Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, November 10, 1927, Page 6, Image 6

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    Thursday, November 10, 1927.
Dr. Ella Wight returned yester­
day from a stay of one week in I
Nicer than a hand bag—Over-
Night cases, at Mac’s Pharmacy.—
5 years Dr. Luzader,
Ivery Fish of Woodburn was in
eyesight specialist, has been
Vernonia Tuesday night calling on
making monthly visits to Vernonia.
His next will be Nov. 7 and 8,
For a short trip—Over-Night cas- office at Kullander’s. Have your
—plain or fitted, at Mac’s Phar­ eyes examined.—adv.
are moving from Hillsboro to their
Mrs. H. E. McGraw and sons home here Tuesday. Mr. Hartwick
spent Saturday in Portland shop­ will be employed at the Gilby Mo­
tor company.
E. W. Holtham sold his prop­
erty on Second avenue to Mose
Christian Friday! J. A. Holtham
and family, who have been living
there, moved to’ the Chas. White
home on Third street.
J. C. Lindley attended a meet­
ing of Columbia county bankers
Mrs. Joe Elias of Portland is i in St. Helens Monday night.
spending a week with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. Corey.
I Mrs. W. G. Walker of Hillsboro
■ is spending a week with her daugh-
Herbert Hollyfield returned last
,, E. McGraw.
Friday from St. Vincent’s hospital ■ er’ rs'
in Portland.
If you are going on a trip see
— the Over-Night cases at Mac’s Phar-
|||, macy.—adv.
The school children find the
Vernonia Bakery a popular place
to get a light noon-day lunch and
that for only ten or fifteen cents.
There they willl find a large var­
ty of wholesome food io select
Mrs. r
* -
Mrs. John seed that has been spoiled by early
Imbeck and daughters, Mildred | rains make excellent fertilizers,
Place, Vera Goodin, Theresa Tack­ says the experiment station.
ett, Ruby Dopkins, Jack Grimm,
Prepare citrus fruits for salad
Pat Fest, Levert Goodin, Jim Em­
mons, Mike Anders, S. A. Wells, I the night before and let drain over
Claude Tackett, Joe Raymer, Andy night—when the ' dressing is added
the salad will not be watery.
Raymer and Robert Williams.
Put a small piece of lemon rind
in the aluminum pan when you
Free Methodist Services.
A Sunday school has been or- ' are cooking eggs in the shell—then
ganized with a good attendance. I the water will not stain the pan.
There will be a meeting tonight at
Mr. Loyd’s home, and one Friday
in the schoolhouse. Everyone is in­
vited Sunday afternoon at 2:30,
when Sunday school will be con-J
ducted. Afterward there will be
Hillsboro—Dr. Smith’s $50,000
new hospital opened for patronage.
The Rainier News, is the name
of the new newspaper that appear-
ed in Rainier last week, It was
introduced as the reason of the
factional fight in that city recently
over the recall of Mayor Veatch
The members of the church of and two councilmen. Mr. Veatch
is the owner of the Review.
1 H. D. Van Bianconi returned Christ are constructing a new con­
crete walk in front of the church
last week from
Mr. and Mrs. F. . M. Ruhl left
property this week. Frank Heath
southern Oregon and northern Cal-
< one week In
and Jim Munger .is the committee Monday for a visit of
Klamath Falls.
in charge.
In Mother’s bread ÿou get
J. H. Bush, Emil Messing, C.
The Knights of Pythias held a
quality plus. Don’t just ask for
“bread”—learn to say “Mother’s” Bruce and H. E. McGraw left social meeting last week
Thursday evening for Klamath attended by many local
Falls on a goose hunt. They re­ of-town members.
Mrs. H. G. Phelps was operated turned Monday with evidence to
Seven members of the
on Saturday at a Portland hospital, show that the hunting was unus-
Fellows lodge attended the annual
Sh" ’s reported to be showing ually good.
clam bake in St. Helens Tuesday of
splendid improvement.
At the Vernonia Bakery you will last week.
D. S. Graven opened the Waf- find delicious holiday fruit cake
Mrs. F. McBarron, who is now
fie House for business Saturday. which is now over a month old
It was formerly owned by H. G. and getting better every day. And living in Portland was in Vernonia
considering the many kinds of in­ Saturday on business and visiting
gredients and the high quality of ■ friends.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Sesseman spent each it is reasonably priced at 60c
a few days of last week in Port- per pound. You couldn’t poss’ \ :! Final Assembly Line
land viisting their son J. Sesse- bake it as cheaply at home.—adv. |
Ready To (Begin Work
and family.
At Large Fordson Plant
S. Wells and Miss Theresa Tack-
Teddy Leavitt was the main ette were accompained on a motor
The final assembly line, for
speaker at the father and son ban­ trip by Miss Ruby Dopkins and years the chief attraction for vis­
quet at Rainier Thursday night. Claude Tackett of Treharne to itors at the Highland Park plant,
I He was accompained on the trip Woodburn, where Miss Tackett re­ has been transferred to the Ford­
I by Frank Heath.
mained for a visit with friends, son plant and is now practically
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hartwick and Portland, where Miss Dopkins ready to begin assembly operations.
