Entered at Vernonia, Oregon, Postoffice as Second-Class Matter. Legion Elects 1328 Officers VERNONIA, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1927. VOLUME 6, NO. 19 Macille Roberts Wins Seven Young Men Popular Girl Contest Snow Closes Macille Roberts was declar­ From Vernonia Are ed Miss the winner of the American Le­ gion popular girl contest, held in connection with the Flying Ape Logging Camps Now Attending O.A.C. circus last week, because of her Vernonia Defeats Kelso There Friday 18 to 17 (By Clarence Wardle) The Vernonia-high school basket-! ball team won their first game of' the season Friday night against Kelso, Wash., at that place 18 to 17. 1 Shoot Is Held Every Sunday on All Are Active in Campus Affairs record in selling tickets ana script State Institution; Herman for the show. She was presented Andy Parker Place; Joe Peachies at With Kelso scheduled to win Elected President For Next Year. Dickson is Senior. with a beautiful diamond ring, pur­ this game because of an alleged With the object of promoting in-1 Oregon Agricultural college, Cor­ chased from Kullander’s jewelry good team this year, the game may be taken as a fair indication terest in sports in the Nehalem and vallis, December 12.—Vernonia is store. Miss Opal Buckingham, another _______ sportsmen ____ __ to „ provide r_____ represented at Oregon agricultural of the local school’s prospects for assisting the season. 11... | themselves ......... ...... with «... an abundance w*. of I — college v— — by j seven — of — ..... the -.w 23 .......... students attractive Vernonia maid, was win­ The following men represented fish and game, the Vernonia Rod ¡from Columbia county. One student ner of second prize, a wrist watch, Vernonia: Bergerson, A. Adams,! and Gun club was recently or- is a senior, three are sophomores also purchased by the Legion at Bennett, Hodges, Bush, Parker and;ganized. Joe Peachies was elected ¡and three are freshmen. Total en- Kullander’s. The Legion reported that the Demand For Logs Will Result In Biggest Year In History Of Local G Velums Bennett was high point president, nnrl ,£>,r car»- ' rnllmunt. nt and d G. C! C. llTi»llino Mellinger sec-'.rollment at th the a nnllocro college this torm term Continuance of Work at the show was successful in every way I I is 3433 or nearly 5000 including retary-treasurer. Post Will End With Installation man with 10 points. Bergerson Earliest Possible Time. and expressed their appreciation to 'short course and summer session Practice shoots are held on the siored seven points and Parker one. Of Officers at Banquet. the local merchants and residents • — i I Andy Parker place every Sunday, ¡/students. A snowfall that has covered the | ana anyone caring to participate Herman Dickson, senior in me­ for the splendid support shown in ground to a depth of six inches Vernonia post 119, American Le- Vaccination Urged To Prevent Smallpox Spread may do so whether a member of chanical engineering, is a member patronizing the event. j'on, elected their officers for 1928 in some sections, has caused the I the club or not, it is reported. All of — the .... _______ American ____ Society _____ of _______ Mechan- . rt the meeting held in the Legion temporary shutdown of several log­ Because of the prevalence of 1 who are interested in helping to'ical Engineers and social manager Seaside Folk Pleased hall Tuesday night. Dr. W’. H. Hur­ smallpox in Vernonia, the school camps in the Nehalem, among With Visit in Vernonia ging ley, local dentist, and one who has board of district 47 has passed a ¡provide a better supply of fish of the Alphee club. Dickson was re­ them being Koster, East Side and been active in the affairs of Ver- resolution asking that all parents and game in ’the Nehalem are cor- cently appointed a member of a R. M. Aldrich, president of the Wilson & Clark. uially invited to join the organi­ committee to plan a membership Vernonia Chamber or Commerce, nonia post during the past few It is reported that a shortage un- zation. nave their children vaccinated | drive for the independent clubs. years, was elected commander to has received the following from | of logs in the Willamette, however, the less it has been done within succeed H. E. McGraw. It is the aim of the members to I Lawrence Dickson, sophomore in Tiros. A. McKay, president of the will soon create such a demand that ! past seven years, or the child for­ do their best to have a fish hatch­ pharmacy, is a member of the Al­ Seaside Chamber of Commerce, re­ l the local camps will resume log- The other officers are: E. M. merly had the disease. ery located either on Rock creek phee social club and Is Beaver lative to the recent visit of a large Murpny, first vice commander; F. This power is given to ali school or the