Thursday, October 13, 1927. VERNONIA ’ZAGLE FOUR û-ljr Umunna î agir Issued every T!ursday $2 per year in Advance. MARK E. MOE, Editor THE PROPHET OF 1492 m Likable note of despair and surrendei. L' li time carel ss motorists are excoriat- j(! accidents ai j enumerated, new extra • y r . sures .ire conceived and di. • j;i: xu ; r.d the usual lamentations and ex- .•iamations of despair are in order. The whole trouble seems to be that the raf'fic problem has become the police- ,:.;.n’s bugaboo, causing his mind to be- _•( .■ so fe\ red and flustrated as to fail > motion clearly and rationally. In his nma and blind confusion’ he matches it anything and everything from new av s to fanciful devices, like a drowning man grasps the floating straw and the ina- > ■ med an’ d bea's out its brains against the barrier which separates it from free- ■ lorn. Of course modern traffic constitutes a problem, but can not those charged with t. solution realize that it is one of those problems which will eventually solve ic- lef through the education of the public? n the strictest sense no accident is un­ avoidable, but the phenomenal growth of he automobile. Time will bring cooptra- tion and understanding between police, >. o< trains and motorists and when it does the traffic problem will have been solved. Christopher Columbus set out to prove that the world was round. The practical lesult of his voyage of discovery was to be a shorter route to the riches of India. Incidentally he bumped against the shores of an unknown continent and discovered America which had likewise been discov­ ered some 500 years previous by the Norsemen. We honor the name of Columbus not merely bee; use he proved his contention that the world was round, but becau e Columbus was undoubtedly one of the greatest men of his era. A voyage of adventure in the year 1000 FORWARD MARCH! is not quite the same thing as a voyage of discovery in the year 1-192. Columbu. L your buying and your paying now— proved he was right in the face of tre­ ’nd it in Vernonia. When you pay a mendous opposition, stupendous reversals i.-bt do here you will see some of the money and unsparing ridicule, lie displayed that! ■gain gain in some form; when you which is rare in any age or man, namely, ! lake purchases you will see some of resolute purpose and a skilful control of| he money again here some time. When yo.u opportunity. No other navigator of his ; y a debt or make a purchase add time had hi daring vision and his courage Movement to the city’s life blood you and you to hold to it. Columbus gets the prize of world ac­ help yourself. • money circulation increases business claim becau he dared to do wliat others ■ ' br’-’i employment increases. Let’s only dared to think. He was a dreamer and get busy and make Vernonia hum with a man of a .»non, He set sail with a super­ Do ■ «usines:, from now on. 1~ your share; stitious, mutineering crew. He was not lucky. His triumph was not a matter of lon’t worry about the man next to you. chance. -He was a man of one idea, that Maybe he is waiting to see what you will the earth was round and by sailing west do. one could reach the east. This revolutionary idea made him en­ One of the causes of trouble in the emies everywhere. His rivals took his ..orld is that most, persons try to live up charts and secretly tried out his theories, co their dispositions. but lost their nerve and came back to scoff at him. Columbus was ten years in It is too much to expect that a man will finding somebody to gamble on his register enthusiasm afer having had ex­ dreams. He was as real a scientist as that perience with a dull thud. age produced. He was a prophet who earn­ A normal conscience is one that has suf- ed the prophet’s usual reward of kicks icient tact to keep its mouth shut until and bruises. He found a world. He gave after you take the profit. that world its greatest motto: “On! Sail on!” Men are creatures who cut down great to make for a city, and then plant recs CALM LIFE THE HAPPY LIFE little saplings to beautify it. Are you a victim of moods? Do you rn... experience blue 1 Mondays, de­ One i . asm there is not more respee* • •___ 1 __ . - . 1 1 TIT . 1.. spairing Tuesdays, exaulted Wednesdays, .’or law is that there are so many laws enthusiastic Thursdays, weary Fridays av-1 .here is not enough respect to go around. impatient Saturdays, not to speak of ex­ The honeymoon is over when he begins hausted Sundays? If you do younre wa ing your vitality, muddling your work and io borrow from her household money to complete the payments on the engagement wrecking your happiness. , Perhaps every one of us is more or less ring. given to fibs of exaggerated, uncontrolled emotions. 1 specially this may be true oi The mother with ambition to have her those who > employment exacts nervous on become president must be disappoint- drain. When Obese periods of depression, d when he proves to have only enough or anger, or egoti an become frequent the ambition to become a truck driver, unfortunate victim is styled, in the com­ tates for a woman. mon parlance, temperamental. And to be CO' thought temperamental is to be thought a you won’t lose it. bit “cnee'’.” or unbalanced, which is per­ haps the truth. iet there is none of us that cannot if I1‘ there were only four autos twenty’ he will, control hi> emotional processes five years ago where did the taxi com- 'f . and conquer his moods. Subduing the panics get theirs? moods is not merely a matter ot exercising valiant will-power, though that has its When a man loses anything else, he for it. But when he loses his place. It is for many of us a matter of ■ .Ivert I. he . ips adv ' h: s for a background the adven- bridge across I’arrott Creek here, ti re» of a beautiful Engl h girl Mnton_Milton Box Co. will o the African veldt, ^ld ey 01-, bji|d J50>000 gawmnj to cut 40,- “Silk Stocking.” I c tt directed._____________________I 0J0 feet a day. A light, exhilarating story of - ~ Stale game commission establish­ NOTICE OF CALL OF BONDS es trout ponds at Maupin. y ing married life is “Silk Stock- ir.;s,” the Universal Jewel star­ Notice is hereby given te the Washington County has 40 miles ring Laura La Plante which will holders of the following bonds of open at the Majestic theatre on the City of Vernonia, Columbia paved road;. 