Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, October 13, 1927, Page 6, Image 6

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Miss M. Hutchison of Tacoma, jjaft^For 5 years Dr. Luzader,
eyesight specialist, has been
Wash., is a visitor at the home of
making monthly visits to Vernonia.
Drs. Wight & Wight.
His next will be Nov. 7 and 8,
Mother’s bread is as fine a loaf office at Kullander’s. Have your
j. • C. Lindlsy was a Portland of bread as you can buy. Ask for eyes examined.—adv.
it by name and accept no other, adv
visitor Monday.
R. Seward is in Portland visiting
Phone in your order now for his wife, who is in the Good Sa-
Mrs. Earl Smith is visiting re-
latives and friends in The Dalles. regular deliveries of pasteurized maritan hospital.
milk from the Nehalem creamery.
The United Railways company
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Warner —adv.
has just completed a new steel
were Portland visitors Monday.
The Vernonia schools will be bridge across the Nehalem river
Mis. S. V. Malmsten is recover- closed October 20 and 21 because ' one mile south of Vernonia.
ing from a severe attack of in­ of the teachers institute to be
Cream Puffs and Eclairs four
held at St. Helens on those dates.
times each week, Monday, Wed-
nesday, Friday and Saturday at
The Willing Workers of the
Christian church held a cooked food
and rummage sale Saturday at
Gordon's furniture store.
Hoffman Hardware Co
Sonny Wil! Prize a
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Moe of Hood
River were in Vernonia over the
week end visiting their son Mark
Moe, and Mrs. Moe.
City water receipts for Septem­
ber, 1927, exceeded those of Sep­
tember, 1926, by about $60, ac­
cording to Superintendent Gaines,
who states that more income is
derived because of the use of
At the meeting of the directors
of the Vernonia Chamber of Com­
merce Monday night, memberships
were voted to be extended to the
following ministers
churches in Vernonia, Rev. G. W. I
Plumer, Rev. Teddy Leavitt, and
Rev. Joseph Clancy.
Why not start now planning'
that Hallowsen party. No season
of the year is more desirable for
a party than at Halloween and no I
Halloween party is successful with-'
out good “eats.” Let us supply
your doughnuts and special cake»
appropriately decorated for the
particular occasion.
order a few days ahead. Vernonia
Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Du Ganne I
of Independence visited Friday and
Saturday at the A. L. Kullanderj
home. Dr. Du Ganne has one of
the largest baby chick hatcheries I
in the northwest. One million chicks,
The Berean class of the Church were shipped by him in the past
of Christ gave a party at the home season.
of John Wardle last
The W. C. T. U. elected Mrs.
ficers for the following
Franklin Malmsten and Mrs. O. A.
Anderson delegates to the state
You can depend upon using first convention at St. Helens to be |
•ro l-' standar'1 pasteurized milk at held flriober '8. 19, 20, and 21.'
all times, when you buy it from A number of cars will be available I
the Nehalem creamery. You have for those desiring to attend the
only to try it to be satisfied, adv. convention. Those wishing to secure |
rides are asked to communicate
Mrs. F. L. Beach of North Plains, with Mrs. Franklin Malmsten.
r. and Mrs. Bowrtian and daugh­
Regular athletic classes for both
ter of Hillsboro, and Dr. Francis
Grafis were visitors al the D. B. men and women are being conduct­
Reasoner home over the week end. ed in the gymnasium of the Evan­
gelical church, both classes being
The Mountain Heart Rebekah open to the public. Men’s classes
club will hold a cooked food sale are held Tuesday nights. Women’s
in the Van Alstine building next classes are held Thuraiay nights.
door to the post office Saturday,
Alfred Cummings, a former stud­
October 15.
ent of Vernonia high school, who
Simply can’t have flu, infantile joined the marine corps 18 months
paralysis, or smallpox when chiro­ ago. is now home on a short va-
practic adjustments keep system cation He will leave today for
clean. Drs. Wight & Wight.—adv. . Seattle, and go from there to Hon-
Don’t forget the American Legion °'U'U-
Auxiliary meeting Monday, Octo-
Schlipv of Mist ha3 started
ber 17.
