Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, November 24, 1927, Image 1

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Entered at Vernonia, Uregon,
Postoffice as Second-Class Matter.
Chamber Plans
Road Meeting
Japanese Millet Gives
Dairymen Good Yields
VOLUME 6, NO. 16.
Rowing Club Organized
At O.A.C., Shelter Built
Legion Plans
Active Month
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor­
Japanese barnyard millet, a for­
vallis, Noyember 15.—Charles Hoff­
age crop that gives great yields
man of Vernonia was a member
of green fo'bd between August 10
of the working party which vol­
I and September 30, is finding favor
unteered its services to construct
in the coast counties of Oregon, Six Cottages Are Now So Crowded Reloiution
Function a permanent house for the shells
say county agricultural agents who
That »Muy Applicants Have Re­
Should Be An Annual Affair in and rowing equipment belonging to
are cooperating with local dairy­
cently Been Turned Away.
Vernonia; 130 Preaent.
the college.
men in demonstrating the adapt­
A platform, 80 feet long and 13
(By Mrs. Madge J. Mears)
ability of this erop in the various
The father and son banquet held
The past summer has been a at the Evangelical church Wednes­ feet wide, was dug and levelled for
coast communities.
This millet was first grown on busy, eventful one at the Children’s day evening of last week was at­ supports to hold the shell while
the John Jarob Astor experiment Farm Home of the W. C. T. U., tended by and boys, more not in use. A locker for holding
station at Astoria in 1917. It is with a number of changes in the than was anticipated for the first sweep oars and other equipment
the only high yielding crop found family register, At the close of affair of its kind ever held in Ver- was built ,and a road was graded
usable during August and Septem­ school in June, ten students, five nonia. Because of the success of and rubbish removed to facilitate
Meeting Planned To Promote In­ ber. The millet is better tnan corn boys and five girls, graduated from the meeting, Toastmaster H. £. a clear runway for shells from the Second Edition of “The Flying
for the cool sections of the coast, the eighth grade. Four of the num­ MeGraw asked for a vote on house to the Willamette river.
Ape” Will Appear December 3
terest in Proposed New Route
The rowing club has now 68
and since it does not ripen it ber returned to their own people, whether the function should be
With History of Post.
To Clatsop Beaches
gives a long feeding period. Har­
made an annual afair. He received
before training will be started. In­
Besides the weekly dances given
Invitations have' been extended vey Hale agent in Coos county, says them a home, care and a chance a loud chorus of ayes in response. terclass rowing) competition will
The principal speaker of the
by Vernonia post, American Legion,
by the Vernonia Chamber of Com­ that all the dairymen down there to continue their education. It is
evening was Mr. Oberteuffer of
plans are being completed for the
merce to more than ■ 40 Portland,
a great satisfaction to all concern­
picked and the crews are in shape. sponsoring of an indoor circus, a
state, highway, and Chamber of feed report that it is an excellent ed that the children who go from Portland, Boy Scout executive,
whose address was reported to
vaudeville, publishing the second
Commerce officials to attend a ' producer of milk.
the Home are happily placed and
interesting to both Oregon’s Automobile
edition of "The Flying Ape,” and
meeting to be held in Vernonia I This season Mr. Hale measured making good. We are grateful to have proved
boys and men. Rev. G. W. Plumer
License Tax Compares
an active membership drive.
December 5 in the interest of the the yield of Japanese barnyard
The carnival will be presented
proposed new highway from Port­ ’ millet on two of the dairy farms the friends who are giving them I anj jjev Teddy Leavitt also made
home, friendly interest and fur-1 sj10rt talks on the subject.
here December 8, 9, and 10 in the
land to the Clatsop beaches, via in his county. On the Robert j a ther
opportunities. As we learn to
Vernonia, according to Lester Shee- I Greens place on Catching Inlet, 31 I know these children personally, and I A demonstration of tumbling by
Oregon’s tax on motorists cam- new hall, and will be larger than
■ ions to the acre, green weight,
Vernonia Boy Scouts proved en­ pares very favorably with the taxes the one staged two years ago, ac­
ley, secretary.