525 miles macadam, and no bond debt. S-nday. John Harron plays op- County Oregon; posito the golden haired star LaGrande—Oiling resumed on Bond No. 2 of Improvement dis­ while the supporting cast includes trict No. 3, dated May 1 192C, Old Oregon Trail. On Harlan, William Austin, Tempe ssid bond being in denomlnat'cn State will use snowplows to P ;ot, Marcella Daly, Ruth Cher- o .'’500.; Bond No. 1 of Improve­ ro gton, Ileinie Conklin and Burr ment district No. 10 dated May 1, keep McKenzie pass open as much McIntosh. Wesley Ruggles directed. 1326, said bond being in denomina­ of winter as possible. tion of $119.G5; Bonds No. 1 and "The Cruise of the Jasper/B” W. O. W. Vernonia camp No. 655 Two of filmdom’s best known 2 of General Obligation Bonds comedians are supporting Rod La dated May 1. 1926, said bondi meets every Monday night at sevcL, Rocque in his new DeMille starr- ( being in denomination of $500.00 th : ty nt ti e Grange Hall. Visiting ing picture. “The Cruise of the 1 each. All of the above bond* being members welcome. I redeemable at the option of said J. sper B,” which will be shown aty. ROBERT LINDSEY, C. C. Nov. 1 1927. That pur­ ti e Majestic theatre next Monday. Jcl " r on ’ C. G. DU.STF.N CLERK. suant to said option, said bonds They are Jack Ackroyd and Snitz Vernonia Lodge, No. 184 A. F ¡wards. Ackroyd appeared in will be redeemed within 30 days support of Syd Chaplin in “The from the date of this notice, to- F. & A. M., meets at Grange E tier ’Ole,” while Edwards’ most wit: On the First day of November Hall every Second and upon presentation to the 1927, r< . ent comedy role was in support Fourth Thursday nights. o Leatrice Joy in “The Clinging fiscal agency of Oregon in New Visitors Welcome Vine.” | York City, to-wit: The National McNeill, Secretary. Park Bank. “The Last Outlaw” In case the holders of said bonds Arresting the brother of the fail to present same at the time g i'l he loves is the difficult task place mentioned herein for f. -ed by Gary Cooper in “The the redemption thereof, then the I. O.O.F.—Vernonia Lodge No. L st Outlaw” his second Paramount interest thereon shall cease and 2.3 meets every Tuesday .light st irring picture which will be t io agency aforesaid will thereaf­ at 8 o’clock, in Grange hall. Vis­ s' own at the Majestic theatre, ter pay only the amount of such itors always welcome. T lesday and Wednesday. Betty bond and the interest accrued 3r.l egree and eats Tuesday night. J wel plays the gill “The Last Out- the eon up to the said first day ?i. E. Graven, N. G. lr w” and Jack Luden, her brother. of November 1927. John Galssmer, Sec. B lly Butts has an important role, Dated at Vernonia, Oregon, on a.'d Cooper, of course, rides Flash this 1st day of October, 1927. AM UCAN LEGION AUXILIARY the Wonder Horse. J. C. Lindley, Treas. <■'.0.7,. fleet* first and third Mon- City of Vernonia, Ore. t “The Claw” r ? days of each month at Norman Kerry and Claire Wind- 84 the Legion Hall. sor are the stars in “The Claw,” a ¡raw, President Roosevelt highway rerouted to Universal-Jewel to be shown at pass through Reedsport. the Majestic theatre Thursday and Vernonia Post Wheeler—New Soapstone bridge F day. The story is from the pro- .119, American Le» 11 ' c pen of Cynthia Stockley and on Seaside road to cost $19.7*0. Meets second New Era—State will build wider • . . and fourth Tues- »X1 uai ï Ç -? days each month, 8 II. E. Me. < Commander. The Majestic I Did Earle get 47 lew customers in September? Why? Do his old and new customers boost for him? tuse He tries faithfully to do better work than the fellow who is only working for small wages. When you are not satisfied for any reason, Earle owns the place and is anxious to have you pleased. I Repaii ’s Works « E. O. Harper Chapter 153, O. E. S. Regular communi­ cation first and third Wednesday* of each month. All visiting sisters and brothers wel­ come. Bessie Tapp, W. M. Ln 'ii McGraw, Secretary'. Mountain Heart Rebekah Lodge No. 243 No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every see- <’id and fourth Thursdays ea Gran ;e hall, Vernonia. Visitors al­ ways welcome. Mrs. Viola Treharne, N.G. Mrs. Hazel Thompson, See. J. MASON DILLARD ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Next to Carkin Cleaning Works Here Every Wednesday DR. ELLA WIGHT DR. C. J. WIGHT CHIROPRACTORS Rheumatism, Neuritis, Stomach, Liver .and Intestinal Troubles Delayed Menstruation LESTER SHEELEY Attorney-at-Law Vernonia Oregsn DR. W. H. HURLEY DENTISTRY AND X-RAY Evenings by Appointment Office over Brown Furniture Store. Vernonia Oregon M. D. COLE Oregon American DENTIST Vernonia Oregon MARK EVERY GRAVE Memorials in Granite and Marble At Reduced Prices WRltE FOR PARTICULARS MRS. M. N. LEWIS & CO. Fourth and MAin St. Lumber Company Hillsbore. PORTLAND - VERNONIA Truck Line INSURED CARRIER Vernonia Office At the Brazing Works Avenue. on Ros* Phone MAin 348 I Portland Office Auto Freight Terminal E. Water and Yamhill Streets EAst 8226 Office No. 11 DELIVER TO YOUR DOOR