Thursday, October 6, 1927. VERNOMA EAGLE FOUR ewes are successful breeders. List­ “Inside" Informelion [fJoons sugar; 1 cup hot water. stormy March, “with ugly looks and As veal chops have much less Broil* the pieces of ham li chtly on less unthrifty ewes seldom produce Œljc Urniuttia iiagk threats;” and fickle April, “when every it in proportion to lean meat than both sides and arrange ! hem to good lambs. tear is answerei by a blossom;” and mer­ her chops, they are likely to cover the bottom of ” the baking It takes more than 100 pounds ry May, “when hose who love must wed;” y out considerably in cooking un- dish. Spread the sliced sw< >t pota- of lime to supply the needs of a over them; sprinkle with sugar, land chill December, “bleak and drear;” protected by a coating of egg toes Add the, water and extra fat. cow giving 10 thousands pounds i. id bread crumbs. This is th? reas- : but do not all ordinaiy humans agree that on for serving veal chops and cut- Cover the the hot dish and bake slowly of milk a year and raising a calf, colorful October were a better object for let “breaded.” i until the ham is tender, basting and the best way to provide it in ' their art and eulogies. Veal will stand a little more, the potatoes occasionally with the western Oregon is by feeding le- $2 per year in Advance Issued every Thursday “What is so rare as a ray in June” un­ seasoning than other meats. Be-jKravy. Brown the top well, gumea. say the livestock specialist« of the state college. Twelve pounds less it be an afternoon in October when fore cooking season with a few Feed For Dairy Cow Entered as Second Class Matter, August 4, 1922 at the into the milk, 35 into the body the departing sun lends a tint and a mystic drops of lemon juice, a little Wor- Timothy hay and hays poor in RO Post Office at Vernonia, Oregon, under the the animal and the remainder Act of March 3, 1879 charm to all the purple and gold, yellow c:iestershire sauce, and onion juice, I uaHty are low in food value and of is undigested in the food. as well as salt and pepper. | deficient in minerals. The feeding and a life-giving vigor about the air of Apple sauce, as well as stewed of liberal amounts of a proper MARK E. MOE, Editor October unknown to her sister months. | p apricots »■»»•»/»«-»♦ a onzl and z»4-V»o«» other fruits ’ grain mixture and silage with such W. O. W. Vernonia camp No. 655 October is a month of out-of-doors when V'hich have a u pronounced ^ iuuuuiivcu flavor na.m [ hays supplies deficient food nu- every Monday night at sevc— nature exerts her utmost magnetism and when cooked, makes a good dessert, trients. Such a ration, however, meets AN OUNCE OF PREVENTION thirty at the Grange Hall. Visiting c lied ‘ ‘ snow ” or “ float, ’ ’ combined ' will still be deficient in minerals, all humanity strains at the leash of con­ with stiffly behten egg whit as, half.which are required in liberal members welcome. ROBERT LINDSEY, c. c. The tragedy of fire is that it is almost fining civilization. a cup of sauce per egg. | amounts, for milk production. Of C. C. DUSTEN CLERK. entirely preventable. There are, of course, The melancholys that has been attribut­ There is no foundation for the the minerals needed calcium and widespread notion that fish is par- phosphorus are of most importance, ed to October is but reflection and pen ­ natural causes for conflagrations that can­ Vernonia Lodge, No. 184 A. valuable as a brain food, i a lack of these in the feed may not be helped, but these are a very small siveness. October days invite sober thought ticularly F. & A. M., meets at Grange T ie idea seems to have originally seriously lower production, especial- percentage of the total. The greatest dam­ and speculation on the beauties of nature g iined headway because fish was iy of high producing cows, l’hos- Hall every Second and age is caused by carelessness and ignor­ and the sheer joy of living. October is si pposed to contain relatively larg? phorous is plentiful in wheat bran, Fourth Thursday nights. Visitors Welcome ance. With October 9 to 15 scheduled as the rugged manhood of the year in all its proportions of phosphorus. There , cottonseed meal, and lindseed-oil however, no experimentil evi­ meal. If one or more of these feeds McNeill, Secretary. fire prevention week, it is especially im­ glorious strength; it is symbolic of tasks is. to warrant the assumption constitute one-fourth to one-third portant that the people of the northwest begun and completed; it is a synonym for dence that phosphorus is any more essen­ of the grain ration by weight, s be reminded of the importance of fire achievement. tial to the brain than nitrogen, plenty of phosphorus will be sup­ prevention. potassium or any other element plied. Calcium or lime is much J.O.O.F.