A letter received from O. W. | were produced, while on the Kay j difficult to forget that they are tertaining, showing the boys had of other states according to Frank cording to the comimttee in charge.
Taylor of Portland, who is pro­ and Smith place in the Riverton ' here because they have not had had considerable practice under the Reusswig, engineer of the Oregon There will be a popular girl con-
moting the plan, states that he community, 32.8 tons per acre was |a fair chance in life and it is for tutelage of Assistant Scout-master State Motor association, who com­ test, which arouses interest. Girls
Clarence Wardle. A male quartet piled statistics on automobile and wishing to enter are asked to re-
expects many will attend the meet­ j the yield. Those figures include us to see that they get it.
i only first cuttings.
consisting of Messrs. Cole, Pankratz gasoline taxes in the 48 states of port to C. J. Nance by Saturday,
ing, and that he believes it
The summer’s program has been
November 26. A diamond ring and
Thompson and Moe sang two num­ the Union.
create a favorable sentiment
Check Up On Automobile active and varied. In addition to bers.
Mr. Reusswig reports that the a wrist watch will be given away
the new road.
the daily household tasks and
as prizes. These will be on display
Although at least two years ar»
For ¡Rigors of Winter chores, the children have helped! . The . banquet
r . was
. served by the gasoline tax originated in Oregon
and that all states save New York at Kullander’s jewelry store in the
likely to elapse before the road
pick berries, gather vegetables and menean egion uxi íary.
Sick people do not work properly.
can posibly be built, it is pointed
prepare them for canning and have Evangelical Church Holds and Massachusetts have this tax, near future.
Neither can ‘sick’ automobiles.
Many attractions for the carni-
which ranges from 2 to 5 cents per
out that such meetings create fav­
enjoyed the work. The newly in­
The only difference being, a per­
val are being planned, including the
orable sentiment and perhaps have
Harvest Home Festival gallon.
stalled cannery is proving a great
This year two states, Illinois and old-time gambling devices, conces­
some influence in deciding whether son can sense an ill-feeling and help, making it possible for us to
The Evangelical church com-1 | New Jersey, heretofore without a sions and dancing. The committee
t° a doctor, while the automo- can our fruit and vegetables for
the project will never be started.
memorated Thanksgiving with a | gas tax, authorized it, while eight in charge are C.- J. Nance, R. La
carr*es on until cold weather winter.
It is tentatively planned to hold
the luncheon in the American Le-!comes and forces a visible protest,
The herd of cows are furnishing special harvest home service Sun­ states made the following increases: Rocque and Lee Schwab.
Before the carnival starts the
gicn hall, at noon, but this 11« then a repair job is needed. This us with an abundance of milk for. day morning. It Was the first ser­ Arkansas from 4 to 5 cents; Cali-
is the observation of R. A. Arm-
vice of this kind to be held by fornia, from 2 to 3 cents; Iowa, committee wil issue the second ed-
net been decided definitely yet.
Strong, director of service of the our big family and the gardens a this church and was received en- from 2 to 3 cents; Maine, from ition of the “Flying Ape,” a news­
Oakland Motor Car company, who supply of fresh vegetables which thusiastically by the members and 3 to 4 cents; Ohio, from 2 to 3 paper giving a history of the post
Lime Use On Increase
means so much for the health of
urges owners to have their cars
friends of the congregation.
¡cents; Pennsylvania, from 2 to 3 since the last issue came out in
County Agents Report given
a pre-winter inspection and the children. Many improvements
The front of the church was 'cents; South Dakota, from 3 to 4 I 1 1925, carrying local advertising and
have been made on the farm and
Western Oregon farmers have adjustments necessary to insure a poultry house is being built for very fittingly decorated with grains 'cents, and West Virginia, from 3% other news of interest.
ordered lime rock in large quan-1 maximum cold weathe/performance. 1 400 Barred Rock hens. While all fruits, vegetables, nuts, and flowers ! to 4 cents.
