Entered at Vernonia, Uregon, Postoffioe as Second-Class Matter. Vernonia Taxes To Be Lowered VERNONIA, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1927 j Ford Now Buying Wool For Auto Upholstery Action Booths at Fair Muriel Bell Selected Strike Public’s Fancy County Honors As Memder of Honors love Salem, Ore. Oct. 3—The public’s for working exhibits was ap­ pealed to successfully at the state At Oregon State Fair Division at University fair just closed in a number of VOLUME 6, NUMBER 9. Dairymen Agree On Sales Plan Another step toward control of its raw materials was taken by the Ford Motor Company this year, when it began to buy wool for automotive upholstery, in produc­ moving features included in the tion quantities, direct from the Many Boys and Girls Actively Par­ Distinction Won Because of Ex­ annual display of the Oregon ex-. woolgrowers himself. ticipate in Showing of Exhiu.ts cellent Scholarship Record Dur­ périment station and the state col­ The company made this advance at State Fair at Salem Recently ing First Two Years at U. of o. lege in general. only after much deliberation and ■ % The public obtained its first careful preparation grounded on In the general agricultural ex- University of Oregon, Eugene, practical experiment. hibit at the Oregon state fair at Ore. Sept. 30. Muriel J. Bell of view of the new fruit washing pro-1 In 1926, company buyers went Salem, Columbia county was rep­ Vernonia, has been selected as a cess for removal of spray residue I into a roughly defined territory In resented by a showing of dairy I member of the newly created “hon- in the experiment station booth I southeast and south-central Mich­ products of butter and cheese, for- ors division” of the University of where the new homemade machine | igan, pdrehasing sizable “samples” [age, grain, vegetables, fruits, hon- Oregon, it is announced by the designed and built by members of I of wool direct from the growers. iey, | canned products and eggs. The i honors council. The Vernonia stud­ | the staff was kept in operation Saving in Water Operating Cost These samples were shipped to the ■ booth uuum was waS in charge of Geo. A. ent was selected because of the I each day. Scores of fruitgrowers Emergency Measure Said To Be Makes Possible Appreciable Highland Park plant, where they | Nelson and Clyde Watson. excellent scholarship records made j unable to buy a large commercial Necessary Because of Non- were classified, graded, and sorted. I In the Columbia county club ex- during their first two years at the washer got plans and specifications Reduction in Taxes. Payment of Many Bills. Localities producing wool suited to | hibit the showing of boys’ I for building the simple machine. and university. the company’s needs were scheduled I girls’ work was in sewing, cooking, I Another action exhibit was that The “honors system” regarded ( That a reduction in the city taxes for further visits, those which were i , gardening, potato raising, the stock by educators throughout the coun­ , of the farm management depart­ Cooperation between local dairy- not were eliminated from the 1927 | effectea for of Vernonia will be I exhibit of two calves, and two try as one of the most progressive ment which showed a merry-go- I 1 men and the Nehalem Valley Ice | round with each horse labeled one j 1928 is shown in the proposed bud­ I buying plan. In the shearing season jpens of turkeys and one pen of steps in university training in i & Creamery company on the re­ get recently drawn up by the bud­ of the present. year, quantity buy- I | chickens. Miss Elizabeth Murray years, will be put into effect Im­ poor farm practice, following each tailing of raw and pasteurized milk other to produce much motion but get committee and approved by ing was begun in the districts whose ! was in charge of this booth. mediately, it was annuonccd to­ the council. The council, sitting as product conformed to Ford spec!-1 There was one stock judging day by Professor H. C. Howe, no farm success. A “still” booth i was effected at a meeting last l week attended by representatives fications, and experimental purchas- i a levy board, will hold a meeting team consisting of Ragnar Joseph­ head of the committee of the hon­ attracting much attention was one ¡of Mowe’s Dairy, O. G. Weed of plant diseases showing the re­ at the city hall October 31 when ing was extended into northeastern ' son, Arthur Josephson, and Alford ors council on legislation. cent discovery here that the well | Dairy, Rock Creek Dairy and the anyone who is subject to the levy Indiana, and into Ohio north and Nelson nil of the Bachelor Flat I creamery. may appear and be heard in favor i weit. It uiust oe uudei’stvod that Calf 1 Rcffulat - - - ’ons for the new sj^stem1 frow»» cnrley top disrase is the ; The