Thursday, November 10, 1927. THE FIVE TIMBER ews of Vernonia Schools Catherine Hoffman ........... Editor Della Cline Louise Simmons, ....... Asst. Editor Norman Green Clarence Wardle ................... Sports Ralph Peck . Administration Frances Lappe .. . Junior Reporter tney .......... Literary Charlotte Green Soph. Reporter , ers and preachers can say 2 Tini- Senior Reporter Larry Marshall Freshman Reporter ’ othy 4-7? There are so many, many things in the Ne w Testament to be learn- tee appointed is Helen Hieber, List of rionor Pupils Second Team Defeats St ed and lived up to, and life is chairman; Ruth Carmichael, Ethel Helens in Football short at the best, why can we Is Announced Tousley and Virgie' Urie. I not give at least part of the time (By Clarence Wardle) The organization committee is (By Della Cline) | to real study of Christ and His The Vernonia high school second composed of Della Cline, chairman; The following named pupils earn- I book. Teach the Scriptures and we team won the first game of the 1 Mildred Hawkins, Frances Place ed an average of 90 per cent or ...m ___.............. will get so interested reading and an<1 May - belle Drorbaugh. The ----- first better in all the subjects taken testing them we will have no time season against St. Helens sec- s ------ -■= ----- — - ond team on the local field last' Pfactlce will bo held this afternoon, during the first six weeks period: for the foolish things of this Sill hl’. vrl o 1» wazvxvtinr» . - 7- • C> 2 : Anna a a . Saturday morning in a closely Seniors Aamodt, Ralph earth. Basketball Practice fought game of football. [ Peck. . SUBSCRIBER. The team was determined to do Starts With Prospects I Juniors: Thelma Spencer, Louese or die, and they pushed over a For A Good Season . Miller, Myrtle Hall, Frances Lappe, Oakland-Pontiac Field Cars score of 12 to 0 against the vis- Betty Culver, Della Cline, Ih-d«1 Give Interesting Data Upon i (By Clarence Wardle) itors. The first score was a pass Tousley, Ellen Ek, Floyd Deeds, I The gymnasium will be the cen- Russell Peck, Charles Melis. from Neal Bush to Bodie Hieber, Economy O f Operation _r___ ____ J who ran 40 yard to a touchdown. ter of the sports attraction for the Sophomores: Dorothy Holtham,! F .......... piac- Zelma New, Mildred Tousley, Alber-' A remarkable c: . , They failed to convert the extra I next few months. Basketball s point and the first half ended, Ver­ _ I tice started Tuesday night with a ta De Rock, Marjorie Kelley, Cath­ automotive operating I large turnout. Coach Austin states erine Hoffman. Violet Phelps, Day- out America is re eakd nonia 6, St. Helens 0. The second half the Verhians J that the Vernonia team will have nise Reese, William Culver, I^on- i motor travel expens •: ?<' • ti ■ representatives of th and again a pass was completed by ,' most of the old basketbail men arc' Freshman: Ford Berg. i the sturdy end Ralph Peck, who , j back and practice has started early.' The requirements to be met by J 432 miles during the > .. dashed ¿20 yards to a touchdown. I The gym will be under strict su­ pupils who aspire to become honor cently completed f Again they failed to make the ex pervision again this year and ev- stutlents at the end of this school an average cost of 1. Since the Oakland erything will be £un on a schedule, i year are ag fouows. An average of tra point. All players tire required to have pg per csnf or ¡n scholarship sixes which the field . ______ passing grades in order to par J- an(j deportment; not absent more use in their travels are factory- Seniors Present Program owned cars covered by blanket in­ cipnte in the sport. At School Assembly 1 thijn 10 days during the year; must surance, the factors of deprecia- The sports editor will give the vote(j honor pupils by all teach- i tion and insurance do not appear condition of the team each week ers. (By Ralph Peck) in the costs compiled by the com­ Following the plan of last sem- pany’s statistical department. The Last Friday was senior day. That in this department, its best players, and the men most likely eligible fori ester, there will be only three is, it was the senior’s time to give average figure of $.0398 per mile 1 given in deportment: A ex- represents only the actual cost of a program before the assembly. The I the team. The games will be fol- igrades | lowed closely and a list printed in cellent, B satisfactory, and F fail- l maintaining and operating the cars, program was as follows: A short * ! , ure. talk by Clarence Wardle, a song' i the near future as to when they j Of the 200 cars used, 130 were by Edward Roles, a musical num-j will be played. (Pontiac sixes and 70 were Oak- The following boys turned out No Scoring in Clatskanie- ber by the Vernonia “Sympathy” lands. orchestra, composed of Edna for basketball: Loyd Adams, Ford Vernonia Football Game Here is the cost per mile “brok­ Strong, pianist; Veldon Parker, cor­ Berg, Larry Marshall, Marvin Pot- { en down” into its various com- — • (By Clarence Wardle) terfield, Junior Bennett, William onet; Allen Ray, saxophone; and The local team played Clatskanie ponents: Washburn, Kenneth Bell, Chester James Currie, clarinet; a short talk * .0150 George to a scoreless game on the local Gasoline .................... by Leatha Tousley, a bear story by Weed, Robert Holcomb, .0072 The game Maintenance labor . Dwight field last Saturday. “ William Culver, Oberst, Norman Green, and “The Star .0069 Storage and parking Russell Peck, Howard Lee, started with Clatskanie ’ s receiving Strong, Spangled Banner,” by the orches­ .0036 Edward Roles, Arthur Hickson, and they failed to make first down. ■ Washing .................... tra. Vernonia scored first down and j Norman i Green, Oliver Mellinger, Many seniors are turning out Neal Bush, Ralph twice had the ball in the shadow! Bodie Hieber, 1 I of Clatskanie’s goal. The first halt I basketball this year.