The 3 cent tax in vogue in Oregon 42 New Farm Families
titles this fall, according to reports; “T h i s pre-winter automobile these projects must be completed raised in this valley. A horn of
made by county agricultural agents. check-up is similar in its purpose i .nd others taken care of, we do! Plcnty fil’ed with fruits served as ' is the most common, 18 states hav­
Come To Oregon To Live
In Clackamas county for instance, to the growing practice of visit­ not lose sight of the fact that our 3 symbol of the prosperity we en- ing it. One state has a 3 % cent
Portland, Special—Forty-two new
orders for six cars have been plac­ ing a physician evqry autumn just mo-t important work and the ob- 'joy- The beauty and effectiveness I tax, 13 states have 4 cents, and
tQ ^Jle four states, New Mexico, Arkansas, farm families with new capital of
ed since August 1, while in Clat­ ‘for inspection,’ said Mr. Arm- ject of all our plans is to educate' °f » the
display were due
sop county four cars were ordered strong.” The physician checKs over these boys and girls, and give them I faithful work of the committee in Kentucky anti South Carolina, have | 5127,000 were reported as a result
of the land settlement work of the
5 cents.
in September and October. Colum­ | the visitor’s physical ‘ the training that will make them charge.
The average gasoline tax through­ Portland and State Chambers of
bia county farmers have obtained I ters his diet, possibly gives him good Christian citizens and an asset
The pastor, Rev. G. W. Plumer,
three carloads of this material a hypodermic of anti-cold serum,! to our state.
delivered a very able address in out the Union is slightly over 3 Commerce for October.
From California came seven fam­
since early spring, while in the [ directs him to change to heavier i There is great need for a stor­ which he reviewed thè history of cents, Reusswig reports, with the
average annual revenue for the ilies, Idaho two, Iowa three, Kan­
last two months two carloads have I clothing and in general 'services’ age house in which to store our Thanksgiving . from early Bible
been ordered for Polk county users, ' him for the winter. It is a wise vegetables and fruit for winter and times. He brought out the fact nation per car at about 510.75. sas six, Minnesota three, Nebraska
measure tnat un­
five, South Dakota two, Texas two,
In Lane county eight cars' have I precautionary
we hope in the near future to have that Thanksgiving day is the only The average gas tax revenue per
been distributed to 87 farmers in doubtedly pervents much winter ill- this very necessary building. While religious festival observed by r the ; year per car in Oregon is given as Washington two, New York two,
Indiana two, Wisconsin two and one
recent weeks.
there are six cottages filled with authority of the United States gov-' $14.27. The average combined gas­
“The few essential attentions children, they do not supply the ernment. He stressed the impor­ oline and license fee per cat for each from North Dakota, Colorado,
Engineering Book Issued
Canada and China.
which are necessary before any needed room. Nearly every day tance of its decorous observance. the country is given as $23.89.
O. A.C., Nov. 21—The general I automobile can maintain its best
Reusswig found that the average i Eighteen ether families arrived
very needy children must be turn­
field of engineering and the ele­ l service under lower temperature
license fee ranges from $5.30 in but not yet located.
ments that determine success in [ conditions, require very little more ed away because every available to the service by the rendering of California to $25.76 in Oregon,
Last week’s arrivals were R.
the profession are set forth in a i time than the physician consumes space is filled. Our hope is to com­ musical numbers in keeping with with the following states approxi­ Zurowski, wife and seven children,
■new bulletin just from the college in preparing the human machine plete the fund for the girls cottage, | such a service.
mating Oregon: Connecticut, $23.63 Pilot Butte, Saskatchewan; M. A.
to be named in honor of Mrs. Ada
After the services, about a hun-
Nichols and family, Melbeta, Neb­
pross entitled, “Shall I Choose En- for the rigors of winter. But that
that we can dred people gathered in the social North Caroline, $24.41. Vermont, raska; M. D. Fuller, Plainview, Min­
gineering, and is prepared with a hour or two will pay large divi-!
build it early next spring, This
view of giving high school students |dends later in uninterrupted driv- i would help greatly as it would hall for an old fashioned basket
However, with the combined lic­ nesota and C. E. Wallis and wife,
dinner such as was so popular in ense plate and gasoline tax fee, Conway, Ohio, all looking for Ore­
an intelligent idea of the require^.' jng satisfaction. Many of the Oak-
house twenty girls.
the early days of this velley. Rur-
ments of 'the profession and the j land-Pontiac service stations have
annuaj bazaar which^ was ing the dinner, a number of peo­ Florida with $45.32 and North gon farm homes.
