THE CACTUS FLAT CATAMOUNT NUMBER 21 LAURENCE LOCKNEY, Editor VOLUME 1 TWO VERNONIA EAGLE Thursday, October 20, 1927 1 wife for divorce, wishes to state that he has no hard feelings, but is simply fulfilling the requirements of economy, and is cutting down his overhead. Hog-Eye Haines received another neatly worded communication from the power company this week, tell­ ing him that his light bill was still overdue. | Stone Bruce, who landed here several years ago with only a dollar, will make an effort to earn another one. A representative of a collection agency from the county seat was * in our charming midst this week trying to collect a bill from Rat- tiesnake Ike. Horsehide Hopkins who went to the county seat recently to nego­ tiate a loan, reports that the ban­ kers in that city are a cold-blood­ ed lot. The directors of the Cactus Flat Bank and Trust Company met Tuesday for the annual split. and states that he can whip any (when Rattlesnake Ike mislaid the PATIENTLY FOR RAIN man who says he is. The coyote' plans for a new type of still. ’ ’' r The Rev. Ananias Etherblazer The dry farmers of this section mis scared too, though probably are waiting with patient and ah-1n0^ as badly scared as Mescal was, i, I says the meek feel that they are , • • , O Y _ _ * I ' for PrvM the /»/YxrzxFzs 11 11 osacs zl e\FF coyote galloped off o a foul few ¡about ready to inherit the earth, ■orbing interest . for a downpour ot moisture from the clouds, as their paces and stopped to see what and they are already fighting ___ „ thenselves ——____ to -J decide who winter crops cannot come up in made Mescal jump. While the coy-■ _ among bumper quantity unless they do ote stood motionless, Mescal drew shall head the parade in celebration get rain. While it is not time for himself together and got a firm ' of the event. rain yet, it is customary for some I hold on his shattered nerves and 1 As the first move in his pub­ of our landed gentry to begin wait­ 1 blazed away nt the vicious mon-! licity campaign the Honorable ing for rain about the middle of ! steT, taking him behind the light William Hoots, candidate for presi­ July and to continue to wait un­ 1 ear with both barrels, from the dent, gave a Chinaman a lift in his til November or December, when '.----- effects of which the coyote breath­ Ford. The shirt which Jeff Jones wore rain, during wet years, comes down ed his last. It was a gala day for in quantities varying from a gen­ Mescal, as the bounty on the skelp when he was discharged shortly tile sprinkle to what might be term­ and the money from the sale of the after the war, is showing signs of ed n landslide. Sometimes it fills hide will put him back among the decay. I The drug store on the corner of us with deep and foreboding pain, financiers of the nation. I Main Street and Wildcat Avenue to see our tillers of the soil wait Archimedes Puck proved his ¡3 advertising a big assortment of for rain for what seems aeons and hundred per cent Americanism one to- lip and walking sticks. aeons and sometimes extends over Centipede Clark was arrested a period of three or four months, day by signing a petition without this week for listenin’ in without a but looking at it from a practical reading it. license. standpoint waiting for rain does not EVANGELICAL CHURCH LOCAL NEWS weigh them down as much as one VERY IMPORTANT FACTS Sunday school 9:45 a. m. At 11 Miss Roseola Hicks’ fourth grade would suppose. As a matter of language class won first priza in Gas is served to 10,600,000 cus­ a.m. there is to be a joyful giving fact it is one of the easiest a six shooter tournament at the tomers in the United States during service. All who will, are to give things in their career. One can county seat last Friday. normal times, and to 110,000,000 at least one day’s wages as a special wait for rain and pitch horseshoes gift to the local church budget. when Congress is in session. I Rufe Milo, who is studying for ­ at the dry belt who raise crops Old Quib Skills says that Louis- The pastor is to have a subject in without irrigation, but so strenuous­ eign languages in college, writes water than line with this thought. ly do some of our local farmers that he will abandon Greek and ¡ana has more navigable , but Louisiana is I The y°unK people’s meeting at French so that he can go in heavier any other state, wait for rain year after year that I * P*m- Mr. Wallace is to be the I not bragging about it. it has ceased to be a mere custqpi for Scotch. Lumpkin writes from Italy |’ea<^er’ The theme for 8 p.m. will Miss Winsome Nutte states that, ... Claude and has taken on all the earmarks 1 "nr. 1 • • Y ' ! L . 