Hill, ---- - Long • Island; • ■ <— Thurlow An effective way to quench fire government is trying to obtain a owners would save themselves a usually burned, though valuable emblems of resurrection and im- Hills, Poland, Me; Porter Hill, in a person’s clothing .is to wrap denial of mail permit from the tremendous amount of time, irrita- j seed may be saved by using the -mortal hope. New Year’s day as Cleveland, the heavy grades around a blanket, rug or woolen cloth postoffice department, local offici­ i tion and inconvenience. standard carbon bisulfide treat­ Ill; and .. Baltimore, Md; be- , tightly «„CiZ around the L body j and . roll als are informed. a feast day is one of the oldest, Paris. .. “New plates are inevitable. One ment. Adult insects in the house sides many others. ' j of the world Leading scientists being mentioned by Tacitus in the upon i the floor or ground. must have them to use a car. Why , will leave of their own account first century, but it is first re­ The first application to a burn are seeking a real remedy, which, not acquire them well ahead of | if afforded an opportunity by Minerals Needed. will be quickly if it is ever found, ferred to as a Christian festival “Minerals are required by dairy should I be sweet oil, olive oil or given to the public, About 18 man- time? I leaving the windows open for about 567. The Romans dedicated sweet cream and then dust with “In connection with the purchase awhile, a Janus, for j cows to supply their bodily needs ufacturers of so-called cures have the day to the god named. Janus, f when milking heavily,” "states Geo. flour or baking soda to exclude . ----- I been forced to discontinue sales of new lieense tags, the car owner whom January was was imuivd. Numa I--...- the air. Call a doctor. would do well to check over his Dairy Manufacturers ordained it as a day of good fellow- fellow- 1 A. Nelson, county agent, “as some __ ..... Effective Fire Chief Smith and all | or revise their labels, Now, registration card or title to deter­ Will Study Method* ship, when grudges a suf- Tuages were were to tv be b. for- 2— of -- the —? feeds do not * furnish ,,r” of the “fire laddies” have little | methods of control, but not of gotten and i. sacrifices __ '.2'.__ of .' cake and ficient amount of ’ minerals. The es­ kiddies of their own and would( cure, have been developed by this mine that the official record of it Oregon State Agricultural Col- is straight. It frequently happens wine made to the two-faced god sential minerals are salt, calcium, like to spend Christmas eve at and other experiment stations. ..... or __ engine ______ numbers ____ (that m serial are lege, Corvallis, Dec. 19—Specializ- ! iodine and phosphorus. The latter your who looked forward and backward. registered incorrectly, through cleri- cream grading work will be the Injury Cause* Loss of Eye I two are not of so much import- home with them, just like Few countries have entered more 1 ance, except under certain condi- dear daddy and mamma. If they] Wm. Hutchins suffered the loss cal or other error, and then, in feature of the dairy manufactur- heartily into Yule-tide observance IlVcXl Litj uivv * ...» —.___ ____________ bj3 eye Tuesday morning case a car is stolen, recovery Is inK short courses here January 9 have to leave their nice, warm than r.ngland. To the customs of tions. i. Calcium (lime) is often de­ homes to put out a fire in J’our when he was struck by a knot in made that much ----- 11° February 3, announces V. D. more difficult. . 1February ficient in crops grown on acid the brums were added many of soils. The latter is supplied in the house (caused by somebody’s care- the planer shed of the Oregon-Ame­ “It is a wise precaution to check I Chappell, professor of dairy manu- the Romans and Saxons. The Yule- form of either wood ashes, ground lessness), and, perhaps, save your rican Lumber company mill. over this information nfttinn every everv year. vear. ' ! factures. log, carols, the boar’s head, mum­ lime stone or ground steamed bone lives, their Christmas and their I In doing so, the car owner almost Study in eight branches of dairy mystery plays, — and mers auu i__ the __ __ _ _* J flour, to be added to the grain babies’ Christmas will be