The annual
possible future in it. This bulletin grouped these cold weather j—
Carolina at $44.63, lead Oregon
Few Losses From Loans
is one of a series dealing with the cautions under a flat rate which I held at the state fair, was a suc­ ple gave interesting accounts of whose combined fee is given as
O. A. C„ Nov. 21—When money
how and why they came to the $40.03, while Arkansas, Connecticut
work of the separate schools. Sev­ compares favorably with the fee
eral dealing with the schools of which a competent physician charges We wish to express our thanks to Nehalem valley, and why they stay­ Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, South ia loaned to a student here through
all organizations so generously con- ed. Throughout the entire service,
the student Plan fund committee
agriculture, forestry, commerce and for physical examination.
Carolina, Vermont, Virginia and there is less than 1 chance in 4000
others have recently been issued
°*{West Virginia are all above a com­ that the money will not be return­
“Highly important among these
and one concerning home econo­ details is a change to lighter lub­ make it a success, and to all who cheer and good will prevading the bined average of $30.
ed with the nominal 4 per eent in­
assembly, and the day is one to
mics is being prepared.
“With the exception of Vermont terest charged. A report Just issued
ricants in crank case, transmission1
F.-T. A. Buys Supplies.
in tips group, all these states pay by the committee shows mat al­
and rear end. A lighter grade is
Oregon Telephone Co.
The regular meeting of the Par- ple of Vernonia.—Contributed.
in addition a personal property tax, though total loans aggregating
necessary to give the moving parts
which brings the average annual $211,588.77 have been mode since
Makes Big Investments the same protection that they have ent-Teacher asseciation was held in
11 Methods of Car Taxation
motor vehicle tax of at least 10
received during warm weather with the high school last Friday. Blan-
The recent agitation regarding a states considerably higher than that the fund was establihsed in 1911,
An investment of approximately heavier lubricants.
kets and pillows were purchased for
losses have amounted to less than
$150.000 in additions and better­
“Gasoline tank, gasoline lines ' the emergency cots at the Lincoln number of inquiries as to the vari- of Oregon”, Reusswig continued. a fortieth of 1 per cent. For every
ments in telephone equipment in
dollar lost nearly $12 have been
Forest Grove and McMinnvillle, to­ and carburetor should be cleaned. j The association voted to give the ous bases for taxation in different noted- for their roads.
. accumulated in interest. The loans
gether with heavy investments The carburetor should be adjusted high school and both grade school/ states.
“Six states, Colorado;, Idaho, Min­
The Oregon State Motor associa­ nesota, North Dakota, Oklahoma are unsecured except by character
throughout the other sections of to give a slightly richer mixture, subscriptions to magazines needed
tion states that there are 11 dif­ and Wisconsin, have a graduated of those applying.
the territory since January 1, is
in the schools.
revealed in statements filed with the car on a cold weather diet.; The second grade sang a doll ferent bases on which the 48 states downward scale, according to the
Dramatic Season Opens
the public service commission at Spark plugs should be cleaned or song. Miss Lenora Kizer gave a assess registration fees on private age of the car. Summarized, their
O. A. C. Corvallis, November 21.
Salem by the Oregon Telephone
regulations are: Colorado, 30 per Student dramatic season on the
j report of her trip as delegate from passenger automobiles.
compan. which recently purchased more than 10,000 miles, they should Vernonia to the state P.-T. A;
Seventeen states base the rates cent reduction after the fifth year campus has opened with the pre-
the , Iocs’- telephone system as well
on horse power; fourteen states on and 50 per cent after the eighth ■ sensation of three famous one-act
, shouid be cleaned and adjusted, convention at La Grande.