Nehalem river at some fu­ Knight representative for the club. representation from the coast city ging operations as soon as the Weldon, second vice commander; snow disappears, It is not expected Dudley Nickson, third vice com- boards in Oregon by the state law, j ture time, and to have more game The Beaver Knight organization is at the time of the road meeting that the recent downfall will last which is reprinted in the notice : an underclassmen ’ s honorary whose held here December 6: birds imported into this district. mander; M. E. Moe, adjutant; J. very long, as it has not been known E. Tapp, finance officer; Harry published this week by the school “Representing the Seaside Cham- to do so in the past. there was formerly an organi­ |members instruct freshmen in col- board on another page. Wilson, chaplain; W. W. Jackson, zation here known as the Verno­ lege rules and traditions. Dickson ber of Commerce, the group of Many men have been thrown out has been made a member of the Seaside citizens who had the pleas- sergeant-at-arms; A. L. , Kullander, Child Dies of Pneumonia. nia Rifle club, whish ceased to of work because of the weather, committee to arrange for the soph ­ Lee Schwab and Fred i Brewer, ex- The two-year-old daughter of exist through inactivity. A number ure to attend your meeting in Ver­ and it is said that the amount of ecutive committeemen; E. H. Wash- Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Duncan was of the members were of the opin- omore cotillion, the major social nonia last Monday, and the city unemployed in Portland, at the burn, historian. suddenly taken ill with pneumonia ion that the name was misleading, function of the sophomore class, of Seaside in general, I wish to ex­ present time is increasing rapidly, The installation and annual ban- Friday afternoon, and died at mid­ as its purpose was the same as and is a member of the Pharme- press to you and the people of Ver­ but with that warmer weather that ceutical association. nonia who so hospitably and splen­ is expected any day, it is not quet of the post will be held in night while being taken to a Port­ the present organization. Charles Hoffman, sophomore in land hospital. She had been play ­ the Legion hall on the last regular Difficulty has been experienced commerce, is a member of the O. didly entertained us on that oc­ thought that the camps in the Ne­ casion, our most sincere gratitude halem will be closed many more meeting night of the year, Tues- ing at 1 p.m. that day and was here in the past when attempts day, December 27. At that time it apparently in good health at the were made to have more fish plant­ A. C. military band, which has won and appreciation. days. None of the concerns has the reputation of being the best col­ “It was ' the unanimous opinion announced a long shutdown for any is expected that Commander-elect time. ed in the river, because there was lege band on the Pacific coast. He Hurley will announce his appoint­ i that your meeting was a decided time this winter, it is said. not an organization strong enough ments of other officers and stand­ . sion, one of the most becoming and here to gain much consideration ini is also a member of the college success and we feel that great Vernonia folk have been anxious far reaching ideas that was ever' orchestra, and of the chamber of ing committees. ( I orougnt up for disedssion as a its requests. It is believed that commerce. Hoffman is going out good will come of it along the lines recently about the danger of freez­ outlined in the purpose of this ing weather that will endanger the Lee Schwab and Clarence Nance i law oy Women. It was uiscussed1 when the present club has been were given qyations at the meeting ■ first in 1914 and if it has not been built to a good sized membership for rowing, a new athletic activity j assembly, and that it will go far water pipes, which caused consid­ on the campus. He is a pledge of toward cementing the friendly feel­ in every corner of the for their work on the Legion news­ perfected eartn it should be. No law can ever i that such requests will meet with Sigma Phi Sigma, social fraternity, j ings and relations that have here­ erable trouble last winter when an paper respectively. A good profit ■ make a man a man if his mother more success. Leroy Malmsten, sophomore in tofore existed 'between Seaside and I extended freeze of more than a was reported on each of these en­ lias failed to make him one. ' commerce, is on the varsity rifle' the people of your progressive city.1 week caused many pipes to burst no 1 have seen it referred to just ■ lerhs Tested During terprises, which was all applied on team and is a member of the cham-l “We trust the day is not far that were near the surface of the recently oy a judge^ uüge of ot one of ot the tue I the payment of the new Legion juvenile courts of Chicago. It was s he Mon th o f November her of commerce. He is a member' < tant when we shall have a 'super­ ground or exposed, It is not ex­ hall. But a small portion of the apoken of as Oi ing pected that there will be a re- _ both oetter and highway’ connecting directly your currence of this again this winter, There were 32 herds tested dur-' of the Hesperian social clu». original indebtedness remains to > cheaper than to maintain so many Marshall Malmsten, freshmen in city with the Oregon beacnes, t | orphanages. Belter in this way, i.i.j . ,e ino.irh of November, in the be paid off. according to pioneers, who say that « j that a better class of citizen is Columbia Cow Testing association. I chemical engineering, is a member j which time we may more conven­ hard freezes in the Nehalem have I produced. Statistics show that a the American society of Me- iently and freely exchange mutual been few and far between. St. Helens Legion and . mrge percentage of the delinquents. A total of 694 cows were enrolled I Auxiliary Elect Officers and gangsters come from the or-1 of which number 128 were dry. i chanical Engineers and of the Hes-| visits and cement friendships now existing and to be formed in the Margaret McDonald Gets was 343,295 perian social club, ’ phanages and from homes where ’ Their total production ] Others enrolled in the college future. The annual election of officers the mether must work awdy from; pounds of milk and 21.18 pounds Badge of Achievement was held Monday night by the home for food and rent and cloth- of fat. A total of 44 cows produced from V ernonia i are Lewis Lara- “Hoping we may some day be for her children. And cheaper i | more and Russell Mills, freshmen in Columbia post, No. 42. American ! ing in a position to return the kindness For her record in boys and girls more than 4U pounds of fat. that it takes less money to main- Legion, r.nd by the Legion Auxil­ tain them in this way, and turn' 7..-S high herd of more than 20 en8’neer*n8- Mr. Mills is a pledge extended, and with best wishes to j club work this year, Margaret Me iary. New Legion officers are: out a good citizen, than it does to cows of Jacob Rietaia’s herd of of Sigma Phi Sigma social frater­ you and the people of your city i Donald, 12, daughter of Mr. and maintain them in the orphanages,’ . , , , . . . „ . nity. P. M. Bewley, commander; Glenn ana Very truly yours, Mrs. Dave McDonald of Vernonia, then -prosecute them as undes- grade Jerseys located at Quincy., B. Thomas, 1st vice-commander; ¡. .ole citizens after we have mhde Their average production was 698 THOS. A- McKAY. has received an achievement pin George Blair, 2nd vice-commander; them what they are and turned pounds f milk and 22.88 pounds of , Community Christmas Tree the following letter from C. A. and No Trout Fishing in Here J. Kocarnik, 3rd vice-commander; them loose. Plans Still Undecided Because of a misunderstanding Howard of Salem, superintendent i fat. Now while the mother’s pension Verne Nichols, adjutant; H. L. i of public instruction. in a white uniform and veil, | The high herd of 12 to 20 cows' The annual observance of the that has arisen over the kind of Hutchinson, chaplain; George Chris- tiful than you would in muddy boots was L. A. Johnson’s herd at Scap- I community Christmas tree, with the fish that may be angled for in the | “As I look at the great array tee sergent-at-arms; J. G. Thompson, and knickers, and a drawn saber, i of achievement pins here in my of­ of Nehalem river and Rock creek, fice all ready to be mailed out, treasurer; George Campbell, his- But I have read from somebody’s poose. This herd of 19 registered giving out by Santa Claus pen that blood a thousand miles and gradt Holsteins averaged 718 candy to the children of the Ne­ Game Warden Brown states that and realize that each of them is ‘ torisn. away is not red. All this may not pounds of milk and 26.96 pounds halem is only tentatively planned the law only permits fishing above going to a boy or girl who has New Auxiliary officers follow: mean much to us here in our own out yet, according to members of tidewater for steelheads 15 inches carried a club project through to Mrs. Anna Soderberg, president; little homes on the mossy banks of fat. Mrs. Orlena Gardner, 1st vice-presi­ of the mirrored waters that reflect! The high herd under 12 cows was the Study club, sponsoring the and over. It is not permissible to fish for completion, I am very proud of dent; Mrs. Lorene Hyde, 2nd vice- the peace and quiet of the ever­ Herman Liebenow’s herd of 11 event this year. trout, Mr. Brown states, and any­ the lads and lassies of our Ore­ green foothills, i and snow capped grade Jerseys near