TWO Thursday, November 10, 1997 VERNONIA EAGLE THE CACTUS FLAT CATAMOUNT VOLUME 1 LAURENCE LOCKNEY, Editor NUMBER 24. HONORABLE WILLIAM HOOTS I his massive head as impregnable as > Bearcat Boone’s pet rattlesnake ENDORSES CHICAGO MAYOR ' a stone wall. It is time to get ; was attacked by a California flea back to the principals of our fa- • this week and was severely bitten The Honorable William Hoots ! thers, who burned up everything just behind the shoulder blades. candidate for president, came out and everybody they didn’t* believe Lawyer Lilikell, golf champion in a strong and flatfooted state­ 1 in, and it is such leaders as Mayor ment this week, in which he gives Thompson who are peculiarly fitted of the Sagebrush Belt make sev- his unqualified endorsement to | to guide the destinies of the nation eral sensational drives with the spoon last Sunday the soup Mayor Thompson of Chicago, who in such an undertaking.” course. has entered into a heated cam­ Mrs. Rattlesnake had the paign to purge the citizenship of SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE l valuable America from all British taint. Mr. FROM COYOTE GULCH misfortune to break | flower vase this week while re- Hoots praised Mayor Thompson’s Bassmouth Baker of Bullfrog action in having a pair of bronze Buttes was in the Gulch this week proving her husband. British lions removed from the for the purpose of laying in a■ Bearcat Boone, barbering der- steps of the Chicago public library, new supply of chewing tobacco. | 1 mititian, is making arrangements and recommends that a pair of the recent shower of rain having I to shave his household expenses. lone American eagles be placed in | seeped through the cracks of the STATE NEWS their stead, to encourage the youth | palatial shack on his mining of the land to uphold all parts claim and soaked his tobacco up The Honorable Roscoe Spilvens, of the constitution < except the (so that it is all soggy and unfit who served a term and a half as eighteenth amendment which is for mastication. congressman, has been employed to soap-box the state in favor of not much in favor with Mayor Hermides Houghton is contem- farm relief. Thompson, Mr. Hoots said: “Were it not for such gallant leaders as I plating putting up a stove in his Sycamore Slim writqg from the Mayor Thompson, Chicago would house before the icy blasts of win- little frontier village of Los An­ into ter strike their cruel fangs not be a safe place in which to geles that front page murders in live. I endorse his action in rid- ■ this section. Hermides has been that locality have dropped to three sum- i cooking out in the yard all ding the library of books that do a day. not meet with his approval. I en­ mer, being one of these back to nature persons and not possessing NATIONAL NEWS dorse his threat to burn them in Wild Bill Mullens writes from a pyre that will smell to high heav­ i a stove anyhow, but when the en. The bulldog tenacity of that hower the other day put out his Chicago that as soon as the li­ upright and honorable guardian fire right in the middle of a meal brary books have been "burned the of the alw gibes him that indom-1 he started to looking around for law abiding citizens wilt make an attempt to rid the city of witches ¡table courage to horn in where a a second hand stove. cautious angel would pause to re­ | Miss Eloise Appleblossom recent- and heretics. Hurd Howe writes fyom Wash- connotire. Let us hope that the 1 ly underwent an examination for ridicule piled upon him by the i appendicitis, which she was quite ington that President Coolidge smokes cigars but that he doesn’t newspapers of the land will find ' successful in passing. I The Red Mill mine has been chew. closed down for several days on CHILD PSYCHOLOGY iaccount of running out of ore It is with great and absorbing and funds. interest and eclay that ye editor LOCAL NEWS reports he receipt of Millinger Constable Twist Newton added I Moncrief’s new book on Child another feather to his crown this 1 Psychology, published by Dumb week when he apprehended a pair and Bell, Boston, at two dollars 1 of saxophone players. LONG DISTANCE a shot. The book is so much dif­ LOCAL AND TELEGRAPH Mescal Bill says that there is ferent from the manner in which | $5,746,386,844 in paper money in we were brought up that we got | this country, and that the most of j many a good laugh while perusing j it shows up in a 10-cent limit its pungent pages. Not many of I poker game. the citizens and residents of Cac­ Fatty Hooper, the grocer, says tus Flat and its environs and other he would build a cement sidewalk outlying districts know anything in front of his store, but he doesn’t about psychology in bringing believe at this time that he is their several offsprings. They able to carry so much overhead resort to the elm club, as I underfoot. their fathers before them Bob Cutler went over to the thir fathers before that. The read­ Your telephone company, I hardware store in the county seat ers of The Catamount have never owned by a steadily | today to buy a dishpan to im- learned that when you want to 1 prove the music of his orchestra, get a boy to bring in a load of growing list of individual j Hog-Eye Haines made a trip to wood that you simply tell him you a want him to go fishing, so that | San Francisco recently with stockholders, has only truckload of truck from the sage- his spirit