Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, December 15, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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Tursday, December 15,_192JL
accomplished daughter of old Bill cern has brought in enough dry
EFFECTIVELY PULLED OFF Hill, who owns a 40-acre tract of Poles that if placed end to end
Miss Florentine Hill of Whiskey alsali land near Whiskey Slide,
Slide and Gimlock Jones of the which he has been trying to un­
Devil's Den country were quietly - load on tourists for the past ten
and patiently married by the Jus­ years, but without success. Miss
tice of the Peace in Cactus Flat Hill graduated from the domestic
science class in high school some
Tuesday evening.
two years ago. She spent two yean
While the little stars twinkled ; in the culinary cooking department
the fog of the science class, and is an ac-
x, , down through
Hghed saladari
but GimIock
and the kerosene lamp “t the cor-
ner of Wfldcat avenue and Horse- ga|d recent] that a man can>(. ]ive
salad alone, and that hIg sweetie
hide Hopkin. pigpen cast a rad-
,. ..
.will nave to ltarn how to boil “ a pot *
direction, the martial knot was1 of beans and throw a batch of bis-
firmly and securely tied. Congrat­ cuits together or there will be
ulations in profusion were shower­ some words used of personal na-
ed upon the happy couple by their i ture.
loving friends and relatives, al­
Mr. Jones is a talented mule-
though everybody present realized
that the smitten twain were embark--skinner in the employ of the Over­
ng upon a doubtful venture.
I Production Oil company in the
Miss Hill is the charming and Devil’s Den country, which said con-
would reach from Portland, Oregon,
to Oskaloosa, Oklahoma.
Mescal Bill, a fiddler of national
fame all over the Sagebrush Belt,
was chosen to play the wedding
march. Mescal didn’t know either
the Meddlesome or the Longhor.i-
grin march, so the contracting
couple marched to the alter to the
solemn strains of “Turkey in the
On account of the inclemency
of winter weather, Miss Goldie
Boone has purchased a pair of ear-
muffs for her knees.
Oie Crow of Piute Peak, who is
matrimonially inclined, was over in
the county seat this week looking
over the crop of grass widders.
The Wind is in the Pine Trees
(By Wampus Pete, the Silver pen-
ned Poet of the Sierras)
O, the wind blows through the
pine trees,
And the wind blows through the
And the wind blows through the
Where the old brown hen she
O, the wind is mighty windy,
And the breeze is breezy, too;
And it make your eyes all bleary,
And it makes you wheezy, too.
Yes, the vagrant winds are sighing,
And the vagrant breezes blow,
And if the winds change quarters,
We are like to have some snow.
Yes, the winds are still a-blowlng,
And the weather, it ain’t fair,
For the wintry winds are blowing
Through the atmospheric air.
Old Batteries Taken in Trade
Now is the time of year your battery should be
kept fully charged and in tip top shape.
Your battery recharged, painted acid
proof, paint and acid adjusted, all for ..
Radio batteries and others not requiring $100
removal of installation in car
Rent batteries, per day
Motor C
Alf Stude made a trip to the
county seat today to look over
the new Ford with thfe intention
of pricing it.
Lawyer Lilikell took over Ebe-
nezer Squillses sorghum patch this
week on a writ of habeas corpus.
Arrangements are being made to
broadcast the Cactus Flat-Whiskey
Slide Horseshoe tournament shoe
by shoe.
Jeff Jones, an aviator in the
late war, hopped off again this
week when he sat down ,n a
cactus plant.
* your mind as to the origin of this dering fires. To a mind with a
training it would be easy
Sycamore Slim writes from the whisper of domination and of business
what does progress of woman con­ to imagine that her book must
little frontier village of Los An­ sist,
I will return to my subject have been a best seller then, above
geles that the water commission is with the famous American women the Dixie line only.
developing a device to bottle up of yesterday and today.
However this woman, Harriett
Beecher Stowe, answered the call
Grv«t Wonun of Yesterday,
the fog, after which the future wa­
the finer human of the roal
Great lives as _
ter supply of that hamlet will be
, lived. When we find ourselves look- woman in her, when she wrote
' ing back at the lives of great wo­ "Uncle Tom’s Cabin” and presented
men, they after all only answered it to the world.
the natural call of a woman’s life.
Then we have the name of Susan
As outstanding figures of the B. Anthony, the first woman to
Hiram Squonk writes from Nicar­ women
of yesterday, who have champion the cause of woman suf­
agua the marines have landed done much to elevate the esteem frage, She caused a bill to be pre­
and have been handed the situat- of their sex and for humanity, we sented in 1878, which
have the names of Pocahontas, Har­ known as the Anthony amendment,
News from Geneva states that riett Beecher Stowe, Susan B. An­ named in honor of its originator,
and the peei- of all mothers, which became law in 1920, . _ giving
the governing forces in Russia have thony,
Nancy Hanks Lincoln, the mother women the right to vote.
killed all of their enemies and are of Abraham Lincoln.
This was a measure that was
The first woman’s name spoken not forced, and when it did arrive,
now in favor of world disarma-
of in American history is that of people wore prepared for it. How
the L-eautiful Indian princess, Po­ gracefully people accept a grivilege
cahontas, who in rescuing and lib­ given, and once given, how diffi­
erating a prisoner already con­ cult it becomes to take it away.
NOTICE OF CALL OF BONDS demned to death by her own tribe, We c;>n all learn somot' ing here
displayed the qualities of the from babies, give a child a toy and
Notice is hereby given to the so
womanly woman, that she was
it e.wnv ■ml it c-ios.
holders of the following bonds of eventually given audience by the it I iau-.
sometime« wonder 1* the ■ me
the City of Vernonia, Columbia king and queen of England. This will ever ..-ome when we wi. be
beauciful gist American woman real grown vp humans.