1 I 1 Ur» * r» Pvnn'irn F one XT nnnocsn band leader Fred Price is am-l that Mossolini diitates to every per- be “The Preparations Necessary to of an ideal. a Revival.” son in Italy except one. Muscolini ---------------- - --------- phibious, as he wields his baton , is married. MESCAL BILL BAGS with either hand. FEROCIOUS COYOTE Bearcat Boone has invented _ a I “No man is bigger than those i Don’t leave the lettuce on your Last Sunday morning about ten, coffee spoon with a curved handle, he high-hats,” said Old Qui’o Skills, salad plate. Eat it for the sake, r ; of the vitamins it contains. S o’clock while Mescal Bill wa walk- to protect the right eye. HECK TOMES LAUDS Alf Stude, who is aspiring to, ing aimlessly about with nothing PROSPERITY OF U.S.A. _____ on his mind to speak of and with higher things, recently took Op- SEE “There is no need to fear that | his trusty double-barreled shotgun portunity ' by the horns, but he got the financial fluctuation of the Doane for Dependability swung carelessly over his shoulder,: hooked, country will get into a jam.” said in he was all at once and without' Scotty Macpherson says if he Heck Tombs today. “While it is forewarning startled by a stirring « ver gets married it will be to a true that the great financers of. Rebuilt Typewriters and in the leaves which caused him to girl who was born on Christmas the ioontry have proven their in-' Service jump nine feet high and come' day, so that a niie present will ability to corral all the cash, still 103 West Park 122 3rd St. down with a whoop that could have kill two birds with one rock. Beacon 2050 Portland it must be conceded that they Mayor Abe Barlow has announc have succeeded in placing the most been heard for a mile if there had been anyone within a mile to have ed that he is going to retorn the of the wealth in a noritin wh -re heard it. lie thought it was a rat- monkey wrench wliiih he borrow- it cannot be frittered away by ir­ tiesnake, which caused the stupen­ ed from the garage last spring, persons. There could Cleo Hawkins, who is in the responsible dous outlay of fright on his part, be no greater calamity than to and if he had known it was only army writes that he has rerently have the nation’s currency fall in­ a mangy coyote that had been begun his second semester as cor- to the hands of those who have asleep, he probably would have poral of the guard. not been trained to handle large The cause of science suffered sums of cash, for there is ever at jumped not more than four feet high, as Mescal is not a coward another blow Wednesday night hand an unscrupulous group of money-grubbers who might devise ways and means to get it away from them. As it is, we know that the big boodle is in the nands those who know how to make bring home -the bacon.” plishment you may DRY FARMERS WAITING it y » ? ®<&29*"M ov .5 t7lhAnnunlFxf>o itior. combines Dairy Products Show, world-renowned Horse Show, National Wool Show, Northwest Fox Show, Manufacturer? and Land Products Show, Boys* and Girls’ Club Work. Covers 10 acres, exhibiting America’s prize Pure Bred Beef and LWry Cattle, Hnraes, SSit .p, Hog a, Gwata, Foxes. Larecst Premium List ever« d. PoitLuid, Otcuou, Oct. Z9- Nov. 5. Reduced farcD ull railroads. WITH THE POETS An Autumn Pastoral (By Wampus Pete) The curfew tolls the knell of part­ ing day, The lowing ile rd winds slowly o'er the lea; Bill Thompson’s hound has ceased to romp and play, While he sadly scratches at a ky flea. j. State Laundry Company FOR GOOD LAUNDRY WORK We call and deliver TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS—Leave orders with S. Wells, Tailor, Phone MAin 891 Lawn Seed and Fertilizer Now is the best time of the year to fertilize your lawns and plant the seed to enable it to get the best start for next spring. • Use Long Burning Fuel Place your orders early for Coal and Bricquettes V emonia frading Co A SAVINGS ACCOUNT in this strong bank is an accom­ point to with pride. The minor sacrifices necessary for its accomplishment are as nothing com- pared to the advantages accruing through its ownership. Another Pastoral f Only Buick has an engine Vibrationless beyond belief (From the same Pencil) Blessings on thee, little man, Leave them apples in the pan, Touch not one forbidden fruit— Papa wallop with a boot. A Psalm of Life (Ey Miss Rosie Rootentoot) Lives of great men oft remind us, As through life we gently skid, That we must be up and doing, Or we’ll never get things did. BUSINESS AND FINANCE Scripps Booth, who is suing his f The cigarette that earned first place by its goodness I MONEY Body by Fiibc* UICK’S remarkable freedom from vibration is due primarily to three vitally important factors. First__ the inherent smoothness of the Buick Valve-in-Head six-cylinder engine. Second— rubber engine mountings, front and rear. And third— the scientific and almost perfect balance uf the entire Buick crankshaft assembly. B Only Buick enjoys these advantages. And only Buie k provides the silken performance—the unvarying smoothness at all speeds — the longer life and greater serviceability of an engine v»7>rafionlcsjl’cyonn ments to make cigarettes g Hid for the threat. Nothing takes the pLuj oj choice tobau-os. I 1