Cornelius. Their Because of the desire of some president; Mrs. Iva Russell, secre­ mountains of Washington and Ore- one caught with trout in his poss­ gon. It is no wonder that our state tary; Mrs. Elsie Heacock, treasurer; . gon but to the girls and women of average production was 636 pounds to have an outside tree in the ession or steelheads under 15 inches stands at the top of the list in club of milk and 33.18 pounds of fat. business section, and of others to Sarah Brady, chaplain; Frances l the great cities it. means much. achievement. Thirty years ago, 10 hours wasj The highest producing eow in i have an inside tree because of the will be prosecuted. Decker, historian; May Graves, ser­ “I wish you could take a look at ’ revular dav irirl. 1 a regular' day ’ s work for a girl, ' the association during November likelihood of inclement weather, it geant-at-arms. A. M. Jones, Min­ all these pins—enough to fill a milk St. Helens Starts Basketball woman or child, and from 12 to ’ nie Aamond and Dorilda Deming 16 on most any Saturday or holi- was No. 3, a six year old grade | is not known yet what will be done. Thirty-two athletes are trying pail. They would never count for Jersey, owned by Herman Liebenow., The club will make its decision on for the high school basketball team, anything if they stayed here in __ And the wage -««ey, own. ---------- were chosen members of the ex- day was ordinary, | was the least amount she would (Her record 1 was v ' _ pounds of, the matter today, according to Mrs. which is coached by J. R. Austin. my office, but each one, when it 1323 ecutive committee.—Mist. | agree to work for. That doesn’t milk and 71.4 pounds fat. . --- of — ---- | Judd Greenman, president. The schedule of games will be an­ is pinned to the bosom of the boy sound bad, but take a girl with I ............... . . Legionnaires Join Wauna Post or girl to whom it beings, will be- The next highest producing cow , The use of the large gymnasium nounced soon. e just a few cents in htr pocket and ’ - - - About twenty or more of the room rent due, and she can’t put was Deer Horns, an eight year old in the Evangelical church has been ome a Badge of Achievement. Here A wealth of material is back local boys eligible for the Ameri- '■ up^a^ • a KivdL regiscerea great ugni. fight ^for. maiali. salary. _ registered jersey, Jersey, own« owned by Henry i offered by Rev. G. " W. Plumer, 1 from last year’s team and a good is one that will go to Ralph Miller, can Legion have joined the Wauna r 1 J i 16"0, - 8. . tired j *irlask _i _ jj er record pastor, and it is “ 8 _______ Behrman ___ of Cornelius. ____________ ______ urged by many [ away out in Wallowa County. And Post and more are expected to join. crowded cloak room of a _ great was 1314 pounds of milk and 65.7 that this be done to insure com­ season is indicated. Six lettermen, here is one for Violet Murray down Harry Ketel, Carl Hanniff, Loren to hold department store near midnight on The Wauna post expects | fort to the kiddies, for whose bene­ Woodeage, Joe Dolan, Bill Bennett .n Josephine. This one will not Christmas eve, as she pulled her pounds of fat. one meeting every month in Clat-j idea of 1914 origin may seem a Several cows were weeded out as fit this community observance Is and Dan Moore, are the nucleus ■iave to go very far for it belongs skanie. The next meeting- of the bit antiquated as lawmaking goes made. ' around which the team is being to Alfred Lewis, right here in Mar­ post will be Monday at the Wauna nowadays, it would still very nicely unprofitable during the month. | .1 1 ------------- ion county. And this one, which formed. _ __ One member bought a pure bred close up a few gaps, left open in hall.—Clatskanie Chief. Bufftnire is Acquit«!. A new system, which links speed seems to be perfectly strong and some of Judge Ben Lindsay’s very Holstein bull to replace a grade! A verdirt of not guilty was re­ Shorthorn bull that was sold for turned by the jury in Hillsboro on with accurate shooting Is being with a sharp pin and a good clasp. are never old fashioned subjects. | beef. I am sending to you. worked out for this year.