team made a | at the University of Oregon were same as western yellow tomato I 1 A plan to sell milk tickets to the . product of not in- good club. of or against the levy. t' -* ’ losalities __ “2_ ____ in judging and was drawn up by the group headed blight and a number of other truck ! ' certain customers was reached by An unsuccessful attempt lastjc'u<’ed *n year’s schedule 2 was near showing the top with its placing of by ■ ~ Professor Howe, and these were crop blights. Most profitable grades | I the dairymen in order to prevent against hecanse because <> of its eight year to have the city hall repaired not decided acainst classes of animals, with about _j— x - j by i... the xv- council ------ ■« - as a whole, ' ‘ of adopted j < cattle to _ market ______ were ___ shown! | some from extending their credit but because of its kind.,' was given more 1 flvorZble'^ariion^'-^y ____ ________ 16 teams competing from various One third of the membership of the pictorially as well as by charts. j I The sheep in these localities are to a prohibitive amount with one this time by the budget committee. of the state. 5 — a - • total - • of - 158, willj junior class, The Turn “of 1200“ir allowed “for oC breeds which Produce wool either counties ' Possibilities of the ‘‘tart-sweet” dairymen and then switching to There was a team of two boys, be affected immediately, while this another without first paying the repairs. It is said that the founda-jtco flne or to° toarse fo- Ford Duncan McPherson and Merle number may be added to at the prune so much before the public bill due the first. lately were shown graphically in tion needs to be strengthened and I use’ _ _________________ Lloyd, representing the camp cook­ recommendations of heads of de- This was reported to have been the interior walls refinished. Other ery team of Deer Island, which partments. The students were sel- a display containing them fresh, Preparations For canned and dried, and as butter, an annoying and costly erperience needed improvements ure also con­ gave a demonstration in camp ccok- ected on a basis of scholarship. Building New Ford pie filler, conserve, prune juice, in Vernonia in the past, due part­ templated. ery. Muriel Brown and Helen Lar­ To Cost Many Millions son of Yankton took part in the The placing of this group under prune candy, pit paste, pit oil and *be 8reat amount of families The recorder’s salary remains the honors system in no way af­ pit flavor. I wbo hved here but a short time the same at $1200. The treasurer’s sewing contest. Total expenditure . in ths pur­ A popular demonstration of a"d then moved away from town salary was raised from $180 to Adelaide Burkehead and Minnie fects the others in the class or in $240. ’The city attorney’s salary chase and alternation of tools to- Lillich represented the cooking other classes of the university. The liquid air by the chemical engineer- j without, paying for the milk bought was raised from $480 to $600. gether with the cost of constiuct- club of Bachelor Flat, which com­ honors group will be given more ing department kept a succession on credit. __ of — milk ----- ----------- The marshal’s salary remains at ing a single set of body dies, pre i peted in the sewing club competi­ chance to develop along indivdual of crowds interested in the resident The use tickets — is ------- said lines, and special lines of study instruction division of the display. | to be welcomed by the dairymen, $1800. The water superintendent’s paratory to building a new Ford tion. encouraged. Others relieved both fatigue and | especially in the case of families salary stays at $1500. The assist­ car, has amounted to $15,000,000 Jack Becker of Scappoose rep­ curiosity by watching a succession I residing here but a short time, as ant’s job being eliminated by the “before a wheel is turned.” Two of resented the high scoring boy of Vernonia Billiards Sold. of free movies put on by the en-' it greatly facilitates the handling insallation of the motor at the the factors included in these pre­ the county and Mary Jane Hazen, Nat Perdew purchased the Ver­ gineering school. Famous “gold’’ t of those accounts and eliminates ______ pumping plant, effected a saving liminary steps were the purchase of also of Scappoose, represented the 4,500 new machine tools; and tne high scoring girl of the county. nonia Billiards yesterday from and “tin” c ore — of * recent strikes al- the collection erpense. of $1320. The allotment for tlie health de- alternation of fifteen thousand These trams were chaperoned by Knapp & Lunn, and plans to con­ so drew much attention in a gen-1 In the future, when a customer TVfrc Pear] Pod.l Becker Pi -Ln. of if. — ‘ tinue the operation of the popu- eral exhibit combining instruction | j i is refused additional credit, Ids