The line formerly occupied a
will spend a week with relatives.
space approximately 680 feet long
Teddy Leavitt drove to Newberg ' at the W building, Highland Park.
Monday for a slight operation. He ! In its new home in the B building,
will not return until today, as he Fordson, this space has been cut
has been asked to aave charge °fjjn
Despite the reduced length
the funeral of Henry Morris, the
j^e jjng
assembly capacity
Chamber of Commerce secretary wyj remain the same at at High-
who committed suicide Sunday land Park.
night in the chamber rooms at
Locating the line at the Fordson
plant eliminates the necessity for
The folowing members of the shipping motors and chassis and
American Legion and Auxiliary at- body parts to the Highland Park
tended a social meeting of these plant by rail, plus the extra handl­
organizations in St. Helens Monday ing of these materials which that
night. Mr. H. E. McGraw, Mrs. method involved. Under the pres­
W. S. Eason, Mrs. J. C. Lindley. ent new arrangement all the
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilson, M heavier assemblies and parts will
E. Carkin, Dan Nelson, and Mr. be sent by c°nveyor from tbe Place
of their manufacture to the proper
and Mrs. Mark E. Moe.
point on the new line.
This means that the loading, un­
It is not a bit too early to
order your Fruit Cake and pies loading, switching, and hauling of
for Thanksgiving which is only two! 2500 cars of freight yearly will be
weeks off. We have the same de­ saved.
licious fruit cake as in former, Clover straw and clover cut for
years in either the light or da:’1;
variety and it is now a month old.
Clean, Healthful heat Equipped
And we will make for you either I
built in pump and match lighter. Very
pumpkin or mince pies that will
be a credit to any Thanksgiving
eadnomfcal of fuel, one gallon will burn for 10
table. Or if you want a special
holiday cake we will make that
to 12 hours depending on amount of heat requir-
too. Above all order early and
don't be one of the disappointed
This is the hottest heater on the market. Buy
ones. Vernonia Bakery.—adv.
Grated raw carrots and chopped
peanuts make an appetizing salad.
The raw vegetable supplies the vit-
amine C so necessary in the diet.
After cutting up marshmallows
for desserts or salads roll them in
powdered sugar. This wil prevent
them from sticking together when
the other food is prepared.
Christmas Shopping
at the
and Cooked Food Sale in the Building next to the
Sat., November 12
All the latest
Hear Them
Leaders of
Style and
Bath Robes
Lounging Robes
A beautiful selection of Silk and Beacon Robes
now on display at REITHNER’S STORE.
Hoffman Hardware Co
I American
the best—COST NO MORE.
See Hoffman About It
Ever Green Market
gela” a brand new red hot pat-
tern at a very popular price.
Classified Advertising
“Saucy” Here’s a real
black swede. As saucy
and pert in style as its
“Steel Gunmetal” can’t
describe it. Step in and
ask us to show you
Rollins Run-stop
Full-Fashioned Styles.
We sell Mens, Ladies and Children’s Silk,
Wool and Cotton Hose.
for Ladies’ and
Children’s shoes
Mail Orders
Phone 801
FOR SALE—Estate of W. T. Hat-
ten, lot 1 block 12. Vernonia,
Oregon. Inquire of John L. Foote.
St. Helens. Oregon.
Will Open Friday,
40 ACRES—m miles from Ver­
nonia on Stony Point road, for
sale. Fruit and walnut trees on
place. On main graveled road. Jas.
Emmons, Vernonia.
November 11
In the former Corey Economy Store
Fresh fruit and vegeta
bles, daily
from Portland
Come and
Reasonably Priced
Look us Over
Point With Pride
WANT WORK—Young girl would
like work in store. Inquire at
1302 State St. Vernonia.
WILL RENT my home in River­
view (on pavement). Have four
rooms and alcove, nicely furnished.
Also have nice yard and garage.
Call at house Sunday from 10 a.m.
to 5 p.m. Garfield Smith.
DEAD STORAGE for Rent. Anyone
who desires dead storage for
the winter. Inquire of O. L. ‘ Tapp.
1 at Stankey's shop, acr *. from the
Christian church.
‘Lenora’’ There’s unus-
ual charm in this one
strap of lustrous mellow
black patent leather.
Fitted Correctly
Free Eye Examine
Dr. Harry Brown
Here Sat., Nov. 12th.
Fashions. Advance styles. “An­
A surprise _ party
. was given in
honor of Mrs. Alma Urie at her I
home about a mile west of town
Saturday night by a number of
| her friends. Among those present
were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lange,
Mr. and Mrs. E. Robbins, Mr.
and Mrs. G. H. Robbins. Mr. and
Mrs. A. J. Weis, Mr. and Mrs.
C. A. Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. M.
L. Gaines, Mr. and Mrs. James
Fest, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. L. Fitz­
gerald, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kil­
lian, Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Andrews,
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Meeker. Mr. and
A-rual Pageant
this strong bank is an accom-
plishment you may point to with pride. The minor sacrifices
necessary for its accomplishment are as nothing com-
pared to the advantages accruing through its ownership.