—Mist. Girls and women know today , the case of H. J. Buffmire, charg­ “Whenever you wear this pin, and thanks to the pioneer workers Donates to Fire Department. ed with possession of liquor in I hope you will think of yourself (By Lillian Hanson) in woman, girl and child welfare. St. Helens Will Have New Washington county several weeks C. S. Hoffman, of the Hoffman as a member of a great Achieve­ That women have done much fori The women of the United States in the last 30 years have done their sex is very true, but I some-’ Spacious Theatre Building ago. Much local interest was arous- Hardware, recently presented the ment club with a thousand new much in the interest of their sex, times fear in their natural unrest; ___ distributed throughout Lew A. Cates a„«.ueu awarded « a con-| con- cd in the ca3e ^cause of the gen­ Vernonia Volunteer Fire Depait- members through the influence of women’s and wish for progress, that they tract last week to J. H. Cronkite Ieral belief that the char«e waa ment with a check for $20, “in Oregon. As the years go by, I want become over zealous, that if they ----- ---- ----- — -• — ------------- . . clubs, and various beautiful organ­ admiration,” he said, “for the to think of each member of this izations of women, have made won­ really have the welfare of their of St. Helens for the erection of|not true, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Washburn, splendid work they did at the Achievement club as growing a lit­ derful progress in the political, sex at heart, the 19th amendment a modern commodious theatre build- ' I world ; it.,1» professional and ’ business 7 ■>•'•»•«■ °" ct”rb“ I o. T. Bateman, J. E. Covington, time of the Majestic theatre fire.” tle older from year to year, a lit­ ef- and through their concentrated c____ i. The firemen expressed sincere tle larger, a little wiser, and still E. M. Murphy and Mrs. H. J. eral is sometimes glad to hold his stree ‘ south of the city hall, fort, laws have been established Buffmire, all of Vernonia, were appreciation for this material help achieving; achieving for himself a protecting women as women and position, but there is a new thought Its dimensions will be 53 by 100 girls at every turn of the road. Un-¡«broad of a new law which reads, fee^ , with a seating capacity of called as witnesses at the trial. to their meager fire fighting fund. high type of character and a power der the protection of these laws "Equal rights with man.” Just The jury deliberated 17 hours be- No Basketball Game Friday. to accomplish; achieving for his persons, 500 of which is in fore returning the verdict of not they have established their perfect where the idea orisrinated I do not Owinr to the smallpox epidemic community life; achieving for our know; just what advantage it the main auditorium, the remaining ability and have proven themselves guilty. there will be basketball game with Oregon a citizenship of the cleanest intellectually capable, in any field would be to women I cannot see. number being cared for in the bal- uanxs Friday. It was scheduled to and most helpful kind. of work they may choose to enter. But I do know that if this ever cony reached by a winding stair- Eastern Star Elect«, Because of your promise for the be played here in the local gym- In different localities, cities I and becomes a law that it would com- way at either end of the foyer, The following officers for the states, laws have been enacted gov- pletely nullify every special law nasium. future, as well as for your accom- which will extend the length of ensuing year were elected at the erning conditions under which they that has ever geen enacted for plishments of the past year, I am women; that it woold raze a struc- the building. must work, morally, phvsically ■ and regular meeting of Nehalem chapter Hike From Pittsburg. happy to send you this achievement financially, and the least ’ wage _ tore that it has taken the pioneer; The theatre will be of fireproof of the Eastern Star: Helen Hieber and Della Cline, . .. . . . . that any man. woman or firm may workers in women’s interests 30 Catherine McNeill, worthy ma­ local high school girls, hiked from pin.” pay them or offer to pay them is years to build. And silence again '«"«Auction of reinforced concrete, Sincerely yours, set by law. Eight hours is s full weald would echo to the question of the ’rith pressed brick on the front ex- tron; F. D. MacPhereon, worthy Pittaburg to Vernonia in the fast C. A. HOWARD day’s work for a person or firm __L tired, weary girl on Christmas eve. terior. Many up-to-date features are patron; Ramona Lindley, associate time of 58 minutes. Hikes are fre­ Superintendent Public Instruction. offering them less or working them I This law is being put into ef- included jn the p|an, for the new matron; Leona McGraw, secretary; quently taken by local high school the ^5«. -»■« ---- „ wm «... ... . ,____ "ii; trA -ewi feet in Canada. They call it. x Fem Kullander, treasurer; Gladys girls to earn points which count Klamath Falls—Great Northern not believe that our English sis- *nK *nd smoking room for men. MacPherson, conductress ; Gama toward the awarding of an athletic , will have terminal ready for traf- bor. Please turn to page 2 and a crying room for children. Then there is the mother’s pen- Childs, associate conductress. letter. Many Men Are Forced Out Ot Work Temporarily — I j W omen and Progress