■ to build a house in which he and
The Eastern Star serial club his wife "'>’• live this '’’inter. In
will hold their annual bazaar and the spring he intends to build a
cooked food sale Saturday, Nov- better and use the one that
ember 12, in the building next to he is now building for a parage
and woodshed.
thé post office.
I We have recently sent loaves of
A Harvest Time festival, sponsor-
ed by the children of the Lincoln Mother’s bread to the biggest mill­
grade school wil lbe given in the ing company on the Pacific coast
social hall
of the Evangelical and to the American institute of
church Friday, October 28, at 8 Raking at Chicago for scoring.
p. m. The prpceeds will go to Both loaves scored nearly 100 >
buy a phonograph for the school. perfect and since the Judges were
impartial and about 14 points are
The state convention of the W. taken into consideration you must
C. T. U. will be held in St. Hel- realize that the bread was extra
ens October 18, 19, 20, and 21 in fine to score so high. The loaves
the M. E. church. A banquet will scored were just two taken from
be held Tuesday afternoon in the our daily baking and you can be
Methodist —
Episcopal church.
I | assured that Mother’s bread which
you buy tomorrow or next week
To the housewives who wish to
x,or next month will be just as
enter the Gold Medal radio contest;
good as the two loaves we mention
we wish to announce that we are
as we do take pride in making
putting forth every effort ,° Su'1 e7°d bread and
we are ever alert
cure the necessary entry blanks
, , to , keep it so. Ask for Mother’s
and we
, ,SUjP J bread and know that you are get-
in a few days. The contest does
, ting the best.—adv.
not close until November 5, so
there is yet plenty of time. Do
not let ycur interest lag but try
for one of the many prizes as
even tho you win one of the lesser
prizes it will be decidedly worth 'WHY WALK in the rain when you
while. Keep in touch with the Ver­
can ride in the dry for $60 cash
nonia Bakery for entry blanks, adv. buys 6 cyl. 5 passenger touring car
1 new top and paint, good running
The recently organized Loyal
j order, full price for quick sale.
Temperance Legion will meet at
See Gilby Motor Company.
the home of Mrs. 0. A. Anderson
today at 4 p.m. to elect officers.
Visitors are welcome. All grade
and high school students are eligi­ FOR RENT—2-room house, 1 acre,
on Second ave. Trade for 3 or
ble to membership by signing the
pledge and paying the annual dues. 14-room house. Inquire 542 Third
Adults may become honorary mem­ 1 street.
bers. The meeting will not last
more than an hour.
WANTED—Room and board by
young school girl in private
The Parent-Teacher association
will hold a "Dollar” bazaar in
... the'family.
.... ‘__ 1*,. State particulars. Write
Central grocery building all day ' Violet Gunn, general delivery, Ver­
Tuesday, October 18. All members nonia.
are urged to bring their contribu-'..................................................................
tions there by 10 a.m. Any in ROOM and board, $35. Inquire at
Vernonia Mercantile.
expensive article may be donated.
Miss Virginia Wight, who is at­
tending the Monmouth Normal
school, spent the fall vacation at
the home of her father, Dr. C.
J. Wight.
We made a special pur­
chase on these wagons
and can sell them at a
good saving in price.
These wagons have been
-"•in" for $6.00 to ^7.00.
We now sell them for: —
%-inch rubber tires, 10-inch steel disc wheels
H roller bearings, hardwood
H 16x36. Look this over.
See Hof ftp an About It
..wj n w"- ,rr. .‘ jeja
Your voice, traveling over the highways of the
telephone system, gains immediate audience in
the most remote sections of the nation.
The .Economical Way
Oregon Teleleplione Co
Service First
Of All Your Christmas Shopping
Christinas Cards
Should have the first consideration
100 Styles
Of Cards from which to choose
But because of early
depletion of some num­
bers, it may be impossible
to secure the one you most
desire if you wait any longer.
On 1er Now!
in<I Be Satisfied
lh'riuutia ttuur
Classified Advertising
Thursday, October 13, 1927.