—Vernonia Lodge No. ALL WORLD’S A DIAMOND that occurs in its tissues. Various more abundant in well cured le- 246 meets < every Tuesday night It is the duty of every citizen to co­ other foods furnish a higher pro-'gump hays than in timothy. If a at 8 o’clock, in Grange hall. Vis- operate in the observance of fire preven­ quality of legume hay is fed, itors always welcome. • tion week. And it should be his pleasure. All the world’s a diamond and all the portion of phosphorus than fish. 1 ; pood plenty of calcium will be supplied. Work in the ■ 1st Degree Tuesday Ham Smothered in Sweet Potatoes The local fire department should have an m^n and women merely fans now that the There is a general agreement that intensive inspection campaign of the bus­ titantic struggle for the world’s baseball Casserole dishes are always pop- the best results in mineral feed­ October M. 4. E. Graven, N. G. u'ar with the homemaker. They are ing are obtained by feding well cur­ iness and residental premises in order to championship is upon us. It is ever thus ersy John Galssmer, Sec. to prepare and usually afford ed legume hay, althuough the feed­ cause all specal fire hazards to be remov­ when autumn’s tints are on the leaves and an attractive way to serve a num­ ing of calcium in the form of bone ed. Although heavy rains at this time of ' work becomes burdensome during the lat­ ber of foods from one dish. The meal or ground limestone added to AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY the year in Vernonia would seem to re­ ter half of the afternoon. To baseball fol­ bureau of home economics, U. S. the grain ration to supply the lime Meets first and third Mon­ move all wori-y about fire, many inside lowers in every part of the United States partment of agriculture, suggests deficiency has been recommended. days of each month at method of combining sweet the Legion Hall. ¡the playing of the world series typifies all this fires are preventable. To breed ewes to lamb before I itatoes and ham in such a“dish; McGraw, President Following are a few suggestions that the superlatives of perfection in the great 1 slice of smoked ham cut into they are two years old is poor have been made for fire prevention, national pastime, and their interest in the slices for serving; 3 cups raw slic­ practise, declares the O. A. C. ex­ Vernonia Post Clear property seldom bums; do away series never wanes until the final decision ed sweet potatoes; 1 tablespoon tension specialist in animal hus- 19. American Le* Bandry. Only the healthy, active b itter or ham fryings; 2 table- with rubbish and junk. Last year more is rendered. • «3* gion. Meets second than $1000 worth of property was burned It matters not whether fans live in the Sand fourth Tues- S days each month, 8 every minute. Keep matches in metal cities whose teams are clashing for base- p.m. H. E. __ Me- boxes where children cannot reach them. balldom’s stellar honors or whether they Graw, Commander. Don’t keep ashes in wooden boxes or de­ have their habitat in even the most isolat­ posit them against wooden buildings or ed of villages, the same keen, enthusiastic Nehalem Chapter 153, O. E. S. Regular communi­ interest is all-prevading. Baseball truly partitions. cation first and Don’t change your electric wiring with­ can be termed the great American sport, third Wednesdays out consulting a competent electrician. and the number of participants who en­ I of each month. Don’t hang electric light cords on nails. gaged in the playing of it or some time I Did Earle get 47 new customers All visiting sisters Be careful with electric flat irons and al­ or other during the season is far in ex­ and brothers wel­ in September? come. ways use with signal' light. Don't pass cess of the number indulging in any other Bsssie Tapp, W. M. stove pipes through ceilings, roofs or form of athletic diversion. It is a clean, L»ona McGraw, Secretary. wooden partitions. Have all flues cleaned, wholesome sport, and no better finale examined and repaired at least once each could be given to the season’s windup than Mountain Heart year. the playing of the world series contests. Rebekah Lodge No. 243 Every open