Thursrlny. Octotx r 13, 1927. VERNONI/ ________ THREE < AGLE actly the same d’stunce from the m wet fall weather in Oro- ly. This disease may be cheeked by effective by the experiment static n. Farm Reminder* tower as we are.** go esulcs in potato blight. This sp ay ng with Bordeaux mixture be- Serious infestations of the disei se Succi tul Oregon farmers find The explanation wai accepted. F ¡ch frequently cause considerable rot­ y shows in dead spots jn the fo a infestation appears or in ita evening we sat on the porch wall Ing ¡4 profitable to watch the health us ting of the potatoes. and stems which result in ve y early stages. Dusting with for rhe Iwve song. Wa would in ver ' *>*f their ewe l ock. They give lei leave for a« apv«*ij»tuient unril we tad special care to a: y ■animal »»at ap­ th into > oing down rather rapid- be de tux dust has also been found Batter wrappers at the Eag e. been cheered by the strains. They pears to be run down. If th.* sai- seemed to become a part of us ami no raal haa -i paras«’*- dlwase, hrow- one eared to admit how much he de­ ever, it will not ie.pon:l io sucl* pended upon the music. special care. In such a cae» a And one night in September we Not - e is hereby givan that the budget committee of the city of Vernonia, Columbia county, Oregon, a fulled to bear It We looked at each sample of the manure of th« ewe mut ipal corporation, has filed in tat offloe of the levying board, to-wit: 'The city council of said city, other hi surprise. No one spoke for is gathered and put iii a tin er its tailed estimate of the total amount of receipts, and alsb the total amount of money proposed to be a while. Then, to cainouffiige bls real bottle and sent to Dr. J. N. Shaw, rim I by taxation and expended by-said municipal corporation for all purposes for the fiscal year of instructor in veteranary medicine. 1928, which estimates are as fellows: feelhigs. dad asked: “I wonder who scared the old beezer Oregon Agricultural college, Corval­ GENERAL FUND WATER OPERATING FUND lis, where it is examined and tao Adr M.tration Expense out of rhe tower?” Superintendent’s salary .................................... $1,500.00 •T’vrlmps the old Indy has wrapped exact parasite determined, wTiiek Rep rs and furniture, eity hall 290.00 Water collection .................................................... 480.00 259.00 City dump ............................ Supplies, maintenance and extra help........ 2,100.00 H frying pan around his head.” is. essential to proper treatment. 210.90 Fue and city hall expense “Maybe he’s fallen and broken his 190.00 Ho tal Accc inting ................... $4,01*0.00 nec’ ’’ Farmers of Oregon contamplai- ■‘Wonder what she’ll think when she ing sowing clover or alfalfa next R**c der’s office 1,299.00 WATER BOND FUND lali.-y ................................. doesn’t hear it?” 2(9.00 Sinking fund ............................................................ $1,350.00 spring are laying in their seed sup­ Sui lies ........................ Many wrre the conjectures Tro ‘ urer ’ s office Inverton Syndicate sinking fund ................ 2,220.00 plies while there is time to hirvs 249.(0 catjMe of the music's failure, Interast ........-........................................................... 3,500^00 Sale v ............................ the seed tested. The seed lahortt- 15. »0 Supplies ........................ them satlstted us. however, tory at the state college Is in bet­ Leg expense Total $7,070.00 next evening Buss returned (00.00 City attorney’s salary ter position to rush tests through explanation. > Polio department SEWER BOND FUND “She Is ill,” he said, “and lie Is lit in the fall and early winter than Sal: t marshal i.»o9.eo Sinking fund ................................................. ’ ’ $1.700.00 when the usual rush cornea in Jan­ Sup lies and jail expense her beside. 209.00 Interest .......................................................... 2,400.00 uary and February when clever is Fire department (00.00 125.00 I ml with planted or in April, just before Ilegiiih department Total $4400.00 Str« t department Ut» ■ d alfalfa sowing. 1,999.00 «’nance and street lighting GENERAL BOND FUND h? old <• 75.00 ....... $600.00 Sinking fund .............. ................. El»c ions ............................ ................. e Oregon is probably flit leading, Leg i publications ............................ 50.09 Interest ................................................................ ......... 300.00 700.00 creeping bent grass seed produaing Em* "ency fund .............................. 