County, Oregon;
was presented at the court of St.
To be continued
Bonds No. 8, 9, and 10 of sewer James.
improvement bonds, dated January
I believe it was then, as it is
1, 1925, said bonds being in de- today, that woman’s highest mark
nomination of $500 each; All of the of distinction is of being a natural
above bonds being- redeemable at woman.
1 wonder how many American
the option of said city on Jan., 1, women in making their bow to H.
1928. That pursuant to said option, M. King George and II. M. Queen
said bonds will be redeemed within Mary, look back to the admirable
30 days from the date of this no­ natural qualities of this beautiful
Indian maiden, who preceded them
tice, to-wit: On the First day of all to the throne room of grand
January 1928, upon presentation to old England.
A note in yeur present day his­
the City Treasurer.
In case the holders of said bonds tory suggests that this beautiful
story is only a legend. It was a
fail to present same at the time true
story in McGuffy’s day, and
and place mentioned herein for I prefer to believe it yet. When —Special Xmas Feier
the woman «67 the human
interest thereon ssall cease and the family away, you have not much
to be proud of.
The Birthday of a Kin?;
agency aforesaid will thereafter left Then
we have the name, Har­
pay only the amount of such bond riett Beecher Stowe, the author of
and the interest accured thereon “Uncle Tom’s Cabin," a book that Christmas Carols
up to the said first day of Jan­ was influential in bringing about Night Before Christmas
the Civil war, which at that time
uary 1928.
appeared to be the only way of
Dated at Vernonia, Oregon on wiping out a condition that existed. Silent Night
this 1st day of December, 1927.
This condition had existed so
J. C. Lindley, Treasurer, long that it had become a tradition Little Town of Bethleh n
people of the southern states, -
City of Vernonia, Ore. and the when
you try to wipe out a
tradition of a people, war would
j be the natural outcome. We of to-' —Hear Them Today At-
From page 2
. dav can look at this old question
to freedom, to dominance.
with an open mind.
It ¡3 this whisper that tells the 1 The call in the minds of the hu­
sportsman that the big fish are
__ man family is for freedom and
just a little farther up the stream, progress. And slavery was an ob­
that deer is more plentiful on the stacle in the path of both freedom
next hillside. It is this something and progress which only this war,
that says to him, the next fish or years and years of natural de-
is going
_ _ to be - that
---- very
—„ biggest velopment, could have altered the
fish. .
I situation. However, we do not think
It is the will-o’-the-wisp that sets that this woman, or any woman
nation against nation, and race with
...... _ a woman
______ ’s heart,
____ _ would think
,un-?i’T?t race, always beckoning and ¡of throwing her own people into
whispering progress, freedom, dom-lwar. But her words, , spoken with
IC vswp
mav one
deep wsivivvsvn
conviction that
she iciv,
felt, ,
Leaving you with the question in1 acted as a torch to already smol-
The fire department responded
to an alarm Tuesday night and suc­
ceeded in confining the blaze to
the residental section.
The Chamber of Converse reports
that the weed nuisance, which caus­
ed so much congestion of traffic
on our streets last summer,
abated considerably since
weather set in.
Scotty MacPherson 1
week for Roarini River
for a worm which he lo3t while
fishing last summer.
Bearcat Boone’s pet rattlesnake
crawled into an old boot this week
where it will make its headquarters
until next spring.
4 »
ÎSnnnù drip
Xmas ifuiliiiaii ¿Farra
Unitrii Sailiuays (En.
$3.10 Portland and Return
Tickets on sale Dec. 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25.
Return limit January 5
Round Trip Fares
$ 6.10
Great Falls
La Grande
Walla Walla
$ 5.10
Proportional reductions between other points.
Train leave« Vernonia for Portland at 1:05 p.m.
Phone 161
M. A. Fuegy,
Trav. Psgr. Agt.
R. M. Aldrich,
Ticket Agent
J. J. Hoydar, Gen. Agt.,
Astoria, Oregon.
The New
The most enjoyable events of
the social season are the delectable
mushroom hunts that are held in
and around the environs of Cac­
tus Flat after the fall rains have
helped the dainty mushrooms to
lift their silken heads above the
soft and oozy earth. At this time
of the year mushroom season is
in full blast and whenever you see
a flivver parked by the roadside
you may rest contentedly assured
that the occupants of same sre
out with a basket trying to get
a free lunch.
Mushrooms differ from toad-
stools, in that toadstools are apt
to upset one’s digestion by caus­
ing instantaneous and
death, while mushrooms are quite
edible if there could ever be a
way invented to get the sand and
gsavel oot of them. To one who
has never enjoyed the thrill of,
plucking the purple hutd muih-!
room from its downy bed, we
would advise an immediate trip to
j Cactus Flat for that purpose, and
j then after you have filled your
I basket with the luscious vegetable,
or whatever it is, yon may show
' them to your friends and they
will say, invariably: “Oh, those
are toadstools.”
There is only one way to tell
the difference between mushrooms
and toadstools. First pick yoor
mushrooms. Peel th«ir hides «ft
until there is nothing left of each
one but apieee of pulp about the
size of a pin head. Then fry them.
Eat them with a relish and sit
down to await result«, If you live.
they were mushrooms.
Is a Wonde
Full details to be gh
at our show roorr
Satur i; v Dec. 17
Unitrb Saihiiaya (£o
Wild Bill Mullens writes that
the gangsters in Chic»'’" hnv« '
an alliance to put down lawless­
ness, except that of an ofifem!