fire place should have a No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every se<, Do his old and new customers ond and fourth Thursdays i screen. Don’t use gasoline or nenztne to COMMON SENSE NEEDED Grange hall, Vernonia. Visiters a cleanse clothing near an open flame, light boost for him? ways welcome. or fire. Use non-inflamable cleaner. Don’t Agitation is started periodically for a * Mrs. Viola Treharne, N.G use kerosene, benzine or naphtha in light­ standardized code of signals for automo­ Mrs. Hazel Thompson, Sec ing fires or to quicken a slow fire. Don’t bile drivers. The plan is to be recommend­ use liquid polishes near open lghts. Many ed, surely. If anything needs standardiza­ J. MASON DILLARD such compounds contain volatile inflam­ tion that has not already been reduced to ATTORNEY-AT-LAW He tries faithfully to do better work than the mable oils. Don’t go into closets with light­ that common plane, it is signals of auto­ Next to Carkin Gleaning Wor fellow who is only working for small wages. ed matches or candles. Remember that mobile drivers. No two drivers have ever Here Every Wcd.'esday When you are not satisfied for any reason, Earle there is always danger in the discarded been known to employ the same signals. owns the place and is anxious to have you cigarette and cigar stub. But such a code of signals, however pleased. DR. ELLA WIGHT practical and standardized, cannot take DR. C. J. WIGHT DON’T PLAY WITH FIRE the place of common sense, which every CHIROPRACTORS driver was supposed to have been endow­ Rheumatism, Neuritis, Stomaci Protection against fire does not lie ed with at the beginning of his earthlv Liver and Intestinal Troubles alone in highly-trained hosemen, shining career. The “supposed to have been” will Delayed Menstruation chemcal engines and inexhaustible water be understood by every automobile driver. supplies. Safety against fire lies far back Laws, regulations, codes, edicts can of that, in straight-out, hard thinking, in never compel an individual to do that LESTER SHEELEY precaution, the highest form of caution, in which common sense ought teach him to E. O. Harper Attornejr-at-Law anticipation, the highest form of creative do, but doesn’t. A standardized code of intelligence. In avoiding loss by fire, an automobile signals will not be hard to Vernonia Oreg« ounce of gray matter is better than rivers adopt; it will never be used by 90 per of water. cent of automobile drivers. DR. W. H. HURLEY But the only thing that burns these facts home, it seems, is fire itself. That is why, WE ARE ALL AMERICANS DENTISTRY AND X-RAY in for preventative efforts dur­ Evenings by Appointment Office over Brown Furniture St ing mention week it is inescapable Learned editorials in big metropolitan Vernonia Ore that he who would catch the public ear newspapers, discussing the inferiority com­ must talk in terms of holocausts. We can plex of farmers as a class, lead to no good end fires, some day, if we plan right, result. M. D. COLE build right, and utilize the proper agencies Perhaps this" complex is more marked! of government to safeguard us from new as a characteristic on the part of the] DENTIST hazards. farm critics, for city folks show woeful In the meantime the humblest of us lack in general knowledge of “country” Ore; Vernonia can protect our shop, our office, our home affairs. by using the most elementary forms of A great many “farmers” have become1 MARK EVERY GRA\ precaution. experts and prospered in dairying, stock, Memorials in Granite and Mi We can be careful with matches. Mat­ raising, fruit and truck gardening, in suite; At Reduced Prices WRITE FOR partícula : ches and careless smokers were responsi­ of metropolitan jibes of hicks and rubes. ble for a loss of $90,000,000 in a recent The people of Our Country, including MRS. M. N. LEWIS & Fourth and MAin St. Hills five-year period. We can be careful with journalists and syndicate writers, better electricity, avoiding cheap fittings and conclude that we are all Americans, with improper connections. Electricity was re­ constantly changing habits "and classes of PORTLAND - VERNO sponsible for an $85,000,000 loss in the occupations. same period. We can be careful with The farmers and country-bred people Truck Line stoves, furnaces, chimneys and flues, may make un the majority of medium and which burned out $125.000,000 of wealth smaller-sized cities one day, while the INSURED CARRIE from 1915 to 1920. We can remember not