2,599.90 Total ........................................................... ......... $900.00 state in the union. Considerable Pa v • ent of outstanding warrants acreages of creeping bent are be­ Libi ry fnnd 240.00 Libi rían salary _ .... Grand total ................................... ,......... $27,265.00 ing threshed each year for seed in Tr>r portation of state books 10.00 200.00 Coos and Clatsop counties. The For tew books . Estimated Receipts 500.00 $ 2,500.00 From fines asd licenses quality of the seed is exceptional City nark fund .. •lliher. $11,115.00 ... 11,000.00 From water system ..... Total in that each kind grows so pure NOTICE OF BUDGET MEETING E WERE si'tihi* *n lb** fr**i'1 porch of our Fayette sir* **t home talking <»*«*! the events >f the day. l>lnn«*r vv* - over, dishes were washed and e*- of th'* day were g*"i*. I'* ’ ''- 1 as usual. with peril ips the ••>.*•• pi dream. Russ moved and spike. His v« e was Strange, peculiar ti. rite dumt-stl* al- mo--h«re of the yr "l'n just two minutes you will hear It.’’ The w* r.I. we. • n imirni.:r “Fear what?" I ■*■«.« ‘i amaxed at his sudden seriomt eas. *‘A romance.” “A romance? I!*. ' nre yon <-nr*. ?” "In .li st two I * ’ IH 1 w,r a romance,'or wlmt p believe to lu a romance.” The words were since at mother with a n*m wondered wlmt 1;. I co:ne over th* boy and yet I said notl The following two inlniitek ns ages. The tons* ncss of Russ' mo*1 bls strange voice end - his struu words had affected all. At the e *1 of the period the vl!**n- ■ was i- ’ll. . **l b.v the stroke of the chillies In the eity hall many t ’ ;.. a« a* At the first str.*'.i* **f the bells Russ put bis ting**)* to bls lies to nr . er silt-lice, althm" * the stillu* already exet ti •' ill* :: One. two. three ami on to seven the chimes strut*': »n*t m'thinu t . *1 I started tit breathe n “Aw. sim l.s' l: s n< thing hnt the chimes.” I n nttcr ! ..**:'*■ v.'mt tl'- ■- pointed, although I ami really expect­ ed nothing. "Sit h—listen.” V rirned Hit - And then we lie rd It. -ilm amazing ul)d «”r in-¡r,i li*u . tliln had ev«r experienced Ihtermlngled with the dying echoes of the chime* were the last bars of the old. “I Love You Truly.” The autos could not he nil-taken. They were low bat nii<’:!*le and distinct, and Witli the fading echo of the hells were a thing cf beauty. We gasped and for a long time no one spoke. Finally dad recovered and attempt­ ed to break the situation with a try at humor. “Just some shell: tapping out >i love nrorf to bta «root Sheba.” be offered TiTJi a hoursr tat a. Ewt his” *n fell flat. It was Mt in k'teping "till the strange mood that flic mu-le hail crc:it* *1 "What do you make of it? When disi j*iii dl *■•■■ er ItT* I a h ■ I- “Just a few ni’/its atm. I heard the melody acciih’idnlly while atlemp.-nu to weave a rhym ■ Into the nob of the bells. I tbotight nt first that It was idle fancy, but 1 find t! at Hie same music eiuy be heard every eve- Bing nt exactly the same time.” “Probably s* mi body sending a love song, as dad says.” I conjectured. “But you haven’t witnesed strange part of It yet.” Ru s ; “That musk.cannot be heard place but here.” Of court*- we did not think that possible, bttt upon Investigation the next evening we found that Russ was right. Tee music was heard on the front porch, but Iimndibln nt the home of a friend less than n block away. Rrms decided te Invest I gate and the t*ke next evening hid himself in the terra hsli lewrr. W» were stattac en the porch walt- taj tar the *-ta*M taut evening and 'ware a«t *rs»*tyr**tvd. They were m ,| natahds'eable ns before. Anxkstudy v\c awaited the explanation that fttiss had promised to bring to us. A few minutes Inter lie arrived, his face bore an expression of radiant peace. He seemed happy, though older. “Well, who Is the bird sending love songs to his best girl?” asked dad. “Yes. or who Is ttt* guy that gummed up the mechanism until It imitates Paderewski?” I added. “Folks. It's a romance.' Russ ex- plained, “A beautiful little romance that has been coin- on under the very eyes of thousand: for more than twenty years.” We were visibly affected as Russ continued. “You remember the gray-haired old night watchman at the town hall? Just Frank. J believe they call him. Well, he has been climl ng that tower to wind bls clocks every night exact­ ly at the stroke of seven. And In the overtone of the bolls I e taps out that little tune to let his little old mate at ! hame know tBat he has climbed safe­ ly to the tow**r. She Is an