^othrr systems in Oregon.
weight; seven states on horse power year. Idaho: One dollar less for plays by the class in community
I Radiator hose connection should be
’ Consolidation of nine telephone tightened. If compression has been
plus weight; one state on a flat third year and one dolalr for fourth drama. Twenty-two students took
companies, the details of which reduced by long service, it should the Christian Endeavor society
rate per car; one state on the year and after, or a maxium reduc­ part in acts, having practiced un-
have Just been finally worked out, be brought back to normal. Hard the Evangelical church will enter­ cost of the motor vehicle; one state tion of $2 per car. Minnesota: Ten der the guidance of Elizabeth
has made necessary the filing of starting in winter often may be tain with a “Turkey in the Straw’’ t I on cubic inch displacement; one per cent reduction each year to Barnes and D. Palmer Young,
party. They have invited the mem­ state on value plus weight; three seven years. North Dakota: Ten members of the public speaking de­
a uniform set of rules and regula­ traced to low compression.
of the Endeavor society of states on a flat rate plus weight; per cent reduction after first year, partment staff and three student
tions covering these properties, to
“While many motorists now un­ thq Christian church, and Mr. and {one state on value; one state on or second registration. 25 per cent iirectors. The plays presented are
conform to the requirements of the
'j ' I selling price plus weight and horse on third registration; maximum re­ “The Man in the Bowler Hat,” by
commission and to furnish the pub­ derstand cars so thoroughly that Mrs. Leavitt, to be their guests.
, | power, and one state on the manu- duction, 40 per cent. Oklahoma: A. A. Milne; “Dolls,” by Louise
lic with full information as to the they are able to do practically all They also wish „ to extend a cordial
to all the young peop e facturei,s ljgt ice
Twenty per cent reduction on sec- Armstrong; and “The Drums of
methods to be followed by the op­ of these operations in their home invitation
the community to come to this!
gprages, we advise our owners to of it.,.
'ond registration, 20 per cent on Jude,” by Austin Strong.
erating company.
place the car in an Oakland-Pon­ party, and to urge all members |
Revisions of existing rate sched­ tiac garage where trained service of both societies to remember the I Louise Lester, daughter of Mrs. third, 20 per cent on fourth. 60
The Evangelical league of Christ­
per cent maximumfl Wisconsin:
ules have been made only in For­ specialists are available.
date. The girls are all to come' A. Lester of Seattle. Wash., and After five years, 25 per cent re­ ian Endeavor, enjoyed an especial­
est Grove, where a complete change
ly interesting prayer meeting last
“The flat rate plan is spreading dressed in gingham dresses, and formerly a resident of Vernonia
in the type of service furnished steadily through the Oakland ser­ the boys are to wear overalls. A was united in marriage to M. M. j duction only.”
un lay night under the leadership
will become effective next month, vice organization. It is meeting with prize will be given for the funniest Martin of Vernonia in Seattle
Clothing Lost in Fire
>f Mr. Knause. The discussion was
and in McMinnville where a slight universal approval from motorists. costume. The party will be held in November 19. After a short honey-
Small children playing with fire ■bout blessings we often forget.
change has been made in the type They like the idea of buying their the social hall of the church, a moon they will be at home at the 1 started a conflagration in the C Next Sunday evening the meeting
of sendee available.
P. Coppie home Thursday which vill be led by Addison Smith. The
service ‘over the counter’ at a week from Friday night, and en- Cherry Tree apartments.
Mrs. E. H. Washbum, sister of caused a lost of about $400 worth J ong service will begin promptly
Reedsport—Loon lake road con- known price just as they would tertainment will begin promptly at
the bride, attended the ceremony. ' of clothing, recently purchased.
at 7 .00 p. m.
any other commodity.”
struct ion well under way.
State Invited
December 5 is Date Set