partment was raised from $75 to more. These two items involved an Mrs. Seappoôr.e ' Inr confectionery and billiard hall and entertainment. $125. The librarian’s salary rej expenditure of nearly $10.000,000. name is reported by the dairymen Farm Market Review without any change for the pres­ mains at $240, and 200 has been ! Preparing to produce the new to the three others, who have a- I ent. TOBACCO TOPS ’EM ALL Extension Service allowed for new books tor the I rear axle alone necessitated the greed not to sell that partciu’ar Grain. No unusual changes mark­ Mr. Perdew is well known m library. The city park fund was i construction of an entire group customer milk except on a ticket Americans Spend Nearly a Million ed last week ’ s grain markets ex ­ of machine tools. One hundred and Vernonia, having resided here for raised from $100 to $500. The basis, a plan to which all expressed For Soft Drinks and Ice Cream fund for legal publications was sixty-six gear-generating machines cept corn continued to go lower. the past two years. themselves with being satisfactory, Cash xriieat prices held steady on Figures complied by the United lowered from $300 to $50. Where-1 were completely rebuilt at a cost Christian Endeavor Party Held Vernonia Cleaners Move. [ I States —------------ treasury deaprtment VH1VIIV Indi- H1UI“ j as $50 was allowed for the en-| per unit of $3,000 to produce two good domestic demand and Pacific gineer’s office and supplies, this gears included in the rear axle coast export wheat was slightly have ca’"e . ^ . a*' ^be . people of this country . j The Christian Endeavor of the The Vernonia Cleaners , in a n single sinario year iron*« $1,847,000,- Î1 Q17 nnn Christian church held a party Fri­ iW firmer. Premiums for good, high moved , their ., . establishment . ... . . from . ., snpnt spent year, this has been eliminated fori assembly. the „„„ . . . , , . . , Candy - . 000 for tobacco, $820,000,000 for day night at the home of Doynise 1928. although the emergency fund | A number of hot metal spin­ protein and soft milling wheats building next to the Lincoln » i soft drinks and ice cream, $934,- has been increased from $500 to j ning machines were purchased at a were paid. The St. Louis market t ,.. t «Xthe„PlTj1rme y 0CI 000.000 for theatres and amuse-, Reese, A short business meeting total cost of about sixty thousand advanced 6 cents on No. 2 Soft $700. cupied by the Model Mdlinerv, next [m $689,000,000 for candy and was held during which a committee General satisfaction with the j dollars. Otn-r mechanical equip­ Red winter bringing quotations to t0 x » • $501,000,000 for perfumes, toilet composed of Della Cline, Gavena $1.49 at the close of the week. It ment, consisting principally of Charlesworth and Doynise Reese conduct of the city’s affairs was! S. Wells promises better service $ $_ • x his . patrons a. . the xl i location , soaps and chewing gum. was appointed to nominate the of- expressed by the five members of punch presses, was also required, is estimated that 100.000,000 bush­ to in new 1 the budget committee recently ap-1 | the latter costing approximately one els of wheat and rye in Europe and plans to conduct a modern,! Compared with these iiguiw, figures, I f k ieer9 be. i elected at the next Ucinegs t0 an( social meeting will be unfit for milling and rains pointed, C. W. Reithner stating I million dollars. up-to-date cleaning establishment. | which were computed from internal bu^ne.’a _ an,d. s°clal,_ Jmeetln5‘ in Canada and the United States __________ _ ________ I revenue taxes for 1924, Alternations and purchases of that the most expedient method is the rev- was ”'F0 ,lee’denmcnt and basket social in Edison I. Ballough, grand chan-: sbr’n'c *nto tbe background. jn November. The committee in charge new steel-spoked wheel cost be- threshed wheat. Good rains in rant indebtedness of the town. Australia and Argentine have im-j I cellor -■ - ~ The detailed notice of the bud­ tween $600,000 and $700,000. of - the Knights of Pythias, 1926, two years later than the fig- of this are the following: Allen proved new crop prospects. Barley The preparations involvi get meeting is printed in full on - - ------- three ------ , .. - - was a visitor at the meeting of ures quoted, the sixteen million Ray, Lois Freeman and Doynise hundred welding machines, many' was *irm on the Pacific coast and j the ----- . . . homes in this - ■ country paid Reese. page 3. local lodge -- Monday evening. I wired of them built especially for Ford! higher in the east where j only $450,000,000 for the neces­ Natal Grange Has Pie Social Short Play Amu,aa Rebekah, purposes at a unit cost of from there is a larger export movement sary,. convenient, safe, luxurious and A pie social was held by Natal seven hundred to nine th lusard The oate market was dull on che $13.00. All cattle were helpei by As a feature of the evening’» restful services of electric light grange Saturday for the purpose1 dollars each, coast but tended upward in the the strong market for tops but entertainment, a short play was and power in the home. When sta- of raising money to augment the ___ _______ Four million _______ 7. .......... T. f — “’‘i | given at Heart the regular meeting of dollars of ! the total central west reflecting a light the situation is not favorable to tisticians w.