rebels and he immediate­ ! brush Truck Gardens. On his re- ly goes out and brings in a big one function to fulfill. | turn trip he brought back a truck- armfull of wood without any back | load of truck for the Sagebrush talk. It is a good book and ye That is to serve to the I Truck Gardens. editor heartily agrees with every best of its ability the ter­ 1 Lawyer Lilikell made another im­ word in it, although about two- passioned speech at the Chamber thirds of the book didn’t mean ritory in which it oper- | of Gonverse meeting the other any more ïo our understanding night, which occasioned great ap­ than eeney-meeney-miney-mo. If ates plause among the three members the book does get a wide circula­ I present. tion, however, we would suggest Archimedes Puck was badly that a book alos be written for choked last Saturday night while the child, telling the child how to | endeavoring to negotiate a ham conduct himself while the intelli­ sandwich. gent parent is learning to apply A light shower fell in the Sage­ the new-found wisdom of psycho­ brush Belt this week during which logy. __ ________________ the aquidity of Alkali Lake was ANOTHER LIE NAILED reenforced bv several drops. “I understand you barely escap­ ed when your house burned down,” said Old Quib Skills to Miss Eu­ genia Lammermoor, today. “That is quite untrue.” retorted Miss Lammermoor. “I had my night clothes on.” Of All Your Christmas Shopping We Serve Distribution "Without "Waste DELIVERY SERVICE We are pleased to announce that a new delivery service has been in­ augurated. This makes the buying from Skaggs-Safeway both a saving and an added convenience, and we sincerely hope you will take ad­ vantage of the opportunity we are offering to render you this up-to- date service. If you are too busy to come to town, just phone 741 De- liveries leave the store at 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. This Store Will Be Closed All Day Armistice Day, Safeway Savings For Sat. and Adonday, Nov. 12, 14 Should have the first consideration 100 Styles Of Cards from which to choose But because of early depletion of some num­ bers, it may be impossible to secure the one you most desire if you wait any longer. Order Now! tad Be Satisfied llrnuuiia îîaqlr Miss Creme de Menthe called in the chiropractor from the coun- ty seat Tuesday to mend a rib in her umbrella. Mescal Bill went on a shopping tour to the i county seat Mon lay to look over the newest creations in dog collars. A wedding which was reported as quiet was held in Cactus Flat this week, when a couple of our popular young folks got caught in the tenacious grip of matrimony. Ellis Poppin requests the Cata- mount to announce that he will be responsible for the removal the remains of persons who caught tapping his cellar. Coffee Potatoes Safeway Blend We blend ' ’ ' and roast this high grade Coffee from the finest Coffees the world produces It is always fresh as we grind it at the time you make' your purchase. $169 100 b ™“ Safeway Butter Cabbage Highest Quality guaranteed Large solid heads. Its time to make kraut 48c 95c Pound .. Pounds Per Pound ............................. Beans 5 5 Pounds 10 Pounds 39c 73c New Crop Franquettes Large Size Pounds Canned Fruits Standard Quality Peas, Beans, Corn and Tomatoes 5 12 Cans $138 Sunbrita Cleanser Cans .... Soap i Catsup Jelly Beans or Com­ mercial Chocolates ............. Pounds 5 49 Candy Pounds Market Day Special 59c $138 $273 Cans White Wonder Maxium Brand, made from choice ripe to­ matoes. Large size bottles 19C 2 55c 5 10 Bars Mrs. Stewart 39c 89c 2 Bottles Bottles 25c 98c Raisins Vegetables £und......................... 40-50 size Pounds Canned asst, case Cans ........ J? «nwanaanBn Prunes 12 Cans Large size. Peach­ es, Apricots, Pine­ apple or Bartlett Pears 3 Fancy Oregon 50c Cans 29c 85c Cans asst. Hot Sauce Oysters 3 55c lb. Bag Del Monte American Beauty Brand Walnuts Pounds 9 > 97c Pounds Red Mexican or small White Pounds 46c $134 Rolled Oats Our exclusive brand. This is a real extra quality spread 69c ................. Pounds Buckeye Brand, made by Quaker Oats Co. Oleomargarine Long Grain Poundu ZC Tropic Nut Rice 10 Pounds 1 3 q 50 flS*............ 89c Blue Rose Bluing Bottles 35c The very rapid progress of our markets is really their best recom­ mendation. Nothing we can say will be half as important as the wide­ spread public endorsement they are no wgetting. Portland folks know good meats and good service and they evidently appreciate these things when combined with unequaled savings. If you haven’t started depending on our markets for your meats let us urge you to try them. Bacon Picnics Bacon Squares 2 to 4 lbs. ART Alf Stude went to the picture show in the county seat last night; at which time “Ben Hur” was shown. Alf says it is a right good picture, but he has every reason believe that the chariot race framed. Smoked Picnics 5 to 8 Pounds Per Pound 19c Sauer Kraut Shortening Per Quark 15c White Ribbon furnish- In making gingerbread the dough en not too thin mixture taken from When 15 to from letter tex- m falling. meat f bought, the left med the next day in croquettes, tuf fed peppers, stew. r served heed cold. Gem Netted the spud of quality Company Christmas Cards Yakima Pure Cane Oregon Telephone SOCIETY PAGE November 2 4 BULK MINCE MEAT Lbs. 35c Lbs. . 68c 2 Per Pound Lbs. Sugar Cured, While they Last One-half Per Pound 25c 0