Invalid, and each evening she waits putleptly i for news of her loved one's dangerous climb. Not until she Ls certain he Is snfe will she turn to her rest.” | Every on» remembered Frank. All that knew him loved him. He was th> ■ friend of every Vvy I d the town. He w»s an Ideal character for such a beautiful romance. “Rut.” r asked, “why Is it that the music cannot be heard farther d**wn the street?" “Because It is overtone," explained Russ. “Overtone Is the disturbance of fading sound vlh *;* n «nd car* ** ily be hear*! when the vlhratho.» tv».rh a certain speed. For that reason they Cnn only he hoard exactly the right distance from the source. The little old watchman taps those notes to be beard st his little home, which ls ex- that fine even turfs are obtained. This grass is considered superior to the south German mixed bent commonly imported, according experiment station specialist?. The annual meeting of levy State Bee Keepers association will part thereof. Dated this October 3, 1927. Be held at Hermiston, November (Seal) 17-19. A jack ribbit drive will be Attest: D. B. REASONER, a feature of the meeting. City Recorder. - had ever known. We' did not expect chimes lifter thpt, alt Consciously listened it the following spring t. Ing at the home of a fr m bs of the city. We the porch as -the chh tance begin« to toll t listened as If by habit. I was amazed as well as overjoyed to hear the same old melody again, almost Inaudible and yet I could.make it out. The same I is of “I Love You Truly” that laid cheered many months. I drove home at top speed with the joyful news. The following evening the family gathered at the home of my friend to hear the strains», had gone to the tower to Invest Again we heard it and attempt explain the repeated melody. Some one even suggested that the old follow had remarried and moved to another part Of the city. A littl arrived with an explanati “She is resting in the tery at Diamond Grove broadened the overtone loved one rest in peace.” /\nd still as the years creep on little old watchman tolls his loved one that lie has climbed safely to the tower. m .. $13,500.00 Total Balança to be raised by direct tax « wdí/wí i liJùOiSHES G. R. MILLS, Mayor. CostGfDressiytöcß g £ g g The main plant and offices of the A. B. Kirschbaum Co., South Broad Street at Carpenter and Wellington, Philadelphia Made Napoleon Admit Power of Woman’s Wil As a rule conversation as an art de­ vi ps only in i . 11 life afh’r the mind is enriched by reading and travel and broadened by experience, but Mine, de Staci was an exception. Even as a child she showed signs of destiny as the brilliant French thoress and leader in society, youthful conversation being reir able for command of words and b tiful sentiment. Iler chubby fingers were usually busy wiping and she de­ lighted in composing dramas wherein she made kings and queens act all of the parts. Time and again, it Is said, she amazed adults with the genius of her comprehension and penetration of character. When she reached young woman­ hood the star of Napoleon Bonaparte was rising and mighty as was his will to power he feared her and paid her what was probably the greatest com­ pliment ever paid a woman. When he came to rule one of his first official acts was to exile her.* showing that he considered her a dangerous rival. He said of her. “The arrows of Mme. de Stael could reach a man if he were seated upon a rainbow.”—Kansas City Times. i, The fine products of this sixty-seven year old institution are now ofiered to the men and young men of this community at this store. KIRSCH^BAUM CLOTHES match the quality stand- ards and idea’s to which we subscribe: approved styles, depend­ able fabrics, honest tailoring, good fit, long service and moderate prices. They are the clothes that lower the cost of dressing well. welL Season’s ¿New ¿Models ^Ipw On Display 100% Virgin Wool Suit Fabrics Correct ¿Patterns and Colors Queer Doings A soldier, who had been a railway porter before the war. on his return resumed his duties, and on being asked one day by a traveler if he no­ ticed any changes since he left, re plied: "Sure an’ Ol do. sor. The eliren train now shtarts at twelve; the ex­ press doesn't stop at all, an' there’s no lasht train!” 1 rue The compositor In setting up a poem about Lindbergh spelled It “propellor.” “it's a mistake. I know,” said be, "but It9’ only 8 slight mistake. Why all the fuss?” 'In an alfplane poem you don’t want anything wrong with the pro­ peller.” $13,765.00 « Miller Mercantile Company Vernonia, Oregon » £ £ g g