«n the une ’’ spenuing deal with spending , , fountain ^„„.,.1. ti---x Rebekah o-u-i— <- ’ i lodge - j — -- grange treasury. About 130 per-1 expenditure was spent for new I supply of good quality grain. heavy increases in supplies or . poor- | MMV habits of the American nation, , they | a--*—i— »<» —" « .w» v* V»ZXJ olliciivali IIBI lv ^..lr 1 — ill —— — 1 — «- Hay. Although pastures are short ly finished stock in killer markets play around with billions. That’s Vernonia September sons were present After the pies! machine tools. About «..w/.vvv 22, called $1,500,000 were auctioned these present en-' was expended for altering or re­ causing better demand for hay, although feeders and stocken are how the country got the notion ‘‘Love Courtship and Marriage.” in good vnnM demand. a.nw. — J Combined —XI——a cat - ­ the general market situation is in joyed dancing the remainder of building tools on hand. Those participating ware: Mrs. that the electric industry was big. the evening. . — ---------- this —— ! --------- --- at 68 markets “ th. *•’| Attie Cameron, Miss Ruby A total of 43,000 machine tools weak especially for low quality' tle receipts Compared to Ue totals that M„. Barnett, r_ ' . A downward tendency has year to date are about one-half were already in company plants be­ hay. Mrs. Rose Thief Steals Clothing nation spends for other essentials .. . ■ —-X I 1— V-X,— • — l — ” ”— - • • noted in Yakima and Sac- ’ million head less than a year ago.1 auch as food I 1 Schultz, Mrs. Mae Mellinger, Mrs. An unknown marauder crept in- fore preparations began. Of these beyn ___ , clothes and rent, ranipntn va II pv « ti'kara 1 j — — _________ . ■ 32,000, or n 8eVenty-five per ramento valleys where offering ex-1 Rains slowed up movement of to th. bunk hous. of cupp eight were duyction More ceeds demand. Middlewestern mark- j lambs but suplies were large en- the total spent for electricity is I J. D. Reese, Mrs. Viola Treharne ___ .------ —- --- a a oagavene. me ---------- and Mrs. Sarah Spencer. of the Nehalem Timber company tha„ cent of a„ The ramily family ets, however, were slightly firmer' 0u8k *« cause some weakening of light bagatelle. bill represents about electric seven- An impersonation of Mrs. Calvin Thursday and robbed the clothe. u haye be€n on extra leafy, green alfalfa suit- ; prices. Hogs were up and down , tenths of one per cent of the home Coolidge was given by Mrs. Lil­ of several sleeping loggers. It is , . ______ able for milling and ♦/.» — • K"* — — *■ -*■ ------- J far for dairy cat­ but net much changed. lian Hanabn. Refreshments were budget. thought he left on the morning Miss Helen Veal announced her tle. No. 1 alfalfa was quoted Sep- Some advance in bet- served and an exceptionally good load of log», as the engineer notie- engagement to Dudley Spofford up- tember 23 at Kansas City $18.50; I ter Butter. Collectively, the electric Industry time was reported by all. grades with lower quality re- ed someone riding between two on her return from Hillsboro Rri- Memphis ----- xi- ... $24; San — Francisco $21. — main Ing firm was noted at San- represents a great aggregation of cars when the train rounded a day. The — marriage will be solemn- — «-W- MUV«. UUUIUCli Prunes. Unofficial estimates In- Franeisco were 92 score closed at capital, but, when compared with , The Truth Seekers class of the sharp curve. j Church of Christ was entertained ited this afternoon a|, tho home dieate considerable 1 reduction i_ in 48 cents and — 89 -------- score — at 40 ........ cents. any other service or commodity ---- ------ x, it. xr _ n_______ ■ ■ ■ . . of the Mr. and Mrs. Herman Veal. the drtdf prune production on the Some advance was also made in I used generally by the American at the home of their teacher, Mrs. Sunday School Class Entertained Mrs. D. C. Cason entertained h.r A honeymoon trip to eastern Ore- Pacific Coast compared to earlier, tastern markets by top grades oeople, that Industry is relatively Teddy Leavitt, last Wednesday forecasts. Old stock* are reported where light receipts are causing insignificant. Many people think of afternoon. The ladies voted to Sunday school class with a delight­ gon is planned. greatly reduced. The French crop large storage withdrawal. The the electric