—R. P. Peck and Dale McDaniel. The following were on the squad was mostly runs on Vernonia’s side I Many Girls Report last year: Morris Bennett, Archie and punting on Clatskanie’s. The' For Athletics Adams, Veldon Parker, Donald latter kicked some excellent punts, Hodges, Allen Ray, Ward Gooding, one as far as 60 yards. (By Ida Mae Hawkins) The field was in the best of con­ Friday afternoon Mrs. F. Brew­ and Gilbert Bergerson. Bergerson dition for a muddy game. The sec­ has not reported for practice yet er, girls athletic coach, called a ond half the Verhians made a pass meeting of all the girls interested because of a sore foot. for touchdown, only to find that | in athletics of any kind. Class Work. it was incomplete. The last game Mrs. Brewer announced that the _ class- of the season ended with the score Pc-c 's ' nior English girls would have their choice this cs ¡,aVe been writing editorials. Ac- I 0 to 0, and the football togs are year of hiking, swimming, basket- cordin~ to Miss F-ce, some very’ t away for another year, -------------------- ------ - ball, tennis, volley ball, track, base- cooj editorials we._ handed in by! I the students. [ The junior class will give their ball and soccer. A system of awarding points for, Mr. Wilkerson’s civics class will class program a week from Friday. activities in sports will be worked begin their assembly speeches next out, with letters Tieing awarded for Monday afternoon at the 15-minute Says Jokes points earned. The point commit- sudy period. m .0033 the figures is that gasoline rep­ .0028 resents about 37 per cent of the ire repairs .0010 operating cost, while tires and tire repairs constitute only between two Total $ .0398 and three per cent. I representatives, driv- Post ottice of Gaylord is estab- fiance equal to more than 134 limes around the world over '■■'icd in Southern Coos County. all types of American roads and Crane — Work progressing on through all extremes of American Buchanan-VanDeveer market road. climate and weather, are believed to have eliminated from their op­ Cod liver oil is fed to chickens erating statistics the variants which very successfully for vitamino D would affect mileage costs com­ content by Oregon poultrymen in piled in any one state or region. the late fall. It is mixed 1 per For instance, the average cost cent by weight in grain rather than in the New York district where in mash. Two or three fecds a both traffic delays and winter week are sufficient. storage expense are encountered was $.0540 per mile, the highest Fire hazards around a farm figure in any of the 22 districts. home are now occupying some of In the Charlotte, N. C. district. the time of Oregon farmers. Clean­ where neither of these factors is ing chimneys by any simple method present, the average cost was onlyjof i sweeping down the soot and $.0270 per mile. In the mild eli- checking fuse boxes to be sure mat.p of Charlotte diafri*»* ft'o tn are no pennies under plugs are good precau- a e plugs with a capacity i ampheres are dangerous the maximum load which ild carry, reports the de- of agricultural engineer- OAKLAND, PONTIAC, C 4EVROLET, STUDE BAKER. Goodyear Tires Camel An honest cigarette honestly advertised Should Not Be Told From The Pulpit Wait For the New The new Fcrd car will be one of the speediest, most alert cars on the road. You will be delighted with its low, smart lines and beautiful colors Crawford Motor Co. FINNEY OF THE FCFICE ---------------------------------- .-------- I wonder how many realize the difference between the way preach- of today preach and the way ! Christ taught and the apostles j came after him. do not see where the preach- I of today get their idea of telling! funny storiej Never in , the- Bible do I see a place where' the people were made to laugh, j Everywhere they were taught: The , death, the burial and the resur- | rection. And many believed and j were baptized. All through the Acts it says, ; “And he (of they) taught Jesus.” In Acts 16, Paul and Silas taught Jesus, and were 'cast into prison, j Still they sang and talked of Jesus and the people were saved. If they had been telling jokes where would they or anyone gained? When Jesus was preached mul­ titudes were saved. And they would be today. I have studied a I long time on this subject and I [ have come to the conclusion there I is one class who like to hear ' jokes from the pulpit and that is ! the hypocrite. j When a sinner goes to church i he goes because he expects to hear 1 the Bible. The Christian goes for food for his soul. They hear and * Delightful tobaccos, the choicest grown. Blended with skill and care. Sold without bunk world by billions. If all cigarettes were as good as Camel you wouldn’t hear anything about special treat' merits to make cigarettes goed for the throat. Nothing takes the place of choice tobaccos. O 1927, R. I. R«rnold. Tob.cco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C. J