spoiled. Fined for Possession invariably will come across marks' manufacturing offers an oppor- “ lamb ’ s- the famous beverage of ■ K. Kawakami was arrested Mon­ and numbers which remarkably fa-|tunity for study of modern methods ration at the rate of 4 pounds to Betty Culver Entertain* wool,” made by bruising roaster ap- 100 pounds of grain. day in the Japanese quarters by cilitate indentification of the car and latest developments. Butter I Miss Betty Culver entertained pies and mixing the juice with ale creamery management, “Calcium can be obtained in any several high school girls at an in­ Constable Kelly, and charged with in case the need ever arises, as | making, or nuiK, ail played a part in the of these forms at a reasonable having liquor in his possession. He for instance, when the most prom-J special lecture work, bacteriology, dinner party at her home formal 'plead guilty before Justice of the removed or < de- ’ creamery tests, ice cream, sheddar observance. price and it is not necessary to evening. The table was de-1 Peace Hill, who fined him *80. inent numbers are Tnere is some uncertainty as to buy expensive mixtures for this Friday I cheese, and cottage cheese making faced by a thief. corated with candles and holly.( the date of the first Christmas purpose.” “On the whole, the season ’s I courses enable the buttermaker or I Red and green streamers added a The fine was paid. 'one in which the motorist has an! creamery operator to strengthen cards, but general opinion is that Christmas touch and the color Free Delivery Asked Carrick-Blankenship. opportunity to benefit himself jn i weak points. the initiative belongs to J. C. Hors­ Lester Sheeley, secretary of the several ways if only he will take G. T. Blankenship Jr. and Miss scheme was carried out through ley, R.A., who in 1846 on behalf H. C. Raven of the Raven Dairy Chamber of Commerce, has written advantage of it.” Virginia Carrick were married at the menu. of Sir Henry Cole, dispatched a of Portland will be in direct charge After the dinner each guest was to Senator Chas. McNary asking St. Helens December 16 by Jus­ card described as “an elaborate of the cream grading work. As Dairying Bulletin Out. tice of the Peace John L. Storla. presented with a gift from the for help in securing free delivery affair, showing two allegorical de­ Mrs. Blankenship is a daughter of Christmas tree. Dancing and games of mail in Vernonia. Stating that A bulletin entitled “Balancing ?ream grading is one of the great­ signs of clothing the naked and I. Carrick of Vernonia. Their many furnished the entertainment for I he population here has now reach­ Rations for Dairy Cows” is avail­ est difficulties to overcome in mak- feeding the hungry, with a family ed such a point that the request 1« able at the county agent's office. ng top quality butter, some but- them the rest of the evening. group of three generations, quaf­ friends in Vernonia wish Those present were: Misses justifiable. This bulletin gives information ‘ermakers are planning to attend much happiness. fing wine.” Phoebe Greenman, Merle Mills, Oregon highways has in regard to the various kinds of -his part of the course in prefer- Travel on St. Helens •New Columbia Thea- Charlotte Green, Ethel Tousley, increased 6 .61 per cent in five feeds, including concentrates, suc­ nee to any other one. The last Another custom originating in the United States, growing rapidly tre, costing $46.000, is to be built Thelma Spencer, La Velle Gosa, years. culents and roughage and rations eature of the course will be but- and the hostess Miss Betty Culver. there and even spreading to other by April 1. at Portland for dairy cows. It also gives in- crmnker’a butter judging and cream factory Fertilizer Rainier canneries packed more countries, is that of sending tele­ 'omativn on minerals required by ontests. Detailed information will Postoffice to be established at ■ uys 800 wild horses at Maupin e sent upon request. grams of greeting at Christmas or than 100.000 cases salmon this dairy cows. nd Gateway. P.stol River, Curry county. New Year's. Seeing the possibilities year. Observed by Aryans 2000 Years Betöre Christ Was Birthday of the Sun Gommunity Christmas Tree Cel­ ebration Scheduled