industry as gigantic finish and decorate the Tiny Tot’a ful party Friday evening. After Free Methodist Meeting. and overpowering, simply because room at the church. Mrs. R. A. several interesting games, refresh­ The meeting conducted in the is expeoted to about equal that make of butter is now considered statisticians have collated in one Olsen was elected president of the ments were served, and the small McDonald hall, near the River­ of. 192B but the Yugoslavian pro-1to be below a year ago but con­ class. and ----- Mrs. ------------ Thelma ------- Jackson, gifests departed expressing thi.r view grocery, _ continues ____ „ . with ,_ - in- — duction is not expected to exceed, ditions are favoraple for improve­ lump sum the revenues and the in- vestments of the thousands of Sep- secretary-treasurer. Those enjoying half of last year. The situation is ment in production. pleasure in the evening’s, entertain- VlXHMUIg creasing interest. IIIVCKOI. Feeds. The feed market was gen- ■ arate electric companies scattered the afternoon were: Mn. M. D. ment. | Evangelist _ __________ D. L. ___ Fenwick states improved for those who hold I throughout the United States. ; Col«, Mn. Ernest Sun.ll, Mn. R. Those present were: Irene Moore, he is well pleased with the at- stocky of good fruit, especially ■ erally steady with offering light A. Olion, Mn. Myrtle Hole., Mn. sixes. except ■' large i----- -«— . wheBt feeds. Choice alfalfa Sara McGee. Dorothy June Wolff, tendance and extends the invita­ of Canned Health Sale Success Wi. W. Keaton, Mn. Heath, Mrs. Walnuts. The market for wal- meal continues in excellent de- Genevieve Gamer, Helen Holgate, tion to the general public to at- The American Legion Auxiliary Lindsey. nuts was not yet stabilized In mand and some tendency to ad- Beatrice Morris, Jessie Critchlow, tend. expressed sincere appreciation for France and in China witn very , vance was noted. Marguerite Laird, Jeanette Johns, Ruth Holaday, a graduate from the cooperation of local merchants Mrs. O. C. Spencer of The Dalles little business being transacted. -tT___ Sweet clover seed is expected in the canned health sale last ■ the 1927 class of Vernonia high Reba Adams, Naseen Murray, __ her son Frank Apples. Some improvement in the to exceed last year by about 16 week for the benefit of Mississippi school, enrolled for a year’s course Deanie Aldrich and Mildred Cason.; Spencer in Vernonia. She was ac- English market compared to the per cent, but Mrs. Henry Johns assisted ■ low prices caused at the Northwestern business col­ I compained home by her son and demoralized situation which has ' much seed to go unharvested. flood sufferers. hostess. ____ .......... in e ionowing, The following, consisting mostly lege in Portland Monday. . . , .. I „ravailad for several weeks owing Growers were being offered $4.00 (of milk and tomatoes, was eollect- P n..pr,UDDiv of home grown to pounds d: M. 8 Murray Co., 20 Market, fans; I Robert Mi“ Whitsell for a short visit. e«**» $5.00 *~d • hundred »* Dakot " basis •"«’ e Miller's cans; 4 Nehalem Tree Biecks Traffic ( J. H. Bush. H. E. McGraw, J. A large tree fell aero’s the 2TX ’^ing”^“^”^; Wool“ Further slight advances Minnesota compared to ,6.50-88.00 30 cans: Simmon. ” C. Lindley, A. L. Kullander and road about nine miles from Mist Wm. Culver were hunting in Her­ w _» • ••• ““ 130 cans; Simmons Grocery, 12 Tuesday morning, holding up the Legion Auxiliary here Monday were noted in medium grade do-,' ast year, $5-$6 in 1925, $7.50-$9 Tl ! ---------------- :in J924 and $6-$8 in 1924. Carry- | cans; Riverview Grocery, 12 cans; miston Saturday, where they se­ high school bus, the grade school night . mestie wool - last week. cured the bag limit of pheasants. Skaggs-Safeway. 8 cans; making a bus from Natal. Uia milk truck, F. A. Allen and George Thayer large but Livestock. War-time price? for, ' over is unusually ---------- . — — the .... Sunday they reported goo-1 luck total of 90 cans, valued at $11. and many other cars for about returned Thursday from a hunting fed steers were registered _________________ ____ crop is expected ___ _ to be „ at duck shooting near Scappoose. last week Canadian A box of clothing was also ship- 30 minutes. Axes and saws bor­ trip in southern Oregon. They re- in Chicago when some extra good much smaller than last year which ' ped with the canned goods. G. T. Blankenship suffered a rowed from nearby farms cleared ported poor luck and plenty of stuff brought $16.50 and the gen- may reduct imports from that broken right hand Friday when a the road of the obstruction. rain. , era! run of fed stuff went around country. Butter wrapper» at the Eagle. car door was slammed on 1». Budget Meeting Is Set For October 31 Four Local Concerns Reach Agreement Transient Workers Cause I Í )